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Great: 23:59 – rep 190, 00:02 – 2 upvotes.
9 hours later…
for those not already aware acunetix.com/blog/web-security-zone/…
@Rarst hell of a read :)
@toscho can we simply close that one?
perfect proof that someone saw, read and didn't get it.
there is at least a blame line
@blame Firstname Lastname
blame is already implemented on version control level, in code it's redundant :)
what we need is blame-to-email... "Your colleague has used blame command on your code and has polite concerns about the implementation: &^&%# &^#&# &)(()($ this?"
Can someone explain me why this plugin states that it brings Google Plus comments to WordPress? Afai-can-see it just brings the +1 button to comments and uses jQuery UI to display Google Plus Style comments... please correct me if I'm wrong.
I just tried this and its not working... $blogs = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT blog_id FROM {$wpdb->blogs} WHERE site_id = '{$wpdb->siteid}' ORDER BY blog_id AND spam = '0' AND deleted = '0' AND archived = '0' AND blog_id != 1 ");Joshc 3 mins ago
People publicly complaining that they can't use Template Tags inside template parts without declaring $post as global... and blaming WordPress :D
@kaiser hm? template tags typically declare $post inside as they should
@Rarst After re-reading the question, I wonder as well what's going wrong there. He states that the_post_thumbnail() won't work... which should. but I know close to nothing about the scenario.
which q?
On Google Plus
a question here about google+ or a question on the google+ as in plus.google.com site?
ah I wasnt in that, joined
The discussion or G+ ?
aaa! G+ is sucking people in...
hmmm not found it yet
2 hours later…
Nasty vulnerability for wp-supercache and w3-totalcache
it's kinda dumb one :) they had the feature for years...
2 hours later…
some days I feel questions here are like that... "{Hi|Hello|Howdy}! I want {theme|slider|woo commerce} to {work|not explode|be more pretty|make me rich} and need {plugin|code|solve it without a plugin|someone to hold my hand|bitch about it}..."
sad, but true
I am curious how will upcoming documentation improvements affect ecosystem in long run
not at all
you mean they won't? I am pretty sure they will, but how much is another matter entirely...
okay, 0.5%
Most people just don’t read docs.
@toscho hmmm I searched for wordpress in communities and got wordpress developers instead of wordpress
And, as far as I understood it, you cannot fix errors in the new handbook anymore.
Codex gets nearly 10M pageviews a month. difference between all those people landing on outdated wreck of an article or actually decent might be considerable
I'd like it if they got rid of shortcode, or enforced it on everything
no more if( true) { while(): foreach(){} endwhile; } else {}
@TomJNowell G+ WP Developers, WP Users and 3rd WP community dev/user. Those are the major international communities.
joined all
@TomJNowell Oh, already circled you some time ago.
1 hour later…
someone ruined the Trac.
A: Menu Items Disappearing

birgireThe following has worked for some users with similar problem: Try to increase the value of the max_input_vars variable in php.ini. This variable was introduced in PHP version 5.3.9 and has the default value of 1000. You can read more about it in the PHP documentation: http://php.net/manual/en/...

