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Q: Could the Elric brother's mother have been an alchemist?

OlmeaThe mother seemingly exposed to alchemy a lot must have tried it herself sometime. If anyone could be an alchemist that is. She might have been a state alchemist once who knows? If she was an alchemist she could have been a little help to Edward and Alphonse.

Q: Is senkets from Kill la Kill based off something?

Dakota I was watching Blassreiter and i noticed that the back of Hermann's jacket has the same eyes as senkets from Kill la Kill. Im curious if those eye patterns mean something or if they are just a playful nod from one anime to another. Thanks.

@Memor-X I probably am resistant to the idea of yuri couples having a child...
@nhahtdh why?
I wish I had been raised by a lesbian family
preferably none of them being any of my current blood-connected family
It's simply weird to me. Well, I don't have issue with futa being pregnant (since biological function of futa is completely made up), but for plain girls being pregnant just doesn't sit well with me
sperm banks are a thing
and besides not all girls are incapable of impregnating other girls.
Well, the thing with yuri couple is that we are supposed to fantasize that they are together, and a child with sperm from donor simple destroy that fantasy
3 mins ago, by Ave
and besides not all girls are incapable of impregnating other girls.
this still applies.
not if they're born as girl, like Madoka and Homura
well we never saw genitalia of them canonically soo
You never know
uh, no. In anime girls are born girls unless stated otherwise
@nhahtdh to be honest that's why i prefer futa over sperm donor or adoption even though there are purists who would say it's not shoujo ai/yuri then. the idea that one is a futa means all genetics are between just the couple
though adoptions are ok if we never learn about who the father is, like Nagisa from Madoka or Vivio from Nanoha
@EarlGrey but in Madoka it dpeneds on which universe we are talking about because technically Madoka was born as an omnipotent law of the universe at the end
@Ave would be way more supporting of who you are. a shame that it wont automatically mean you would have been a girl from the start
@Memor-X so you're saying omnipotent law of the universe is not a girl
@EarlGrey sorta, maybe she is different from how we understand. maybe she can just touch a girl's stomach and magic baby inside
@Memor-X honestly I've come to accept and even love what I am, and I'm proud of it. Would my life be better if I was born as a girl? yes. Can I be reborn? no. So will I borher with "wish I was born as a girl"? nah.
I'll use my time up here well
by spending it with my cute lesbian relationships
after all, what do we consider as a girl? and would this still apply to a being of high existence who reveals she possible lacks all of this but is still a girl?
(after saying all that I should probably note down that due to hormones, I'm not capable of reproducing anymore, so... I've no chance of having that, actually)
@Ave *shakes fist of jelly*
You should do whatever makes you happy I guess.
and if it requires you to be a girl, then...
2 hours later…
@Memor-X that's no fun :(
@EarlGrey would it be more fun if she had to just kiss them?
well, atleast we know Homura is pregnant if that's the case
so how's things @EarlGrey
been sick for last few days. Still not feeling so well
@EarlGrey a cold?
not sure how I got it
@EarlGrey could just be the weather. southen side of the world it's starting to get into winter while northenside it's in spring and more temperamental than autumn
maybe, well at least I can stay at home for couple of days
although I can't do anything much beside sleeping
well wbu
@EarlGrey same here
@EarlGrey and catch up on anime and manga
@Ave \o/
@Memor-X not in first 2 days. I was just pretty much lay in my bed
Q: Exactly how did Whis bring *him* back?

Ero SɘnninIn Episode 131 of Dragon Ball Super, Whis brings Frieza back to life. How did he do it? This is more of a question seeking confirmation on Whis' powers. Is he capable of bringing back the dead, or was it some other technique coordinated with Beerus?

