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oh, it only a few chat above...
c.c. @Eric
Currently happening on multiple (perhaps all) beta sites, but doesn't seem to be on A51 or SE.com stats. You may still want to check that your data are okay though.
@LoganM or maybe all the Beta sites are just that popular and the other stats are bugged
@Memor-X no, I know the reason it's happening. Various other things are also failing now.
@OshinoShinobu i think i'd rather a figure looking Togame on the right than a Deviant Blade, so much cuter
@LoganM Yeah, my data's fine. The Stack Exchange index seems unaffected.
Geez, I can't spell today. I'm all about lysdexia.
Q: Anime about pregnant woman in a hotel with another girl

Can I be a Mongoose dogI saw a clip if this a while back (not sure how long, it still kind of in my mind) and am looking for the name of the anime it may have come from. From what I remember this pregnant woman with short red/orange hair is in a hotel and being told that the room she's going into is the most expensive...

@Sakamoto meh, i'm not holding out hope that this isn't just some crappy Hentai
@Memor-X @OshinoShinobu Euphonium, the scene that is suggestive of yuri.
@nhahtdh haven't seen the series so have no idea what scene you are on about
@Memor-X probably this
8 hours ago, by nhahtdh
user image
@nhahtdh KyoAni, no wonder it looks like Yui and her other sisters
@Memor-X That's the point. Check it out if you want to know :D
is it good?
Honestly, not really. They have brown uniforms. That already ruined the show for me before it aired.
what's wrong with brown uniform, most anime has brown jacket
No, it doesn't. Most anime have reasonably colorful uniforms, and almost all of them try to avoid brown. When you do see brown, it's usually a light brown, e.g. Shuffle's uniforms, which give off a nostalgic feel without looking too dated, or brown mixed with other colors. But Hibike Euphonium's brown uniforms are essentially 100% dark obnoxious brown. Even the stripe on the skirt is just a different shade of brown.
The uniforms look completely out of place for a story that's supposed to take place in the present day. They're the sort of thing I'd expect if the show was set in the 1920s, not modern day.
They need to make the chat button more accesable on SE.
Also... Obligatory Loli comment. star me PLZ <3
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ NOM
Even if everything else in Hibike Euphonium were fantastic, I think the brown uniforms are a big enough turn-off that the series is below average for me. Sadly, there are many other minor issues, so even if you watched in black and white it wouldn't be a great show.
I'm watching punch line...
I need to catch up with Punch Line.
I think the last episode I watched was 6, and 8 is already out..
I'm on ep 4 right now.
Spam flags:
A: Why was One Piece white washed?

user14719Many thanks for this brilliant post! Many points have extremely useful. Hopefully you'll continue sharing your knowledge around. get soundcloud followers

I see, but every KyoAni deserve a try IMO, because of their great animation in general
Kyoani's animation quality 5 years ago was far better than anyone else's. These days, it's only a bit better on average.
bit better is enough, there are still lot new anime that have it worse
Honestly, when they're animating characters in ugly brown uniforms, I have a hard time even noticing if the quality is above average.
I only get on here every so often.
Neko_Kun rather.
Lame sauce.
Q: What chapter is the episode 413 of Naruto Shippuden

NARUTOI want to start reading the manga Naruto Shippuden, but I would rather start reading from the last episode that was aired (currently episode 413). Do you know which chapter that episode (episode 413) would be?

