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I guess one way to gain popularity for your game is to make its mechanics plenty and confusing, so that Q&A sites would have many questions about it, and its users would regularly see its tag
Q: Are hollows defeated by not Quincy humans considered as destroyed, or "purified"?

lentinantIf I remember correctly, Shinigami are "purifying" hollows with Zanpakuto, cleansing souls and sending them to Souls Society (not counting cases, when souls are going to Hell). And regarding Quincy , it was said, that main conflict between Quincy and Shinigami was, that unlike Shinigami, Quincy w...

Q: Was swordfish knight anima reincarnated?

user1821961It's been a long time since I read this manga. But I recall some discussion and speculation that swordfish knight was Anima reincarnated. I vaguely think I recall that swordfish knight was very knowledgeable and had been around for a while. But is there any evidence that would cinch the poss...

1 hour later…
@Tosh toshi tosh-tosh, toshi tosh-tosh!
1 hour later…
the danger level is FUCKING INSANE
but not like that I bet
pogo is bad
the ratio matters a lot
if there's too much, it's bad and off
I don't actually think I can handle any on my pizza
turns out skype supports **bold** markup stuff but it fucks up the messages if there's more than one such marked up span of text
1 hour later…
mal says there are 25 eps of re zero and next week's will be the last of this season but it could be the last at all, idk
1 hour later…
@Hakase Ha Hakase Haka SE
Q: what was that end of tokyo ghoul?

DominI can not find answer to my questions so I hope you can help me I am a bit confused by Tokyo ghoul season 2 ending. Why Hide was bitten and by who or what? It was in that "war"? or Kaneki bite him? and why Yomo stopped Touka when she was running to Kaneki (it was at the moment when he was carryin...

