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Yet another site scraping WPSE.. qandasystem.info/wordpress/…
4 hours later…
@Aahan that is f'n lame
on another note, it looks like nobody has needed an in-wordpress htpasswd editor..
if its not in plugins, it doesnt exist, right?
@AahanKrish The owner has a blog with open comments running on an outdated WordPress 3.0.5.
@anu have you figured out how to use the second screen when you've got a fullscreen app?
@TomJNowell full screen with multiple monitors is broken and useless. Use something like Moom / Sizeup to maximise app
@anu which would you recommend? I've got a £70 itunes voucher to redeem
@TomJNowell I've tried a few and ended up with Moon, but lots of people like SizeUp. Also Cinch and Divvy have a lot of fans. I think they've all got trial versions on their websites - try them both and see which you prefer
hey guys
anyone use firebug+firefox? I see on latest version they changed the inspect element functionality a lot. i kinda liked the old one..
i mean it used to show the html details of the element when mouse hover over.. cant seem to do that on current version..
@Sisir I always found the webkit/chrome inspector to be massively more powerful
some of us keep several different browsers open for that very reason
@sisir just install an older version of firebug if you want to revert behaviour
@TomJNowell it seems i have to migrate me to chrome afterall..
whan bots/spambots visits my sites. I still get a visitor count on my google analytics.. so how do i tell how many real people is visiting?
@Sisir Impossible.
@toscho i see.. thats what i though..
just think about two people on the same computer, one who opens your site in a background tab and closes it without ever looking. Proxies, automated browser tests … requests or visitor numbers are snake oil. what counts is the money or the influence you get.
what happens when we get a webpage via PHP (curl) does the javascript gets processed?
no @rarst today? That's weird! :)
@toscho good read, thanks!
@Sisir overslept
finally installed whole wampserver on dropbox.. Sick of HD getting crushed!!
wtf? get_current_screen() returns null on all admin screens??
↑ happening with default TwentyEleven and only one plugin (the one I'm currently developing) activated. And this one doesn't interfere with anything so far. Funny thing: If I dump the global $current_screen inside get_current_screen(); everything works as expected. hooking on init... Any idea on what am I doing wrong?
Oh, and global $hook_name is separator-last everywhere. Already reinstalled WP... out of ideas...
nvm. got behind it...
Q: Help build a box-office page

Copil FlaviusHelp build a box-office page Link: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/need-help-please-20?replies=1#post-2990746

↑ wow
What about this one
Q: Posts loop and tables

user14056I've got problems with custom template loop. So the html is near this <table> <tr> <td> post 1 title here </td> <td> post 2 title here </td> <td> post 3 title here </td> </tr> <tr> <td> post 1 conte...

