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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@LoganM if you're interested, I can add a feed for new proposals under "recreation"
@Krazer I already check new proposals at least daily, so not so much need. But go ahead if you want.
@iKlsR Yes because of the drool.
TeX SE is currently getting spammed, though it's being cleared quickly.
I wish I had some spam.
@Eric spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspam‌​spamspamspamspamspamspamspam
@LoganM Thank you. Much appreciated.
lol someone edited my lolis post again, but there's no history entry.
How did they manage that?
@LoganM I have no idea, I noticed it as well. I'm wondering if mods have a checkbox that says "Do not add to history."
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@Eric Even @iKlsR 's previous edit got removed.
"Clear history", then, maybe?
oh.. that was me
Doesn't show a "this message has been edited" thing either.
@iKlsR Mods can clear edit history?
I was trying to make it look like a perfect 4, 000, 000
@Krazer Whoa, is this your dinner tonight?
@Eric no, it's ramen
@Krazer Oh, still a good choice!~
I'm having bulgogi today.
@LoganM history can be purged.
@iKlsR That is even slightly more prone to abuse than I thought before.
@LoganM if you suspect mod abuse please report it to the nearest mod~
@Krazer This room used to be tagged until a mod abused their powers to get rid of it, so I'm fine with any and all forms of mod abuse here.
OTOH if it happened in /anime/bin you can bet I would be complaining.
@iKlsR I suspect @iKlsR of abusing mod powers, and would like you to punish him, please.
@LoganM you should complain because @iKlsR was in there deleting stuff like nobody's busness
@Krazer It looks like @Eric already has me covered.
@Krazer wat
@iKlsR Have you punished @iKlsR yet?
@Eric I can't suspend myself :(
@iKlsR I'm sure you remember the last bin-cident
Wat. This is a travesty.
@iKlsR have you tried to?
BTW is it just me or does the 4 , 000, 000 look even less realistic than it used to.
I'm sure you could if you try hard enough
@Krazer @Eric wat bin incident? o.O
@LoganM It did look better before. The spaces worked for thousands separators, but now... D:
@iKlsR look in the bin for you deleted messages
@LoganM yeah, that's why I gave up.. the edit history was ridiculous.
@Krazer wat messages?
I haven't been in the bin in weeks.
in /anime/bin, Aug 3 at 18:10, by Krazer
129 messages moved from Anime and Manga
@iKlsR nm, I'm sorry.
@Krazer what a pity
@iKlsR such is a shame
@Krazer look at yourself
@iKlsR Then could you switch it back to something that looks like before? My records have it at 4 874
15 hours ago, by MrPineapple
" 4 874 Lolis are delicious - 1d ago by Logan M"
15 hours ago, by MrPineapple
thats a lot of stars
@LoganM what do lolis taste like?
@Krazer No idea. That was just an example of something which would probably get starred.
darn that sounded like a delicious idea
In any case, whatever they taste like is certainly delicious.
lulz.. my ip is banned on a manga site
apparently, running a scraper for 5 hours is bad..
There are plenty of manga sites though, so being blocked from one isn't such a big deal.
@LoganM I kinda liked this one. I wasn't even doing anything.. just 3 requests at a time
@iKlsR Which site?
either suspended or banned, not sure
IMO there are better options. I used mangafox around 5 years ago, and back then it had really annoying ads.
You could buy them, no ads then ;)
Nowadays I usually want my manga raw, which is typically more annoying to find. I import some of them and some of them I get through other means.
@iKlsR y u scrape manga stealers?
I wish I could read them in japanese directly but I have yet to learn the language. I took a class over a year ago but it was during my most busy semester so I barely practiced and I haven't practiced since T_T
@Krazer nat stollenn. Jus browseiing.
@Borgleader What do you want to read? I'll read them to you
@iKlsR nonono they steal manga from scanlators
@iKlsR is a good lewser
@Krazer Reminds me of Charles Barkley: Shut up and Jam Gaiden
@Krazer a cool one..
@Krazer :P Welp my favorite series in HxH (which reminds me I gotta check if they released the Blurays in NA). But I'd probably read Bleach from the start (the end was never released as anime).
Someone once told me I was a cool loser.. meh
Not sure if compliment or insult
