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*whips out the IQDB Wand* come on Danbooru
character tags should be there to be sure
didn't know who the girl is ontop of Jean. guessed Jean and Lisa because of hair color (and they appeared when i looked up Jean x Lisa). Klee i compared the hair to @SPArcheon image, particularly the Ahoge
IQDB is an amazing resource.
Only problem is that it doesn't access images on the sites it scrapes that are limited to accounts.
(I think Danbooru is like that)
sorta makes sense since it might not have access to those images aswell
not sure if SauceNao is any different in that regard
ah yeah; fischl was the most recognizable because of that hairstyle and the eyepatch
lisa x jean is not too hard to guess and subsequently klee xD
@Memor-X It may improve performance but it decreases accuracy.
2 hours later…
woo lumine x amber \o/ lol
i may not be playing Genshin but i do love the cute yuri people keep making up
@hyper-neutrino You were right. I just flagged a commet that said "Thanks my dude.." and it was auto deleted.
Q: What is the SE version of Seven Dirty Words?

user259867Caution: R-rated language Some words, when present in a comment, make it eligible for instant, automatic one-flag deletion. Out of the seven words you can never say on television, only appear to work this way. But then there are other, Stack Exchange-specific dirty phrases: accept rate or ...

Woah, that question body made me laugh lmao.
The last spoiler tag, at least.
Is it okay if people continuously ask questions that lack research? (not to call anyone out.) For example, I answered this question and got it accepted and 2 upvotes. I don't even have any knowledge on the Black Clover series, yet I easily answered this with a mere Google search.
Shh... It's free rep letting you get closer to moderation duties.. nobody is complaining.
Anime and Manga SE needs more people at that range.. 3k has very little participants.
Well, IIRC you can get banned for low quality contributions. I guess if you keep on doing that (asking low-effort questions that can be answered with google searches) you get banned. I only answered because it was easy to, get free rep, and help the dude out.
Well I typically don't see many high rep users other than mods and extremely active users.
I'm 1,730 rep away from 3k. 173 upvotes.
@Memor-X :blushes red faced..
@Memor-X That image isn't too far off from what heaven should be..
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ Just keep pushing onward. you'll get there eventually.. Rep gain here is a lot harder than what I'm used to..
Of course it ain't. It's not as active as places like Stack Overflow and Meta where it seems there are a billion users. I think our amount of users is only 5 digits.
@Memor-X that's adorable :D
even upvotes are scarce.. tbh, having a higher upvote-post ratio wouldn't hurt..
The privileges page shows to get to all moderator stuffs, you need 15K rep. 15K-13730.
no, it's 20k
idk why extended deletion privileges isn't listed as a "moderation" privilege but it is
trusted users?
On A&M? I see 15K.
at 20k you get to vote to delete answers
10k only gives you questions and view deleted posts
Trusted users get a lot more data on the site workings and extra deletion powers.
Well, I guess that shpuld be moved to the moderator page? :P
@SafdarFaisal I need 1373 upvotes to get to the 15K or 20K (whatever) reputation for mod privileges..
@ 20k i think it is vote to delete posts at -1 instead of -3..
3k is good enough.. closing is more important, there is an auto-deleter known as Roomba which deletes closed questions with no answer..
at 10k you can view deleted posts and vote to delete closed questions
Posts at -3 become lighter IIRC. I think it'd make more sense if the downvote got to 3 instead of 1. Especially since some people downvote out of spite/hatred.
at 20k you can delete answers with a negative score, vote to undelete answers that weren't mod-deleted, vote to delete questions at -3 immediately after closure, and edit tag wikis without approval
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ you need 3 votes to delete anyway
you need 3 people at 20k for that to happen.. now 3-vote close makes a lot of sense on small sites. Faster closing means earlier auto-deletion
I suggest we always make tag wiki's required to be reviewed by mods. (on A&M atleast.) Lurking has informed me that a lot of people like plagarising without crediting the OG source when making tags. So I think it'd be more practical for mods to review it. Just because you have high rep doesn't necessarily mean you won't plagarise, I guess.
yeah, this site seems to have a low amount of (active) privileged users (and just activity) and there were a lot of posts being closed by mods which is usually an indication of a problem
3-vote close makes a lot of sense here i think
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ lol, which image? because my first thought of heaven is the Akuma Homura/Madoka-Kami one
You thought right :/
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ well, the point is higher rep means you can be trusted more, and the reason SE works so well is because of community moderation and trusting users who make positive contributions and maintain a good record
if you notice plagiarism, alert a mod, and that may warrant a warning/suspension
Yeah, I get that. That's why they say reputation is like a count of how much the community trusts you. But you never know. I could be the most devoted worker at the local bank and rob the whole place the next day. I guess that's what I'm tryna say.
what do you mean by tag wiki's edited daniel?
y'all only have 9 trusted users and 7 with all privileges (not special-casing mods), code golf for example has 71 trusted users, 49 with all
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ of course. but the system has to rely on trust
"beyond the laws of time and space is the lonely seat of god. unmaker of the universe, she waits time unmeasured for her heaven to be compete, for when the second throne is filled by the devil who stole her heart"
i mean, the existence of elected volunteer moderators demonstrates that perfectly :P
@SafdarFaisal At a certain rep amount you can create tags. But if you're too low, it requires approval to add a tag description. So say an unknown series has a question asked on A&M. You have to tag it a tag that never existed, and you have to edit the tag to add a description. That's what a tag wiki edit is. Editing a tag's description. I think that's what it is.
You need to have 5k rep to review such edits iirc.. So currently it's still the mods that do it..
Unless you have 1.5 k rep, i don't think you are allowed to make tags.. number might be off here.
Do you mean 300, lol?
You need 300 rep to make new tags.
300 rep is a lot here.. atleast for me.. with just the association bonus..
like if it's your own question. if you're editing another's to have a new tag you'll need editing permission you'll need 2k - anime.stackexchange.com/help/privileges/edit
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ I thought the privilege was tied to tag synonyms at 2.5 k.. silly me.
@SafdarFaisal I used to think that having reps in the hundreds makes you high rep or a demi-god. Then I checked out Jon Skeet's profile. My entire beliefs did 180.
the 1k privilege is by far one of the most underrated QoL privileges you get.
if the cap didn't exist jon would probably be well into several mil by now
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ SO has inflated rates on everything.. Just not rep cap
some more Lumine x Amber

