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@nacin @Otto42 sometimes less back compat isn't *break* the world, is *change* it. And change the world, sometimes, is the right thing to do
2 hours later…
@maadhattah I deleted your post.
3 hours later…
@kaiser should that read, "@maadhattah I deleted your post, for I am now your God."
I want to save list of ids. Should I save each in a new row? I might need to search via those ids, so serialized or comma separated is not a good idea.
yes, if you need to search via ID, then serialized set of IDs is going to be very slow
@userabuser you got 10min? I need to discuss something about relational db.. I am confused
@G.M. why are you still listening to nacin?
@Rarst lol
@Rarst yep, why?
I was asking you, because I pretty much don't anymore :)
Once he's actually the one who take most of decisions on WP, normally I listen to him to be "updated", and normally I get frustrated everything he says... and then I ask myself... WHY?
I doubt it's accurate that nacin makes most decisions. the one person with final decision making capabiloity will always be matt
@G.M. You should listen to Otto instead.
it is ok to listen to otto, but it takes some knack how to interpret him so it's less maddening and more entertaining :)
@Rarst that sentence retwitted by nacin is from Otto
one of the reason why I decided to say something
he always talks online like he is heavily opinionated, but really he doesn't give a shit about what he is saying
that's the difference, otto just talks, nacin actually tries to "sell" it to you
@Rarst well observed ;)
I've been around for a while :)
@Rarst judging by the length of your hair, nearly 30 years...
oh, come on :) I used to cut my hair. I can almost remember how long ago.
2 hours later…
Thank you so much! That explanition is really well wrote, now I can understand it. Oh, about $_GET, I have already switched to $_POST, which is more secure. Now I'm unsure about where should I use this code, I put it on the functions.php but the syntax wasn't right. Could you help me a little more? Thank you again! — Henrique Foletto 2 hours ago
@userabuser User asked to delete it and it was just a Vagrant/VM problem.
2 hours later…
> Bump minimum PHP version to PHP 5.4, remove 5.3 specific hacks
another life... :)
@Rarst it's ok to dream...
I don't dream, I write PHP 5.3 code and need to find some time to move on to 5.4 :)
I dropped 5.3 support in my projects already.
I wonder how long it takes this room to get to 5.5 :) this year?
all my new sites are on 5.5
I mean actual code, not just running on it
should be available on most hosts already
I only got 5.4 right now, although it should have 5.5, complained about it
@Rarst already using... currently use, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3... I get mixed up on some projects and push 5.4 code to 5.3 instances via git every now and then... progress aint easy.
using composer yet? made to prevent stuff like that :)
yes but not consistently which is exactly the problem
try {
    $confused = [ 5.5, 5.4, 5.3 ];
catch ( \Exception $e ) {
    // Did you mean to write JavaScript?
    echo $e->getMessage();
I was working on that scraper for a friend and was thinking - Composer, Cliex, Symfony components, Box.. this would have been unholy mess few years earlier
@kaiser new array syntax is nice, just can get a little confusing with massively nested arrays... on other hand its very nice for such cases as this: github.com/slang800/path
@Rarst undoubtedly!
If anyone ever comes up with an idea how to add terms or meta key/value pairs to posts in a single query: Tell me.
Hm. Actually meta isn't that hard if you simply add it by SELECT (...), {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value as {$key} where key is the col name. Nice.
SE network updates: The mobile site now uses a mini version of the improved topbar
posted on January 24, 2014