@Krazer Scanalators also steal manga though.
@Borgleader it kinda stuck.. I accepted it as both
@Borgleader I really wanna read the redone takubon versions, I really liked the Greed Island Arc
Omg the greed island arc is epic :3
The only bad thing about that series are the hiatuses the author takes
But I agree I'd rather support them than a for-profit site that makes money off of showing me ads and hosting low-quality rips of their work.
oh.. umm
@lazlo Yes, I needed to query all sites, one by one, getting user account_ids. — Piotr Migdal 19 hours ago
Yh.. I don't have time for that plus data.se is nat werking..
@iKlsR give it time
Once data SE starts working again I can probably do some of it.
well if we can split up the work no prob. It's not as simple as putting it into a loop.
Hmm.. I see a weird folder in my anime stash..
Kill me Baby. whats that?
@iKlsR It is fantastic. watch it right now
@LoganM I liked the manga better
@LoganM lolis right..
@Krazer Manga is better. The anime had really low production values. At least it had good seiyuu though.
@iKlsR No, they are probably in high school
@iKlsR not everything is about lolis!
nyaa.. Zero no Tsukaima looks better for the mood right now.
@Krazer I don't know that!
@iKlsR go catch up on Uchoten Kazoku!
I have 1.9TB of unwatched anime.. o.O
Toriko is 1080p and is about 23Gb.. wtf.. when did I download these?
@iKlsR Are you storing 1080p blu rays with FLAC audio or something?
@LoganM they appear to be matroska for the most part
A mix of mp4 and mk4
some flv there too
lulz.. I really need to go through this folder..
Battle Programmer Shirase has 4 audio streams and is huge
@iKlsR send it to me I'll go through it for you
If it's 2 GB per episode (which is really high even for blurays) that's 1000 episodes.
who the hell wants to watch anime in Hindi?
@iKlsR Indians
@iKlsR dubbed or subbed?
@LoganM subbed shudders
I understand some spoken hindi, but I couldn't read subs.
My one piece collection is 144GB
@iKlsR can't be that bad
naruto is 73
@iKlsR That's pretty small if you have all the episodes
@LoganM 480p and 720 mixed
the first 100 are rmvb 360p i think
@iKlsR ew
ikr.. XD
I'd rather watch chat roulette than 360p.
welp looks like I've founded one.. Steins;Gate looks like it can hold me through the night for a small marathon
adios mi amigos
whatever that means..
Anyway you should probably get rid of most of that and redownload the ones you actually want to watch from good sources. I can't imagine that a collection with hindi subs is actually useful to you.
@Krazer O_O
Are there more from the same artist for older series?
@Krazer nice!
@Krazer The Tamayura one is so aggressive.
@iKlsR Is that Divx player!?
@Borgleader PotPlayer -- the best player evar..
@iKlsR Oh, I use VLC
@iKlsR MVCHC beats it.
stahp disturbing me.. am watching amime..
@iKlsR Oh noes, anime.
sowwy =/
@iKlsR Uchoten Kazokuuuuuuu
@Krazer soon!
@iKlsR sooner rather than later~
I also found this: #FolderIcons on deviantArt
@Eric Do you mean MPC-HC?
@LoganM Er, yes. That.
Okay because I thought maybe you meant Miami Valley Counseling and Hypnosis Center, but I'm nowhere near Miami so it would be a pain to go there just to watch anime.
@LoganM I can understand your pain.
@JonLin Wow have you seen everything there?
That's a lot of stuff....
I'm not going to try to count that, but I'm pretty sure it's more than I've seen.
@LoganM 755.
Don't tell me you counted...
@Borgleader Every line of text is 13 high, and the sum of line heights is 9815. 9815/13=755.
@Eric I think I've seen somewhere between 400 and 500. Probably another 50 downloaded but not yet viewed.
You put me to shame.
@LoganM Does that count VNs?
@Eric no, just anime
My VN/eroge collection has 384 entries. I've completed around half of those. However, it grows faster than I can play them so I'll probably never finish.
I think if I added up the total time spent it would be around the same on anime and on VNs, though recently I spend more time on the latter.
@LoganM Yeah, that's my media server
I've stopped downloading series a few years ago when I signed up for crunchy roll
my MAL list is more complete as far as what I've seen: myanimelist.net/animelist/Ornette
That is the longest MAL list I've seen in a while.
@JonLin You've spent 259 straight days watching anime. That is fucking incredible.
Where can I make sacrifices to you?
Q: Why does text in anime read horizontally?