@Sakamoto I don't know what we're supposed to do with these questions. I would have used "too localized" before, but now it doesn't seem like we can close it, even though we could presumably get one for each episode of a long series.
@LoganM if he can add some detailed event in that chapter, it's okay i guess
But that would literally mean we could get hundreds of similar questions.
imo, it's just like id-req.
if it's easy to google-able.. then it's just like easy id-req reverse image.
I think it's worse than id requests. For id requests, there's no obvious way to solve it. For a question like this, just go on the list of manga chapters and find the right one.
yeah but if detailed event on that chapter included, it's maybe useful for someone searching number of chapter (both in anime and manga) for that event..
O hi yo/
at 1st i thought i came in wrong room , all the starred item are text :P
yeah someone is wasting the star wall positions.
but it will fix itself as soon as @Taisho posts a few more times, so no worries.
yes , waste of script and wall
@LoganM I gave a general solution for that question. find the episode details in the Wikia pls :p
@EroSɘnnin i hope there are some website provide anime to manga chapter converter
that would be nice
@SeptianPrimadewa it is hard , if the anime contains a lot of filler
but you can find yourself easily if you are following the series
@SeptianPrimadewa yeah. That would make things way easier. But its hard to create such a converter. But most of the time the episode-chapter relationship can be found in the wikis.
I don't think it's hard you just need to follow both anime and manga. but I doubt it's useful either. People usually only want to know what chapter is the last episode or last arc or something. Not every episode available
individual have to distinguish every chapter and episode and collect it, hard to do
if it's random chapter and random episode then yes, it's hard. But mostly you only need to know when the beginning and the ending of one arc. and everything else will follow
also when story differ from manga
A: Why is Ulquiorra the only espada with a second release?

CookieOpMy answer to you first quest:why not My answer to your second question:idk My answer to you think question: espads 1,or 2

or manga explain more detailed information
ergh previews sometimes just doesnt work ._.
that looks a bit weird
they look like amphibians disguised as humans.
@Taisho wow
@Frosteeze It won't one-box if you ping someone, but it will if you're replying to one of their messages.
Oh I see
@Frosteeze this is unsettling
also you can't @name onebox, you gotta reply
@LoganM That is a weird place to complain about, though everyone has their own taste
I don't think it's that unusual to complain about the uniforms. It's a rather common complaint among the people I know who are watching the show.
mmm this cat
wow that cat is fairly large.
I want a big cat like that
@Hakase you know big cat also mean those cat who live in jungle , bigger than you :D
@mirroroftruth I want one as hugging pillow
Q: What is the serious comedy?

Abhishek ShahHattori mentioned that what Ashirogi Muto's Manga lacked was Serious Comedy and tries to explain what it was and how to implement it. Ashirohgi Muto implemented it but it was hardly described how and also the concept of serious comedy is still unclear with me. Please help with some examples!

@nhahtdh fluffy fluffy
but they may hug you so tight and give you love bite that you may travel to heaven or party at hell :D
Yeah, they love you so much that they eat you up to the last bone
@nhahtdh that sentence just tingle by brain , something similar was told by some one anime
may be Yuno
@Hakase it's what's happening in texas ;D
the flooding that is
@Hakase that was... interesting
@Frosteeze what we say a pool surrounded by water ispool
worky time again
probably see ya evening again
I'm bored, so I'm going to post a 変態 (hentai) picture
Not sure if I should put in a hentai category in Taisho
@nhahtdh post some mahou shoujo hentai also
but you have to capture it at middle of hentai :D
@mirroroftruth Here
@nhahtdh that is mature level hentai :D
This is usually called henshin, however
why there's a fly here
#post something
@nhahtdh does not matter, it is still transformation
@OshinoShinobu Hentai = metamorphosis
@nhahtdh i thought transformation , that what Google sensei told me
変態(へんたい、metamorphosis)とは、動物の正常な生育過程において形態を変えることを表す。昆虫類や甲殻類などの節足動物に典型的なものが見られる。 == 概略 == 特に、栄養の摂取に特化し、生き残りと成長に最適化された幼生と、次世代を生み出すための生殖機能を備えた成体の間で、形態が大きく変わることが多い。それに伴い、生活様式や場所が変化する場合もある。海産無脊椎動物ではよくあるが、成体が底性生活で、幼生がプランクトンの生活をするものは、全て変態を行う。 なお、哺乳類や鳥類、爬虫類のように、基本的な体の構成は変わらず、各部分の発達によってその比が変化する程度で、連続的に形態が変化して成体になる場合には変態とは呼ばない。また、「卵から生まれる」場合には、見かけ上の形態の変化は大きいが、その個体の形は、卵の中であらかじめ形成されており、変態には当たらない。つまり、変態とは、動物が孵化して幼生の形になった後の変化のみに対して用いる言葉である。 エルンスト・ヘッケルは生物の発生は進化の経路を辿るとする反復説をとなえた。この説は、現在では多くの問題を指摘されているものの、基本的にはある程度の範囲で認められている。その意味では、動物が発生の過程で姿を変えるのは当然とも言える。その観点に立てば、変態とは、それが成長の過程に見られる現象という見方もあり得る。つまり、変態をしない...
@nhahtdh uh... how...
The same word has several meaning. Hentai, as in 18+ anime refers to 変態性欲 (Sexual Perversion). 変態 can also refer to metamorphosis in biology.
tried to google image 変態 one of the worst mistake I made
at work..
so what did you got , something you should never see at work
why don't you try it then
i got hentai neko
but i got nsfw pics too lol
@OshinoShinobu there are lots of manga image with surprised face
I got 3D human female's breast
there are more like you said when you scroll down
gotta go home, better erase history..
i have my browser to not to save history
history created in internet while browsing are not much important , you can just bookmark them if they are important :D
history is important
any relation katanagatari and monogatari series ?
dont think so
could be wrong though, havent seen katanagatari
Morning :3
belated morning
Q: looking for an old anime with a red haired protagonist