@Sakamoto spoiler in title, not in body :/
@EarlGrey i'm good. next week's payday and i'll finally have that 10k i wanted to save up for my new PC Build......just need to finish selecting the parts so it might still take time. oh and my 4 Goddess Online Purple Heart figures came in the other day but they are wrapped in one block on bubblewrap so don't want to ruin that at the moment so no pictures yet.
been reading Girl Friends, it's sorta a slow build but you see some of the shoujo ai/yuri feelings in there such as Mariko disliking it when she and Akiko went to a new class and Akiko was letting everyone call her Akko and getting everyone to call Mariko Mari-chan and Mariko actually wanted it to just be their names for one another
game wise i got half of my Main Menu fixed up. still got to show the "available support" and move some XGrid data to it's own little section. plan is to get it done this weekend so i'll share for some feedback
oh, new figure, nice
I'm kinda hesitant to buy another one. Don't have any place to put them
@EarlGrey lol, neither do i but i know i will one day. when that happens i'll be sure to share photos of my figures, display crystals, posters, soul gems and whatever other march i brought over the years
currently all i have set up is my Ultimate Madoka Figure and 3 sorta chibi Fate/Stay Night figures of Saber, Rin and Sakura which belong in a set
i took those 3 out just to set up on my External HDD by my computer. Madoka i had out when i tried to move out but when i came back we didn't put her back in the box
I only have a PC desk and a wardrobe in my room and my PC desk is already full of stuff
not gonna put them in my wardrobe where I can't see them
@EarlGrey i have this sorta wardrobe next to my desk with glass window door. but you can't open the door properly because of the desk so you can't get anything in or out and that's where Madoka is. my external HDD sits ontop of my speaker sub so the smaller figures are high up away from all the crap on my desk
so how did you get them in then
and out
@EarlGrey when she was bought from the place i could have moved to my mum was also bring the computer desk, so i put her in there then set up the desk
@EarlGrey i will have to move the desk to do it. that'kk more likely happen when i do get the room for a proper computer room
computer room? separated with your bed room?
I put my pc desk right next to my bed I can't imagine how I have to walk to another room just to get my pc
@EarlGrey ideally yeh. the idea would be that i can connect my TV and use it as a second monitor for playing PC Games that use a controller or have a TV Tuner set for watching TV
@EarlGrey that's currently how things are for me at the moment but with all the figures i have and i want them with my pc it ain't going to all fit in my current room
get yourself a bigger room
is this user have broken picture image for his profile user picture pixiv.net/member.php?id=241218
huh yeah seems like it
@EarlGrey that too
I moved several times and my room are getting smaller lol
1 hour later…
so today it's been reported that last week one of the site manager of Yuri-project died.
> While I'm still trying to get in touch with her spouse, I feel I should delay no further the sad announcement that

Ana, known here as Phyis, has passed away on 27 March, 2018.

Ana mentioned to friends and in messages here that she was struggling with her health, she passed away at home with her wife.

