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11 hours later…
Q: Single Post Breadcrumb not linking back to Custom Post Type Index?

zoaCodeI am using a breadcrumb code that will not place a link on two custom single post pages linking back to two custom post type index pages. The full Breadcrumb code can be seen here: http://pastebin.com/xNwXxWv6 if(get_post_type() == 'Portfolio'){ echo '<a href="' . 'http://www.mysite.com/we...

I am struggling for right word about this thread... clusterfuck?
I don't think I have deleted that many comments in all my time here combined...
@Rarst indeed I'm quite embarassed by what happened there
Is there a minimum rep for commenting on questions?
Anyone know if there's a way of accessing the root site's menu from a child site in a multisite install? (basically is there a multisite version of wp_nav_menu)?
oh wait, there's already a question here on it
i should really start searching before asking, instead of after :)
yeah switch blogs to the main site, do your call, switch back
Anyone ever tried to build something with scribus posts2posts? I'm a bit lost with how he registers and prints custom stuff on fields...
Aha. Scribu simply hadn't it implemented. Time between asking question about it and update of github repo: 26mins... a.k.a. lightspeed. +1
2 hours later…
Do taxonomies need to be attached to a post type? Or can you just create a taxonomy?
@MichaelEcklund yes just pass null as the object type
oh, I thought param 2 was required?
"Setting it explicitly to null registers the taxonomy but doesn't associate it with any objects"
Hehe, Thanks. Guess I should read the codex before asking.
Great. Google deprecated the GA API... Ugh. Always more work to do.
@kaiser I don't use the Weather API. I was referring to the Google Analytics API.
@MichaelEcklund Oh! Didn't know that they deprecated that one too... hard for devs to rely on google these times.
@kaiser googledevelopers.blogspot.com/2012/05/… They just deprecated the old one. There is a new one.
@MichaelEcklund Meh. Deprecating an API is a really bad habbit @ google syndicates...
@kaiser They provided plenty of notice. Just didn't act on it soon enough.
@MichaelEcklund Haven't meant the notice. Just the habbit to completely deprecate an API and replace it with something completely new... plus: forcing everyone to use the new one.
#fail #backwardscompatibility
Q: Plugin activated but plugin files nowhere to be found

CalleI installed ThreeWP Broadcast through the WP backend and it works fine. But where can I find the associated PHP files? I've tried looking in the plugins and mu plugins folder of wp-content.

↑ Isn't this even a WP question? "I can't find my files".
@kaiser See, I look at it differently. There's always a logical reason for deprecation. If the newer API is faster, more stable, more efficient, and overall easier to use... Then why provide support for the lesser of all evils? They provided a great deal of notice that they were deprecating the old API. As a developer, always using cutting edge technology is a major plus, as far as I'm concerned.
@kaiser new API was need for data to be better packed, given that it's free and very heavily used it must be straining them pretty hard. we run out of API allowance all the time at work
1 hour later…
Q: Should the number of upvotes correlate to the quality of the answer?

Ian DunnThis is related to, but not a duplicate of, this question. There are many times when I see an good and/or accepted answer, and I start to upvote it, but then I stop because it already has more upvotes than seems appropriate, given the quality/difficulty of the answer. There's nothing wrong with ...

