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@Quill same
@Quill what exactly is language learning?
A site to ask questions about the concepts of learning a language
not about specific language features, but learning of the language
I could use that
and I will
ardaozkal, terrible pictures land and Ankara, Turkey
user image
@Taisho me irl
I want to scream "SO KYAAAAAAAAAAAAT" but it is 3am
Q: what is the highest level card in Yu-Gi-Oh

blake harrisonakerzI'm a long time Yu-Gi-Oh fan, and i wanna know, what is the card in Yu-Gi-Oh that has the highest level of all the Yu-Gi-Oh series'. Edit: i mean the anime

> Edit: i mean the anime
that's like sleepy me on meta
*edits in "not dupe of that"*
1 hour later…
Q: Awesome new Anime poll!

blake harrisonakerzcheck out this awesome new anime poll! http://www.boll.co/j9p4pd6Wk3EYS8scf edit: well i dunno if its allowed here, so if this isn't allowed, please delete this.

oh yeah
now @quill is mod?
I got nominated on Language Learning for protem like a week ago and the diamond set in yesterday
:) thanks
@ardaozkal we do answer about franchises that have both game and anime elements
2 hours later…
@Taisho who's the brown hair one in the back and what connection does she have getting into the mix of Himawari's Sakurako wifeys
https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B9du34AejghtNTBjeW5sYUV3Vk0/70d7fb75172c06701e2b761b1accdc9b_thumb.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B9du34AejghtNTBjeW5sYUV3Vk0/70d7fb75172c06701e2b761b1accdc9b_thumb.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B9du34AejghtNTBjeW5sYUV3Vk0/70d7fb75172c06701e2b761b1accdc9b_thumb.jpg | http://iqdb.org/?url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B9du34AejghtNTBjeW5sYUV3Vk0/70d7fb75172c06701e2b761b1accdc9b_thumb.jpg
unless she's their daughter!
nope, it's Hanako. Sakurako's imouto......they adopted her!
nobody cares about facts
some heresy with crash and spyro thanks to greedy game studios
@Hakase what? crash entering into spyro's game? it's been done before, not in Skylanders but in Crash Purple and Spyro Orange
thankfully I have not seen that
they practically fought the other's nemesis, Crash VS Ripto and Spyro VS Cortex
it's for gba huh
so there was actually a chance I could have played that
@Hakase at least he doesn't look mad
he looks stupid and that's mad
15 secs ago, by JNat
combo breaker
i couldn't resists this time
wai u do dis @Memor-X
@Quill because there are times where i want to be evil. and that's the best i can do for now
@Quill wai*
mmm i b prouds
I'm a little confused still as to what this is
This room, I mean
This is a chat room
Well, I knew that... f^-^') I meant more like the scope of topics that are meant to be discussed.
Well, you are free to discuss most things, some even discuss code here. However, the participants are usually more inclined to discussions about anime/manga
or anything related
@Pleiades "Welcome back, my Master! (お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様!) Sit wherever you'd like and enjoy some General Chat for anime.stackexchange.com. Now serving anime and manga images in regular intervals via our maid service. To learn more about our maid service, please visit: meta.anime.stackexchange.com/q/1166/191"
You may try to engage people on other things, however you might not get a response
Oh. Ironically, that kinda works for me, given that I just joined the WorldBuilding stackexchange, and also that what I'm trying to accomplish more or less falls under the category of fanfiction in a game (I guess?)
Well, no harm trying.
What is it you want to discuss?
Well, specifically, I'm trying to brainstorm ideas for building Takamagahara, the floating island and home of the kami in the game Okami, since I'd love to be able to give that game the sequel it deserved rather than Capcom's sexist pile of crap.
I've seen old gameplay for Okami. that's about it. someone else may reply you
@Pleiades Okamiden was sexist?
Oh god don't get me started. Shiranui is female and also STILL AMATERASU, but Capcom changed her gender for some idiot reason and reduced all of the stronger female protagonists to the stereotypical version of female protags in Japanese media in general. It's not the first time they've done it, but this bothered me the most.