Ana took over running Yuriproject in 2013 with technical expertise and a very active role in scanlating manga. In my communications with her we talked mostly about hobbies and it was obvious she was a person who was quick to become deeply passionate in her interests in a variety of areas.
we could could to the cinema???
@Ave I just woke up and it's already unbearably hot in here
@nhahtdh I don't think the supposition is such. As with all fantasy, you're probably supposed to think they somehow magically figured out a way not to involve a third party for the conception to occur, unless maybe the third party is some magical "let's gechu girls pregnant" friendly doctor-magician
@Ave jelly intensifies
@Memor-X aww
and now back to the feelsville
user image
French capital to host samurai parade in October #nhk_world_news https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20180406_18/
cc @Morwenn @Dimitrimx
i'm pretty sure you're both in france
@mirroroftruth yosh
@Taisho is she stunned by seeing me (*^*)
user image
french school
@EarlGrey Girls und Panzer?
@Taisho what
Uploaded (UTC): 02.09.2017 9:05:25 by (132581) Gao, tag: kuzu-no-honkai
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/bjgfxe.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/bjgfxe.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/bjgfxe.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/bjgfxe.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/bjgfxe.jpg
@Memor-X yea
@Taisho lewd
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gup/images/c/ca/Maginot_Girls.jpeg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gup/images/c/ca/Maginot_Girls.jpeg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gup/images/c/ca/Maginot_Girls.jpeg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gup/images/c/ca/Maginot_Girls.jpeg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gup/images/c/ca/Maginot_Girls.jpeg
@mirroroftruth no it's cute :3
@Hakase Well, like I said above, I completely agree that conception should somehow occur between the couple or only (or as you said, some magical third party enables them to do that between themselves).
Just that I can't fantasize it for yuri couple
@mirroroftruth how's that lewd >_>
@僕の彼女 i mean the stuff inside the link
the pic is not, she is beautiful
oh :p
the iqdb results :D
@僕の彼女 yea
@Taisho as i thought :)
@Hakase is that mean all boys are cool, i mean slim boys :P
@nhahtdh lol
@nhahtdh what about a fantasy yuri couple?
I came across an event for KonoSuba, where the female seiyuus mentioned that they saw tons of ad-lib and notes in Fukushima Jun's (Kazuma) scriptbook
I noticed the comedy style was somewhat snappier than other comedies
but I guess they did their best with the material they got
@mirroroftruth possibly
I mean who can tell
r u a slim boi
And the part where Megumin's eyepatch were pulled in the first few episode is largely ad-libbed
so they did the voice recordings before the animation was finished?
if I'm not mistaken that's not common
Animation can be at different level of completeness when they voice. At the very least, they see the storyboard
That's the case for almost all anime
@Hakase i am (⌐■_■)
Just that the lines when Megumin's eyepatch were pulled were ad-libbed
well… I'm not gonna rewatch it just coz of that but I'd like to see a vid of that clip
pffff laaame >.>
got myself hyped up for nuthin
@mirroroftruth I thought I was slim but then I saw some pics of ave and mor and now I don't think anything anymor
@Taisho she got a nice face design and an interesting voice
@Memor-X ;o
@Hakase actually i don't know what is slim, there must be criteria, like height and weight and so on
what is slim
baby don't feed me
@Hakase i can you hear voice form image, kokoro connects
@mirroroftruth in my eyes it's basically when you've got a flat stomach and thin legs that you have a noticeable gap between them and don't have any trouble putting on and wearing slim jeans
then i am, i guess
I've seen slim girls and guys like that and even though I always go jelly, I somehow worry about their diet and wellbeing and so I'm more comfortable in my current state
I think by the norms of our country's health standards I'm like 5-10% below the proper weight mark according to my age and height
that is not slim, they are underweight i guess
but idk how "standard" dude is supposed to look like so maybe the proportions would be way off if I were to fit the "norm"
@mirroroftruth yea I suppose so
in any case, I'm just happy I can be comfortable with my looks now
that is nice :)
I had a period of time in my life when I thought everything is bad and I should feel bad, but I've gained more life XP and now it's fiiine
so yea, get more XP
i think we all do have that period
i know it's very common for kids and adolescents to go through that
@Hakase how about 10 :D
10 XP?
that's like killing a moth?
@Hakase mostly adolescents
@Hakase talking about windows, :P
ah I don't like 10 coz it does whatever it wants when I don't want it to
reboots mostly
also, and this is very important for me, they killed off Aero glass
it's like so important I don't know why
(it's not :p)
I'm just very used to 7 and I feel like it's the same way it was when I was on XP for 4 years longer than I should have
@Hakase i know that pain
and by the time 8 released I finally hopped on from XP to 7
but it already had its SP1 by then
so I guess the situation is similar but not the same
i moved to 10 recently
my real problem with 10 is probably the fact that they are still fucking it up constantly without the goal to release a stable consumer version
it's like their free beta test all the time, forever and ever
might be
service packs are supposed to bring in stability patches
at least that's how it was for XP and 7
for 10 I don't think stability is ever on their priority list
so I just don't feel like frustrating myself when I can just stay on 7 for now
and then there's that cortana/telemetry bullshit
it's just not a pleasant thought
i am using 10 coz i got the key for the education version, just that
cortana doesn't work well, at least for me
I never paid for a windows license so that's not something I'd even think about >.>
the Everything search app works for me the best
wish they dumped their shit and just integrated it into windows already
me too never paid, got key win 8 also and now 10 :)
there are probably search provider mods to do that
remember they had this thing where you can upgrade any pirated edition to a license?
like why
i don't know
so they'd hook you up and get you into a paying mindset
like "I already have a license, maybe I should pay them for the office next"
actually i am using office 7
but also I guess they really wanted to move the hospital computers from XP to a modern OS
yes 2007 :D
they do the works for me
I used to sit on 2003 for the longest time
I think they released a XLSX → XLS compatibility packs to make the old versions work with new files
i don't remember using 2003
it's all the same really
I don't think they ever added any new functionality in these 13 years
except new theming options and a nice start screen
anyway, 2016 looks very nice
and I like the flat design there
and in the Visual Studio and related apps
like SSMS
nice slicc look
but I don't like metro UI in the windows explorer and every other app
they didn't design it with that in mind
i guess so
anyway I gotta get to work soon
maybe see ya in an hour
see ya
Q: Did Elsie caught the runaway spirit(kaketama) that was in Nagase Jun?

mirroroftruthIn The World God only knows 2(Kami nomi zo shiru sekai II), episode 11, around 23:00, we can see kaketama of Nagase, running away. After that there is no information about that kaketama. It also doesn't show, Elsie catching the kaketam. So, What happened to that kaketama? Did Elsie caught it?

