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@JonLin Have you seen Eva 3.0?
5 hours later…
@Eric yes
saw it twice when I was in Japan
first time on opening day
@JonLin I'm so jelly xD
Japan is a lot of fun
had also gone there for opening day for 1.0 and 2.0
a few good friends live in Nagoya so it's convenient
7 hours later…
or he died yesterday?
think he died today although i'm not sure how late :)
Yeah i have forgotten too...
so by the looks of it today :)
1 hour later…
easter was also originally a pagan holiday
@JonLin Eva 13 doesn't have an AT Field, right?
@Eric mari does shoot unit 13 and it does go through... maybe eva doesn't have an AT Field since 2 ppl pilot it?
@Krazer Could be, but why? I'd think, if anything, that'd make it stronger.
Hey guys
Just figured I'd come in here and let you know about the chatroom for general cartoons & animated film that I set up, in case someone starts getting off-topic: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/8102/cartoons-animated-film
I figured that since anime was a rather limited topic, I'd set up a separate chat which was more for Western-style cartoons and animation.
Also, has anyone in here been watching Space Brothers?
@ShotgunNinja not me
I read the manga but haven't seen the animu
Aww. Well, it comes highly recommended, especially if you're a space-travel nerd like I am.
The anime is nice. While there's the occasional "Quality Van" style animation in a few sequences, it's still a great watch. The music is catchy and cool as well.
Aw crap, for some reason I now have the Arakawa Under the Bridge OP stuck in my head...
jesus (is probably in the air)!
are you sure he's not below ground?
nah I'm pretty sure that book says he rose
Q: Trying to find An anime I watched in the late 80s featuring sentinels and a gun (i think)

StevenAll I recall is the protagonists may have been kids (perhaps a boy and a girl). I seem to recall them either crash landing on an unknown planet, and constantly trying to outrun large spherical (probably red coloured) sentinels that were trying to kill them. I think the sentinels were Cyclops wi...