Can I get some pro hints on how you'd go about saving youtube thumbs locally when video url's are submitted with posts.
@PolluxKhafra ask a question on the main site or on stackoverflow
I want to but I dont have an approach formed yet. Hence the hints so maybe I can do it on my own.
@PolluxKhafra i think it isn't hard to make thumb if you have the video id. do a search on stackoverflow there are already question answered ( i think)
@PolluxKhafra why bother saving them locally and not justsaving URL to thumb?
@Rarst I do that now. Problem is I have show about 30 of them on my homepage so I need to save them locally so I can cache them and not have so many calls to youtube.
@PolluxKhafra does youtube mind many calls?
@Rarst Isn't it faster if I have them cached?
@PolluxKhafra is your server faster than google data center?
@PolluxKhafra is your site quicker than youtube?
So just to be clear. You think that having a homepage that shows 30 thumbs at a time with 30 more being shown everytime infinite scroll is triggered is going to be faster using youtube requests rather than having the images cached to my server?
@PolluxKhafra you should proabably test it and see
@PolluxKhafra what's funny about that?
@PolluxKhafra check if youtube have any query limit on thumbs.
I just noticed alot of major sites who display alot of youtube thumbs all have them saved locally...pintrest..chill..sociable.
Im sure they have a reason but Ill try SO.
@PolluxKhafra those sites aren't you, theyll have spent money on CDNs etc
there are advantages to storing the images locally that have nothing to do with performance
anyone used phpQuery here?
@Sisir I do
what i am doing wrong?
function get_google_result($keyword){
	$keyword = preg_replace( '/\s+/', '+', trim($keyword));
	$q = 'https://google.com/search?q='.$keyword;
	$links = pq('ol#rso li.g h3.r a.l');
	foreach($links as $a){
		var_dump( pq($a)->attr('href'));
$links isn't an array
no idea, too much to debug through
the selector is certainly right.. double checked it
btw you do know google will just block you out for scraping shortly? :)
not doing it too often. Do i need to set something on header? Like browser details?
@All Another annoying story about images in WP. During developing a small plugin (related to a question), I dumped the jpeq_quality filter and the cases it gets applied to in different cases. Here's the result at what happens, when you mirror an image:
+ 1st step) bypasses all cases and adds the default 90% compression
+ 2nd) `'edit_image'`
+ 3rd) `'image_resize'`
+ 4th) `'image_resize'` (again)
+ 5th) `'image_resize'` (again)
↑ no wonder, that WP destroys every bit of quality... For all cases you got 90% compression
resulting quality: ~59% of original...
so image resizing is slow and poor because the original image is resampled multiple times unneccesarily?
@anu I've returned the hdmi mini display port thing, going to try dvi
@TomJNowell cool - hope that sorts things out
@Sisir well, Google is not so convenient to share details how to circumvent it... sometimes you need to pass robot check even on completely real browser
@kaiser but is that same imgae being modified? not multiple sizes being created?
@anu I'm satisfied with the results now Ive got that setup
and its using RGB now, I wonder what Mountain lion will do for it
@TomJNowell great. multiple monitors + spaces is a nicely powerful combination
ML should be released next week
oh, one more tip - if you spend much time in the terminal - TotalTerminal is so good.
@Rarst @TomJNowell Sry, have had a phone call. Yes, it seems so. Not completely sure, if the jpeq_quality filter gets triggered multiple times, when mirroring an image, but I'm 99% it's a save process every time, as I add the filter during image_pre_save filter.
@Rarst @TomJNowell If you want, I can mail you the plugin, so you can test yourself.
Ah, the "problem" seems to be pretty simple: I had "Apply changes to: All image sizes" checked. With "Apply changes to: Thumbnail" it triggers only twice - the $_REQUEST['action']s are 'edit-image' and 'image-resize' "only" :P
@kaiser told you...
@Rarst Still twice :)
and if you are seeing filter called twice it doesn't mean it's actually used to resize twice... code around there is complete mess
@Rarst As I said, I add the filter only on the image_pre_save-hook. And to be sure, I removed it inside itself with remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ ); :)
So, no, it's not the problem, that the code is a mess.
anyone had any experience using cloudflare with wordpress?
you are not talking me into re-checking your results, day is too crappy for effort...
Actually it's imho a pretty smart filter. It get's a $case applied, so you can determine if you want to do something or not. The only thing I can imagine, is that the filter gets added by core somewhere else.
@Rarst No, not talking you into something. You're always doing this by yourself pretty well :)
true that...
Hm. The problem seems to be that the image_pre_save filter gets called by core 2 times when saving an edited image (rotate or mirror only once). Not my fault. Just not sure at the mom, where this happens.
Btw: Most useful way of debugging a filter from inside itself: var_dump( $GLOBALS['wp_filter'][ current_filter() ] );. ;)
@Rarst Seems like you need to talk yourself into this one. Already commented code for you, but lost your mail address somewhere.
@anu nice =]
Good advice from @wpmuorg http://wpmu.org/query_posts/ in June to @wpmuorg http://wpmu.org/wordpress-show-posts-from-one-category/ in July...
when would WP blogs learn to just not post any crap sent their way...
@Rarst First: That's not me. Second: You're slightly ignoring me, hm? ;)
@kaiser not you what? as above I am having crappy day not up to diving into code around...
@Rarst So then, just tell, what your problem is. Maybe help this time comes the other way 'round, hm?
@kaiser want to do my job for me, eh? :)
@Rarst Helping a little, won't hurt. I'm right in between having one task done and the other one not started so far, so some brain resources free and a good day as well. Now, tell me. :)
@kaiser nah, that's not the kind of work I need mental help with... it's the kind of work I need help not going mental with :)
1 hour later…
just found wp-blog-header.php to have a base 64 encode line of code. how can i change all user passwords and force them to do a password reset at next login?
@rg89 Ask question on main site?
@rg89 I don't think there is native way.. ask on main site, but make this explicitly about how to force password reset, recovery from specific hack is out of scope
@kaiser @rarst thanks, the hacker left a syntax error so the damage seems to be zero : )
Q: How to expire all wordpress user passwords instantly?