i need halp
youtu.be/HFs4E-Znk0Y?t=174 what anime is this song from?
I mean I've listened to it somewhere
but can't remember where
sorry i don't know
@僕の彼女 y u block
it's the madoka magica opening
ya i got it
i think i have been skipping op and end a lot
mostly ending
I almost always never skip the op and eds, unless they are really shite
or I'm speed watching the whole series
actually i binge, so i usually skip op and end, if they are good, i download it and listen
@Taisho That armpit... noyce
@Gao the eyes, they are sad :(
@Gallifreyan shit, this is sad news.
@mirroroftruth not as sad as mine right now
> Hakuno just makes Sieg look like a magnum opus.
@Gao how sad
@mirroroftruth this sad:
@Gao lol ikr :p
@僕の彼女 miko shrine maiden has an armpit contender
wait, didn't mitsuha play the role of a miko in the film?
Nice Touhou reference?
@Gao yosh yosh
@Taisho oh it's from Scum's wish?
@Taisho what
Uploaded (UTC): 13.08.2017 15:27:24 by (132581) Gao, tag: kuvshinov
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://i.imgur.com/vDugfCr.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://i.imgur.com/vDugfCr.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://i.imgur.com/vDugfCr.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://i.imgur.com/vDugfCr.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://i.imgur.com/vDugfCr.jpg
oh no no no no no
@Taisho are you okay?
@僕の彼女 kimi no naha
i don't remember the name
@僕の彼女 yes it is
@僕の彼女 yea, it's scum's (my) wish
@mirroroftruth you need to ask her
@Gao i asked she told me
@mirroroftruth ... bad end
and why are you referring her with scum's wish
why i referred to myself as scum and what my wish is to see mitsuha stretching?
that is my question
don't we all wish to see mitsuha stretching?
ecchi thoughts not allowed
it might be taki, you know
@僕の彼女 where is blush
not that i mind
@mirroroftruth *//////*
@僕の彼女 you blush, you lose :D
but why you not cute
Q: So I'm not sure what the anime is called

Aiden WhittakerSo basically a while ago I watched an anime and I wanna watch it again but I can't remember the name of it at all, In the anime technology has gotten so great the people don't fight wars anymore they just send big ass robots, and there are like a group of three or four people who accidentally des...

Matsuoka (VA for many characters) really sucks at events, and he did tons of them over the year (SAO, NGNL, etc.)
In the NGNL0 event, he doesn't speak much, and Ai Kayano (VA for Sora) had to keep the show going
oh he did Higashi no Eden as well
He had a habit of sleeping in the middle of the show in several events
lol, maybe he is just tired
Yeah, but that is just very unprofessional
In events, usually one of the character's VA will do the MC role. He was the MC for several events, but he sucked at it.
In NGNL0 event, he drank the whole glass of wine and collapse on the table (still conscious) in the middle of the live show (NicoNico)
^This is GOLD
The whole playlist: youtube.com/…
Aoi Yuuki is so freaking good at drawing
@nhahtdh why don't i have the memory of most of the clip
who have thought of a pet bottle with straw in cap of bottle
Q: My name's Claude I'm a fan of all kinds of animes

Manuel claudeWho is rock Lee's parents or tenten and Hinata mom ?. In the show they don't show alot of parents . I used to think that might guy was Lee's father or a relative of some sort .

Q: Vampire Knight Timeline

buzybabaI was wondering if anyone knew over how much time VK covers before Yuki and Kaname leave, so from the beginning of the story (Night 1) to when Kaname and Yuki leave after the battle. Keep in mind I have only seen the anime. I would guess this first part covers one or two school years. The 2nd Nig...

@Sakamoto that title .......................
@Sakamoto can't he find naruto tag?
and noone even bother to change it
not even me
me too, too lazy to do that
@僕の彼女 you were just a bit late with your edit
i h8 u
@Memor-X is it ok to change mom into parents, coz, we know hinata's parent and her father name though
i don't think op gonna care about it
btw @Memor-X if the answer addresses your question, don't forget to mark it as accepted ;-)
@mirroroftruth i figured it was better to make it one question rather than sorta 2 questions
(yes, I'm rep whoring everything I can atm)
@僕の彼女 have i forgotten one somewhere?
Q: What is that noise when an onsen scene opens up?

