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Q: Will there be a Senyuu season 3?

SheharyarI loved Senyuu so much, but haven't been able to get any information about a third season. And I think it's been almost over a year since the last season. So my question is will there be a third season, and if no, why would they cancel such an awesome series?

I'm not so sure that the works marketed as 18+ are actually not intended for minors :p
the realities of the world aren't exactly the same as what these age ratings are based on
They can't legally be sold to minors. While it's true that some minors still get them, I can assure you that they are not the target audience. If they were, it wouldn't be profitable for studios to churn out extra merchandise and expensive DVDs.
Q: What is Armin's Gender?

thatLookOne of my friend read an article saying that Armin was a "girl" . I just want to confirm if it is true .You can answer right away if you have an idea . (X^X)

I agree that the primary TA is as it's advertised
I'm just saying that… well you know it yourself
@Sakamoto wut
well then… I know nothing
@Eric 僕 isn't that rare for female characters. I could probably come up with a couple dozen examples if I had to.
@LoganM Alright, I changed it to "fairly".
Looks like TVTropes beat me to it: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Bokukko
Anyway, I neither know or care what the actual answer to that question is, but if I've learned anything from anime, it's that until you know absolutely for sure the gender of a character, it can change.
I think today is the first day that we've been ranked "excellent" in Q/D by area 51 metrics: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/31538/anime-manga
your reaction to Araragi 11 years ago
guess even Araragi was a loli at one point
every character was once a loli :p
... loliragi?
lolikawa sounds better
@Hakase lol, that's sounds better
I finally configured my ps4 controller to comfortably browse frame-by-frame these part-second cards, but now I'm just not interested in them anymore :p
yes I'm a PC fanboy since I can't afford any other console :p
@LoganM we need 10 questions per day? thats kinda a lot... what if all 10 questions are id-req?
I just want to do stuff and I can on computers, but not on consoles, unfortunately
but they're not intended for stuff, just games
@LoganM what about visit rate compared to other sites?
Amelia, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
403 1 14
@ToshinouKyouko ^
also how the hell are users ranked by activity on a51?
@Hakase so what's better than Toshinou Kyouko, it's two Toshinou Kyouko :D
anime.stackexchange.com/users/99/… this guy for example hasn't done anything in a year and he's just above me on the second page of most active users on a51
@Hakase the number of posts or comments on site?
may be
guess my ~80 tag wiki excerpt edits count towards that too
@Hakase lol, passive rep
@Hakase We're pretty good. 10k is above the median.
@Hakase "Most Active" just ranks by total Questions + Answers. Doesn't include meta either.
Q: Stack Exchange is the perfect forum for debates

JodyProposal: Debates - Any Topic Stack Exchange is a perfect forum for debates. Without debates, science wouldn't evolve.

How long till we get to watch Araragi-kun expand his harem again?
So not that much longer
but only one episode just like hana :(
@Hakase shaft background never ceases to amaze me
Hana was the length of 5 episodes though.
Also didn't have very much Araragi-kun
@OshinoShinobu that's a huge city
yea 2 hours of Kanbaru
@LoganM 31 December it seems, I'm gonna watch it next year
Kanbaru is boring tho without Araragi. If we're going to get 2 hours of one girl, at least make it one of the lolis. At least this time we get Yotsugi, who should be more interesting.
I enjoyed Kanbaru's adventures without Araragi
he steals focus too much
I didn't even make any appearance on Hana
They said your name once or twice.
as if it was enough :(
At least we had some of best girl Kaiki in Hana.
whoooo's that?
> [Commie] Monogatari Series Second Season - 09 [BD 1080p AAC] [8B1FD0BE].mkv_snapshot_06.12_[2014.12.14_05.43.20]
@Hakase Kagenui?
Q: Is there or should there be a rule against asking questions for an anime or manga you haven't finished yet?

Secret Evil RadioI was thinking about a question I wanted to ask on the non-meta site when I ran across this issue. For clarity, I'll detail what my question would have been. Note that I'm just using this to show an example, I'm not asking the question quoted below.1 Question: What is the relationship between...