FilipHey everyone ive been trying to find this anime for years , last time i saw it i was 4 , anyway i remember it was on vhs that we rented , it was about a red haired boy , who i belive fought demons. He would transform in the style of Yugi Moto into a bigger and older looking self when fighting tho...

Q: Search for yaoi manga

KaitaneI'm searching for a certain manga i read a long time ago and i can't find it any where and i do not now the name all i remember is that: there is this guy how took advantage of an old man how was drunk and took him to a love hotel and suck him, there relationship continue and they start seen each...

@SeptianPrimadewa Very unlikely. Kanatagatari is not set in "modern" world, as far as I can tell. If there is anything, probably the sword? (I haven't read/watch Katanagatari, though)
1 hour later…
Hurray for queries~
Database! Database!~
Database! Database~
2 hours later…
Q: What manga is this from?

Dawnbreaker I have been looking all over my reading list, and my little manga link folder, and nothing! I don't even remember reading it actually..but it seems very interesting, and the drawing is familiar.. someone? please help!

Anime time
Weekend time for me~! :D
Q: What should you do when you change your mind about an answer?

Peter RaevesImagine you posted an answer, which at the time seemed good and got a few upvotes. Then a few months/years later you revisit your answer, read it and wonder how you could have ever come up with such rubbish. What would you do? I have had this a couple of times recently and obviously the first th...

that movie was da bomb
haven't seen either
imgur.com/gallery/oIDB4 prepare to hold your horses before reading this
That's put a bit of a downer on my day :(
Poor android
@Hakase amazing metaphor, people suck :(
realistically, I think those kinds of videos would be banned from major video hosting sites by the time such intelligent robots are made
before you know it:
at least skynet aren't as mean as people
weather is sooo nice
rain, dark skies
sounds lovely :P
da best
fresh air is best air
does anyone know a time graph visualization that makes sense?
I'm looking for some way to visualize when user listened to tracks on some liney graph
basically lines, but positioned in a way that lets you easily understand when you listened to what
Who was Yuuji's first girl? The special seems to suggest that it was her sister.
Q: Why does Kirei want Rin's heart?

OmegaIn later episodes of UBW, Kirei announces that he will take Rin's heart. I suppose that he wanted to use it as some sort of vessel for the grail. But what about Illya's heart? The one Gilgamesh took? Why take Rin's if he already has Illya's, which I guess is better? Perhaps he is not allied wit...