Memor-XMany anime and JRPGs have Hot Spring/Bathhouse/Onsen scenes and in many of these, when it opens up there is this sound of like something hitting hollow wood, an example of which can be heard at the 4 second mark in these video of Gamers what exactly is this sound? and does this sound actually ex...

oh lol, I forgot to post the link :p
@Memor-X I have cleaned up my comments on that Vampire Knight question. Perhaps if you want to do that too... :)
@AndrewT. done
@僕の彼女 shut up and take my rep!
but with only 6 posts, there isn't much to upvote...
@Gao bounties
@Memor-X not good enough for bounties (*ducks)
@Gao AHHHHHH, DUCKS! *runs away from the ducks*
@Memor-X In Animu Kingdom, the ducks run away from YOU!
Actually, I think I can answer one of your questions @僕の彼女
gotta rewatch that Koe no Katachi scene and research/verify what i have in mind
3 hours later…
@Hakase True, very true
Q: In Root A, did Hide feed himself to Kaneki so that he would heal?

Crownbot42Ok, so Hide started bleeding shortly after Kaneki woke up, however, Kaneki had passed out from blood loss and was having difficulty healing. Then there'sthe weird dream Kaneki had that makes me believe that maybe he was, like, sleep-feeding or something. Did Hide maybe feed part of himself to Kan...

^ this guy needs to calm down
1 hour later…
@mirroroftruth kimi no haha :D
your mom?
(haha = mom)
kimi no haha wa gei >:U
iie, anata
X o X
@Hakase anata no haha gei desu*
@Taisho what
Uploaded (UTC): 03.09.2017 19:04:54 by (132581) Gao, tag: darker-than-black
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg
#say a
I constantly have 2 googlecrashhandler processes doing jack shit
@Taisho what
Uploaded (UTC): 03.09.2017 19:04:54 by (132581) Gao, tag: darker-than-black
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://i.imgur.com/lzqfLW8.jpg
it turned out more complicated than I want to deal with right now
I wanted to make him post info on the image you replied to but it's all fucked in the interfaces and objects passed as arguments
if only I just moved that code into the main project
but I don't wanna
Oh.. I see..
turns out I had the list of posted images along with their messageids but I removed it later
…or did I?
Uploaded (UTC): 02.09.2017 7:22:17 by (132581) Gao, tag: [zhan-jian-shao-nyu]
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/heezym.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/heezym.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/heezym.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/heezym.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://pomf.pyonpyon.moe/heezym.jpg
user image
#say c
Q: Order to watch Durarara

tommy1996qI have almost finished the first season of Durarara and I loved it. I was wondering how I should proceed after. There are like Durarara2 ketsu, Durarara2 shou etc. I have seen that the order should be shou-ten-ketsu on wikipedia, but I prefer being sure to avoid possible huge spoilers!

@Taisho what
Uploaded (UTC): 03.09.2017 19:04:54 by (132581) Gao, tag: darker-than-black
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://i.imgur.com/DC6SV5G.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://i.imgur.com/DC6SV5G.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://i.imgur.com/DC6SV5G.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://i.imgur.com/DC6SV5G.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://i.imgur.com/DC6SV5G.jpg
@Taisho what
Uploaded (UTC): 02.09.2017 22:13:46 by (132581) Gao, tag: ar-tonelico
http://iqdb.org/?url=https://u.teknik.io/RDLJy.jpg | https://whatanime.ga/?url=https://u.teknik.io/RDLJy.jpg | https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://u.teknik.io/RDLJy.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://u.teknik.io/RDLJy.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://u.teknik.io/RDLJy.jpg
ok so no wow effect here
he doesn't pick up the ones not in his recent memory
but reply what works now
now I'm gonna have to clean up all the shit
37 messages moved to trash
<3 Hakase
if you ever see the code, it's horrifying
:P you were going to make an open source version in the next iteration rite?
ye but this is not it
and it is easier to just rewrite the whole thing
I'll do it when the API changes
right now imma eat dis fuckin ramen
and then I'm gonna enjoy exploring my new tablet
there's supposed to be an upgrade from android 6 to 7 already available but I wanna see it in factory state first
Alright, time for me to sleep. Night all o/
2 hours later…
Q: Why does people disappear Angel Beats

GytisI want to ask why people who is a friend of Angel disappears? And why Otonashi said "we will not disappear, be our friend" ( something like that ). Why other Angel's "friends" disappeared and Otonashi and others doesn't? ("Angel" is Kanade)

looks like pomf.pyonpyon.moe is on the Virus Scanner watch list again

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