Actually that was discussed when some other guy reached the millions and Jon made a comment on that.
a shame that twitter doesn't one box
> i've discovered a new religion (from first post)
i may be atheist, but...
Nerinn seems to be a Lumine x amber ship.. I have no complaints.
the Church of Madoka welcomes all who love Yuri
regardless of which universe said yuri is in
Yuri is practically a religion. You should worship all images you see of it.
my friend's discord server is still called 三玖教会 (church of miku) lol. i forget when it was changed to that but it's been a while :P
Google Translate calls that "Sanjiu Church"
For whatever reason.
because it doesn't recognize 三玖
and 三 is more commonly read さん (san)
み (mi) is kun'yomi reading i think
Yeah. Google Translate can be surprisingly inaccurate sometimes.
it says "sanku church" for me
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ more or less. just that Madoka's chosen as the Goddress because she "became God to save her lesbian girlfriend"
and Homura became God out of Love
and pressing the "read aloud" button on the japanese side actually pronounces it correctly as みくきょうかい (miku kyoukai)
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ eh, not really surprising. japanese is a very complex language
with all the readings and the word order isn't always that translatable into english because the design philosophies and structure are totally different
there was this meme image showing like 3 or 4 images of characters and "[Action] god to save your lesbian girlfriend", can't remember the last ones but

Madoka was becoming god
Symphogear was fisting god
Mhm. I can understand why. Say a word is said like XYZ when said alone, but when you plug it into a complex sentence, it might be said like YZX. It can be hard to translate stuff like that.
@Memor-X lol tf xD
if Nanoha was in it i can imagine it being '"befriedning" max level god'
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ yep. the same kanji having an on'yomi and a kun'yomi reading is rather annoying :P oh and that's if you're lucky and it only has one of each...
@hyper-neutrino Symphogear joke because fisting = punching
and one of the translated titles used fisting
Woah, my flag aged away. I've never seen that.
mm ngl I interpreted that differently...
It's self-explanatory but I didn't know it existed.
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ yeah, if certain flags are left unhandled for too long they just expire
@hyper-neutrino lol, i know, that's the joke. people think of that fisting first
@SafdarFaisal Thanks to your motivational motivation, I've now gained 30 rep. I'm getting closer :D
@Memor-X lol :P i mean i'm not gonna pretend i'm not somewhat dirty-minded sometimes. but here it kinda made too much sense to take that interpretation of it :P
i think comment flags expire... i forget the exact mechanism for it
i'm willing to bet a ton of flags aged away during the one year or so where our site only had one mod
close / reopen votes can also age away, and likely their respective flags
Q: When are moderator flags automatically dismissed as "aged away" by the system?