@ShotgunNinja I watched it for about 15 episodes, but I realized it was going to be pretty long so I decided to put off watching it until it ends.
@Krazer lol
@Krazer I wish I had a disposable computer to do just what that guy did. xD
@Eric you can, they call it a virtual machine
@Krazer I always worry about those having poorly designed sandboxes, though.
@Eric Oh, that'd be interesting; a virus rooting its way out of a virtual machine?
@Eric it also depends on what you want to do with it
@ShotgunNinja I wouldn't doubt it. :P But I'm the paranoid sort.
@Krazer Everything!
@Eric lets create the matrix!
or at least xanadu
@Krazer Yes! I will begin working on the pills.
tries Matrix, invents Summer Wars
tries Xanadu, invents Shangri-La
well, I'll be back later
Real life: That thing looks like it'd attack me if I pissed it off. Best to leave it alone.
Video game: That thing looks like it'd attack me if I pissed it off. Let's go piss it off!
@Krazer 3D at its finest!
1 hour later…
@Eric Mari says "No AT Field?" when she shots Eva-13
@JonLin But there's never a "why" explained?
not that I know of, there's a whole lot of why's that are never explained
That's why I never ask about Eva here. ;P
It doesn't necessarily mean Eva-13 can't generate one, but there was a barrier of some sort that Asuka tells Mari to take down, this was after things start to get crazy, she was just surprised that there wasn't an AT Field
So, if it can generate one, it just chose not to.
dunno, like you said, no explanation at all
was never said to have one, grepping through the script, "AT FIeld" was mentioned like 4 times through the entire movie
Man, that sucks.. :(
And I honestly doubt that it will be explained in Final.
We've been doing it all wrong!
@Krazer They're missing the "6" after "EXPLORER". xD
@Eric I wasn't aware you could browse the internet on that
@Krazer You can't. "Browsing" with IE6 is kind of like a child "driving" his dad's car without the keys in the ignition.
@Eric on meth right?
@Krazer lol, Probably.
why the hell would people give money to some lady's unremarkable child?
the mother is a multimillionare who makes the forbes list for domain squatting asking people for $20k...
@Krazer This is a real Kickstarter campaign?
For legit serious?
and that's just the icing...
There's worse stuff to mention that can be proven. The following is one of her old indiegogo projects.
Oddly enough, Susan's husband made an indiegogo project to get his kids off video games.
All 3 of their kids commented on and backed the project, but Mackenzie's account was deleted after this image surfaced:
@Krazer WOW
She lacks ethics, but I guess she could still love her daughter. Maybe acting like a morally bankrupt, gender-issue exploiting, leech of an Internet bottom-feeder is her idea of positive parenting
There are lots of parents that just give their kids whatever they want.
And being a selfish bottomfeeder means she can't give her own money to her kids, so, who better to ask than the Internet?
Maybe she went like: "if I manufacture some high-tension competition between my daughter and her brothers maybe it'll get her to compete and strive to win, like me! Hey sweetie, you'll never guess what your male-chauvinist brothers said about you this time! Doesn't that make you so angry you just want to get a bunch of strangers to give you money to prove them wrong?"
I think you're giving her too much credit...
That's optimistic of you, though. :P
Previously I was angry, but now it's sort of sad. I wish she hadn't uploaded that video. It gives the impression that her daughter IS unremarkable, doesn't care about going viral and getting $20,000, and doesn't have the creative spark we were led to believe she has.
I'm glad she did upload it and revealed the truth. I don't have any sympathy for her, especially after seeing that comment. It almost seems like the three of them are in on this moneymaking scheme.
Perhaps I'm being overly critical/pessimistic, but that's how it seems IMO.
The reality just seems to be she's an unremarkable, spoiled kid who was coerced into doing this...perhaps even with good intentions! Her mother probably does love her a lot...and through her eyes her (apparently) lazy, unmotivated, uninspired daughter is actually brilliant and a dynamic force for gender equality and creativity.
Maybe fabricating the whole "lol, your brothers say girls can't make games!" thing was her mother's twisted way of trying to rally her daughter into acting as inspired and creative as she believes she is. Despite the evidence to the contrary, which any loving mother would passionately devalue...
Let's just be hopeful people see through this bs.
@Eric that's too much to hope for
ppl these days need to be told what to think
@Krazer Indeed. :(
It's a bit sad, really.
I'm lucky to have been raised to think for myself.
@Eric You're not lucky, you're just awesome, like most Canadians :P
lol :D
One of these days, I must move to Canada.
@ShotgunNinja We have maple syrup. ;)
Real maple syrup~
china can do good knock-offs if they try
Oatmeal. <3
Indeed. Oatmeal is delicious.
The comic-producing website The Oatmeal is also rather tasty. Mmm HTML!
Matthew Inman is a force to be reckoned with
@Krazer Did you keep up with his whole fight against that lawyer?
@Eric yesh
That was some classic stuff.
@Eric Link please? I've never actually taken the time to read much about The Oatmeal or its creator.
@ShotgunNinja Here's the inception of the whole thing: theoatmeal.com/blog/funnyjunk_letter
I'll see about finding the rest of the story.
Eric's link is better
Part 2: http://theoatmeal.com/blog/carreon
Part 3: http://theoatmeal.com/blog/fundraiser_update
Part 4: http://theoatmeal.com/blog/charity_money
I'm so glad Carreon gtfo'd.
That was a victory for the internet and for people all around the world.
@Eric Yay~
@Krazer Are you off work today?
@Krazer Definitely an improvement over previous ones I've seen, lol. Some are so cheap and crappy that nothing even runs on them.
@Eric work? what's that?
@Krazer :P Funny.
I can take off now if I wanted
did you have something you want done?
Nope! Just curious, cuz' holiday.
@Mysticial Where are your legs?
Did you notice it before now?
Yeah, I've seen that one. I love how the downvoted answer is right. xD
> -1 for not enough jQuery. – James Westgate Apr 22 '10 at 21:32
> you suck. (sorry, it's part of the joke!) – Andy E Apr 22 '10 at 21:33
> I hate you all. – Matt Ball Apr 22 '10 at 21:46
^^ Beautiful...
Yeah :D
Speaking of which... I got 13 upvotes for a troll comment yesterday:
By the way :P
you edited
Me? I did no such thing!
@MadaraUchiha lol wtf that's a terrible answer
@Krazer It's a parody on jQuery
And the fact that people use it for practically anything, even if it can be solved in simple JS
Because they never bothered to learn any basic JS
That's sort of what happening with C++ nowadays.
Everybody learns only the top level stuff.
Where's the reddit comment link lead to?
And they understand nothing about how it works underneath.
@Mysticial Send them to Python. They'll be happier.
@Eric thanks xD
@Eric I think most of the rep in the C++ tags are from the poor sobs who's programs break and they know nothing about what's going on underneath.
@Mysticial Probably.
I mean, how could you not know about branch prediction?
One of the guys in the C++ room today. (A big time regular there) Just discovered it for the first time today.
He was like holy shit!!!
And everyone else was also like holy shit!!! How did you just discover it.
I think he was absent back in July. And by the time he came back, it had already settled and disappeared into the background.
@Mysticial I found it only after finding you. I was here when it was posted but wasn't much into the multicollider.
Your reputation precedes you.
No pun intended.
There's only about 5 places where you would've seen it:
1. The multicollider
2. The "hot/week/month" tabs. (http://stackoverflow.com/?tab=hot)
3. The recently active lists in Java and C++.
4. Reddit
5. Joel Spolsky's tweet.
And since you don't seem to be in either of those tags, it's unlikely you would've found it.
1. Nope
2. Nope
3. Nope (I go by "newest" in Java)
4. Nope
5. lol Nope
btw, Java is my second highest tag. fyi xD
Oh haha... I keep forgetting that Android cross-tags with Java a lot.
Yeah. It's also in my "favorite tags".
C++ never has been.
I used it when I was 14-17, and not since.
Then if you weren't around the moment it was asked, you wouldn't have seen it.
I think most of the traffic it gets now is from the all-time questions list.
Popular things get more attention due to being popular.
To some extent. You really need to get into the top 15 to get any noticeable traffic from the all-time questions list.
Most of the popular questions that aren't Google-bait, tend to level off and stop getting traffic.
Unless they are the highest voted answer on SO.
@Eric I don't think that even matters. There's no "sort by answer score" tab on SO. It's only accessible via search.
So it's the question score that matters.
The regex one is an exception because not only is it Google-bait, but it's also part of the culture in the earlier days of SO.
@Mysticial Which regex one?
@Eric Bobince's 4k parsing html with regex answer.
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