@Hakase sounds useless
Mornin' guys
@Hakase They support that for more then half a year already. If you use different fonts than the default fonts, it also cuts of lines when you use Italic texts
Has anyone picked up the new Phoenix Wright?
@arda "You can only create one proposal per day. so make it count" Why in the hell would people submit multiple SE websites a day?
@Ikaros For people with tons of ideas
@Ikaros once a month should be enough imo
Even a month should be too much
A submition should be more "special" than once a day IMO
once a 1k rep in total imo
but not really, that would just worsen the rep farming situation on so
also morning
1 hour later…
@Revenant ur profile picture looks familiar. But I can't seem to place it. Where is it from ;3?
@Dimitrimx Kantai Collection.
@Hakase only one more
wait, are we passed that?
maybe not, @arda did it twice
It's just in for me, afternoon starts in 10 minutes
its 2pm here
@Memor-X help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, time, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, abandon, abandonthread, abort, coffee, fixit, gj, hahano, hewwo, lolis, nyan, say, say2, whodabest, yuri
!!time victoria australia
@Memor-X 9/12/2016, 8:50:30 PM
Man or Child, Strong or Weak, None of those matter once you are out at sea!
@arda @Matt ^
One piece
...........DAM IT @DRAGON!
@Memor-X sorry man
i am now 16
woo hoo
@Dragon birthday?
last tuesday
but i haven't cam to the chat lately
been busy
@Dragon well for last thursday
Happy belated birthday!
@Dimitrimx i do believe i saw it before too, not from Kantai Collection but from Arqade or SO
thank you@Matt
anyone remember an really old anime with the MC being a girl and there is a baby green dragon with a toy mallet that looks like this?
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan that robot is mapped to a person behind that wall isn't it. they see what the robot sees and the robot mimics what they are doing.....right?
it had different colors in the anime
or does that robot have a true AI in it
@Chinatsu-creepy-chan i know a certain "witch" who would love seeing that
@Dragon i was about to say MAR but the Main Character is a boy
@Memor-X prepare your gifs. 30days until 17
@arda yourself?
@arda i already have a bunch lined up ready
@Memor-X that's not it
@Matt ?
isn't it off topic
@Dragon on the main site yes. you can ask it here though
and i'm supposedly able to ask it here right?
ok cool
hell. i'll get an identification myself
@Matt so why the webpage?
samurai flamenco
@Memor-X /me wants source too
@Dragon did you get that from the results?
it's really cool
yeah whatanime is really good
really handy
@Dragon i forgot about that site
iqdb says the same thing. 2 places say Samurai Flamenco which overrides google's sekai de ichiban tsuyoku naritai
google search is always dodgy
is there a way for everyone to know about a question in chat
i know, i just googled Samurai Flamenco. look at what it gave me
take notice of the images on the right
@Dragon Just for fun :P
because what happens is, the conversation gets older and older and no on bothers to look at the old conversations because theres too much
Tagging things in chat is usually amusing
@Memor-X it's not wrong
unless our mind is wrong
@Dragon it leave little to the imagination though
@Matt ok, got a bit confused there
@Memor-X it does very much
@Matt no no, it's ok, just wasn't sure what you were trying to say
that's mari and moe btw, the character
@arda yeh, just read it on wikipedia
"The two reconcile with a kiss and the Flamenco Girls become heroes again"
is there a way for everyone to know about a question in chat, because what happens is, the conversation gets older and older and no on bothers to look at the old conversations because theres too much
you know @adra. i'm getting the suspicion i've converted you
no one responded and i believe it's important
@Dragon you can copy the permalink to like notepad++ and then paste it in sometime later
so basically i post the same question once everyday
bad idea
i know
@Memor-X Samurai Flamenco
regardless of what Google tells you, 'cause I remember that
@Dragon terrible idea
what if i was to make a website that allows id requests but name it as part of the SE Anime & Manga site
like a subsite
@Dragon horrible idea
read trademark usage guidelines
@Dragon You mean outside the network? You'd get into trouble for violating our trademark
thought so
@Dragon not everyday. just some other time down the track
@Memor-X ok then
@Memor-X I stopped minding the genders in relationships in anime and manga a long time ago (mid 2014, I think). But yeah, I'm not saying that you aren't giving me loads of stuff to read and watch :P
@arda .............................i count that as a win
would i violate trademark if i was to make a website with similar system as this site with the up vote and everything but call t as my own website just for id requests only
How stuff works is patent, how stuff is named is trademark. AFAIK the design on stackexchange is not patented.
> Do not copy the look and feel of our products.
cc @Dragon
@Dragon just check reddit. There is likely already an anime id recommendation subreddit.
@arda what i want to do is get a site for id request and any kind of id requests
Maybe try an area51 proposal?
from what i have read, i can make a website using the stacks exchange API, is that correct?
yes, but I don't think that your site would need to use the API at all
i'll try the proposal and see what i get, probably some bad rep but i can try
thanks for your help
For all the people that are trying to find Movies, Books, Music, TV shows, Anime, Manga, games and stuff but don't remember the name.
how does this sound
OK I guess
@Dragon I can't wait for some example questions.
And really curious how you will define low and high quality id requests (or the minimum amount of required information)
i got this
can i use one of the past id request as an example question?
believe you can
Music identification requests are still on topic right?
@Riley yes they are
@Riley on the main site? yes, so long as you give when you heard it
Cool, thanks.
I wonder how other sites will respond to an ID-request site.
@Memor-X soo, uhmm... I could use more recommendations.
I have korra on my watchlist now
I also wonder how it will fit in with the concept of 'helping a lot of people' more as 'helping a individual'
and adventure time
@arda Strawberry Panic. Maria Watches Over Us
@arda Have you watched the original The Last Airbender series?
@Riley a part of it
@Dimitrimx when you help many random people, you've technically helped many
@arda You should watch it all and then Korra afterwards.
I watched a part of korra and I seem to know enough of the aang series to understand stuff
@Dragon I think most ID requests will be so vague/ particular. That nobody would hit it with the same search term. Unless they are as obvious as your example, which dictates a lack of research in my eyes.
@arda But the original series is so good tho
it was a stupid question i agree but why is the character limit so little? @Dimitrimx
flipping cnbc-e (turkish nbc) aired it so randomly that I don't think that I can stand watching another ep
I had the same problem here with Nickelodeon, until after I decided to watch the whole series I found out that there were quite a few episodes I hadn't seen once.
@Dragon Because it are title's of questions. Not whole questions. Just as a title with a new question.
Eye catchers, a single sentence description of what you want to know. In a way everybody understands what you want to know.
would i need to write an example of an off topic question in the example questions?
user image
^ thank you @Dragon you jinxed it
@Riley I think cnbce teamed up with nick on airing avatar. I mean, Eps I didn't watch shouldn't be a problem but the ones I watched 9999 times would be annoying.
@arda You could just skip those
Q: Who is the man being executed in the first episode of Danganronpa?

Supreme Grand RulerIn the first scene of the first episode of Danganronpa The Animation, we see a man executed by being sent to the moon. Who is he and why was he executed?

@Riley Been years since I watched so I'd both be sick of watching it and miss lore. I tried and that happened btw.
Ah :/
@Memor-X ha ha ha
love puns
are the SE staff or the original creator of the site allowed to delete accounts
@Dragon I believe that admins can delete accounts
@Taisho Makigumo?
guys, i got the proposal going
Identification Requests

Proposed Q&A site for all the people that are trying to find Movies, Books, Music, TV shows, Anime, Manga, games and stuff but don't remember the name.

Currently in definition.

if you could kindly take a look, it would be nice
any suggestions would be great too
good night
@Dragon Put my name to it
thanks matt
Just so you know though, this has been proposed in the past and has been shut down, don't get your hopes up too high
you're awesome
i'm still a teen
i can dream
There's no age to dream
Goon night @Dragon :)
2 hours later…
It's way too warm today ;.;
1 hour later…
@Dragon closed :(
1 hour later…
Q: Is Doflamingo blind to an eye?

KatamoriThere's a theory about that Doflamingo wears his iconic glasses because he's blind to his (IIRC) left eye. It was assumed because whenever his eyes were shown (quite rarely), it was actully always only the left one. Is there anything we can know about it in canon? Any kind of disease of injury t...

2 hours later…
ireland's biggest con is closing this year :(
3 hours later…
user image
@Taisho tag
Uploaded (UTC): 26.05.2015 7:45:59 by (23525) Logan M, tag: 美少女
@Darjeeling #KantaiCollection #Makigumo

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