the nav menus are a mess or what...
apparently Trac ruined Trac
oh the irony
look on the upside - maybe Matt sees, barfs and orders to move to github...
I hope it looks especially bad on retina
Hitting rep cap really takes the fun out of WPSE.
take a vacation
what's broken on trac?
@kaiser go look at it
@Rarst did. fugly like always. where's the problem?
@kaiser got worse - shadows, rounded corners...
don't see that so far. hardreload doesn't change.. don't care. no more time on trac for me.
A pull request is a patch with shitty commit msg, poorly merged, that skips defining the problem.
this is why we don't get nice things like modern dev workflow... :)
poorly merged is obviously a property of the pull request.
ha! just deleted a question 4 seconds after publish.
Capsule, The Developer's Code Journal: http://alexking.org/?p=16534
@Rarst Tried the demo?
looking at it
If yes: Go to posts > add new. If not: Go to posts > add new. :D hilarious!
indeed :)
Ya don't know how the handle the admin menu, right? right.
to me CrowdFavorite stuff seems on very opinionated side. it's great when you need precisely what it does, but if you need to customize it - you are screwed
.@alexkingorg I like capsules way to deny the access to "New Post" admin menu page :D
@unserkaiser It’s the details that matter. :)
slow clap
I'm calling WP_Query through a nopriv ajax action - it's returning nothing when logged out but is working gorgeously when logged in. Any ideas?
You've defined ! is_admin() somewhere.
@kaiser: hmm, could a plugin do that possibly?
If you develop: Do it in a clean environment. But no, normally that shouldn't be the problem.
Just dump your way through. Step by step: Echo -> Echo -> Echo -> console.log() -> Echo (and don't forget to exit(); inside the AJAX callback. Then you'll see where it stops.
well, I'm stepping through with the debugger.
(kaiser was just... outfancied! :)
haha, what is this, amateur hour? echo? just kidding - found the issue, though. Role Scoper
@toscho this probably won't be stuck for two years... priorities!
@Nic During the last week I had issues with User Role Editor, Members and Advanced Access Manager. All user role managers suck.
@Nic it is curious but some people are dead set on using debugger and some don't quite click with it. I am latter myself.
@toscho I need that CMS-type role management though :/ any suggestions?
@Rarst xdebug + phpstorm = crazy delicious
saved me a lot of time while learning the ins and outs of WP
@Nic I know, I have that set up and working, yet I gravitate towards things like xdebug_print_function_stack() instead
@Nic Create a run-once plugin and set the caps per code.
@Rarst that works too :) I find a lot of people in the community don't even bother with xdebug, which is interesting
I also have some trauma from code base that was... debugger-centric :) like 800 function calls to do something
@Nic Eurgh, role scoper is always the issue when it comes to ajax. Breaks everything
Just saw your answer about it! Any ideas on alternatives that don't suck? It's mostly for our content editor's use
@Nic I absolutely dig PHP Error and workflow it creates, but it has compat issues and overall tad raw... keeping eye on its development and recently found analogue to try out (whoops or something like that)
$args = array('post_type' => 'scheduled_classes', 'post_count' => -1);  // passing this to WP_Query should take off the ten post limit, right? for some reason it is still bringing back 10
@Nic I don't think post_count is a thing...
@Nic posts_per_page
I semantically prefer nopaging
I like numberposts
options. I like options.
consistency! WP haz it...
Oh, the joy of predictable APIs!
@Nic not options, choices :)
@Rarst Oh, unless its a feed, then it ignores everything
as WP developer I like nopaging, numberposts, posts_per_page, consistency, and sarcasm
But you can deliver your feeds on wp-admin/admin-post.php; this will work.
I am not allowed to make rep anymore today, so I will read a book instead. Good night!
What's the thing/optics in English called that you look through when you use a camera? The German word is "searcher" and doesn't bring any usable result in a dictionary.
Is it a viewfinder ?
@kaiser yes
t f
t f
Hello everybody.
Anyone else seen our new footer? I think it's way too massive compared to the old light-weight one with the tiny colored squares...?
a little... bland maybe. they need to somehow fit growing network, but this is tad wall-of-text at moment
eh, I don't think footer size really matters anymore.
I can't remember the last time I looked at a footer for reasons other than contact/hours/etc
2 hours later…
why? :)
@Rarst oh my, oh my... :)
I can deduce it has something to do with boobs on the photo probably, but what that has to do with stoopid bids?
heads falling on the keyboard. first numeric keys, then rollin' sidewards hitting Enter. it's just a fault.
they'd better pay out for it
1 hour later…
I feel like we have moar tools than developers... in that corner people use Grunt, in this SimpleTest, Composer over there... and when groups meet they barely overlap since they aren't exploring same things other do

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