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@ASCII-only because it doesn't, pls see video for brief overview of where things start to go crazy
@Downgoat yeah ok people aren't going to submit posts from the 16th century that won't be a problem
@Downgoat alternatively: use UTC if you're that paranoid >_>
i mean covering all cases is nice and all but it's not like anyone will care
@Downgoat oh also pls fix vote ui asap
its not bork its feature
@Mego the DBs timestamps don't seem to be UTC
They seem to be 7 hours ahead of actual time
@Downgoat :| so someone did conversion to utc on a utc date
DO droplet is in NYC is UTC-5 and I'm in PST, UTC-8 and none of those are -7 so not sure what is going on
Mego is CST, UTC-6
@Pavel but Downgoat isn't on Mego's laptop :P
though wait
it has to be code problem
since this is happenign on local server
Datetimes should be UTC
@Downgoat PDT is UTC-7
That means the server is giving me a "UTC" timestamp 7 hours ahead of actual UTC
which is weird
also my life is a lie
i always thought i was pst
turns out im pdt
oh actually looks like it's just daylight savings being a pain in the ass
DST is always a PITA
Let me figure out what's going on with server timestamps
server generates this timestamp '1523950817000' which is +14 hours (UTC-7 *2) ahead from when it was created
The server (and thus MySQL) use UTC
| 00:00:00                       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
I got that using .timestamp() on the SQLAlchemy's returned datetime, is it possible SQLAlchemy is doing funky stuff?
I wouldn't think so
time offset is doubled so likely two things are goofing up the time
What might be happening is that SQLAlchemy thinks it's a UTC timestamp when it's a PDT timestamp, and it is adjusting it twice
Check your settings for system time zone
| 2018-04-17 00:33:39 |
| 2018-04-17 00:33:53 |
| 2018-04-17 00:40:17 |
| 2018-04-17 00:40:50 |
| 2018-04-17 00:44:24 |
| 2018-04-17 00:45:04 |
| 2018-04-17 00:45:21 |
| 2018-04-17 00:57:04 |
| 2018-04-17 01:08:08 |
| 2018-04-17 01:09:34 |
yea DB is good, but SQLalchemy gives weird stuff
Looks like we might want pypi.org/project/SQLAlchemy-Utc
What in tarnation happened to PyPI
I like Axtell
it means nothing to the average user
Although, we still have a problem: what's the pronunciation?
@NathanMerrill axe-tell
or axe-tull
both are roughly the same
right, where is the emphasis?
the first puts the emphasis on "tell"', the latter on "axe"
I think more people say the former (including me)
Who cares how it's pronounced? It's a website - it'll be typed more than spoken
That being said, I pronounce it AXE-tell
@Mego If it gets popular: many people will. How people's names are pronounced occurs somewhat frequently here in chat, and many projects now indicate how they should be pronounced. 1 2 3 + Bonus
@NathanMerrill If it gets popular, I'll be too busy figuring out what we actually did right to worry about small stuff like pronunciation
You never know!
The existing options for codegolf aren't all that great
PPCG has all the SE problems, and anagolf has really strict formats for everything and limits what langs you can use.
tbf in anagol you can suggest new langs, for example there's hexagony
Yeah but there's not <that one language I invented yesterday>
Part of the reason I love PPCG is how much the community likes to design and showcase new langs
@Pavel similarly for code-golf.io, there's a small choice of langs, and very few challenges
Also: I don't like the idea of automatically verifying submissions. By it's nature that severely restricts valid IO formats.

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