Mohammad GSo I own an article directory website and recently a lot of bots have signed up and started posting spam. (I approve posts prior to publication) I've added a captcha to the user registration page now but for the users that are already registered I want to make their passwords expire so they have...

found that
@rg89 see, green gravatars think alike...
@rarst for what it's worth, i just changed 12 passwords manually. small site : )
does anybody know of any good media management plugins?
After uploading all those images to the media library, it was a nightmare sorting through them, my eyesight isnt great and those thumbnails are small, and a lot of photos look the same
a thumbnail grid style listing or gallery in the dashboard would be a massive help
dumb - when core is in subfolder, .htaccess is generated in that subfolder...
@rarst I've always had a gut feeling to not mess with the directory structure beyond a /blog/
@rg89 need it if using core as subrepository in version control, otherwise things get very messy very fast
version control on core...are you a core developer? why are you messing with core? call me a lightweight user, i guess.
@rg89 am not. I am not messing with core, I just need it as part of neat site package to juggle around (deploy, etc). there is no real need to keep all core around if all you need is link to it as subrepository
wordpress continues to amaze me
WP_Error Object ( [errors] => Array ( ) [error_data] => Array ( ) )
so helpful (;
@RebeccaChernoff you are in a wrong CMS for "helpful" :)
I'm in the debugging hell of "works great locally, now wtf is going on on the remote server"
where're you stuck?
wp_signon returns the useless WP_Error ^^ instead of an actual user, and none of my echo statements from my authenticate filter are printing out (and one of them is the first thing that filter does). all of my returns from my authenticate return a WP_Error with a message or return a user
hmm, it's gotta be that the authenticate filter isn't being added. need to think about how to debug that.
@RebeccaChernoff Go into core, take the function and write echo '<pre>'.var_export( $YOUR_VAR, false ).'</pre>'; exit; in it. If that works, you go one level deeper and so on.
follow the white rabbit! ;)
hmm, if I hit the normal login page directly, then I do see the authenticate filter echo's. so just from my custom login page.
really wish I could step through breakpoints right about now
A) Check if you got all the debug stuff activated B) Check if it's no AJAX call. Those can be tough...
debug stuff? there's debug stuff? o:
add_filter("authenticate", "authenticationViaSE", 10, 3);
function authenticationViaSE($user, $username, $password) {
	echo "authenticating";
my debugging >_<
not that I see that line print when I need it, so clearly it works well
@RebeccaChernoff are there any redirects involved? try die; after echo
right, but I used the login filter to set the url, so that redirects, but then from that page I just use wp_signon...didn't think that redirected...but I guess maybe it does?
I mean, uh, yeah, I'll try that (;
no difference
ok, can you provide larger code logic?
ok, let me preface by saying that yes I know I'm not always doing things the proper way...but hey it is functional at least locally: privatepaste.com/dcabdcc57b. just not in "ok ready to open source this" state yet.
first - yikes... second - do you realise that everything after ?> there is not processed as PHP code?
or is this in multiple files?..
there's 2 separate files
look for the *****stuff*****
I didn't include everything from the seAuthentication.php plugin file
when add_filter("authenticate", "authenticationViaSE", 10, 3); runs? on load?
that's not part of a class or anything, just under the <?php basically
idk.... I hadn't worked with authentication and you have this chopped so it is hard to even guess what might go wrong...
and aww man, "yikes"? ): hehe
that was about require_once('../../../wp-load.php'); and stuff...
yes, that's one of things I meant specifically with my preface, heh.
@Rarst chopped up?
@RebeccaChernoff in pieces... it is good when it's local and in good IDE, but hard to share as snippet
yeah. eventually I would like to put this up in a repo somewhere and ask you to critique it...fine with open sourcing it...but yeah, so totally not there yet.
@RebeccaChernoff you need (semi-)dedicated WP dev at SE if you are serious about this blogging thing :)
I'd feel better if it was broken locally...that's easier to deal with.
But working perfectly locally and breaking in a mysterious way on the remote server?
so not cool.
if only things always broke in easy ways... :)
sigh, even making the first line of my authenticate function return a WP_Error still doesn't show that on my login page
throwing an exception doesn't do anything, and back to the filter not getting called
@RebeccaChernoff Happens to me each day.
my login page doesn't recognize that the authenticate filter is hooked up
$wp_filter["authenticate"] is a-nada
@RebeccaChernoff is your plugin activated?
@Rarst yes. if I hit wp-login, I can see my authenticate debug stuff. and the login_url filter is definitely working - if I hit wp-admin I get sent to my page not wp-login.
lmao, just had a lightbulb moment...bet ya I'm an idiot...

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