I only see comments at specific times
@Unihedron I'd guarantee if such a thing were to happen the dislike count would be more than the likes
and there would probably be a push for ai rights
@ton.yeung sort of like this
that's the very basic idea
@uni how does this look to you? :p
Pretty colors! ^^
@ton.yeung of course
I found an app earlier that draws app usage graphs with lines and it's kinda bad
many apps actually
that's pretty cool...kinda wanna see that in a mobile app
they're for time management or something
too bad youre not developing that for android :P
what if it's a web-app that runs on a page?
I'm thinking of doing that coz it seems the way to go
that could work
I don't know really, I don't even have a smartphone smarter than winmobile 6.1
it does have a browser, so I could test the lamest case scenarios on it lol
if you have a decent computer you can get android studio and use the emulator
it runs pretty smoothly
I just don't know why build an os-specific app in the first place
I suppose performance stuff
to build your portfolio lol
I made a web app, but you can also run it in through these mobile apps which are essentially a browser control with an app icon :p
portfolio for whom
every time I think about work stuff I get anxious
portfolio to show off and get a better job
guess it will pass sometime
i mean you keep saying you don't do anything in your current job, might as well build a portfolio to show you can do a lot of things
next week I'm gonna be doing everything at work and then I'll be thinking how to get out coz I'm not ok with everything they want me to do there
and then I'll find some part-time job and build my portfolio or whatever in spare time
@Hakase Best of luck!
@uni do you know of a firefox color inversion thing?
I see css filter thing only works for chrome
Oh :(
try searching for an extension that does it
mm k found one
does weird color stuff instead of correct inversion tho
whoa lightning struck a bit too close and my monitor turned off and on again
luckily everything is fine
fun weather
students are wooing from their windows
hmm this one looks okay
oh dayyyum this one struck way too close
lol not the student :D
Cool query, in case anyone's curious and hasn't tried it out yet
do "reached" people count for posts with 80 answers and most of them not on the first page?
@Hakase IIRC, on posts with many answers, only the ones across a score threshold counts the questions' view as impact
ok that makes sense
Q: What is this anime??? Girl With A ShotGun On GraveStone

NightLucidityIm making a nightcore and I was wondering what anime (if from an anime) this image came from... Thanks In advance, NightLucidity

a nightcore what
google shows lots of Miku pics
This has got to be a new record:
> This account is temporarily suspended network-wide. The suspension period ends on May 13 '43 at 17:28.
but why
is he -30 years old?
1 hour later…
idk man
the lower code screenshot is supposed to prove the poster right
it does not, however
most posts blindly bash naturally spaced fonts without considering the cases where they can be good
Q: Why use monospace fonts in your IDE?

RikI've seen a couple of font topics on SO and it seems a majority of people use monospace fonts for programming tasks. I have been using Verdana for programming for a couple of years and I really like the enhanced readability, without missing anything monospace related. Why do you use a monospace ...

okay, but how often is that useful?
the correct answer to the question "which is best" is "it depends"
so the more correct question would be "but how often is that useful to you?"
almost no answers mention that
my code is wordy and I'm in favor of readability than evenly sized words
Have you tried writing Befunge in Verdana? It's pretty hard. Much easier with monospace fonts.
not for me :p
I write exactly zero characters and I'm done coding in befunge
If you type 0 characters, all the characters have the same width. So you are effectively using a monospace font.
which is why it's as easy for me either way
I remember that
I don't understand. What does it do?
turns your phone into 3d glasses
but it has to be of certain size to fit nicely
so no fat phones, no phones in fat cases, no big phones, no small phones
basically, not very consumer-friendly
How does it do that?
lens for both eyes plus some software I guess
also I'm a bit afraid that the phone will fall out of the side holes
what does the phone actually do though?
probably shows you some games transformed to look 3d
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@ton.yeung changed what?
I think I'm confused. You're saying that the phone is for looking at? Because to me a phone is a device for listening and/or speaking to.
phones have big screens these days
expensive ones even high resolution
My phone doesn't have a screen.
I assume they have some long list of phones and their screen sizes and resolutions so that app would show the visible areas with the same sizes
@LoganM it has a protective dielectric screen that prevents you from getting electrocuted
No, that's kind of old.
ok phones can technically have a display even if they don't have a screen
My phone looks like this (but in black)
I see it supports flash
I don't think mine does
hold on I'll check
actually it does
Also, "hold", "redial", and "mute".
does it play music while on hold?
I don't know, I've never tried
I think I've gotten maybe 3 phone calls ever on it.
I don't get many calls either :p
a few years back I set up a ringtone and I was very confused about where in the store that tune I know is playing
the call came four months later
then I went back to vibration only
Q: anime that looks like Parasyte?

A random person Whats this anime that looks like parasyte called here's the link to the image i have to have 30 characters

Q: Did Ultear knew there was a different way to defeat Hades?

AlagarosIn episode 116 after Ultear lost the fight with Grey she tells him there is no other way of beating Hades other then using Iced Shell. This seems weird since when she had Zeref a couple episodes back, she was about to back stab Hades and take him for her own. This would imply that she is no lo...

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