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@TomJNowell I know, and that works well, but surely it shouldn't be enabled all of the time?
@Rarst Projects aren't that big, and it is not only slow at startup
A: WinterBash 2013

balphaSince it's not really a secret anymore: Winter Bash 2013 will start on December 16th. Here's a little teaser, with apologies to Marco and Laura: (Yes, this year you'll be able to customize the hat's position on your avatar.)

1 hour later…
Oh darn..so close. Any help guys?
Q: BuddyPress: Show male members in directory if viewer is female + vice versa

AliyahI need to filter the members directory based on a custom profile field. When viewing the members directory I only want the women to see the men and the men to see the women listed. How can this code be expanded with conditionals to accomplish this? class BP_Custom_User_Ids { private $c...

Heterosexism is a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships. It can include the presumption that other people are heterosexual or that opposite-sex attractions and relationships are the only norm and therefore superior. Although heterosexism is defined in the online editions of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language and the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary as anti-gay discrimination and/or prejudice "by heterosexual people" and "by heterosexuals", respectively, people of any sexual orientation can hold such at...
hey @toscho
2 hours later…
I don't see any chat link on main site top bar.. why was it removed? :/
@Sisir it's now next to the site name under the StackExchange dropdown. Why was it removed? Who knows…
5 hours later…
@bungeshea What version of Java are you using? If you're using the Open JDK I think there are known issues of slowness with PHPStorm (and all the other JetBrains IDEs). You could also try making PHPStorm run in 32bit mode - that can help with memory saving
@anu I'm pretty sure I'm using the commercial version of Java from java.com. I'm not entirely sure how to force PhpStorm to run in 32bit mode, but I'll give it a try, thanks!
java -version
there are -d32 and -d64 flags
check your memory too, PHPStorm may be nearing the full size of the heap allocated to it
my site is showing the plain php files instead of rendering them?
Apache barfing
any way to fix this?
probably?.. kick support if you have it
I called the support team and just in the same moment the site was live again
The site was only 5 minutes down and that was exactly the time I tried to visit it :/
this is worse than down, if you have wp-config.php in web dir it can be opened and db credentials / private keys lifted
@Rarst Jup, thx for mentioning :)
3 hours later…
so much for embedding …
@toscho we should add one for wpkrauts :)
@kaiser we aren’t very active there
why does active matter? It's about quality.
anyone used edit flow plugin (used on VIP) know if it allows for editing a post and saving the edit as "pending" for an editor with more permissions to publish?
@TomJNowell no issues in Laps dev so far? about to tag 1.1 and move on to other stuff for a while
not that I've noticed
how do you like new stuff?
it's nice, though I havent noticed much, aside from a red bar every now and again
true SAVEQUERIES for SQL bar
hmm well it's my live personal site, SAVEQUERIES may not be the nicest thing to enable
true :)
@TomHarrigan Any idea what's causing this? wordpress.org/support/topic/…
unfortunately piece of code for capturing query perfromance in WP is unhookable mess
@Rarst you could also do the loop_start and loop_end actions
@toscho So how often does that get flushed then?
@TomJNowell it does that already?..
Just seems like it would become enormous in file size rather quickly if not flushed semi-regularly.
ah yes it does
@toscho for public plugin?..
don't know, there are probably some obscure edge cases
and lastly, each bar has a time period, but not a beginning time
that would be zero?..
no, because core init happened after the page started loading, but not at the very beginning
to figure out how much time came before say the main loop I need to guestimate based on proportions and total elapsed time
it doesn't count from init, it counts from request start
but I think I see what you are getting at
I think I had an idea about line on top with scale, but had never figured how to work it in
hello brainiacs
@StephenHarris I just checked out your plugin. It looks nice/useful. How long did that take you to make?
@MichaelEcklund Event Organiser? coming up to two years now :)
Damn. Two years? Was that "off-time" development?
@MichaelEcklund Yup, My "job" is a PhD, so my time is flexible
if anyone is bored..
Q: BuddyPress: Conditionally filter directory based on Xprofile Field

AliyahMembers Loop Query <?php if ( bp_has_members( bp_ajax_querystring( 'members' ) ) ) : ?> Question: How can this function be integrated into the members loop so that Female members are served a directory of males and male members are served a directory of females?** <?php class BP_Cust...

