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how does one pronounce msysGit? "m" +"sys" + "git"
2legit to git
I would speak it like M says Git
I though "sys" stood maybe for "system"
well is based off of this mingw.org/wiki/MSYS
ahah it stands for "minimal system"
mumble it fast and softly
like this
perfect when in doubt mumble
if you said it 3 times it sounds like Ms.Git
6 hours later…
@kaiser Nice... always wondered if such a thing exists, funnily enough this was also in my bookmarks but I clearly never paid the slightest attention lol. Very very handy...
6 hours later…
Anyone here used Symfony's DomCrawler before?
@userabuser I am going to...
@Rarst I'm currently using it right now, but I can't seem to figure out how to return "every" href attribute for all links on the page ... today I is stoopid.
@Rarst To be precise I am using the standalone Goutte which bundles the necessary components from Symfony into a .phar
use filter() method as per docs?
I did, but using $crawler->filter('h2 a')->attr('href'); for example returns the first node in the node list where the condition is true, so basically the first link. But for some reason I can't seem how to pass this logic through to the each() function...
don't use attr on it, feed it into foreach
dna Media Sidebar Expander: give the form elements for media description more space in the new gallery edit screen
awesome tool for viewing js execution steps http://toolness.github.com/slowmo-js/
lol, JS at pace for JS -challenged
Correct syntax:
$attributes = $crawler
beats doing it with vanilla stuff, no? :)
@Rarst Sure does... but I just thought their would be an easier way to get attributes as shown in the each() closure function, but seems like if you want all attributes, you need to extract() instead of calling attr()... even if you omit the attr() function and dump your output from filter() you will see it doesn't contain any attributes for you to extract.. shame. Oh well.. I will have to follow their rules then :)
...so far I give it my stamp of approval, recommend you scrape something with it if you get the chance :D
Arrange your code automatically with PhpStorm (re)arranger http://ow.ly/iy5XC
this could be interesting for dealing with messes...
that’s not built-in?
@toscho upcoming v6 feature
Eclipse does that automatically when I paste a mess into an already well formatted PHP document.
I have a special file named _reformat.php to fix messy code from our site by copy & paste.
just got ingress invite. now need new phone...
It is not perfect. When I paste deeply nested code there are sometimes strange indentations.
@Rarst What is the ingress you speak of...
@userabuser it's closed beta of google's augmented reality game that makes you go outside
go outside? nah that will never catch on...
@toscho code reformatting is already part of PHPStorm - this new feature is about moving class methods and fields around - so if you want all private methods at bottom of class, it will do that
ah, okay
wow, it's seems very active in my city...
@TomJNowell Will use if the logos are a vector icon font :D
@toscho tried it yet?
Impressive vote counts in the SO election
There's a number of filters called 'list_cats' inside wp_dropdown_categories(). The first few have one arg, the later ones (inside the Walker) have two args. Throws errors and no chance to determine the difference... Am I doing something wrong (again)?
Ok. Needs no arguments in the callback callback() and then func_get_args()...
get_terms(): possible arguments for fields
 * `all`
 * `names`
 * `count`
 * `ids` || `id=>parent`
Sure... totally obvious. Especially ids || id=>parent
Why can't the WP API not just use the same names as the DB rows...
get_terms is by far the most stupid function. I an alter the query as much as I want, but unless I haven't set fields => all, the function will pop off all my data from the result and I got no option intercepting it. facepalm
2 hours later…
I will never understand why we got the option "{$taxonomy}_children".
2 hours later…
"-115 Serial upvoting reversed" there better not be legit rep lost in that :\
@Rarst where?
where can I see that?
was in my rep log on top
in rep tab in profile as well
oh, I see. ouch
17 votes. doesn't hurt you. :P
2 hours later…
Shog9 on March 08, 2013

It’s time once again to cast your vote for the next Stack Overflow moderators. The primaries have just ended, and the top ten candidates can be found here: http://stackoverflow.com/election.

We’re running the election now (rather than a year from the last election in June) because veteran moderator Tim Post is stepping down in order to work with us as a Community Manager! While we’re extremely lucky to have his hard-working brilliance brought to bear on the problems we face managing all these sites, his transition does create an immediate need for a replacement on the SO mod team. …

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