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@Wyck I think human mades wp-thumb plugin can specify the compression ratio
jpeg quality parameter
Can anyone see why this wouldn't load scripts to single posts?
if( !is_admin() && is_single() ) {
function single_scripts() {
wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
wp_deregister_script( 'wpuf' );
wp_register_script( 'jquery', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/libs/jquery-1.6.1.min.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
wp_register_script( 'jquery-single', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/libs/jquery.single.min.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-single' );
wp_register_script('global-js', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/libs/global.js');
wp_enqueue_script( 'global-js' );
@PolluxKhafra ctrl+a ctrl+ k when posting code please! arrow keys to go back and edit your messages
also you're using jquery 1.6.1, v1.7+ is out and much faster
have you asked this on the main site?
Wont let me edit now sorry.
And no I didn't see it worthy of an actual question
might be too early to call is_single
move the if check inside the function
@TomJNowell Yeah that works. I just felt like I didn't want to add_action for the function if it's not needed but maybe I misunderstanding what that does.
4 hours later…
@TomJNowell that's an interesting plugin, never knew about it, you can also just set it nativity to 100% using the example in toscho's answer
2 hours later…
Q: Sort custom post type list table by display name of a user id stored as post meta value

toschoI have a custom post type named domicile. Each post (domicile) has an owner (not the author). Owners are users with a custom role. I store the user id as a post meta value (dmb_owner) for the domicile post type. How do I sort the list table (wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=domicile) by the display n...