That and the entire premise of that game is based on a piece of art one of the creators made as a joke. Like, "What if Amaterasu was a baby?" Legitimately the premise for this game.
@Pleiades maybe who i consider the stereotype female protagonist is bad
(/_) Okay so.... I read more than I play games, I don't watch anime, and I just have a Wii. I seriously don't know who those women are.
no way
even I know
a king who gave her all for her country and an emperor who strangled a lion while naked
(plus, it says her name on the poster)
Naked... Okay I'd ask why, but I think I know why the real reason is.
@Pleiades perfect! alot of visual novels are more about reading, let's get you started with Fate/Stay Night
@Pleiades because she's Nero, enough said
Visual novels never load right for me
@Pleiades why not?
I use a Japanese PC even; I don't know what the deal is
I swear this thing hates me
Okay that failed wow
@Pleiades if you was trying to ping me it did work
I wasn't sure if it did or not, to be honest~ f^-^')
I misclicked
@Memor-X Anyway, I came less for recommendations and more to see what this was and now, I guess, to gather thoughts and ideas for my project thing, which is more embarrassing to talk about with people who know what it is than I though.
@Pleiades i generally use applocale and there was this reg file i used which added "Run with Japanese Locale" and "Run with Japanese Locale as administrator" to the right click context menu. always works for me
@Pleiades what's the project?
Okay well, summary, I guess. What I was to do, essentially, is build and code a game that would build of the events and lore of Okami and tie it together with the restoration of Takamagahara and maybe include a journey to the Moon, given its significance for an area you can never visit.
My main issue right now is trying to gather information regarding the existence and roles of kami that existed and had confirmed lore within Shinto mythology before the descent of kami to Nakatsukuni (Japan) to install Emperor Jimmu as leader.
@Pleiades not just not visit, not know anything about. as far as i know the "Moon Tribe" are apparently evil and caused all the problems including destroying the Celetrials and allowing Orochi to run amok in Nipon
@Memor-X That bit's slightly less implied in the Japanese version though (I've played through both versions). It's also a bit difficult to know exactly what happened through one character's eyes alone, and even more so when the Celestials also provide minimal information, and Kaguya just remembers falling to Earth, as far as we know.
What we can assume is that at least two of the Holy Artifacts are lunar-made, and that Kaguya and Ushiwaka are both surviving members.
is asking about game lore on topic on arqade?
i believe so ye
if that is the case, @Pleiades may even get to post on topic questions there.
Oh. I don't know what that is, but hey if there are people to chat with/bother, then great! ;o;
you might want to go through their tour/chat before posting
@Pleiades well in regards to Amaterasu alot of anime protray her as the lead Kami, i think because she was the first born of the Kami Izanagi created after returning from Yomi
however iirc there are quite a number of okami fans here
@Memor-X Yeah, she's the first of the main trinity to be created, although a LOT of kami came from both Izanami and Izanagi's creation of life and Izanagi's purification process.
@Tyhja kinda, it's not off-topic but some people do downvote lore questions on Arqade because they don't help with playing the game. which is why i ask lore questions on japanese games here and the rest go to Sci-fi
@Memor-X Well, lore and gameplay are pretty closely linked in Okami so...
Q: Why did Emilia give Subaru a fake name on the first time they met?

JNatOn their first encounter on a timeline that was later reset, Emilia told Subaru her name was Satella. We then found out, after the first (or second?) reset, that that is the name of the Jealous Witch, and something of an insult to call someone else — Emilia reacted badly when Subaru called her ou...

