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Q: What caused the difference between the good and true endings of Unlimited Blade Works?

MaroonIn what is presumably the "good ending" of the Unlimited Blade Works route, Saber stays after the Grail is destroyed, because Rin has turned her into a familiar. (I also got the sense that Shiro was supposed to aid Rin in supply prana to Saber by having sex with her.) However, everything up to t...

2 hours later…
noragami ?
@EroSɘnnin morning !
1 hour later…
I'm looking forward to Shomin Sample this Fall
Also hope that Gakuen Asterisk doesn't flop, though there is a high chance that it will
@Killua I haven't watched anime in months :'(
Also yo
Can anyone read Naruto downvote and delete crap answers? anime.stackexchange.com/questions/3281/…
I'm not sure what reason we should close this with anime.stackexchange.com/questions/23853/what-is-the-anime-manga but there is no value in keeping this crap around
Q: Anohana janpanese tranlation?

user3397So I began watching Anohana:The movie after completing the series. While watching it theres this scene Anaru is writing a letter to Menma. Unfortunately the contents of the letter are left untranslated/subbed to english. Can someone please tell me what Anaru had written, in English?

@nhahtdh while you're at it, the latest edited answer needs tense and grammar correction: He kills one of them, take his DNA and start the ritual. After it's complete, the dead guy is standing there, but he's not moving.
@nhahtdh flag for deletion?
O hi yo/
@Quill couldn't get anything higher-resolution unfortunately
@Sakamoto lol, "janpanese"
@EroSɘnnin The answer doesn't quite make sense to me (I don't read Naruto), so I can't edit further
@SeptianPrimadewa wtf lol
how is everyone doing?
@AsadaShino it's been awhile!
hi shaggo
@ToshinouKyouko whats the Gif from?
and hello hello :D
@shaggy yuru yuri
ahh hah thats been on the list for so long..
Watch it!
I need to get to that.
It's great :P
I know I hear a lot of great things about it from a few folks i know/
Yuri yuri is among my « someday » list. That said, I believe that I already read the first chapters a few months ago. The caracters are not unfamiliar.
I almost feel like I made a mistake in building this PC, haha, cause now all I have been doing is wasting all my life away on FFXIV, which isn't the worst thing in the world, but yet, I am missing out on other aspects of my life, especially the more productive and educational situations like self teaching myself to code.
@Morwenn yeah I believe I have done a similar PV awhile ago, when checking into the manga.
i'm waiting for TOS global
@shaggy Don't worry. Most of the time, you won't find the motivation to do these things either.
@SeptianPrimadewa I'm unfamiliar with that?
@SeptianPrimadewa Terms Of Service?
Tree of saviour XD
@Morwenn ehhh but I need to
Toshinou's only sock
@shaggy Define « need » :)
@SeptianPrimadewa Lol i did a quick google search and thats what i came up with, but figured surely this isn't what Sep was talking about :P
so how's your PC ?
@Morwenn as in, I can no longer work in my "previous" line of work, need to find a new line of work, that happens to be pretty much the best options. so as far as livelyhood goes, pretty NEEDY
1/1000 mystical PC ?
@SeptianPrimadewa mine? lol i like this rating system.. hmm
nothing crazy, but its a good 700 -200 cause its windows.
I only use it for gaming atm, as of course i'm on my Mac right meow.
@shaggy Uh, yeah. That sounds like a quite serious « need » then :/
decided my plan of action is to learn python, and start dev some things with that, once I feel fairly confident with that and CS concepts, I really want to drop down to low lvl, and learn C, so I can get close to the hardware and understand boring things, and memory management, also to have a better appreciation for OOP later on. An the conclude it finishing up with C# and .NET
Q: "Strike the blood"[father,mother and their child]

SwastikDoes the fourth Progenitor,Kojou Akatsuki have two kids, One with Himeragi Yukina and Ohter with Asagi Aiba? Well, when I saw the last episode It did not seemed to me. However many sites like wikipedia [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strike_the_Blood claim so. Can anyone give me definite ...