user215114Moderator flags can be dismissed as aged away. What does this dismiss reason mean? What causes flags to be dismissed with this reason? Do aged away flags affect my daily flag amount? Can I cast a flag again if it gets marked aged away? Return to FAQ index

for those who have hit 10k and above, does 10k make a huge difference in how the site looks?
not most of the time
granted, i've gotten kind of used to being able to see deleted stuff
you are a mod, you can see deleted everything.. even comments.
yeah. only on my site though so idk how it'd change for A+M
@SafdarFaisal I'm lost. What do you mean by "does it make a huge difference in how the site looks"?
10k lets you see deleted posts
you get to see deleted posts, your review queues now show everyone's data, It's a major step up from before..
Oh. I don't think it will because I think you can't see deleted posts without saving the link. Not certain but I believe I read that on some meta page.
getting to 10k means a lot of dedication though. It's 5k rep with no extra privileges from 5k..
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ you cannot search for deleted questions so you'd need a link
but you can see deleted answers on undeleted questions
@hyper-neutrino isn't there an is:deleted search option available?
@SafdarFaisal deleted:1 is a ♦ mod thing IIRC
I see an is:accepted when I tapped the search bar.
But no other "is" or anything along those lines.
deleted:true, or as i shorten it to, deleted:1 is, as far as i can remember, a diamond mod tool
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ is:q and is:a
@hyper-neutrino Is there such things as mods without diamonds?
@Memor-X are you able to search for deleted questions? i don't think so but just making sure
> You also have a new search operator available to find your own deleted posts: deleted:1.
From the privileges page.. you can search at 10k..
> your own deleted posts
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ since the whole idea is the community can do moderation tasks, some people refer to anyone with a relevant privilege as a "moderator", or just any high-rep user
@hyper-neutrino just tried, unless i used the wrong syntax (i used is:deleted) i can't
so i explicitly mention the diamond here to indicate it's specifically mods who have the "moderator" status
best i can do is view recently deleted posts or remember their IDs
@Memor-X it's deleted:1 - AFAIK that should only show your own posts though, and I believe search for all deleted content is only a mod thing
> Note: only content you own is returned when searching for deleted content
or, deleted:true i guess makes more sense, but 0 is false and 1 is true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ah, okay, thanks
that's what happens when i use it
that's what i figured. thanks :D
unfortunately other than the site i mod, the next highest rep i have is 4.3k on SO, which gives me limited options for testing what being a normal user is like
What about A&M? You only have about 200 rep there, right?
I'm at 5k on my main site and the 5k privilege isn't all that useful.. So your SO account has a pretty good idea of what it is like..
218 on A+M
What 5k privilege?
approve tag wiki edits
between 3k and 10k there's a long stretch of pretty much no privilege gain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm in that brutal state. But 10k is worth the push..
Well, I wouldn't see it as useful unless there's that one user who drops in and gives a unique question with no existing tag. On A&M Tonikaku Kawaii is a prime example of that.
wow, this site has a lot of dead/synonym tags
What does? A&M?
is the standard to just make a new tag for every single media source?
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ yes
there are over 16 full pages of tags with no questions
(therefore synonym tags, unless one was killed in the last 2h 13m)
Well, I'm not that surprised.
yeah... quintessential quintuplets, formally has the name without "the", the jp name, and the jp name with 5 replaced with its reading as synonyms
all for one question, lol
I think most people may come to the site because of the popular series we have tagged. Otherwise, it's those identification requests that are tagged with random bs. Sometimes people come and ask what seems off-topic. For example, this question seems opinion based, plus only the author can answer it.
lol, what the hell.