@Pleiades well it's just how some people think. i personally believe knowing the lore does help play the game because it gets you more involved in the events of the game and thus make it more enjoyable
@Memor-X It also helps explain events and actions in the game itself, especially if some things are revealed later on and you do a second playthrough. I mean, lore is a part of the world-building. People be stupid though.
@Pleiades i assumed that to. problem is i hear in Oakmiden that Kagura doesn't make even a mention which makes one wonder where she ended up. in the Takamagahara or the Moon
in regards to Kagura i do recall her little arc in the game to be based off from a japanese folklore about a bamboo cutter finding a small girl in a stalk on bamboo
It's implied that she's going to the Moon, and she expresses a desire to return to Earth, since all she wanted to do was know where she came from, not stay there. I doubt she'd have ended up on Takamagahara though. She never seemed to know what it was or even where it was. One thing I do wish the designers would have included as a view of the island from the tower in Kusa Village where the one guard mentions being able to see it sometimes. You never can throughout the entire game. AGH.
And yeah, she is based loosely off that story. They take a bit of artistic license with all of the legends included, but I like it. They make a lot of them really happy.
@Pleiades the island as in Takamagahara
@Memor-X Well, no harm trying, if closed/downvoted, move on
Yeah. I refer to it as an island, since that's Okami's interpretation, although the reality varies. For some it's an island, for others, it's another realm of existence entirely. Regardless, it's the world above Nakatsukuni.
There's never anything in-game that mentions the entire Moon Tribe being wiped out, so I kinda hold onto this idea that maybe rather than living on the surface, they were forced underground. That and I like the idea of underground civilizations anyway.
@Pleiades i'm quite sure Waka implies it when he was explaining about when he came to Takamagahara and Orochi followed him. he blamed himself for the destruction Orochi caused and the fact he lets the celetrials get slaughtered in the Ark of Yamato which had already been invaded by Yami
one thing i thought about Okami after i finished it was that Yami was a Moon Tribe member too who gained immortality by shedding his old body or that he was created by the Moon Tribe and Waka believes that Yami represents what the Moon Tribe is
I always thought of it as an alliance that backfired. Yami lacks a lot of the things the Moon Tribe has, anyway. For one thing, their hair contains a highly reflective metal, symbolizing the moon's ability to reflect light from the sun, and while Yami does have the technological thing going on, it's meant more to represent darkness rather than the opposite of the sun. (Hang on; got too long)
Plus, with the mythology being taken into account, Yami isn't even a lunar god, nor is it even associated with one. Tsukiyomi is often considered an evil kami, but the kami Yami is based off of is Kakeseo, kami of the stars and primordial chaos. Only half of that was really fully implemented.
Although one could argue for the stars part being included through Yami's stealing Amaterasu's powers.
@Pleiades Yami also means Darkness and just like how the Moon reflects the light it also has it's darkness which what lead me to believe that Yami is either Moon Tribe or a creation of theirs
A creation could make sense. Yami being a member doesn't to me though.
The Moon is somewhat ambiguous, having technically been part of both Takamagahara's destruction and then the slaying of its destroyer, Yamata no Orochi. @Memor-X
@Hakase thanks for the answer but do you know the specific one because the one i have now doesn't work (or maybe it does but i haven't figure out how yet). i tried to search it up on the internet but didn't have any luck.
@Pleiades well assuming that Yami and it's minions represent the Moon's dark side the ligght of the moon aiding in their destruction does make sense
one thing i'm curious of is why Ninetails appears to rival Amaterasu. it kinda looks the same and use very similar powers
@Memor-X All of Yami's boss minions appear to be pretty independent and may even have existed long before Yami arrived on earth. Ninetails is an interesting one. Its association with "reversed" brush techniques may suggest a former position in a divine role, or possible some association with the traditional kitsune of old, or maybe it's just Inari being a dick.
Kitsune do sometimes have the ability to mimic the abilities of those around them, so its similarities could be a by-product of this trait.
@Pleiades didn't think about Inari, or about the Kitsune aside from the fact they are tricksters
but i wonder if Ninetails and the like exsisted before Yami. remember that when defeated their "energy" went back to the Ark and had to be defeated once more before the way to Yami opened up
@Memor-X I like using the wikia since it's pretty freakin' accurate, but I thought there was some mention of Ninetails having existed for a time before Yami came, although doesn't it mention something about its powers being enhanced by Yami? Lemme check; I thought so, at least.
"By the power of Yami, ruler of the Land of Darkness, I, Ninetails, have been made lord of Ryoshima Coast! You needn't have come all this way just for me to kill you."
Direct quote
I'm gonna check the other main bosses. Obviously the twin demons from Kamui have existed for a while, and might even be part of Yami's power to some level (or just demonized fear of owls on behalf of the Ainu)
@Pleiades well considering when he died "energy" went back to the Ark so i would assume that was Yami's power
though doesn't really prove that he existsed beforehand. Ninetails could have been like any other demon but was given more power to become a ruler
Wikia hasn't been kind to me for a while, Javascript overload slows it right down
(I don't think I've gotten to this part in the book oops) Apparently the official artbook notes that Ninetails is a demon that regards itself as a god.
Oh my god yeah; it is kinda overloaded at times, but the information is solid. There's little I've ever contested on there.
I only lost 36 rep due to ID removal, not bad. I though figure might be high.
Anyways i am happy with the accomplishment
@AnkitSharma happy that you didn't answer so many crap ones that got deleted
and your avatar is different again
do you run a script which randomizers your avatar when you start up your browsers?
@Memor-X Only one, rest were so many (-2), must be suggested edits
@Memor-X ROFL
I did explained it over SFF
@AnkitSharma no i don't think suggested edits get reversed like that. maybe downvotes?
A: The many avatars of SFF.SE