so far starting out my journey with Python, I have started to dabble (in the most basic of manners) with the Unixy side of my Mac and been navigating via terminal (bash). Really enjoying that. and now would really like to build a cheapo lil linux box to mess around with.
@shaggy feel free to ask questions on python/c to me
I don't know more than the basics of C# / .Net though
@nhahtdh ah okay, gotcha :)
it was supposed to be the main language in my last job, but i started on something else once i began
begun wanting to start with learning C, to understand everything that I had described above as well as pointers and data structure, but I figure with my lack of CS theory and just absence from the world of technology for the past many years, I figure jumping into python might be a little more friendly to me so I don't get to overwhelmed at the start of this never ending journey of mine :D
@ToshinouKyouko awesome, that's good to know, will do. Thank you for offering you assistance.
You can grasp high-level concepts with Python without having to process things such as pointers. It will allow you to get things done and right. Once you know how to program with high-level concepts, you can dive into lower-level ones if you need it :)
that's the plan :D
I agree :)
@ToshinouKyouko what kind of work have you done/ were you supposed to be doing with python, scientific work? or back end stuff?
@shaggy a bit of everything
@shaggy I have mostly used Python for jocs in the oceanography industry. And once because I needed to implement a program as a GIS plugin.
Also, for scripting and whenever I want to plot stuff.
cool cool. well it's always great to know that I have a community of support at my disposal
I mostly use it for algorthimic stuff, but most of my web development backend is in it
when I don't care about efficiency
I've also used it for some games, but my games are kinda crap and not worth mentioning
Matplotlib too? It may be « only » a plotting library, it's still one of Python's cool strengths.
ya it's powerful
the one thing I dont like about python is the 2.7 , 3.0 gap
and no reverse compatibility
wow that's interesting. It seems a lot of people are using it for scientific work and data processing, I'm sure I'll try my hand at pygame and see what I came come up with for motivational purposes, but atm not to interested in the former, more looking to apply it to back end stuff/web dev, as well as just for learning purposes.
it's nice for doing trial stuff
no overhead of complex setups
yea from everything I plan on working with its going to be the 2.x stuff
@ToshinouKyouko Well, that's indeed a problem. Hopefully, we're slowly going to a 3-only world, even though it will still take years.
@shaggy Please try to use 3.x when possible. It will make it easier for everyone in the long run.
Yeah, I am trying to move to 3.X aswell
it has a few nice features that 2.7 doesn't have
although i use them rarely, it's nice to know they're there
mostly my main issue is having to use () with print :P
hmm well I'll see what I can do, but I know as far as me learning, and my learning materials, It seems that 2 is the most supported
Python 3.4 notably has enums and the singledispatch decorator. These are small additions but change the way you code stuff.
@ToshinouKyouko Yeah, but you can use it in a lambda now :D
lol, I could be wrong but that doesn't doesn't sound much like an issue at all :P
Not being able to use print in a lambda?
well for right now, I'm still lightyears behind all that i'm sure.
no what tosh was saying about print with the () conditional
it's certainly not, i'm just picky :p
like I said I have no idea what he's talking about, but from how it reads, it sounds silly
thought so
Oh, yeah. It's just that when you're used to write print without parenthesis, old habits stick and you end up losing quite a bit of time everytime you forget to add them.
idk if you would call that () and argument or conditional or what, I'm still new to CS all together
a(b); a - function name, () - parenthesis, b - parameter/argument
ugh, but I'm going to get off here and try and catch some shut eye. maybe catch a ep or yuri yuri
if a:

