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00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 23:00

(I'll not run for mod in animese (but yeah, you can expect to see my name in next arqade elections) - I don't know much about the meta here and tbh even if I was offered, idk, pro-tempore, I'd deny as there are much better people who can do it)
@ton.yeung memor-x
I guess someone wants me to run for mod
@ton.yeung sorry - am a bit sleepy and I don't understand what you asked
@ton.yeung I posted that picture above (297 rep) and got +15 from animese in a few minutes
@Quill mornin'
It's a joke because you need 300 minimum rep to run (right?)
@Quill yep
Q: Can't Find an older anime

user27884The cover looks like The anime goes backwards. The girl with the longer hair is some sort of priestess and she dies at the end by some priests. I believe her hair also turns white. At the end the two meet again (reincarnation maybe?) at a train station. It was before 2010 the last time i watched...

@Darjeeling it's promoting okotanpe lake in hokkaido
> ripoff scamming company
I bet most of those negative ratings are coz of the unreasonably higher than usual for this type of game price
I'll continue to work on HHH soon. I'm developing it as an generic chat bot so for example one could change the SE Chat interaction part and put a discord part to use it with discord
Instant replies seem ok, but stuff like remind might be problematic
@Hakase late answer here but he's not here anymore cause he's busy
he also feels people here are a bit...hostile
especially with regards to ID image request
if this is truly a place for fun and relaxation, people wouldnt make hostile posts like these anime.stackexchange.com/election/2#post-35947
sorry we have a fucking different opinion
guess we get to be exiled
@arda remind?
you mean timers?
And !!afk or whatever
and the problem is with what?
@Frosteeze idk man doesn't seem hostile to me
I could implement such a mechanic quite easily if I was planning it only for SEChat but will run on my discord etc too
I'm not sure it's an often used feature though
Its not
also it's hella spammy in zirak's implementation
every reply generates an afk response
@Frosteeze I have some different opinions and I'm not exiling myself, and you don't have to, too
@Hakase not to you probably because you support the removal of id request
but imagine if you have a great idea
it got implemented
and it failed
then the mod who wanted to remove it laughs at you when it got removed
that's how i feel reading his post
he doesn't need to gloat about the death of id-request
gloating part is dickish imo, can't disagree with that
Meh off to sleep
I wonder who I'll vote for
personally I'm not against the good IDs, but let's be honest there were too few of those and waaay too many shitty ones, and the balance of good/bad effects for the site way absolutely down below in the negative
@ton.yeung You should consider running
running away he meant :p
welcome back to SO!
@ton.yeung 2 more coming soon
@Hakase i mean it's not so much the action as much as it is the motivation behind the action
@Frosteeze you mean the gloating part?
if youre gonna remove id reqs because you think it's good for the community, i am fine with that
if youre gonna do that to spite other users, then fuck you
@Hakase yes
yea that's not nice
@ton.yeung Utako is next
guys remember you gotta be nice first and foremost, pls don't gloat it's not cool
tell that to him, not us
I'm gonna
I don't know much about the people here but well I'd probably vote for ROs here (depends on nomination text) as they know what they're doing. If you guys don't run, then I'll probably read the nomination text and vote for the ones that are unlikely to burn the site
According to my phone well is we'll and hell is he'll
I think it's gonna be senshin or Toridusa
probably senshin
@ton.yeung those guys are weird
@ton.yeung you are always welcome in gdse.
I'm probably not the one to talk but I really dislike the very popular these days daily whining about the difficulties of the job without attempting to resolve the issues
kinda just dumping the crap in public
I'm all for discussion that leads to solving problems but that just didn't happen when I tried to start it in the gamedev room
oh ok then
that's a deal breaker for me tho
@ton.yeung whatever mod gets elected, they are not that likely to be a regular in chat just bc they get elected tho. This will probably still be a zone without them
I don't really see a reason to be active in chat to be a good mod at this point
we don't really have to discuss anything about those edits
arda's talkin about users active here
so it kinda has
or am I misinterpreting?
You are right
> @ThePickleTickler Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'll think about it, but I'm not sure I'm right for the job. I think there are stronger candidates than me, including senshin. – Torisuda 51 mins ago
it's gonna be senshin :p
I think I'm good here
I'll just keep pouring tea and whatever I do
well, he doesn't
he knows what he's doing
there's no need to discuss whatever he does with us here
I was mainly talking about that not all mods are active in chat and that getting elected is not certain to change their activeness in chat. (I saw both happen)
I don't remember him being here historically during his pro-temp modship so I doubt it will change
well, anyways, what chat rooms/communities would you guys say are worth hanging in?
this SE is still good for answering my SE questions lol
but i dont have a lot of that at the moment
@Hakase bridge is... Weird but is good
Try gamedev, second monitor, super user maybe? Security is cool too
bridge does have a bad rep >.>
@ton.yeung ahaha ikno
I'm not sure I like the atmosphere there
Ooh blender room is cool too
isn't that where iKlsR hides?
yea but he hides there too
I don't even know what kind of person he is behind all the dankness
too much memeing, too little real communication
@Hakase same
it'd probably be cool to get to know him but alas
Unrelated: is iKlsR protemp?
you can figure that out from the mod page on blender
it will explicitly say which type he is
Mobile but meh
iKlsR♦ North Quadrant
elected 2015
the real deal
I wonder his election text
Read yeah
pretty dedicated
Pretty good
But yeah memes are fun to a level and the rest is toxic. I think that some more real talk would help me gain more respect to him.
idk if he's looking for that kind of interaction tho
Q: Why isn't anime critically analyzed like other forms of literature or entertainment?

