what we need is blame-to-email... "Your colleague has used blame command on your code and has polite concerns about the implementation: &^&%# &^#&# &)(()($ this?"
Can someone explain me why this plugin states that it brings Google Plus comments to WordPress? Afai-can-see it just brings the +1 button to comments and uses jQuery UI to display Google Plus Style comments... please correct me if I'm wrong.
I just tried this and its not working...
$blogs = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT blog_id
FROM {$wpdb->blogs}
WHERE site_id = '{$wpdb->siteid}'
ORDER BY blog_id
AND spam = '0'
AND deleted = '0'
AND archived = '0'
AND blog_id != 1
"); — Joshc3 mins ago
@Rarst After re-reading the question, I wonder as well what's going wrong there. He states that the_post_thumbnail() won't work... which should. but I know close to nothing about the scenario.
some days I feel questions here are like that... "{Hi|Hello|Howdy}! I want {theme|slider|woo commerce} to {work|not explode|be more pretty|make me rich} and need {plugin|code|solve it without a plugin|someone to hold my hand|bitch about it}..."
Codex gets nearly 10M pageviews a month. difference between all those people landing on outdated wreck of an article or actually decent might be considerable
The following has worked for some users with similar problem:
Try to increase the value of the max_input_vars variable in php.ini. This variable was introduced in PHP version 5.3.9 and has the default value of 1000.
You can read more about it in the PHP documentation:
to me CrowdFavorite stuff seems on very opinionated side. it's great when you need precisely what it does, but if you need to customize it - you are screwed
If you develop: Do it in a clean environment. But no, normally that shouldn't be the problem.
Just dump your way through. Step by step: Echo -> Echo -> Echo -> console.log() -> Echo (and don't forget to exit(); inside the AJAX callback. Then you'll see where it stops.
@Nic I absolutely dig PHP Error and workflow it creates, but it has compat issues and overall tad raw... keeping eye on its development and recently found analogue to try out (whoops or something like that)
$args = array('post_type' => 'scheduled_classes', 'post_count' => -1); // passing this to WP_Query should take off the ten post limit, right? for some reason it is still bringing back 10
What's the thing/optics in English called that you look through when you use a camera? The German word is "searcher" and doesn't bring any usable result in a dictionary.
I feel like we have moar tools than developers... in that corner people use Grunt, in this SimpleTest, Composer over there... and when groups meet they barely overlap since they aren't exploring same things other do