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@Eric Yeah.... maybe we'll leave it deleted :P
That's actually the same guy that posted it.
With slightly different capitalization.
Yeah, after rereading the question, your translation, and the comments/answers on that link, I don't think that answers the question at all.
But then again, I don't know the series
@Eric Yeah, I noticed too
He posted it 3 minutes after he did on our site.
well, you wasted some time then
Oh well. It's good practice.
Anyway, I'm off to bed
Though parts of his grammar made me want to tear my eyes out.
Cya tomorrow
@JNat Good night. :)
@JNat Terrible list. There's no way HS DxD is as low as 19. Just looking at the stuff above it gives plenty of mediocre shows (Kuroko, Heartcatch Precure, Magi, ...)
@LoganM The list up to #43 if you're interested.
Magi really surprised me
@Eric I've seen the full list. It's horrid.
Parts of it I think are worthy. Some are not. I do not know the demographic of Biglobe, though.
The thing that really made me laugh is that it's taken from Sankaku Complex. Apparently Crunchyroll can't even find news for themselves, so they're taking news from one of the few sites with an even worse reputation than 4chan.
@LoganM I thought Sankaku had a good reputation (NSFW content, of course, but good in terms of news and such).
@Eric Sankaku has a reputation of being sexist, racist, antisemitic, run by a troll, and with the lowest community standards of any Anime site I've seen. Basically it's a porn site under the guise of a somewhat trustworthy news source (which is a lie, since the news reported is very frequently mistranslated).
@LoganM ... fail. The more you know!
That said, it's enjoyable to read, so I have it as my homepage.
Nice. lol
They do have some good articles. This one was not so bad all things considered. However, I would caution against spending any significant amount of time there and then trying to converse with normal people.
I don't converse with normal people regardless.
Anyone looking for an easy MSO question? elections.stackexchange.com hasn't yet been updated for the 4 most recent sites, namely Travel, Mathematica, Christianity, and MO. All of them other than MO have had SE elections.
@LoganM That site makes me sad. The "unicorns" button doesn't do anything.
@Eric Put in a feature request for a unicorn to fly past the screen every time you click it. Maybe wait till Friday though before making the request.
Why Friday?
Because you need to use the tag
Alright, lol. Will do.
Q: Eeeek! I have too many hats and can't decide which one to wear!

The Unhandled ExceptionI am loving the new Winter Bash, but I have too many hats! I can't decide which one to wear! Eeeek! What do I do? How do I choose which hat to wear!? I should mention to downvoters that Josh's Socks is my sockpuppet :-)

Q: Can we get a gallery of unicorns?

squillmanWhen all's said and done today, could you post a gallery of all the animations. Even as much as I'll be voting today, I'd love to make sure I get to see all of them!

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