The mobile site now uses a mini version of the improved topbar

@kayser for meta, yes but need also a JOIN piece and GROUP by post ID (or you'll get duplicates. Adding tax is the same, just another JOIN pieced, another fields piece and another WHERE piece: write a custom query is just simpler.
or use an orm :)
@G.M. JOIN of course :) ... and GROUP BY $posts.ID is the default.
1 hour later…
Looks like PHPStorm now autocompletes WordPress hooks. This. is. awesome. http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-21369
@Rarst drool. must. buy.
maybe tonight i can play with it to get a handle. gonna be weird starting a new job on a new IDE
that's just made it into dev, but anyway!
1 hour later…
New Post : The Anatomy of a Great Stack Overflow Question (After Analyzing 10,000) http://bit.ly/1eMSa0R http://t.co/uEpjedps7Y
@Rarst And that now gets a special link in my comment snippet link. Thanks :)
note that it's SO centric however, some things don't apply
Hello @Rarst, are you there?
I followed that tutorial you showed me, exactly how it was shown. It somewhat worked, but for everything else I have to type example.com/wordpress/
else what else? :)
like wp-admin
or anything.
But the homepage loads up on example.com
well if your core is in subfolder, then admin will be there, it's hard limitation
I know, I put everything in the main, then I was able to log in. Why's this?
I reverted it back though (obviously).
WP doesn't do routing well/much. essentially admin works where admin is, it's not meant to be flexibly accessed from different URL structure
I'm guessing because everything routed via /wordpress/ and I'm guessing it'd take awhile to change all that?
it's involved to explain all the details :) a lot of murky path and URL handling going on
Not dogging on them or anything, but you'd think they would've made this option available. :/
@ALL Problem: Need to sort terms. WP ain't got term meta. Any idea how to implement that otherwise? Aside from (again) misusing the description as serialized container for tax "meta", anyone got any idea on that topic?
I already was at the point to offer a menu to do that kind of user defined sorting :P
...or screen options?
terms or taxonomies?
problem is that the order would be user defined. no "real" logic behind that.
custom table
blog_id | tax_id | term_id | priority
or just table for term meta... they should really just ship it
currently thinking about a single option entry. table for ~10 terms would be too much.
Is there an easy way of telling which template something might be in?
@ErraticFox define "something"
@boscho - Hang on, can you seriously not ctrl + z something after pressing 'Update File'?
@boscho - I meant would it be possible to some how detect or have an idea which template something would be in if I used 'inspect element'?
you could try What The File
What the File sounds somewhat more comprehensive
the only really comprehensive way is get_included_files()‌​, but I don't know a plugin using it yet
I started on one, then got sidetracked
Thank you, one more question (now I'm only good in html and css, not php). When I remove a little if else statement for the subtitle in the header.php, I get an error loading the page.
@Rarst that's awesome. I was totally unaware of this function.
sigh no one is. no one is.
Well, I remove the whole if else statement for the subtitle because I don't want a subtitle.
Do I disable this somewhere else?
@ErraticFox you could just remove the tagline from Settings > General
@boscho - No, it's nor the Title or tag line.
Without actually seeing the code for your theme, it's hard to say how to remove it, or why you receive an error when you alter the PHP logic.
The theme might have additional options in Appearance > Customize
WP_Post is anything but final.
You just have to shuffle the chars around to get it right: WP_Post is fail.
	 * Create an almost empty WP_Post object.
	 * @return WP_Post
	private function get_dummy_post() {

		$dummy            = new stdClass;
		$dummy->post_type = $this->post->post_type;