In fact, I believe we get nuked with identification requests because those people don't know reverse image search exists. It stands to reason that the tag was blacklisted because it showed low effort.
SE is after all meant to build up a repository of info, not just be google 2.0
but yeah, 90% of "who is this character" questions are just "go to yandex.com lol"
Questions are upvoted because they show research and effort. I don't see any research nor effort when somebody shoves an image in your face and is like "here's the image. now find this anime." I'm especially confused considering image-only type identification requests were highly upvoted back when the tag existed.
I think folks that did that may have forgotten the purpose of upvotes..
possibly. a lot of people just upvote just about everything they click on (and the threshold to have upvote privileges is pretty low) and then stuff hits HNQ and gets even more upvotes lol
Well I suppose they just upvoted random stuffs in order to get voting badges. I could care less about badges so I forget what they're called.
vox populi is for using all 40 daily votes, electorate is for upvoting 600 times i think
civic duty is for voting 300 times
critic is for downvoting
nvm, electorate is for voting on 600 questions specifically with 25%+ votes on questions
which might explain it?
I've gotten the vote for 30 times badge. That was an accident. In fact, most of my badge awards were unintentional accidents.
since you need to upvote a lot of questions for that
suffrage is for using 30 in a day
My "Explainer" badge was an accident. I didn't even do it purposely.
yeah, most badges are like that
Where you edit and answer one question, and the answer score is higher than 0.
i'm not fond of some badges that have conditions that require some negative action
like peer pressure
fun fact: the generalist badge is impossible to earn on code-golf
Yup. Like why the hell is get 3 downvotes and remove the post even a thing? Are they encouraging bad posts?
Oh. You said that while I was typing it. :P
if you want to farm badges instead of obtaining it naturally, yep :/
of course, extrinsic motivation does always lead to some bad things
even the reputation system isn't perfect for encouragement - better than a badge requiring you to get downvoted though, lol
They say rep is optional because you don't need it to ask, or answer. You need more rep to answer hotter questions though.
why not think of it the other way, if you go through the pain of getting a -3 question, the peer pressure badge is like a small pat on tha back..
Yes. So I can remind all 124 people who visited my profile that I'm such an idiot that I posted something worthy of 3 downvotes, then deleted it.
In fact, the badge itself is quite contradictory. They say deleting negatively-received posts isn't reccomended, in fact, edit the post. Yet they reccomend just that from this badge.
Some badges are just consolation prize, like Peer Pressure and Tumbleweed
Also, some users use upvote as a replacement of "This is interesting" or "I like the question" regardless of the quality...
@hyper-neutrino partially due to anime.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2446/…, though I'll try to clean up some if I have time
@AndrewT. ah, okay i see. it is better to have a bunch of synonym tags so comparatively new users won't create a new tag by accident instead of using the appropriate naming
TBH having a bunch of empty tags at the bottom of the list isn't even that big of a deal. it is notable though that A&M has more synonyms than we have tags in total
Yeah, we're mostly doing preemptive tag synonyms for known Japanese/English/abbreviated name
yeah, that seems like a very good idea
Also, I noticed some dead tags, possibly because this site is exempted from single-use-tag clean-up, but the only question got roomba'd :/
I think single-use tags that have a tag wiki are now ignored by the script network-wide, so maybe it'd be worth revisiting that request? Just a thought
that way warranted tags can get a quick wiki just like linking something to do with the anime/manga or its full name and author or something, and crap/useless tags can just die eventually
4 hours later…
Somehow tempted to post a question, too lazy to open an account for just one thing
2 hours later…
what is it about? SPArcheon?
2 hours later…
@SafdarFaisal basically, a rework of this one
Q: Where did future Trunks go after the Goku Black Saga?