2 hours later…
@Wyck they've got retina support in the pipeline too, probably using the server side thing mullenweg used
@TomJNowell Thanks for that link. Seems like there's still room to extend the plugin :)
boss took revenge on drive back, eh @TomJNowell ? lol
@Rarst hmmm?
@Tarendai @lydiajo oh my! We were back by 10pm. May have slightly broken some speed limits... #wcuk
Oh my, back home at half 12, and @lydiajo is still driving!!? #wcuk
me and lydia were in a hire car there and back so we could work on yourwebsiteishorrible.com rather than in his car
@kaiser are you trying to develop github.com/franz-josef-kaiser/WP-Plugin-Directories further or just put github updating into it?
2 hours later…
@TomJNowell Sry, have been away. And yes, I'm developing it further. @ChristopherDavis already gave me access to the main repo and asked if I want to take it over. So far I got a stable version, but I don't get around the last bit of UI improvement (too less hooks and such - would need a complete copy/paste-overwrite of cores plugins list table extension).
@TomJNowell Have you ever worked with WP-Unit?
@All Is there an equivalent to admin_url() for a path?
// Path to the /wp-admin/includes directory - as "generic" as possible:
ABSPATH.trailingslashit( ltrim( ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH, '/' ) ).ltrim( WPINC, 'wp-' );
↑ ...
@kaiser isn't wp-admin supposed to be immutable related to ABSPATH?
core just does ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/
@Rarst No, not really. This might change in the future. Currently there's no save way to alter it, but it could come.
well, anything can change in the future... what core does right now is kinda best available
I'm searching through class WP_Filesystem_Base and not sure, where this gets used, but it has a wrapper for ABSPATH called abspath(). Maybe this is accessible via a global? Dunno if this makes sense...
Hm. Even there you can find the hard coded crap with themes/ ... soooo annoying!!
@Rarst Ok. ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/ seems to be the way. Meh.
@kaiser nope
I got an action that is automatically added when I include ~/wp-admin/includes/ms.php (site_admin_notice). Problem is, that I'm unable to remove it. Any idea how I could get rid of it?
nvm. got it.
Admin Bar styling is simply stupid css... doesn't even integrate with default wp admin styles.
2 hours later…
Hey, anyone met Matt? is he tall too? (appears to be) Heard Jaquith is 6'4 o_O
just a lil curious :P
@AahanKrish check the video interviews
or attend wordcamp
i met Matt briefly in 2004 - he was very short then, but I've heard he paid for leg growth implants
@TomJNowell have you tried calibrating your Dell display?
@anu I did before, I tried running the callibration wizard
it made it worse!
hmm no it made it slightly better in some respects but not at all in others
it was still pitiful compared to the windows machine which required zero callibration
@TomJNowell odd - i've got a LG 24" that I plug into, and it's lovely. Try a different cable?
its the same cable
the only different part is a mini display port to hdmi adaptor
damned colour profiles
Ill try it with my TV at home
@TomJNowell I've plugged my MBA into many monitors, and never had a problem - but always either VGA/DVI
wait, actually, my iMac is plugged into my LG using the HDMI port
although that's using a HDMI - DVI cable
I cant believe there are agencies around here still screwing people over with expensive flash sites /rant
@Wyck shit agencies are shit
but a client who accepts that is equally culpable
people just don't know any better and they get sucked in
I had a meeting this week with a newspaper that paid a fortune for a remake of their new site, all in flash.. and today another person I know launches new site..all flash money down drain
@Wyck that's totally the newspaper's fault - i can understand a lone non-techie small business person getting sucked in, but there's no real excuse for a media organisation
or rather, if that's what they want, it's hard to blame the agency
@anu I agree, maybe it's where I live, they seem to be 5 years behind, someone shows them an animated fish and they sign the deal because it looks cool
@Wyck well i'm planning on moving to MTL, so I hope it stays lagging behind for a while!
@anu MTL is not bad, very tech, but I live/work about 1.5 hours away and hardly go in the city much
@Wyck ah ok, still in QC?
hey guys, anyone knows a good responsive lightbox solution? apart from fancybox, view.js, the one in widgetkit and rlightbox?
@anu ya, I live just north near a resort town called mont tremblant, though I grew up in mtl
fancybox and widgetkit can't be included in themes, view.js is too heavy, and rlightbox uses too many scripts
@Wyck cool - i've ski-ed at Tremblant once, go to Le Massif and Monte Ste Anne more
there has to be another one
@anu where are you from?
@Wyck london - but my partner is from quebec city
@anu ah nice, I have a partner that from London (lives here)
@Wyck hah- we're the opposite
heh, not wordpress though, it's an app I work on
ah, not business partner - ma blonde!
@anu im actually off right this moment to go hang out at the beach on the lake in tremblant, your missing out:)
@Wyck thanks! weather here is shit
been crazy here 35+ all week no rain
we're buying a small place in MTL this year so we can spend summers there
@anu ah know where?
prices are slowsly dropping this year in the city
iles des soeurs
nice, , my house if for sale if you want a retreat in the mountains :)
@Wyck hah! well it was a place in the city or a chalet by a lake - the city won! it's being built, and should be ready by Xmas!
@anu buy a scooter though, the traffic is madness around there, one reason I never go into the city anymore
@Wyck yup - been going to MTL for 10 years or so, have noticed traffic getting much worse
scooters aren't great in the winter though!
@anu spiked tires!
@wyck frozen balls
heh get used to it
@Wyck not sure I ever will
@anu ya, summer is great though, we should grab a beer when your in town
@Wyck definitely. not sure i'm going to be over before Dec - I'll ping you
@Wyck are you on twitter?
@anu no I don't have a personal twitter
@Wyck no worries - I can always ping you on here nearer the time - have fun at the beach!
@anu cheers
@All I got an annoying problem with [this mu plugin](https://gist.github.com/3065933)

* Purpose: Change the language of the UI with an option form field in the admin bar.
* Needed:
* * `languages` folder in the `WP_CONTENT_DIR` and min. [one lang.mo file](http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language) aside from `us_US`.
* * `mu-plugins` folder (or whatever is defined as `WP_MUPLUGINS_DIR`.
* Problems:
* * When changing the language, the _old_ language appears - seems that I've something wrong with my thoughts. Where's my failure?
Anyone willing to give this ↑ one a short try and maybe lend me a helping hand?
2 hours later…

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