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12:31 AM
@Rarst what are you needing the symfony class loader for?
@TomJNowell Finder component of the same
right now... there are plenty of other tasty toys in Symfony :)
@Rarst rephrase?
I gathered that's what it does, but why are you using it?
part of your parser stuff?
had you never needed to do what it does?.. :) working on QP, yep
12:46 AM
I imagine it might be useful on SHORTINIT
ehm, why? it's for finding stuff to static parse without driving myself feeling even more dumb by SPL classes
Dont you have to include various bits of the WP environment on SHORTINIT?
bits normally available and included
yeah, I don't see connection to Finder
I know where bits are and there aren't many of them
hm... where by know I mean ruthlessly hardcode so you might have a point there :)
1:11 AM
Silver badge for -1 question
1:34 AM

Proposed Q&A site for people building and managing digital communities: moderators, user-relations admins, channel operators, helpdesk, portal creators and consumer advisors —  building, maintaining communities and resolving PEBKAC problems professionally.

Currently in definition.

9 hours later…
@toscho badge whore!
are you now going to let others review to get the badge?
@Brady But its all pro bono publico!
Nope, Review is mine. Mine alone.
pish I wil continue to ignore that area of the site then
as everyone else. throw a hungry dog a bone...
99% of the time I go there its a smorgasbord of 0's
10:57 AM
when I got the first Steward for First Posts I left that area for others. And nobody used that opportunity. So …
11:10 AM
@kaiser lol
hmmmm, what's the recommended way to export/import individual posts across sites
11:27 AM
window.postMessage - a cross domain javascript messaging function. Nice!
How to get the current data in Javascript:
obvious, isn't it?
that’s proprietary code
I know
Just walked through the alphabet in console as I wanted to see which WP stuff is available in global context per default. Made some "interesting" finding on native JS.
12:21 PM
"You Can’t Ask Users To Upgrade WordPress To Fix Their Problems" tommcfarlin.com/upgrade-wordpress yeah, WP 2.x on PHP 5.2.x... nope, I refuse to be WP hipster :)
12:40 PM
> We should not make something that’s our problem the customer’s problem. Similarly, when something is wrong with your car, Honda doesn’t tell you to buy a new car. Apple doesn’t tell you to buy a new Mac.
Not sure about that.
> If the cost to upgrade ($cu) is greater by a significantly percentage ($sp) than the estimated cost of a realistic worst-case exploit ($ec) times a risk factor ($rf) then don’t upgrade:
if ( $cu * ( 1 - $sp ) > $ec * $rf )
    echo "Don't upgrade";
    echo "Upgrade!";
Mike Schinkel
No one needs to update. That's why plugins and themes a) have a stable tag and a wordpress version attached. Don't get all that problem.
1:10 PM
that's why we can't have good things...
hey guys, any idea how I can approve a pending post/CPT, or edit or modify a post, without changing the post author to me? Need to do it via code. Not the dropdown select box. There was a question similar to that but didn't had any good answer..
searching for the Q
@Sisir Get the original post data and run wp_update_post() with the new status and the old author.
@toscho know that.. but what should be the hook? save_post doesn't seems to work. perhaps after I update post wordpress saves it again?
save_post runs before wp saves the post?
Depends on the logic of your plugin. You can update any existing post any time.
I love the purge all comments feature! :)
1:29 PM
@Sisir As I previously said: Check to url, load the file in you IDE and read through it. "We" do nothing else.
can I find it ironic when parser for WP code uses Composer and PSR0 classes?.. :)
Can someone link this to Rarst and tell him that Symfony works this way, because of the *.yaml files?
2:13 PM
@kaiser why does he have you on ignore?
I guess because of my animated GIF jokes :)
who, me or there are more already? for his animated gif addiction
I haven't seen any in a while
see, it's working?
facepalm ...
2:19 PM
though what it has to do with .yaml I do not know
kids …
That Symfony and similar frameworks use those .yaml files and as he got none (and no Composer), $loader->registerNamespace('Symfony', __DIR__.'/src'); won't work.
@kaiser it does work, but I needed to place finder in Symfony/Component/Finder
basically it must have folder tree
can't have component by itself
yep. namespaces and PSR0 (or whatever that was)
but for some reason symfony\component mapping doesn't
2:26 PM
Well I use Buzz in two projects and have simply written a vendor_loader() class that uses __invoke(). Then, in the vendor_xy class, I just call new \Buzz\Browser(); for example. Then I access all that without a composer.
Symfony Class Loader is different thing from Composer loader as I understand
if you use Composer it handles autoload, if not - then can use Class Loader
I simply ignored that and went with default spl_* stuff.
spl_autoload_register( null, false );