David StarkeyIt is my understanding that Japanese text is written top-to-bottom. I think the Japanese manga also follow this format: That was a quick Google search so not even sure it it is real. However, watching Anime, Ive noticed that the text seems to be horizontal. Why is this?

@Sakamoto Is it just me or do we seem to get a lot of questions that only require a bit of knowledge about Japanese and basically nothing about anime to answer?
This one's debatable. But I think the focus is on why anime is different, which does require a basic level of anime knowledge, or at least exposure to it as a medium.
@Eric I'm pretty sure this could be answered by anyone who has taken a Japanese class, even if they've never watched any anime.
@LoganM Really? I've yet to start my Japanese classes so I wouldn't know.
@Eric Yeah, the fact that Japanese has both horizontal and vertical writing is something you should learn probably before you even learn all the hiragana and katakana.
@LoganM I know it has both, but I don't know which is used when.
From the Blender-guru competition o.O
@Borgleader So you're saying this is not a photo.
@Borgleader Wow. The only thing that seems slightly off is the sand. But it's still spectacular.
Yeah, but to be fair sand is really hard to get right
Indeed it is.
Harder than grass.
Indeed, I've seen some pretty good grass renders.
Q: Where can I read the newest chapters of Bleach online for free?

CybersonA while back I was reading Bleach at "MangaHere" and I finished the chapter I was on. When I came back to read the next one the following Wednesday, it said, "The series Bleach has been licensed, it is not available in MangaHere." What does it mean by licensed, and more importantly, where does a...

Did he just ask for something illegal? xD
Oh I see.
@ton.yeung i know right..
The other guys didn't even know what Levi was thinking.. just blindly following
but man, that capture was sweet.
2 hours later…
Q: Is there an audio commentary for Ghost In The Shell series and movies?

user1306322I'd like to know if there are audio commentaries from the creators of GITS series and movies. Of all the things I've seen GITS has the most unexplained moments, so I'd like to find out what those things could mean. I'm also interested in commentary for the new Arise series. I also think asking a...

@JonLin I like your tags :P
1 hour later…
AAAAHHH I'm way behind on my anime/series :x
@dragon112 You're not alone
Have a 50+ episodes to watch (including a metric shit ton of 40-50 min tv series)
@dragon112 Wow, nevermind then. I'm about 6 episodes behind, or something like that.
Yea when I say I'm behind I'm really behind:p
Didn't watch anything for almost a week and had some stuff sitting there from last week
so yea
@Sakamoto I'm still considering closing it...
Very borderline.
Well asking for free content on something that's obviously licensed in his country is not even borderline anymore, if you ask me.
@dragon112 Well then, get to 500 and vtc it :P
Or, flag it, until you can.
Yeye Working on it, there aren't that many things I know stuff about xD
I'm usually way too slow as well
@dragon112 Ask questions then to learn about them :)
Could do that, but I forget to ask most of the time :p
Also I hate it when people have 900 questions and 5 answers...
@dragon112 In fact, right now, we could use questions more than answers.
more questions = more google hits = more people = more answers.
Oh well in that case I'll try to remember to ask questions:)
= anime.stackexchange.com gets out of beta sooner:p
@dragon112 Indeed
@JNat you around?
@MadaraUchiha I am
mod room please
Oh snap it's about to get real
Q: Off-topic reason: Requesting illegal materials is off-topic on this site

Madara UchihaI've seen a couple of those recently, and the trend seems to be accelerating. We still have a couple more custom close reasons to spare, so I'm thinking of adding it as our second close reason. The phrasing would be something like: Questions requesting for obviously copyrighted and/or licens...

