I want to save list of ids. Should I save each in a new row? I might need to search via those ids, so serialized or comma separated is not a good idea.
Once he's actually the one who take most of decisions on WP, normally I listen to him to be "updated", and normally I get frustrated everything he says... and then I ask myself... WHY?
Thank you so much! That explanition is really well wrote, now I can understand it. Oh, about $_GET, I have already switched to $_POST, which is more secure. Now I'm unsure about where should I use this code, I put it on the functions.php but the syntax wasn't right. Could you help me a little more? Thank you again! — Henrique Foletto2 hours ago
@userabuser User asked to delete it and it was just a Vagrant/VM problem.
@Rarst already using... currently use, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3... I get mixed up on some projects and push 5.4 code to 5.3 instances via git every now and then... progress aint easy.
I was working on that scraper for a friend and was thinking - Composer, Cliex, Symfony components, Box.. this would have been unholy mess few years earlier
@kaiser new array syntax is nice, just can get a little confusing with massively nested arrays... on other hand its very nice for such cases as this: github.com/slang800/path
@kayser for meta, yes but need also a JOIN piece and GROUP by post ID (or you'll get duplicates. Adding tax is the same, just another JOIN pieced, another fields piece and another WHERE piece: write a custom query is just simpler.
@ALL Problem: Need to sort terms. WP ain't got term meta. Any idea how to implement that otherwise? Aside from (again) misusing the description as serialized container for tax "meta", anyone got any idea on that topic?
I already was at the point to offer a menu to do that kind of user defined sorting :P
Thank you, one more question (now I'm only good in html and css, not php). When I remove a little if else statement for the subtitle in the header.php, I get an error loading the page.
@kaiser I might call it a "static template language" in order to avoid using a verb - a verb herein implying that the language actually does something. PHP is a "templating language" because it is capable of generating templates. HTML is a "template language" because it only defines static elements, and is incapable of doing anything on it's own.
And again I'm playing the "digging down the rabbit hole of filter execution order"-game. At the moment I'd be more happy if someone would just shoot me in my foot.
I've been 1,000 miles from my group for a while, sadly, haven't played in many months. My roomate was a physicist and wrote his own space campaign - totally hooked me on the game.
well, that and rescuing a hostage by storming a village with a flying bear as a druid much to the frustration of our DM - that was epic as well :P
there's a thin wire for the 2 speakers, 1 thick speaker wire, one that goes to the tower for input, I've unplugged the mic connector, and there's a mouse wire
Audiophile people get lots of new stuff all the time. Grabbing some decent Linn or something like that is normally cheap. Especially when you're from the U.K.
This is what I got for 150€ some years ago. Best thing ever. Go as loud as 88db which is much too much for what I can turn up here.