default stuff doesn't cut for Symfony because namespaces and stuff
Oh, and I added my pathes to the include Path.
Can only tell for Buzz, which works fine so far. Still plenty of room for improvements on those Webapps.
2:51 PM
hmmmm if I start using symfony loader in plugins am I going to start running into issues if others start using it to in various PHP versions?
@TomJNowell WP plugins? it won't work with WP style class names
I know, but for my own classes etc
e.g. wp-content\plugins\exampleplugin\tomjn\stuff\example.php
what if I added a second plugin that used the same system?
or if it also had an example class exampleplugin2\tomjn\stuff\example.php
I just generisized my autoloader for WP classes and use it gist.github.com/Rarst/5049915
low tech... we are behind the curve in WP to need all those fancy namespaces and stuff :(
if we can lead by example though...
granted use cases for us both aren't quite the same
do we have multi-million download plugins and automattic paycheck I hadn't noticed to lead by example? :)
2:59 PM
perhaps fi we lead by example we'll eventually get them?
from quick google symfony is php 5.3
namespaces, duh
so no class loader in WP unless you require 5.3...
hmmm =/
3:15 PM
Planning to dump mouse, and keep trackpad usage to minimum. So, how do you do it? Keyboard shortcuts + macros (e.g. AutoHotkey?)... is that all? :-/
3:32 PM
hey peeps, can i ask a random question. Is there a way of restricting particular uses to have the ability to edit one page, say their page for example
Ryan has his parser taking input from command line and writing results to JSON files... are we even in same PHP?.. :)
@KirstyHarris this indicates a flawed approach, that you have arrived at this problem means you need to step back and re-architect your solution
hmm ok @TomJNowell it was just an idea, i know u can restrict certain ways etc, i just wondered just how flexible it were
flexible as in misuse :)
3:40 PM
@KirstyHarris you can make door handles different shapes for different people too, doesn't mean it's a good idea, and anyone asking is likely to get weird looks. I fail to see how programming and WordPress is any different
Just check the post type "page" capabilities, then inspect the roles capabilities and assign a lower role so those users can't edit others posts this anymore.
well this is a person who is not programming savvy
well then this is a person who should go and make some PHP online courses :)
CodeCademy just added PHP track :)
lol :)
i need to dont i ;)
3:57 PM
@KirstyHarris this is fixable, we weren't at one point, well except toscho
got WP-Parser working. pro - working parser, con - not smart enough to understand how it works and skipping writing my own parser
4:12 PM
@Rarst when you've got something working well I'd like to try it out on some plugins and internal projects, see what kind of documentation I can generate for those
@TomJNowell WP-Parser is working, just interface sucks at moment (I had to butcher it)
1 hour later…
5:16 PM
// Update Title
'' !== wp_text_diff( $el['post_title'], $GLOBALS['post']->post_title )
	AND $GLOBALS['post']->post_title = $el['post_title'];
// Update Content
'' !== wp_text_diff( $el['post_content'], $GLOBALS['post']->post_content )
	AND $GLOBALS['post']->post_content = $el['post_content'];
Handy "trick" to check if the content or the title changed... Not sure if there isn't something more practicable than using wp_text_diff().
6:01 PM
Hereby I question the efficiency of the wp.org plugin review.
There is even the Eclipse .project file in the SVN repo.
2 hours later…
8:16 PM
Composer support in PhpStorm - dependency manager for PHP http://ow.ly/iwugf
right in time :) well, soon...
I can't think of anything I would use composer with for WP
I refuse to be chained by medieval WP practices :D
ya chained to making money via wp
I am not making a cent with WP right now...
seriously, WP is becoming rapidly detached from PHP landscape. it chose to silo its ecosystem and now upstream improvements don't reach it
composer is one of those cases
it's kinda weird, I feel wp is holding my learning curve back because I have bills to pay and not enough time to jump into something else
ya I agree 100%, in 5 years just imagine what it will be like
8:27 PM
I think it's just a matter of reframing only doing things that are common in WP into doing things that are common in real PHP dev and making use of WP as one of them
every monolith faces this at some point, they go from innovation to the back of the line, some survive (IBM for example) while other's fade away
actually they don't really fade away, they hang around clinging to anything they can
I don't think WP position is at risk yet - it's too good at what it does, but I do think they are up for unpleasant discoveries in the future about "application framework" heading
ya it's practically impossible to compete with 22k plugins at this point
and the themes...all the themes
this is a interesting read on preservation of long term content ( like for decades) gwern.net/About
Interested in a better code reference for WordPress? http://make.wordpress.org/docs/2013/03/07/better-wordpress-code-reference/ cc: @pgibbs @rmccue @joncave @melchoyce @Rarst
I am already mentally ready for people calling QP official docs ripoff :)