did anyone know this room existed?
it has no owners
Yes I knew
There are many like it
I currently see 82 of them, though all but 2 are frozen or deleted.
are they automatically created with each new site public release?
No, they're weird. I think there was a bug a while ago.
What the bug did was if any given site doesn't have an unfrozen/deleted main room, the system would create a new one. This meant that inactive rooms constantly got remade.
The Stack Exchange Network was a case where no one used the rooms, so they kept getting recreated on a weekly basis.
It's since been fixed as far as I know.
@OshinoShinobu I totally forgot she existed and who she was
thought she was some unintroduced yet character
How do you forget characters from Monogatari? There's only like 10 total.
she doesn't have any appearances in… I just can't remember where she even was seen
not in Hana, that's for sure
most probably not in second season, since I rewatched it somewhat recently >.>
not sure tho
or have I not finished rewatching it?
zen-zen wakaran
@Taisho ohm those fingas
I'm thinking of creating a bot which would post links to image onebox messages and youtube videos to 2 respective rooms
so that there would always be a complete list of all posted pics and videos
of course, Taisho and Karasu would be ignored, as you can easily find their posts just by searching everything they've ever posted
or even go right to Logan's google drive, omitting the search altogether
unrelated videos and pictures could be removed later on a regular checkup
what do you think?
I don't understand what you want to do. Just scrape all the images and YT links?
basically, yes
what would you use them for?
for their own value
So just keep them to yourself?
huh? could you rephrase?
What are you going to use the images and videos that you get for?
there's lots of talk about stuff going on in here, and sometimes I just want to browse some pictures or videos, without the text messages
So you're going to generate a list of things and then do what with that list?
consume the content
look at the pictures
If so, it's not like you need our permission or anything.
yes, but anybody else is welcome as well
How would they access your list?
I'm just asking if anyone else would be interested
that would be another chat room
like the thrills and spills
but it's only for gifs
So just a duplicate of this room but without text posts?
2 rooms actually − one for pics excluding #post, and the other for videos
But in the end they would just duplicate the content here?
for the most part, yes
unrelated videos and pictures would be removed
In that case, I'd think something like an RSS feed would be better. Either that, or a script to ignore certain posts.
@Hakase What counts as "unrelated"?
pictures of cats maybe, I can't think of an example
videos of scientific experiments probably
Pictures of cats are certainly worth keeping in my book.
non-anime stuff
(at least if they're anime cats)
Are you going to sort the anime/not stuff automatically or manually?
manually, after it's posted, just move the unrelated messages to bin
This seems like a lot of work.
A userscript to hide irrelevant messages would probably be a lot easier.
Only problem with that is that then you don't get 100 at a time I guess.
yeah that would certainly be a problem
even when browsing the transcript
I just don't see a special room for just the purpose of watching as a great iidea
there's thrills and spills >.>
True, I guess
but that's really more about participating than watching.
Tsukimonogatari -> After Koimonogatari
I feel like there are a lot more people posting static images than animated gifs around here, as well as music videos (just soundtracks in form of yt vids)
it could turn out more popular than T&S
We're not supposed to post animated gifs here, or else people will get annoyed.
in any case, it's just an idea for now
T&S was specifically created to avoid having this room be flooded with gifs.
I guess it's an okay idea, but like I said, if what you want is just an abbreviated view of this room without all the text, I'd imagine a userscript is the easier approach.
considering how bad I am at js, I don't think this is realistic
You can't be worse than me
and I'm almost sure we won't be able to convince anybody to help make it work
and then there would be obstacles like how the transcript only shows messages for 1 whole day at a time
You might be able to convince people in The Bridge that it's a good idea.
They've got similar content ratios to ours AFAICT.
kangaeru yo
If you really want to do it, there's nothing stopping you. So I guess the question is whether other people would use such a thing. I probably wouldn't if I have to go to a different room to do so. But maybe it would be of interest to others.
certainly the first choice correction
wat is interned?
o wait nvm
Q: Forgot name of manga

Lasfgjmgipv vbnyrdxckMagic power girl - the girl has a lot of power but she can't control it sometimes She gets into like some protection team at palace - using power to protect Prince likes to go out often in disguise He has powers too

@Sakamoto What a great title.
Speaking of which, I think I may have an idea regarding ID requests which won't end with dozens of hours of debate and no clear consensus.
Might right a meta post about it soon. We'll see.
@Hakase plz get 4k so I don't have to approve your tag edits every time.
lol, I approve his edit without knowing it was his edit
I generally check who it is for tag wikis. Most tag wiki edits are from high rep users. If it's someone I've seen before and I know they know what they're doing, I don't have to do as thorough a grammar/plagiarism check.
And, on the other hand, if it's someone who frequently submits problem edits (luckily we don't have many and they've mostly gotten better or stopped) then I know to at least keep an eye out.
I usually read it all despite whoever edit it. Sometimes even high rep users made mistake, I made mistake once, I gave wrong link but somehow they didn't check it first and approve my edit
but I don't check edit sugestion that often, just whenever I feel like doing it
I think I still have the second most edit reviews.
yes you're
Yeah. Not nearly as high on some of the other queues though
first place is JNat
He's beating me by only 4 though.
@HoiHoi-san just left the room T.T
@ton.yeung T.T
if I vote to close (or anything) without looking from review page will it count?
nope, has to be through the queue.
Otherwise my close vote count would be way higher.
ah, I thought so, but looking at review queue is boring
Faster to close when @Sakamoto posts here than to wait for it to hit the queue.
Q: school fighting manga?

rodrick mcgeeA boy who lost his memory goes to a school for deliquints and they start fighting for badges and he suppose to be in a group where the leader was a girl. I think the guy name was Kim something

or not..
Q: Can someone please identify this fighting-school manga?

rodrick mcgeeI'm trying to identify a manga. In the manga, there is a boy who has lost his memory. He goes to a school for delinquents, where they start fighting for badges. He is supposed to be in a group, the leader of which is a girl. The boy's name may have been Kim, but I'm not positive.