if a - conditional
ok enjoy
awesome^^ great discription
well pick this back up another night :D thank you all for chatting. I hope to learn a lot
i'm only know PHP, i want to learn ruby or python or perl but now i stuck with VB.NET at the office *crying in the corner
hah, yeah thats why I figure the route I'm choosing is a good one, especially being self taught, a lot of people want me to jump in on the .NET train, which is all fine and dandy and I'm sure thats were I'll end up, but I dont want to get stuck there off the bat, especially being self taught, I would like to not cheat myself out of a decent education. and try and explore and familiarize my self with as much content as possible. I hope one day you find the day to get the training in that you want
night all
had to come back real fast WOAH!! ToS game looks SICK!!! thanks for sharing. :P but now I leave
@shaggy lotta jobs in .net, but I recommend doing whatever you want :P
Lot's of coding talk so early in the morning :)
but here it is afternoon :D
@Dimitrimx It takes some effort and motivation to flood the chat back with anime talk.
Oh yeah it sure will, Currently also coding. Finally got some 'sort' of work
Working on a sorting algorithm? :p
Unity Editor script, they want me to make something that keeps every possible user input in mind >.<
Hey Make this "create card editor" for us! here are some basic cards we use, but they should also support xxx and yyy its up to you to make sure this all works! have fun
So now I am basicly generating C# scripts on the fly based on user input ;s
@Morwenn yaaaa...
so how about them moes
@ToshinouKyouko Tell me then, what do you find so good about Yuri Yuri? :)
Not sure if question got ignored, or a whole book is following ;D
re-evaluating my life
nah, i had some work to do
well, time for me to go on holidays ;) see yall soon
@Morwenn Yuru Yuri isn't my favourite show, but it's very fun and likeable (apart from their nosebleed jokes which I don't really like). Kyouko is the best cuz she's does stupid things unashamedly and they're always v funny :)
@Dimitrimx :O enjoy!!
@ToshinouKyouko Haha, that's more or less what I remembered from the few chapters I read ^.^
@Morwenn what's your fave?
@ToshinouKyouko Favourite smiley or favourite show?
favourite show
although you can give your favourite smiley too
I don't know. I hardly ever watch anything. Trigun was pretty enjoyable.
Otherwise, xxx Holic is probably ma favourite manga.
I keep meaning to read that
do I need to read other clamp things before it?
Not really. You could read Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles but it's not really needed.
Also, reading more CLAMP mangas will help you spot which characters come from other of their mangas, but that's not essential.
Ah I see
I haven't been watching much stuff either
I need to get back into things
1 hour later…
1 hour later...
@mirroroftruth It could have been a bold statement.
here you go :D
That was a bold move :o
@mirroroftruth I read that in the french voice in Spongebob xD
@AsadaShino sponge bob , hmmm by narrator you mean
@mirroroftruth The voice that was in the "x time later" windows when some time passed
i was thinking same
They have a voice with a french (fake or real) accent that said the text :P
i forgot , but i know there was something like that
Hehe :P
@Taisho deadman wonderland :)
@Tyhja I don't know that command.
@ToshinouKyouko love the manga :)
@OshinoShinobu yeah it's good, pity it had a rushed end
@ToshinouKyouko tomato is growing up
soon you will be a fully grown raisin and not a tomato anymore
@Sam yo!
I noticed one thing about posting messages: when you try to post the same exact message again after the previous successful attempt, you get some error in response and it shows up as a generic "something went wrong with your network" and a stack trace
could you perhaps store the last successfully sent message text and compare it to the next to check for this error and throw a more descriptive error message instead of that?
to Sam
he makes the ChatExchange api
#say a
#post status
Post module status: Enabled. 15 minutes after the previous post, Post module will start checking if 50 messages have been posted since, and then wait 40 more seconds after the latest message before posting. Links unposted: 2577, links posted: 5948, Total: 8525. Image count by user: Logan M: 2043; Toshinou Kyouko: 8; JNat: 40; Eric: 441; mirroroftruth: 1; Frosteeze: 44; Next Post post is due in 43 messages.
@Hakase Oh right. Sorry about that.
I'll patch it up later.
alright, thanks!
Taisho v3 is now serving in this cafe
let's see how well he can handle the job
and by that I mean if you see him do weird stuff, ping me and I'll fix it
should be fine, unless I missed something important, and I totally could have
nah I just felt like I needed to clear my head
it's better
other things are in it now
I still gotta find a better kind of work and I don't know what kind it should be
but not this current nonsense
this is just ridiculous
@Frosteeze raisins are from grapes, i'll just get squishy and moldy
@Sam btw, is there a way to get time since last chat interaction, so you could tell if something is bad with the network and a reinitialization might be needed? or does the lib handle reconnection automatically?
how are the 4komas going?
does anyone collect them in any one place?
A: The Many Memes of Anime.SE and it's User People

MattOur manga series, turned 4koma creation spree. Here they are (as links, so they don't clutter the post): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