8:48 PM
how will the comments be done, moderated or by a vote system?
they are only planning that. that's why I am very hesitant to go there at QP. it's a messy feature.
seen how hapyp toscho been lately about reivews? this is going to be worse
php.net model seems the easy option, but wether itll be as good as that even
ya exactly, lots of work, I think only option is votes
yes, and WikiPedia seems to be good model just look like how well it worked out for Codex :) it's not a matter of choosing right model...
hey I bet people click your github link way more than trac link on queryposts?
8:52 PM
not tracking that...
ro anythign really, just dropped GA in
I wonder if I can report this out of generic data
> Because links that lead away from your site are not automatically tracked by Google Analytics, you will need to manually tag all outbound links you want to track.
just do it on the most popular function page
GA is too freaking complicated, I have ton of bookmarks on how to do things with it and never get to implementing them... it should focus on doing things with data you already have, not setting up convoluted configurations to gather that data
no way I would ever click an svn link when github link is available
I "like" how bitbucket link is invisible in this conversation :)
I am somewhat fed up maintaining that mirror :\
haha well I'll click bitbucket over svn too
9:01 PM
trac has its perks like linking to isssues. well... perk
9:23 PM
pretty soon, WordPress will be a plugin for Jetpack
9:47 PM
@Rarst This is pretty much a QP ripoff. But they're going to clone the current state. 18month later it's old hat and QP lightyears ahead... again.
@kaiser well, it's meant to be QP ripoff :) it will take some time to see how will we compare on iteration speed
they have advantage in developers, designer and SEO... I have advantage in not having Matt for a boss. that's about it :)
@Rarst Aside from that you have the advantage of having an idea during tea break and a solution right after lunch... without discussion :D
wpseek comes up a lot in my searches
And I can't read in it. It's a mess.
@Rarst compare the quantity to the rate of progress on improving the plugin repo..
10:02 PM
they have a mobile app wth
I geuss they have thier own API
could even be just a giant rss feed
most mobile apps these days are
10:04 PM
they have an api here wpseek.com/api
with a jquery plugin to boot
wonder how they make money with it
maybe they're like rarst?
@Rarst whats your business model?
10:22 PM
@Wyck wpseek has UX issues as for me. it's messy to use
@TomJNowell where in QP? none whatsoever
that's why it's so nice
I don't have to lie to myself that half a dozen ads will not spoil experience thaaat much, etc
@Rarst ya the readability sucks , they just ranked somewhat high
Georgia font like comon
love this job listing.. Web Developer: Extensive experience working with Oracle and SQL. VB, C and C++, Java, JSP, HTML, XML , SOAP, and ASP
a sign of a retarded company
hmmm... I just had some thoughts morph in my head for thing QP could expand into where dot org won't go :) *quiet evil laugh... getting louder*
10:51 PM
celebrity porn in sidebar
regretfully porn is illegal here :)
wow really? Here is like the biggest market of the web industry
I live in the world capitol of porn
online that is *
we are like the only spot from europe to china (exclusive) where it is
The production and distribution of pornographic movies are economic activities of some importance. The exact size of the economy of pornography and the influence that it plays in political circles are matters of controversy. In many countries, it is legal to both produce and distribute pornography featuring performers age 18 or older; however, there are often restrictions placed upon such material. Americas Canada The sale of hardcore pornography is legal in Canada to anyone over the age of 18 (or 19 in some provinces). Otherwise, such sales are prohibited. However, persons below ...
hillarious part:
> Pornography for 'medical purpose', however, remains legal.
the porn biz here employs like tens of thousands of devs, not many people know about it though
don't know about thosands but not uncommon here either... freelance!
Q: Is it possible to black-list/ban the [plugin-recommendation] tag?

brasofiloI know removing it's not possible. But can it be blocked from being used? Case in question (check the edit history): How to add style to a string of text throughout WordPress website? Relevant meta: Can tags or synonyms be blocked from being used or blacklisted?

all the devs for it live here
and also the girls..and men
Don't get it.... Still need something to inspect eventListeners. Need to know which jQuery function triggers something... sigh
to the wikipedia!
influenced by C, borrows from Java but not Java, design principles from Self and Scheme
blend for 18 years, don't shake
> I consider the Source section to not add much value, especially if you link to the trac browse URL for each function.
kill it, by all means :) leaves more for QP that actually works really well
think they will link to github and bitbucket?
11:12 PM
@kaiser Heh, I recommended that months ago on G+.
@toscho Noted :)

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