^OP found the answer within 30 minutes of posting :/
Is that a problem?
It means they probably should have just looked a bit more rather than asking us.
I do appreciate that he came back to post an answer, albeit a very minimalist one. But I'd rather people who are that close to finding it on their own just do it rather than asking us to do it.
@LoganM He should be back shortly.
Q: Please help me figure out the name of this anime movie I watched

J304050When I was younger at my baby sitters house with my sister they started a movie on their computer but didn't let us finish because they said at a certain part we couldn't watch anymore. One of the main characters used a bow and they were fighting off these things that looked like roots(May have a...

Q: Anime identification

TristinCI would like to re-watch an anime but i can't remember the characters name's or the title. I remember some of the story. The story starts with a guy at the subway station and he meets a girl there who is lost. The girl says she is looking for her fiancee. The guy fixes the girls sandals which had...

The requests looks garbage
Anyone following Eromanga-sensei LN?
Good news is that a manga version is out, and 7 chapters have been available in raw
It seems to be old news... just found out that 3 chapters have been translated
ME today at photoshoot
so kawaii
@Frosteeze :/ y
Q: Anime name please!

Craiz_RioI watch this quite long ago, it starts of with a girl (with orange hair) and she lives in a country side, and she goes attend a ball with her friend in her carriage. when she gets ready her (foster mother) lets her wear a necklace and blue dress she makes for her.... At the ball she is thought to...

Q: Help find anime, have cover anime

Мак Матhelp me find one old anime, I have only one picture of this anime, and this picture very bad quality http://xarhiv.ru/img/15/0639/8354.jpg In the anime, I'm looking for, there are cyborgs and arena fights, and even there the fall sad end, if I remember correctly. Anime which i try find look like ...

@iKlsR because hats are evil
you for example want to banz0r @Eric
Q: Can someone please help me identifying this hentai? (NSFW)

angel1412I've been trying to find the name of this hentai for hours without success, the animation style looks like something from the 90's, and given that it's uncensored, it's possible it was released in the U.S. The link to the video is this: NSFW Video

lifehacks.stackexchange.com/a/1769/179 check out my edited answer on hacks about dryin hair faster
I kinda like lifehacks for accepting weird and dangerous solutions
Too many id-req
I don't want our site to be flooded with them, esp. when they are this low in quality
increase standards, remove substandard, reevaluate
Denki-gai no Honya-san is both fun and has cute girls in it
this is great
It is watchable, but I wouldn't recommend unless you like moe
What's with all the hentai identification requests lately?
you're the mod here
see where they're coming from
@Hakase we can't see where each individual person or question came from.
Nor how did they find out about the site, we don't require that information on signup.
aren't there any mod stats like that?
@MadaraUchiha: Since we don't really deny them on grounds of it being hentai, they will come in
@nhahtdh I'm seriously considering it now.
I don't mind a lot of traffic, but I don't know if I want the front page filled with hentai requests.
We aren't a porn recognition service.
maybe add hentai to blacklist for id requests?
Need community consensus for that first.
hold a vote
I (or someone else) will have to fomulate a meta post about it.
But I can't do that right now, if any of you have time and want to support the cause, feel free to go for it.
1 hour later…
next week will be the final Psycho Pass episode
the plot just started going somewhere and it's already it for the second season
also weaksauce ep 12 is out on 20th and concludes the Spread season
@Hakase Doooh, poor Frank :(
I'm kinda conflicted about these two shows
kisama ni koeru bishoujo dearu imouto no pantsu wo hibi aratteiru kono ore ga ima sara onna ni hitomebore nado suru mono ka!
@nhahtdh What do you want with his little sister's panties?
Just a quote from eromanga-sensei
> 貴様に超える美少女である妹のパンツを日々洗っているこの俺がいまさら女に一目惚れなどするものか
slow weekend, huh
everybody must be busy preparing for holidays
I'm at work :P
moderating SE?
wrapping up doujins in plastic?
(was referring to denki-gai but whatev)
Q: Why Androids in Dragon ball Z used car?

IBrThere is few scenes in where android 16,17,18 are just riding truck while they are capable of flight. It gives many time for heroes to recover and think what to do next, explore cell egg, merge Picollo with Kame, for Goku to recover. It looks both unreasonable and hillarious. Is there any reason...