I've got my first plugin in the works for the repository.
@MichaelEcklund cool, what is it?
Off-time development as well.
Content submission plugin
@Aliyah 250 rep huh
im desperate lol. plus ill never get up to 500 rep anyway so shrug
@MichaelEcklund Ah cool, so is that for example posts submitted for review by admin?
I know it's been done before, but in my honest opinion. They only do like half of what I would like them to do, or they're hard to use for not so computer savvy clients.
Repo is good for exposure, and it means you can quickly refine your plug-in. People aren't shy of giving you feedback.
@MichaelEcklund Same reason I started my plug-in :)
I'm definitely not using WP forums for support.
@MichaelEcklund Oh that won't matter ;). What's annoying for me is that some people track down the GitHub repo. I don't mind developers doing that - but when you get user requests :/ - clogs up the machine.
Someone once posted their credentials on a GitHub issue. They replied by email thinking it was private...
omfg..i just realized im in the loop..
Easy mistake to make when you're not tech savvy
I see
@Aliyah That was related to my previous comment, not yours :)
Oh sorry lol. I kinda figured that but I threw it out there just in case ;)
@StephenHarris you can assign custom labels. Then simply filter by label.
@kaiser Yeah I do, commonly "worksforme" label :)
@StephenHarris Isn't there a ".shignore" label?
If I say have_posts() on it's own, does it end the current conversation?
@kaiser Be handy if you could set it so that you can only post GitHub issues when you're activity on GitHub has reached a certain freshold :)
@kaiser I added a contributing.md but I don't think that helped much...
@StephenHarris like punching 500 devs to implement "client needs!!1!"-features? ;)
anyone ever see paged wp_query argument behave whacky when orderby is a meta_key?
doing an ajax overhaul of a find-a-doctor and my returned posts seem completely insane
@kaiser hehe, that's another filter: banned from posting issues if you're issue title contains any more than 1 exclamation mark, or contains an and ! and 1 adjacent to each other
Possibly scan the content too (outside code blocks)
Btw, @StephenHarris I'm pretty impressed how fast I'm able to set up a save dev and production environment with Grunt. Just added SASS/SCSS compile tasks, jsHint reporting and watch on top of that. Extremely smooth stuff. Love it!
Next thing when I'm done with the setup: Git subtree to separate branch for deployment. Guess that could end up as close to continuous deployment environment. Just JS-Unit tests would be needed on top of that.
what the hell, bbPress just craps its CSS on every page?! This is basic!
@kaiser Sure is! But I keep forgetting to run grunt watch...
Well, it's optional :)
CSS Lint ... ok?
1 hour later…
Ah, didn't know there where any screen options for this page. But they are all checked (Author,Uploaded to,Comments,Date ) — Steven 3 mins ago
No one knows about "screen options" in admin.
they should freaking redesign that feature for once instead of endlessly reskinning
I want to load/switch to a different template if the screen is > 768px --
No luck with: function home_mobile_redirect()
if( is_home() && wp_is_mobile() )
include( get_template_directory_uri() . '/front-page-mobile.php' );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'home_mobile_redirect' );
good morning to you too, @Commandrea
@Rarst At #wceu I saw the slides from Floor Drees durign her talk. Mess of 12 columns with broken words, etc. Talked to her afterwards and showed her that she can turn off cols in screen options. She's using WP since years, but hadn't ever noticed that feature :P
Ok... http://tommcfarlin.com/modular-procedural-programming-theme-customizer/ no Comment
Didn't there used to be a way to customize the height of your post editor textarea box thing so that it's always a certain height?
@kaiser any good?
Not really sure. Doesn't like Inuit.css it seems. And I couldn't find documentation for all the options. Just commented it out from the dev tasks and will get back to when I got more time.
@kaiser I'm guessing it has to run against the compiled css file(s) rather than the source scss files...?
Compiled: Yes. But not against compressed/concatenated/uglified. JSHint/JSLint chokes there as well. Won't work out.
did site name question got voted off meta front page or something? that doesn't quite make sense, negative votes don't make it unimportant
If, like some kind of science fiction flick, artificial intelligence can really be born from the internet "by accident" (miraculous conception?) -- it most likely will come from Google. And all it will try to do is suggest products you might find interesting :(
google doesn't bother with guessing anymore, I just get stalked with actual products from actual shop I browsed at
Has anyone noticed that a high rep user is now manually implementing [Capital P dangit](meta.wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/788/capital-p-dangit) on a whole bunch of questions and answers on the site?
i got served up a suggestion for a USB drive shaped like a glock, in russian language, on DealExtreme. haha google, i can't read russian!
@BenMiller just that? personally I consider that too trivial for edit and reject as such in review
@Rarst His rep is high enough that he's implementing edits without review.
well then only wastes own time, I guess...
the Don Quixote of SE
Mostly I agree. But often times, I'll go through to edit all of the capitalization and some of the grammar at the same time. Reading "i cant figureout what wordpress is doign" is far too distracting for me. But editing just for the sake of capitalizing "WordPress" ... I have to be in a weird mood to care that much :-) — EAMann Oct 25 '11 at 16:20
guess he's in a weird mood
Is there anyhow member can earn $bucks from stackexchange network ?
@Shazzad what is $bucks ?
@GhostToast I meant money
@Shazzad not directly. but by cultivating your online brand, creating a history of you being an expert and a helpful individual, it could lead you to good places down the road. either by happenstance or directly linking your profile in resumes, etc.
@GhostToast, Well, i do have a little small reputation as a WordPress developer locally and on Freelancing marketplace. But since few days, i really liked answering qs and were looking if i could take this as a full time profession, may be :)
glad you are enjoying answering questions. i like to think that e-karma may be a real thing, and by helping others, it can do no harm. at the very least you have points to use in a bounty if you are stumped and need people's help
thank you very much
@BenMiller as most of the people in here are high rep users and as we're not made out of glass, just tell the name. everybody in here can handle that :)
@kaiser guess what? my ajax wp-query was being modified by an admin-level pre_get_posts filter
i was stumped for a while until i remembered ajax is running admin-side
One of the reasons hitting a while from time to time. Either you learn it after the fifth time it happens or you just get used to it :)
@GhostToast Remember the discussion about promises? Nice article about promises in Angular.js Imo well explained.
Q: We need to improve the quality of our spam!

Undo the SnowmanRecently, I've noticed a downhill effect in the quality of spam posted on Stack Exchange websites. Take this as an example (found on Space.SE): There are a great many things wrong with this artifact: There is not one capitalized letter in the entire post. (-1 grammar point.) The only pun...

@kaiser yea i get it. never used angular though. so many libraries, cms, etc that get mentioned in here that i have yet to learn much about
I have a little question. Is running 2 wordpresses on a host make it slow?
@toscho thanks

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