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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@Avery when naming folders does Linux automatically trim folder names for spaces?
"Linux" doesn't do anything
your file manager/shell/whatever may
@Avery right, so that explains why Windows doesn't complain when in PHP i create a folder with a Space at the end until i go to copy it
@Avery that looks like it trimed it at the end
nope, see this: (look at the "\ ")
ooooh, looks like powerline :3
@Morwenn it iiiis
Spaces in the paths are problematic because shitty bash scripts don't handle them lol
it's not a problem in a non-retarded programming language
@Avery we use it at work, it's really nice ^^
I love powerline
yeah it's amazing
@Avery oh i thought that was the directory slash
linux uses slashes for that, backslash is used to escape stuff (in this case, spaces)
Anyway, time to sleep
5 hours of sleep left
Have a good night! :)
@SaitamaSama what was your problem with Madoka?
right I'm going to sleep too
gnight all!
Good night :)
I'll surely go in an hour or so
why do you people have to be on the opposite side of the planet
it's 9:23am here
are you in Asia?
He's Australian iirc
must be hard to walk upside down
@Abyx nah, he seems fine
That's a very clear proof that the globe is flat!
hm... there could be a flat joke
@Avery but gets included in the Asian Pacific Region
@Abyx from my perspective the people on the other side are the ones who are upside down and thus puzzling how you live that way
@Yokhen hello
@Avery weren't you supposed to sleep? :p
@Memor-X minorities and their opinions
> although previously you had the option of doing that in the "Advanced" tab of the settings panel (as can be seen below).......now in FF 56, that option has been silently removed. The advanced tab doesn't even exist any longer:
yep, Mozilla doesn't want Legacy extensions and are going do what Windows does and force everyone to upgrade
@Memor-X that's nice.
I'm leaving
Have a good day/night :)
@Morwenn bai
5 of my 9 extensions are marked as "obsolete"
they're deprecating shit too quickly
@Yokhen i imagined that as Mrs Brown going "that's nice" to Mozilla, which translates to "fuck off"
but i wonder how many people upgraded to 56 and now have this nasty surprise around the corner since i hear people complaining about the legacy extension support being dropped
@milleniumbug obsolete as in "you don't need this third party crap as we have it now" or "you can't run this anymore so get rid of it"
Every extension you have that doesn't use the new API is marked as "obsolete" in the extension list
so "it will break in Firefox 57"
user image
They look like mother and daughter in that image.
@Tonepoet fitting how Nagisa is tied of Mami
@Memor-X as a matter of fact I had to upgrade when mozilla was telling me that RES wasn't compatible anymore with my shit
it was a painful process but I'm glad I did it. Being updated is fun.
@Yokhen RES?
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