@Sakamoto coz they're stupid and comedy
@Hakase I'm the real Kyouko D:
@ToshinouKyouko Yeah, well. They're blue though.
@MadaraUchiha D:
what is my life
You should get blued as well.
Ask @LoganM how he did it.
> I'm blue, if I was green I would die, da ba dee da boo die
@LoganM how u did it?
I gotta be higher than blue
I want to be orange
purple is for legendary :p
1 hour later…
does anybody here use or know of any automatic torrent download apps?
A: Young boy protagonist with a sword containing a red stone on its hilt?

Monzer KhattabI have been searching for this anime for a long time. i only remember some details such as: the main character was a boy with red hair (many thought that he's a girl throughout his journey) and he had a red stone that he was born with it, in his sword that his father manufactured for him. the m...

this is a question posted as an answer by a new user who thinks this is a forum
@Hakase Y'mean automatically download every torrent that pops up?
That feels a bit extreme.
@Yuuki eh no, just the ones I will download eventually
like every new episode of an anime that is currently airing
@Hakase How would it figure out which ones are which? I can maybe think of a few ways, but torrent titles are... annoying to say the least.
Not to mention, how would you know whether the file is genuine (i.e. not mis-named)?
even regular expressions could solve that problem
just wait for a bit to see if it's not removed
peer count accumulates not as fast on fake uploads as on legit ones
also comments could help where applicable
for example, on TPB if it's fake, the commenters will always drop by to say a few words
many "thanks" comments could indicate that it's legit
I just thought some app like that would already exist
I'm pretty sure it's doable and I think it might already have been done.
one way to make sure the torrent is legit is to monitor release groups or related IRC channels and see if hashes are the same
@Taisho I think I know what that is, but the image is so small...
hehe there was a "what" in your reply :p
@Hakase I was wondering if that was a new thing.
no that is at least four months old
Ugh, I'm not sure how I feel about the upcoming Marvel films.
Dr. Strange with Benedict Cumberbatch? Civil War without Spider-Man?
I gotta say this new spider-man actor guy they came up with is pretty repulsive
I see these twenty-something guys like him on the street and I'm glad I have nothing to do with them
but watching a movie with a main character like that…
that's just terrible
so it's fine by me that he won't be taking part in the upcoming movie
@Hakase I don't have any problems with Andrew Garfield. My issue is with the terrible, terrible writing.
The lines he got... so cringe-inducing.
that's what I mean
they wanted him to act like some sort of hip guy
If The Phantom Menace has taught me anything, it's that it's rarely the actors' fault if the movie's bad, it's typically the writers'.
idk maybe it helped the movie sell among the target audience
@Hakase Which is terrible since Peter Parker is emphatically not a hip guy. He's a funny guy and he knows a lot of pop culture. While typically those two traits are found in stereotypically "hip" guys, Peter Parker is not one of those people.
2 hours later…
@Yuuki That would be Misaka Mkito-chan vs Mugino Shizuri
... macgyver... not rube goldberg please. — Phlume 52 mins ago
I must not know something
I don't get it
Macgyver means inventing something out of trivial items, e.g a lockpick from a toothpick
rube goldberg is one of those complicated device to do a simple thing
@Hakase We have the standards, just need more people to vote on close
these lifehacks turned out to be hard
gonna watch gone girl now, hope it's good
2.5 hours damn
we'll need at least 2 refills of tea
remember how Taisho used so say "s" randomly?
good times
@Hakase It depends on what you're into, but it's a pretty good movie.
Also, there are theatres still showing Gone Girl?
@Hakase No, link plz
Indeed, lol
Aug 1 at 4:11, by Prix
why he does ssssss
Aug 1 at 4:11, by Logan M
what is ssssssss anyway
Jun 29 at 20:44, by Taisho
Well, once I figure out how to regex the Chat.SE search, then we might be able to find more occurrences.
Unless he uses the same amount of s's each time.
Nope, he does not.
All right, off to my last shift at SMG.
@Hakase you can get rss feed updates
yeah, I absolutely forgot about everything that's happened in the last century, apparently
living under a rock is tough bzns
@OshinoShinobu you a fan of Monogatai, after Onimonogatari how much more of the anime is there left?
just finished watching Macross 7. such an awesome thing.
@Hakase RSS + uTorrent
nyaa has RSS (not all sites do this, though)
Q: What are OVAs and how are they different from Specials?

SheharyarI often see that a lot of Anime series have a few extra episodes. Some are explicitly labeled as Specials, others labeled as OVAs. I get 'Specials', but I don't quite understand the term OVAs. I googled, and found this: What is the difference between an OVA and an OAV? but all I understood from ...

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