Ankit SharmaMeh......... On the day I started writing it, it was Nightwing Don't blink, it might change into Grumpy Dwarf, Charlie Pace, Arrow, Constantine, V for vendetta, Jason Voorhees, Babadook, Alaric Saltzman, Zach, Groncholverine, Indian gods form molee's art pieces, Captain America (Hydra Agent)...

I did explained it over SFF
i had a downvote i got to a id request question reversed
@Memor-X doesn't matter.
@Memor-X And it's not always my fault
in The Screening Room, yesterday, by Ankit Sharma
@MovieReel I blame you for making me change my profile picture
@AnkitSharma This would be quite boring on A&M SE : "My avatar is based on an anime character" "Me too" "Me too"
@Ikaros lol
I had anime avatar thrice (excluding reuse if any)
@ardaozkal morning.........cough cough afternoon ;)
Yeah, it is 2PM
4:44 PM here ;p
9:32 PM here. i win
@Quill for now, isn't queensland exempt from daylight savings?
yeah, we don't have daylight savings
@Quill lucky, you don't have to check all your devices to see if they auto-updated on time or not twice a year
@Memor-X You won a kiwi salad
i don't get why farmers had to make it hard for us. we start with 3 logical timezones but then we add 2 more because some states don't want to move forward/backward an hour
@Quill we also don't care about daylight saving
@AnkitSharma since @Quill tied with me he can have it, don't like kiwi fruit products
@Memor-X let me hypnotize you to like them
no food pls :)
oh my
If it's disturbing , then i will be happy to remove
@AnkitSharma This message hid it for me
I have a script that auto hides gifs older than 3 messages
Unless I hover over them
@AnkitSharma *stares for a while*....................................i see a whale
I just ignore Taisho, nothing else
@Memor-X what ;O
falling, falling, falling, than a whale
@Memor-X wat
@Memor-X not able to see
@JNat Kung Pow, Enter the Fist
@AnkitSharma region restrict?
@Memor-X "An error occurred, please try again" and i did tried many times
@AnkitSharma might be your connection
Will check from home later
1 hour later…
@Dimitrimx down voted, delete voted, flagged
Only a few more votes to go :)
One of my colleagues was talking about how he's buying all this Yokai Watch stuff for his kid
and I got a yokai watch shirt in a loot crate.... I should wear it to work to troll him
@Quill man, the power that kid would have over him
@Taisho lol, trying to wooo Ilya with those hot pants before Miyu gets her act together
@Gao considering windows10's update.exe for windows defender also contained HEUR/QVM03.0
@Dimitrimx how does that prove it's not a false positive lol
if it starts with HEUR then it is likely a false positive
@Memor-X It does not prove it ain't a false positive. It does lay a connection between the 2
(especially if the file is not shady)
Fun fact. One of my own programs contains the exact same heur ;)
@Dragon to figure out which exact driver you need, you need to find out which exact hardware you have. So either look around the notebook/desktop box for a sticker that says what model it is and then google for official site's software for that model (should have every driver, even pdf manuals) or if it was custom-built, go to hardware manager, locate your realtek card in the list, go to its properties and google all of the weird looking long textual descriptions for hardware identification
pretty nice Phaser template for TypeScript: github.com/fairydhwen/PhaserTypeScriptTemplate
Q: I happened upon a 'Manga' that had a boy pray to a shrine and released a goddess