Even Jon Skeet cannot parse HTML using regular expressions.
It's one of the most epic things ever written on Stack Overflow. Ever.
@MadaraUchiha I'd argue it is still the most epic thing written on SO. Since the lock denied it a lot of votes.
Mysticial got lucky his answer never got auto-CW'd.
I wish there was a way to only disable comments on a post, without actually locking it
@Eric It came late enough where they stopped auto-wiking things just because of popularity.
Tim Post even left a (now deleted) comment saying that if it got wikied from edits, that I should flag it and the mods will remove it.
@Mysticial Branch prediction is one of the things I kinda figured out by myself
Even without all the technical hoohaa "flush the pipe blah blah"
Whatever is most likely to happen needs to be the most accessible, it makes sense in real life, it makes sense in a program.
But it's not obvious to everyone.
Nothing is obvious to everyone.
There are people to whom operator precedence is not obvious.
I think a big part is that a lot of people don't realize how complicated CPUs are.
They think A || B && C will just parse however the hell they want it to.
@Eric Dude, that shit is not obvious at all.
It's obvious that it has to be considered.
Watch this ^
Basically, the ability of a programmer to learn and deduce by himself is crucial
And I'm seeing more and more "developers" who just don't have it.
When someone asks me "Will this work? <code here>", he's not a developer.
@MadaraUchiha Indeed. I see this a lot in the Android tag, idk where else it's prevalent.
@Eric PHP, jQuery
Possibly more than Android
@MadaraUchiha So basically, the first sentence of my answer was actually sufficient for you.
@Mysticial Definitely
If you were to say "Your branch prediction is wrong"
Do you know what I'd do?
I'd do two things
1. Comment that you should explain yourself better
2. Look it up on Google.
It's that simple, and people just don't get it
People often asks questions that if you googled their titles, as is, you'd get the answer in the first result.
@MadaraUchiha I love when I answer a question perfectly, then people proceed to comment more questions that either a) should be obvious or b) should be Googled.
I'd say that the wiki article about Branch Prediction is pretty hard to grasp to someone who doesn't know any hardware.
We've reached a state where if I take every single new question on and downvoted it
I'd be right approximately 85% of the cases.
If not more
I hate the PHP tag.
90% of it is about CakePHP or some other bullshit.
We've made the , complete with a browser extension, and chat discussion to help mitigate the problem
Yeah I saw that.
Shit gets real there...
It's effective, I'll give it that
That's effectiveness right there ^
@Eric Did that MSO post about Google indexing ever get made?
@LoganM I don't think so. But, since @MadaraUchiha and @Mysticial are here...
What MSO post?
@MadaraUchiha the MSO post that never existed concerning how Google indexes SE questions
What specifically do you want to know?
@MadaraUchiha certain question never got indexed on Google from what we could tell, and we were trying to find the find out why
@Krazer Hmmmm, compile a few examples and ask away
Ok I'll see if I can find them
Q: Why did Orb develop the GUNDAMs?

FadewayAt the start of the MSGS, Orb is shown to be hiding the Gundam development program; they may even be the ones who initiated it. They are also later shown to be developing the mass production model's OS and training the first pilots for the frame. Why is a neutral nation producing the Federation'...

@LoganM are you aware of any other questions? the Moth and the Bleach filler on got indexed.
Q: Why does the color of the Kazekage's garb change?

kuwalyIn the beginning of Naruto, the Kazekage wears blue clothing: When Gaara becomes Kazekage, the color changes to green: Is this ever explained, either by the show or by one of the creators?

The kiyosumi one got it's title fixed
I can't seem to find any notables ones, how about you @Eric?
Except the two above, no. It seems they indexed a bunch of stuff in the last 24 hours.
vote up people
@JNat which one is ours?
@Washu All the ones that say "Anime & Manga". Or any uploaded by JNat. :P

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