		return new WP_Post( $dummy );
doesn’t even contain the blog ID. meh
@toscho where's that from?
I need an array of WP_Post objects, so I wrote that to fill missing posts from remote sites. Multilingual Press
Is it possible to hide a piece of code in a if else? I've tried /* */
Wait it's <!-- --> isn't it?
@ErraticFox for PHP
@ErraticFox for HTML
@ErraticFox start here
Please read that bullshit in Codex... polepalm. User just posted new question on main about not existing offsets.
@boscho I forgot php has similar traits to html.
@ErraticFox it doesn't...
PHP is a logical scripting language, HTML is static markup...
@boscho - Codecademy said it was...
@ErraticFox off the top of my head, CodeAcademy is a liar. But I don't actually know what they were referring to.
Well maybe the fact that it uses the greater than, less than sign?
if ( 1 )
	echo 2;
	<!-- else -->
	echo 1;
@boscho some might say it's a templating language
@kaiser I might call it a "static template language" in order to avoid using a verb - a verb herein implying that the language actually does something. PHP is a "templating language" because it is capable of generating templates. HTML is a "template language" because it only defines static elements, and is incapable of doing anything on it's own.
$posts[] += $post->ID;
flushed from codex. not everything in this world can be improved.
@boscho I simply call HTML a syntax
@kaiser I call it a Markup Language. Not only is it a logical classification for the language, it's half of the acronym, lol
reacted on chat flag in other room. annoying guy now constantly pings me... sigh
new flat
tower computer setup, and I notice I can hear adverts coming from my speker, but theyre quiet, much quieter than everything else
And again I'm playing the "digging down the rabbit hole of filter execution order"-game. At the moment I'd be more happy if someone would just shoot me in my foot.
muting chrome in the volume thing doesnt stop it, only unplugging my speakers or turning them off
@TomJNowell Are you sure it's coming from Chrome?
i turned up the bass on the speakers and its louder now
it sounds like radio
sure you're not going nuts?
its definitely happening
I heard an autoglass repair advert before
hint: Make sure that cables aren't rolled up or crossing each other.
now its playing a song
I have no stereo or other equipment to cross with
lol, sounds like you need some magnetic shielding
you built yourself an antenna, that's all.
just separate the cables one by one.
Ive set my speaker volume dial to zero and I can still hear it
sure you can.
it gets louder as I move the cable, so I have a makeshift AM radio?!
that got nothing to do with having a radio there
yeah, you could call it that :)
anyway, just separate the wires. don't leave a mess behind your desk.
Ok what is this WPKindness thing
hmm i see i see
a glint of good in the evil realms through which we wage.
@boscho you play D&D don't you?
lol, caught me :P
i played, my group broke up though
I've been 1,000 miles from my group for a while, sadly, haven't played in many months. My roomate was a physicist and wrote his own space campaign - totally hooked me on the game.
well, that and rescuing a hostage by storming a village with a flying bear as a druid much to the frustration of our DM - that was epic as well :P
1 hour later…
@TomJNowell Figured it out or still listening to Britney Spears?
@kaiser the wires behind my monitor are unjumbled, hasnt made much of a difference
so I turned down the bass till I couldnt hear it and played music
have you moved the speaker cables away from anything else and separated each and every wire? and made sure that you didn't role them?
I made sure they werent twisted together or in knots
put some space in between them.
there's a thin wire for the 2 speakers, 1 thick speaker wire, one that goes to the tower for input, I've unplugged the mic connector, and there's a mouse wire
and I did that too
The thin cable normally is the remote cable.
Per default only used for stuff like old car radios and amplifiers or active speakers that have built in amps.
Could you upload a photo of that wiring?
the thinnest cable goes to the other satellite speaker
Do the speakers have knobs on it? Turn up volume, etc.?
2 dials, volume and bass, bass only impacts the subwoofer, volume is standard
volume has no effect on the radio thing
But now we know that you got active speakers, hence the thin remote cable.
And there's one thick wire? Where is this plugged in on the other end?
the two smaller speakers have 3 other cables
You can try stealing some ferrite beads from old cables and adding them to your audio lines, if they don't already have them attached.
one that plugs into the subwoofer, a mains cable, and one for the input on the computer
this is on the smaller speaker witht he 2 dials and the power button
Can you somehow link to the product somewhere? Hard to imagine.
You made really sure that I need 5minutes to wrap my head around that ... perspective matters! :D
One problem is the power cable to the sub. Make sure it doesn't cross the other cables.
(If you really got ferrite beads as @boscho mentioned: use them)
probably do but theyll be at my parents house I moved out of this morning XD
I got it to an undiscernable fuzz, so that'll do for now
I may just buy new speakers someday, but I want it to be alright sound
fancy nice sounding speakers with good base come with free complaining neighbours
Your best bet is eBay.
Audiophile people get lots of new stuff all the time. Grabbing some decent Linn or something like that is normally cheap. Especially when you're from the U.K.
This is what I got for 150€ some years ago. Best thing ever. Go as loud as 88db which is much too much for what I can turn up here.
those would be good purely as furniture
just as furniture to look at
not really. got them that cheap as they got scratches. I bought them because of the sound quality. they live their lives in a small bookshelf anyway.
Cat. Get a cat. Or five.

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