user25704The boy in this manga is having trouble confessing to his crush, goes to a strange shrine and prayed for help with his love life. To his surprise a breath-taking-beautiful-goddess appears and her servant(/title-holder?) only to float up into the air and declared she will now destroy humanity!

@ton.yeung it doesn't
all manual, no editor
all JS/Canvas based
better browser support than the unity/asm.js thing
it's like cocos2d for browser
unity2d is still better, just not for browser
never seen qici, looks nice
only other JS engine I've used post-canvas is construct
I found maintaining a blog took up most of my time and I spent more time writing than building so I stopped
didn't have much to write about though, I might start again eventually
I see, I thought you meant the one on your web site
oh, I see
yeah, the wordpress one
I should move my servers to azure sometime too
I have 200$ free creds every month
yeah, I've not even activated my free Azure credits because it only costs me $14 a month so it would be a waste
keep telling myself I'll play around with the machine learning stuff and then spend the free money
you can get your own free credits with the dev essentials thing
yeah, can't beat free $300 worth of hosting
$25 * 12
I'll turn it on the moment my hosting cost exceeds $25
I've been offering to host freelance client sites up there for ~$3-10 a month
Have 3 so far, once I have a few more I'll get a basic app service and it'll be $55 a month for up to 500 sites or something like that
I figure if I'm managing their servers for them anyways it is better to pay myself and manage one service instead of dozens of hostmonsters and fatcows and godaddys
@Taisho what
https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B_8okaqRyPERfmUyTnBGUkRlcHZaVWxCRTR0UTM2MHg4QTJZeFFCNUpfOXE0MXJfZnhpdFE/9803-13674-31093_thumb.jpg | http://tineye.com/search?url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B_8okaqRyPERfmUyTnBGUkRlcHZaVWxCRTR0UTM2MHg4QTJZeFFCNUpfOXE0MXJfZnhpdFE/9803-13674-31093_thumb.jpg | http://saucenao.com/search.php?url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B_8okaqRyPERfmUyTnBGUkRlcHZaVWxCRTR0UTM2MHg4QTJZeFFCNUpfOXE0MXJfZnhpdFE/9803-13674-31093_thumb.jpg | http://iqdb.org/?url=https://googledrive.com/host/0B_8okaqRyPERfmUyTnBGUkRlcHZaVWxCRTR0UTM2MH
1 hour later…
check out my anime questions :D anime.stackexchange.com/questions/33763/…
can you check out my anime question plz
Q: What is the highest-level card in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime?

blake harrisonakerzI'm a long time Yu-Gi-Oh fan, and I wanna know, what is the Yu-Gi-Oh card that has the highest level(currently) (basically i mean the highest amount of stars on the card) Edit: I've Clarified it, can the question taken off hold now, and be resumed? basically in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, each card has...

you there?
we can check
once we see
also you already have an answer
im just spreading the question in hopes that people will find it to be a good question and upvote it
i want to find the people who put it on hold, (in website)
because i've clarified it
meaning it should be viable to be taken off hold, and resumed.
Well if that's the case people will reopen it.
but... i did only just edit it 8 minutes ago

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