@LucasHenrique .oY
@Hakase The library automatically handles all that for ya.
oh nice
that was a major concern before
There is one instance where the room obj will self-destruct if it can't reconnect the websocket. But you'll be notified via the ex event.
And the retry timeout can be customized.
so it can stop trying to reconnect in certain bad network cases?
If given long enough, yes.
isn't there some "try every 15 minutes" for that case maybe?
That's what the timeout property is for.
I mean gradually increasing retry intervals, to avoid getting tempbanned by chat and yet still try to reconnect
I just want to make it as reliable as possible
like turn on and go away for a month and it would still be working despite possible network outages
Eh, lemme check the retry code...
my current solution is to scrap chat api instance and try to connect with a new one every 3 minutes if there were no chat events received for a minute
chat usually sends out events every 30 seconds
Well, if you haven't received an exception via the listener everything should be running fine, chat event-wise.
Otherwise, if you get disconnected, the library will automatically retry to connect the websocket; failing that, you'll get an exception stating it couldn't restart the socket.
but will it keep trying forever tho?
I mean, if it's as good as trying with a new instance, I'd rather not reinstantiate
By default it will retry for 15 mins.
But you can change that.
what's the property name?
ok then I'll set it to 10 days
should be super enough
I keep restarting him and there aren't enough messages for an automatic post this evening
Lemme know if you find anything else in need of repair. ;)
Q: Help identifying manga about time traveling siblings

mac2I read this manga about a few years ago and I had the urge to pick it up again. The premise is about a guy who saves a kidnapped girl, who ends up being his sister. She has a chain on her neck, and they both have some very distinctive hairstyles. She's mute, and at the end they do some time trave...

hey the fsf does good work
2 hours later…
I would use != 0 instead of <0
does it return -1 on not found?
then == -1 rather than < 0
can you do just if (!user.username)
you can make the ifs take up less room by getting rid of the braces
if that's what you want
not unless you want to nest ifs
wait i think you can
but you might do some extra instructions
is indexof supposed to be checking a string or the object user?
user = (user.username===undefined)? localStorageService.key('user') : user;

return localStorageService.keys().indexOf('user') < 0) ? false : userusername !== undefined;
or easier to read:
if (user.username === undefined){
user = localStorageService.key('user');
if (localStorageService.keys().indexOf('user') < 0){
return false;
return user.username !== undefined
unless it's the user object
you should use the isAuthenticated function there tho
in your if
@ton.yeung No capital functions unless constructor please.
Also, who's this magical user and why is it global?
@ton.yeung That... doesn't look like a constructor...
Are you performing abominations in JavaScript again?
We've talked about this.
@ToshinouKyouko Something about sense not being made.
@ToshinouKyouko You're a tomato.
@Killua i am indeed
@ToshinouKyouko do tomatoes wear hats?
Q: Identification: anime I saw in late 90s / early 00s set in post-apocalyptic world, they visit a ruined Las Vegas

user16131I don't remember too much about this but I'll try my best. One scene stands out... So it is set in a "post-apocalyptic" type world, and a small band of characters are traveling when they come upon a ruined Las Vegas. One of them (female I think?) asks what this place was, and another (male I t...

@Frosteeze some do
@Killua you see, this is why we must squish all tomatoes
Squish the tomatoes!
Burn the hats!
Yeah, I saw that this morning. Firefox's update is still not available to me.
Q: What does K.Y. mean?

SheharyarThere's this scene in Nichijou episode one where a Grim Reaper is asking everyone: Do you know what K.Y. means? Nobody replies him, maybe because they're scared of him. Finally he asks another reaper dressed in blue, and he replies: Someone clueless, like you. Is this supposed to be a...

Q: Is getting hit by Perishables/Food worse?

SheharyarIn Nichijou episode one, Yuuko gets hit by a Kokeshi, and then by an Akabeko on her head. She says that it could've been worse if she were struck by a Perishable, before actually getting hit on the head with a piece of Salmon. I'm not sure if I get this. Why would it be worse? Why would she even...

I'm gonna be boring and give a boring explanations to both
I'm gonna be funny and give funny explanations to both
it all depends on how much fun you see in that
obviously perishables is worse because then the smell might imprint on you, right?
especially raw fish
so what about k.y?
tomato-san answered it properly
I think i looked it up before
right, I remember that
it popped up before
> This is not a forum and there are no threads. Only questions, answers and comments below each of them. And nothing is ever "dead" here.
was just about to post that but got ninjad
aha, sorry :P
I am done for now, no more stealing your thunder
I only looked at it because it's on my fave list and that's like 3% of all tags
I'm not even active on the site in the common meaning of the word
just do whatever
humblebundle.com/store anime weekend in humble bundle store
anything good on it?
some discounts on naruto and dbz
other than that, meh
get 100% orange juice and everyone in chat can play that party game
i have it already

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