1 hour later…
hey guys, how do you manage your frustration? Going through a mental breakdown :(
@Sisir Take up smoking. JK. Don't do that. Smoking causes cancer. :P
I don't smoke.. but does it helps?
@Sisir from what I can recall - going back almost 20 years since I quit - yes, it helps
coding all day and working from home, meeting no people face to face.. its killing me
last one week i spent almost doing nothing but staring at dreamweaver :-/
@Sisir Kill frustration: Do something outdoor every week. I got my small inflatable boat to drive around on lakes for summer and in winter I go skiing. And once a day I make a walk somewhere in the city.
@MichaelEcklund @Rarst Completely understand that. The only API I'm using more than once is the maps API. This bastard API has internal version numbers, that you don't see when using it and you can't do anything against it. So a solution sometimes works, then not, then maybe again. That's why I'm talking that way.
@Sisir Hanging out in chat rooms, like this one, helps too. But even better, if you could find one that's more active and a bit more social. Then, when you need to clear your head, drop in and interact. Google+ hangouts might be even better, but I haven't tried that.
@Sisir Take a nice girl out for dinner. I just did that. :)
@toscho Might not be socially acceptable in Bangladesh, though -- right @Sisir?
@marfarma its acceptable now in Bangladesh.. but I don't have any..
thanks guys.. i am going to try some sleep.. not having much of that.. later
@toscho That's the kind of meeting one should have everyday ;)
@kaiser I started to comment on how it's not on topic - but then I realized I wouldn't get the time back. Did you flag it?
@marfarma Flag for what?
It is on topic. Just not … good.
Vote down, explain how to improve.
@toscho I voted down - is there stock copy on meta that explains 'too general' for copy / paste?
Not that I am aware of.
Plus, this could be a good question: where to store the vote results? How to implement the voting etc …
@toscho Yeah. But it's really too big. It's more 'do my work for me' from someone who doesn't have enough background to know what's involved.
Then explain to him what the separate questions in this question are and how he could split it.
I have to go eat something. I'm too irritable right now. Maybe after dinner.
If somebody else hasn't done it first.
@anu I could see a use for that. Especially if you could set an arbitrary restore point.
(eating dinner at my desk)
@toscho OK - ate something. Managed to provide a helpful comment.
Let's see what he comes back with.
@Sisir stop working for a while :) that's what I am heading into
@Rarst he already checked out for the night
@marfarma doesn't matter, will just get notification later :)
@Rarst OK - you meant time off like a vacation, rather than a walk. Got it.
@marfarma I am calling it sabbatical, which is polite for unpaid leave. vacation is what work lets you take and sometimes it's not quite enough
@Rarst how long you taking? Or is it undecided / indefinite?
@anu if I get visa probably at least until summit
@Rarst tell me about it. I've already 'borrowed' two days from next year. I'm not happy about not taking any time off until after the new year. But unpaid time off isn't an option right now.
@marfarma it's been tough year+ for me but the outcome is that I am about fed up and can afford it...
but disappointed as hell
@Rarst Enjoy it.
@Rarst wait -- wat?
@marfarma have some work tails like a damn hydra to get rid fo so I can clock out at last...
@marfarma disaapointed that I ended up like this
@Rarst any update on the visa situation?
@anu just getting travel passport tomorrow and will start on visa after
@Rarst bonne chance! changing the subject - have you tried the PHPStorm 5 EAP yet?
@anu nah, I don't bother with EAP
@marfarma Close voted as "not a real question"
@All There was some javascript library that offered pretty much the same as jQuery, but at a size of ~10kB. Any idea what the name was?
LiveEdit plugin features in detail | WebStorm & PhpStorm Blog blog.jetbrains.com/webide/2012/08/… this could be nice... like really really nice
@marfarma Looks good, but that's not the one I was searching for.
@Rarst Makes me sad. I'm too cheap to get PhpStorm, and my boss is unlikely to go for it either.
@marfarma use EAP... apply for free license for open source... step on it and just buy it... seriously I use like two paid apps in total - Total Commander and PhpStorm, there just isn't anything as good for free
@marfarma Zepto.js
@Rarst I'm only a part time and side project WP developer. My 'primary role' is all kinds of other stuff - from PL-Sql to shell scripts to .Net API requirements definition to Excel VBA Com+ coding, etc. Anything in my business vertical - as a consultant integrating various enterprise vendor products. I don't qualify for the Open source license - I checked.
@marfarma well if your gig too cheap for PhpStorm I don't think they would go for universal IDEA parent IDE :(
Don't feel bad for me. If I were a full-time Php developer I'd spring for it. It's just that I'd like to have it.
but still - EAP? although I hadn't checked how it works in details, but it's free to use
Yeah - I could get it and play with it. Of course if I get hooked I'll have to buy after the EAP expires. That's their hidden agenda, after all.
it's rolling, I think some people just use it continuously
@Rarst Java ??? So far I've been spared from having to code Java.
@marfarma IDEA is anything-goes via plugins. PhpStorm is dumbed down IDEA with PHP plugin.
The boss did spring for MSDN license - and I have an old ReSharper license from a few years back when I was doing some C# work.
I just don't see him springing for tooling that's not driven by client work - and this is not.
But I'll take a look at the EAP - it might be fine.
@marfarma off topic, you emailed me last year via G+ and I never heard from you after my reply... I take it hadn't really got more heavily in WP dev since?
@Rarst I decided I really didn't have the time to invest. I do stuff on my own time. I like to answer WPSE questions - like working a crossword puzzle. And I am responsible for the company website -- not that it needs much work done.
@marfarma ok, good luck in any case :)

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