Achilleas PhilippidesWhere did future Trunks go after the Goku Black Saga? The planet was destroyed by Zeno-sama. So where did they head to with the time machine?

but a) some would close as dupe and b) there is no way to answer unless some "word of god" is involved that I don't know about
3 hours later…
That said, my personal head canon is that the Future Trunks from the Goku Black saga is the one that gets kidnapped recruited by Chronoa in Xenoverse.
(so, if Bandai was so nice to add Mai anywhere in the game, I could finally call that canon)
Q: Regarding the changing body of naruto?

Alex D'MatteIs naruto.. like pregnant or what? I saw him in Naruto and he is different in Naruto Shippuden. Is it like with hinata or sakura?

Like what the hell is this question lol
It's pretty bad... But was it intentional? Maybe it made sense to the poster. Who knows.
That is still there?
I remember someone ranting about that post...
I assumed it was deleted in the first hour.
> Is naruto.. like pregnant or what?
Of course he's different in Shippuden, he got bigger.
it'll get roomba'd in 6 days. i can't VTD but i see no reason to keep it. that said, it's also banished from the front page because of its score, it'd be mostly forgotten if people don't mention it
The question... it has to go IF I was to give you site users a suggestion, but you choice.
That said, they are ranting about NARUTO not looking the same?
The more money coming in, the better quality the animation will be. I don't see how Naruto looks any different other than getting taller and 4 extra hair bangs.
But wtf, why would they ask if Naruto is pregnant lol
i'd VTD if i had the rep. but i also don't think it's bad enough to mod flag it. i'll just leave it to get cleaned up or deleted by someone who can
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ nonono, I wasn't talking about the animation.
I meant... Hinata.
It is like saying that post time skip Luffy doesn't look the same... when Nami exist :P
Why do people try to gain rep from sockpuppeting when the IP of the account can just be checked?
Pretty stupid if you ask me.
most people don't know about the IP thing..
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ because if the ip can be checked there is stupidity ongoing by definition
People think they can get around us with sockpuppeting. I can't give away the details about our tools. All I can say is most people don't end up outsmarting us and the system.
"Before I sockpuppet to gain reputation from myself, which doesn't feel rewarding at all, I'd like to thank NordVPN for making this possible."
For some people it is rewarding.
@SafdarFaisal Well I thought it was common sense that people know whatever site you visit you get your IP sent to it.
Some people like a challenge, so they'll try anything just to see what happens.
Some people don't even really hide that they are sockpuppeting; wasting moderators' time or getting that attention is part of it for some trolls.
IMO getting reputation should feel rewarding. To know that you've helped many people on the site rather than stooping so low to upvote yourself to get rep seems kinda cool.
When rep is a gating to certain moderation powers it does get annoying if your main contribution to the site is via said janitorial work..
What do you mean by that? I'm not sure I follow.
Do you mean most of your contribution to the site is flagging, deleting, etc. rather than actually helping people?
it's a mix of both with the first one dominating..
I think I balance that out.I have 45 answers, and 11 questions on my main site. Whereas I have 39 helpful flags, 52 posts edited, and other moderation-like things I have acces to. (e.g voting)
I'm not against people who mainly contribute by moderating, because it helps the site. But it helps more when you actually answer and ask questions.
yeah.. mine is heavily on the other side 601 edits, 568 flags and 97 total posts.. :D
Also, I am on Chem SE where you have a lot more traffic.. It's just that the knowledge I have is not the greatest when it comes to chemistry but I enjoy participating there.
I'd say moderating and asking/answering are equally important. Without the latter, you don't have a site or content to interact with. Without the former, that content is cluttered with garbage.
Yeah. I only read manga and watch a select few of anime. These may be popular anime but when you search them up as a tag there's only about 3 questions on it. Jujutsu Kaisen is a prime example of that.
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, that's why I try to balance it out. I feel the sites goal has been destroy all identification requests, so it seems there's been more moderation than usual.
Yup, just as I thought. Jujutsu Kaisen is supposed to be the hit anime series or whatever, but A&M only has 3 questions on it..
It's not that long so it lacks plot holes and other things to ask about it. Unlike Naruro where you can find plot holes in nearly every arc.
@SafdarFaisal well you have 5,334 reputation on Chemistry.SE so I wouldn't say you aren't well-informed regarding it lol
I skipped chemistry in college, but biology turned out to be so much worse... I mistook it for environmental science, which I had enjoyed a bit in high school. And I actually fell for it twice, because the second biology class was subtitled "plants and animals" or something. Still mainly about potassium channels though. I liked physics though.
The real environmental science courses were scheduled too late at night for me. So was earth science, which might've been cool too.
What if there was a Meta for Meta?
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ questions about a meta site should be asked on that meta site, lol
meta-meta would be funny
but questions about meta are on-topic on meta
It would be infinite. There'd have to be a meta for meta meta and a meta for meta meta meta and so on lol
1 hour later…
Q: What is the age of The Witch of the Waste in Howl's Moving Castle?

AnimexpertWhat is the age of The Witch of the Waste in Howl's Moving Castle? I need to know for a project of mine.

The original source material for this is the book by Diana Wynne Jones. Has anyone checked if the answer is in there? I was going to check it out from my library, but all the e-copies are checked out already.
Could at least check if that 273 number appears anywhere.

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