3 hours later…
@iKlsR @ton.yeung What do you think'll happen next?
Who's in there?
I haven't seen the latest episode of anything yet so I'll be leaving now :p
@ton.yeung "blondie"?
@ton.yeung Armin?
What about him?
1 hour later…

0 .The word in square brackets is the alt text, which gets displayed if the browser can't show the image. Be sure to include meaningful alt text for screen-reading software

@LoganM ^^
@Krazer Farfetch'd!
@MadaraUchiha It kinda looks like Annie
@iKlsR It kinda looks like a lot of other people too :)
Krista, Armin
@MadaraUchiha pretty sure it chased Armin
@iKlsR She didn't kill him though
I wonder... :P
@ton.yeung There are a lot of girls who joined the kenpeidan, who are you referring to?
@ton.yeung Ah, the *kenpei*dan, got confused with the recon corps
@ton.yeung =) Keep watching.
@ton.yeung Not many series managed to both keep me on my toes and piqued my curiosity like this one.
2 hours later…
Q: What are all of the quotes in the OP of Eden of the East from?

kuwalyIn the Eden of the East opening, there are a lot of quotes from different sources. The only one I know the origin of is "The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power," which is from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. I don't know what the other quotes that show up on the scree...

Oi @Krazer, isn't answering a question that could potentially be migrated to us on Movies & TV a bit counter effective? :o
Q: 1970s anime about a boy never being able to see his princess mother

LoriThis TV series was broadcast in the 1970s. The story premise was about a young boy who was being kept away from his birth mother who was of some high rank like a princess or other. It was during the emperors and shogun era of Japan. A sad drama type of series. In the ending song of the episode i...

@MadaraUchiha only if they're willing to migrate it... I've found that getting a response from the movies mods has been really slow
@Krazer Flag it
I wanted to wait a day then flag it :P
@MadaraUchiha I've attempted it in the past, but technically it's still on-topic for them so it was declined
If I understand correctly, in cases of overlap in scope it's not likely to get migrated unless the OP flags it for migration.
@LoganM Or, it doesn't get an answer in a few days.
Then we have a case that our site may provide the answer that theirs cannot
there's actually a lot of questions that fit that description, but no solid reply on migration: movies.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/anime
For very specific questions which are more on topic here there is a chance that it will get migrated. Usually though I think it has to be initiated by the OP.
@Krazer Most of these are too old to migrate.
That flag was a dud.
@Borgleader you might want to take Blender discussions over to our chat.

 The Renderfarm

A place to talk while we wait for our renders to finish. Site ...
Oh, so sorry. Did not know this existed
This is the anime room after all. Some people might get cranky if we get too OT.
Mod powers....
Too bad you can't move messages accross SE sites =/ or can you?
Teehee ^.^
@MadaraUchiha they freaking ate her. T_T
manga is depressing.
@iKlsR "her"?
le titans
chapter 27 of the manga I think
@iKlsR No, I'm up-to-date, but it's just that they ate so many people, that I'm losing count :D
who's "her"?
was this an Asian or Magma style show? — Mathew Foscarini May 7 at 19:33
"Magma style" xD
@iKlsR who? Christa?
Don't leave us hanging @iKlsR !!!!
@MadaraUchiha I think he means the female titan
If that's true, then he's talking about anime, don't mix manga spoilers :P
Look~ this guy forged Zangetsu:
@Krazer Some sort of handicapped samurai?
@Danalog Lego Eren
@Krazer Awesome
@Krazer Nice xD
I'm still waiting for Hidan's scythe. :D
I kinda like sasuke's sword =/ or kenshin's reversed blade
@Borgleader Tell him to do the 十拳剣
@Borgleader katanas are srs business
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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