The Pickle TicklerIn high school English classes, we read many classics, such as Shakespeare, Steinbeck, Lee, etc. In many other classes, popular TV shows and movies are analyzed. Granted, these are also classics, such as Hitchcock's Psycho or Nichols' The Graduate. Why is anime/manga not as critically analyzed b...

@Hakase unlikely
well, we can't force people to open up
It's their decision, yep
@Sakamoto because there is always that one guy who'll go crazy when you say his fav anime is shit
@arda those are internet commenters, don't mind them
they most certainly already have, you just don't visit those communities and don't read those comments, and nor should you
I've come to terms with the fact that the established authorities don't recognize a lot of shit I'm a fan of, like anime and video games
basically, fuck those dinosaurs, they'll die of old age soon
you can still see 30 year old people scoff at you when you mention any of that
(not trying to open up IKlsR - writing this and I have no idea why. I should sleep. I need sleep.) Worst thing that happened to me was memes tbh. I used it as a shield. A mask. I used it to look happy when I'm not. I opened up and tbh while stuff are still bad, I don't feel that bad about them.
@Hakase yeah
I'm in russia, so not much luck with that surrounding
oh I thought you meant houston's white population
Loads of weebs here
damn :/
@ton.yeung while they are rare here, I found them to be more understanding and listening than others.
Most Turks are jerks.
I haven't met many people but from what I've seen I'm just not interested in talking to them about anything because they don't know enough to be interesting for me to talk with
some people just aren't interested in anything in life
it's cool and I get it, but I don't wanna spend my time with them
nah it's like tv politics religion sports work work work work whine about work
@ton.yeung I said worse
@ton.yeung he and noone in the law or presidential system is a jerk
I'm totally not saying that to Idk, protect me?
Happy to see that you understand that I'm totally serious and doing just a parody of people not liking his country sometimes. I like how everyone in the govt is smart enough to realize it is a parody and that I love my govt.
I'm not a big fan of puzzle games in general
they're fun sometimes but not like the witness
it just gets tedious after a while and not fun
becomes not interesting enough to find out what's next to keep solving them
I have tweets like "I'd rather be arrested than be silenced". I think sleepy me is not so brave.
time to sleep, yo!
and I've just woken up so I'll go make something to eat
Happy to hear that you fixed your sleep cycles
Any tips on how I can do too?
just stay awake even farther into the cycle and it will eventually come around to the proper times
that's what I do anyway
@кяαzєя I was not that serious to start with and took that post as fun
cookies are srs biz man
don't take em lightly
@Hakase Might get stuck in customs very easily
Even SE swag got stuck in custom twice for me
omg I read as "condoms" and got very surprised
@Hakase holy moly
yea boi
too much time spent on the internet
Anyways not a big cookie fan and I can't even differentiate what to be called biscuit or cookie or both
@ton.yeung I am scared
what is sand custard?
condensed milk on toast, never heard that combination before
@кяαzєя Custard served with sand i suppose ;D
ah liu sha
Indian breakfast is bit different
^ I had this today
@AnkitSharma a common russian treat
Called Vermicelli Pulav in english
@Hakase I have no Idea about Russian food
@ton.yeung It's not spicy at all just colorful due to vegetables
well, condensed milk was a pretty popular product during the times when not many products were even available, so some treats were made with it
like pancakes and toast soaked in it
I just take tea and cookies/biscuit for breakfast
But i was at my sister's place today, so she did this effort
@AnkitSharma now I'm hungry
anyways, it's not a healthy everyday food coz you can imagine condensed milk is ultra sugary
I used to eat a lot of stuff every day and not I've got stomach problems and eating pills :I
Turkish breakfasts are rich but light (many different types of food but none really makes you feel you ate enough). I hate it.
I used to have heavy breakfast when i was with my parents but after i got job, I take easy to get breakfast stuff or outside one
Haha rip
And morning for me
o/ later
see ya
I'm out too
@ton.yeung same here. 12:45
11:47 A.M. here
1 hour later…
@AnkitSharma take a nap
> What contributes to your belief that a moderator has more effective ways to diversify content on our site? – Michael McQuade 1 hour ago
we've tried "let's vote more actively" and "let's ask questions about new series" before and it all dies down within a few days
bounties don't seem to be very effective at stirring up activity imo
I just don't know if the site is in dire need of active improvement
everything is going fine
in The Ivory Tower, 56 secs ago, by Wrzlprmft
@Hakase As this is specific to the focus of academics in the field of contemporary arts, film, and similar, it is not really a question that academics in general provide insights to. I do not think we have any such expert lingering around here, but you might find one on Movies & TV.
regarding critical recognition of anime in academia
that anime question is getting hot
so if anybody has some good text to post, now is the time before the upvote train passes
Seeing stared messages, I can help but ask
oh wow that got starred?
Is krazer gone?
kray and mad are busy at work or something
they still do the site stuff but don't come hang out in chat
and this election is because of that
just to cover up some additional flags and speed up response times
oh if you mean ton's message it's a joke obviously
Mah I was talking about yours :)
You considering running, @Hakase?
no way
mod responsibilities is the kind of pressure I don't want in my life
I don't think it's that much of a pressure
really? why don't you run enter the election then? :p
00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 23:00

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