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02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

have yo played stardew valley? if no, try it
also check out Enter the Gungeon
hmm... how much does it cost tho?
it's interesting enough but it's bad when you get into deeper levels
cuphead is all the rage these days but I watched a youtube playthrough and that was enough
not bad...
@Taisho yeah, same
I don't get it anyways
they say path of exile is a worthy successor to the diablo games, but I don't think that
cuphead is just interestingly drawn, but I absolutely despise bullet hell type games
I know it's not bullet hell, but it's too close for me
it hits a nerve, I cannot do anything about it, I hate it
just a sec, need to boot into windows :B
Don't Starve Together is a nice game if you like being consumed by anxiety and the soul-reducing constant feeling of time passing by and your stats dropping ever so slightly, always, never stopping
left 4 dead and borderlands are fine games except I've played them all to death
if you haven't played soma, that's one great game
spooky af
unrelated: I don't get people who call l4d scary
they're streamer girls with 60/40 boob to game on-screen ratio
portal 2 has multiplayer missions
that gives me an idea
but think of your dignity
I've no dignity left
Nosgoth used to be a rather good game, but unfortunately they closed the servers due to lack of $$$DONATORS$$$
super monday night combat was pretty good until the devs forgot about it and didn't even turn off the servers like wtf
they say Torchlight is a worthy successor to the diablo series
they say Grim dawn is a worthy successor to the diablo series
they say Hero Siege is a worthy successor to the diablo series
they say Ori and the Blind Forest is a dark souls like game
they say Necropolis is a dark souls like game
they say @Taisho is a cat
they say Hollow Knight is a dark souls like game
overcooked is fun for like the first 3 hours, and then the missions get so fucking complicated I hated it and threw it away
Rage was a fun enough shooter
Goat simulator was alright for 30 minutes
Orcs Must Die was okay for the entire set of its missions
magicka was eh…
Jackbox games are very popular with some people, but not me
Snake Pass is good if you can think like a snake, move like a snake, be like a snake
while also holding a controller with limited buttons, so it's kinda like dark souls and also a worthy successor to diablo series
Gigantic is a fine game if it works on your computer, which it doesn't on mine
they say Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak is a worthy successor to the Homeworld series, but that's a fucking lie and everyone knows it, especially at that fucking price point what the fuck gearbox and blackbird interactive
oneshot is a cool single player rpg
superhot is a nice single player game
invisible inc. is a fine gmae
dead space is a fnie maeg
I just want some good games
sunless sea is a good single player game
> You find a huge cave made out of flesh, bones and blood, if this were terraria we all knew that there would be a boss summon ritual or something significant, but in this game it just means that you found a few more decorative blocks for the house you'll never build.
> People will probably tell you that mods make this game a thousand times better, however most mods only add more content, but no functions that could make this game more worthwhile. and I don't believe that mods should be a selling point for any game.

As a side note, it is no coincidence that people compare this game to Terraria, the developers themselves announced this as a Terraria like game and spread the word that some of them worked on Terraria.
Just go play that game instead, you'll get much more than you'll ever expect.
I love negative reviews
im generally suspicious of purely positive reviews
> Depression is getting more and more common, especially in the western world. Same goes with other forms of mental illnesses (not all of them though)... especially sub-clinical levels of intensity.

Nobody’s sure why.
oh shit lemme tell u
it's most probably the increased average comfort of life which leads to more free time + better knowledge of all things you could be (or could be doing) + better medical coverage which leads to discovering more depressed individuals than ever before
+ better access to information about who else has it good/bad which leads to unfair comparisons between yourself and everybody else which leads to depression
I know a lot of people go into sciences coz they want to solve some problems for themselves or others
this guy must not have any of these problems if they don't know that
user image
but thankfully there are other commenters who have said these things already
I liked it when people could have fun without having selfies to prove it
I still live that way, there are no facebooks or instagrams on my phone
it is indeed pretty fun, especially with all the animes and mangas and regular movies and cartoons
and a bunch of games, some of which I've listed above
also some fun fun streams
society is doomed.
and interesting reddit discussions
this is a natural process
I'd be interested in seeing how it plays out
in 2025 the whole planet will have cheap satellite internet and it's all gonna be uphill from there
(hope you're not reading this from a radiation bunker in 2030 on a lamp computer)
@Darjeeling that was a really heartwarming message, I love you for that <3
youtube.com/user/cmbroad44/videos this is a pretty good channel
I thought I was gonna have a cup of t with some cake but nah I'm gonna sleep
2 hours later…
Oxenfree giveaway on GOG
@Gallifreyan link?
just go to gog.com and click "get free game"
I'm starting to build a good sized library on gog
31 games and one movie
best 5, though ^
Lots of games on GOG Connect: gog.com/connect
Just added Outlast to my GOG library for free :D
4 more games~
it's mai birthday
nice, happy birthday!
@Yokhen happy bday
2 hours later…
@Gallifreyan only like 5 games on there i would get if i linked my steam account and all 5 already work without Steam so i don't see a benefit yet
02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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