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Wow, attitude much?
4 hours later…
@kaiser that's pretty inevitable when dealing with complex queries... btw there so should be post field (as in MySQL field, not custom) query in same manner as meta query
Want to move beyond the basics of WordPress? Simply go watch everything on http://wordpress.tv/. Beware, it's addicting.
I thought that was the basics...
@Rarst Just went through all that stuff, build a couple of different solutions... and finally just used the 's' arg to get a LIKE statement for post_title. Sometimes things seem so complicated, when they're sooo easy :)
@Rarst To sum it up: There's simply no need for any other thing aside from the s arg, as it wouldn't make any sense to use a LIKE on a status, date or ID.
Hm. But what about the excerpt?...
3 hours later…
Q: Design for Travel Stack Exchange

JinI'm Jin, I work on the designs for the Stack Exchange sites as they graduate from the beta phase. Each site will have its own unique theme that will reflect its topic and culture. However, all sites will share common elements so they feel like they're part of the Stack Exchange family. For our T...

that looks nice...
remind me how we ended up with our design?..
Have to correct @Rarst slightly ... our "design" :/
Q: Design for the official WordPress.SE site

JinHi all. I'm Jin, and I'll be working on the designs for the Stack Exchange sites as they graduate from the beta phase. Each site will have its own unique theme that will reflect its topic. However, all sites will share quite a bit of common elements so they feel like they're part of the Stack Exc...

@kaiser I quite like the idea of the word press theme :). That said, I never understood the jack in the box for missing pages...
@Rarst are you using my local indicator plugin?
@TomJNowell not at the moment
@Rarst just noticed you were watching the github repo, I've submitted it to the plugin repo
@TomJNowell ok... I wanted it (or something like) for work, but as all things work that is off the radar for a while :)
2 hours later…
getting strange results from MySQL … this is so annoying.
    FROM mu_4_posts
    WHERE 1=1
    AND (((mu_4_posts.post_title LIKE '%furc%')
    OR (mu_4_posts.post_content LIKE '%furc%')))
    AND mu_4_posts.post_type IN ('post', 'page', 'attachment')
    AND (mu_4_posts.post_status = 'publish')
    ORDER BY mu_4_posts.post_date DESC
    LIMIT 0, 4
Some results do not contain the search string. I don’t understand it. :/
seems to work normally for me... are you sure there is no partial match somewhere?
yes, I checked it multiple times
running through wp or directly?
the string is not even part of the markup
(1) try directly (2) reset object cache if using it
Here is one match for this search string: toscho.de/2010/das-falsche-gebot
it has "Fürchte" check collation stuff
no object cache
ah … good idea
Hm, no
define('DB_COLLATE', 'utf8_general_ci');
That should do it.
still seems like most likely reason...
Switched to utf8_unicode_ci which is better anyway – still no progress
there is some code in $wpdb that sets up conenction, maybe something goes bonkers there... is there a way to pull opened connection properties? don't know
Ah, the collation stays utf8_general_ci once they are created.
Could we please all switch to Letter-Avatars like U & R? Maybe we'd get some nice words out of it ;)
@StephenHarris wat?
@Rarst With letter avatars we could play countdown.... you get (I think) 9 letters and 30 seconds to make a word out of it.. longest word wins :)
ALTER TABLE changed the collation … but not the search results.
@toscho tried direct query?
try explicit collation in query?
A: Mysql unique index does't work on a certain umlaut

NullUserExceptionIt's because of the collation you are using. Anything that ends with _ci is case-insensitive (and also accent/umlaut insensitive). So yes, MySQL will consider "günni" and "gunni" the same thing, unless you change your collation. Docs: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-table.html

A: MySQL DB selects records with and without umlauts. e.g: '.. where something = FÖÖ'

GunniSELECT * FROM table WHERE some_field LIKE ('%ö%' COLLATE utf8_bin)

FROM  `mu_4_posts`
WHERE post_content LIKE  '%furc%'
COLLATE utf8_bin
LIMIT 0 , 30
I would never make logical jump from case sensitivity to umlaut %)
But now it isn’t case insensitive anymore, right?
hm, I could change the query before I send it to the db
oh, this is really tricky.
Is there a way of ensuring a script runs later than another script, without listing it as a dependency?
@StephenHarris why not list as dependency? that's the point
@Rarst Because it doesn't depend on the script. It's just if the script does load, I want it to load first
don't get context here...
later than? first? which one is it?
@Rarst So I want to load script B after script A - but B doesn't need A, its just if A is loaded, it should be loaded before B.
how do you determine if A is to be loaded?
Hook very late into wp_enqueue_scripts, check if the other script is already registered, and list it as depency then.
@Rarst by screen ID... I suppose I could conditionally list it as a dependency...
@toscho +1 saved me some typing there
Is everyone able to access GitHub? Its been down a while...
Ironically that didn't load for me either... downforeveryoneorjustme.com says intermittently thats its up and down... :/
status.github.com might be something in network
Hi folks, is anyone using VM for development?
@Mamaduka I have VMs at work for old internet explorer versions
though IETester and the dev tools in IE9 are usually sufficient
and a win VM on my mac
@TomJNowell I mean with LAMP stack, as you main development tool, instead of WAMP or MAMP.
@Mamaduka why would you want to do that?
@Mamaduka your code should run wherever it finds itself, so well written code that makes few assumptions and behaves cautiously checking for failures etc and testing for minimum versions should run well
@TomJNowell one way to approach it... another is to optimize to production environment rather than generic case
@Rarst or both. In the best case scenario code should do well, but it's always good to fail gracefully. For example, in the Auditor I only support v3.3 and above, rather than crashing out I check for the WP version and nudge the user to update WordPress if it fails
not always possible mind given PHPs 'quirks'..
@TomJNowell I just want to experiment with and reproduce production environment, also it's not that easy to install everything on WAMP servers.
Totally Agree with the code staff, well written code runs mostly everywhere.
@TomJNowell version/dependency stuff should just be provided by core as for me... :\ it's a mess of edge cases
1 hour later…
Q: Please add zombie features

kaiserFor the sake of all us, who love zombie movies: Please add a »28 hours later…« feature. Wouldn't that look much nicer, than »1 day later« ? I even added some blood in MS Paint to illustrate this.

do we leave this open or what?..
I have enough hard time dragging higher powers to our meta without them being distracted by zombies...
@Rarst It got 7 votes so far, so yes, please leave it open... even when our motto in here is »Where humor doesn't work« (props: @toscho).
why does meta side award yearling just because? not fair...
@toscho 18 revisions... I am not up for even thinking into it at moment :)
living artwork
we should intervene before the question becomes self-aware.
@toscho we could probably run WPSE with this one question, eternally edited.
Rep freeze for everybody. Hammertime!
On the other hand … we could just reopen the Best Crap for your functions.php question. No separate questions necessary anymore. Easy to moderate too.
@toscho Why's that not been deleted?
too many backlinks
Unfortunately, this question, even closed, gives a very wrong impression of our site.
@toscho functions one? kill it already
what, you want to delete it completely?
why not? it just keeps rotting
I think that's the common plan for such, close, wait for outrage to die out, delete...
1. It helps getting visitors from search engines. 2. many internal backlinks
too sleepy now, but worth asking in mod room some time then
The question is bad, some answers a good and should be kept.
we can split those out

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