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@Krazer Science!
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about bees. — yhw42 16 mins ago
Actually let's just link to the full post:
Q: The book of The Secret Life Of Bees Summer school homework help!?

user230767I really need help with these question for school by tonight if you can answer any that would be very helpful,thanks! The questions are: Describe your feelings about T. Ray at the begging,middle and the end of the novel. What information changes how you feel about him? Why is Zach such an impor...

@LoganM It's deleted. :(
The image is the standard Oprah bees animated gif.
Incidentally, the most recent version I loaded before the question was deleted had the same votes except -4 for question, +7 for "OT because of bees" comment, and +6 for Shog's answer. I have evidence that there's at least one more comment on the post, but we'll need an MSO 10k user to see it.
@LoganM Personally, I prefer the Oprah clone army.
@LoganM We can ask @Mysticial.
When he resumes being alive.
@Eric Lets start the @Mysticial summoning ritual~
we must sing his praise!
@Krazer How do we summon @Mysticial ?
We have said his three times! Now spin three times in a circle while standing in front of a mirror.
I think you're thinking of
@Danalog @Mysticial > Beetlejuice.
@Mysticial @Mysticial @Mysticial
@Eric lets keep doing this until we hit an arbitrary number
or until we get bored
@Krazer @Mysticial Would sure like some double-digit reply counts, I think.
I think we're at 6 :O
@Eric I dunno, I don't think @Mysticial can turn into a carousel like Beetlejuice can.
@Mysticial How many notifications have you gotten?
In Soviet Russia, notifications get @Mysticial
@Danalog If you misspell his name it won't work.
aw, crap
My fingers just can't type his name.
@Krazer Can you correct the above misspellings to @Mysticial?
There we go.
I fixed them
Okay nevermind @Krazer
@Danalog But @Mysticial can calculate more digits of pi than Beetlejuice.
@Danalog nonono, in Soviet Russia notifications are @Mysticial
Let's keep typing @Mysticial until my fingers stop trying to autocorrect it
lol @Mysticial just left the room.
@Mysticial lol
Was he here? I didn't even see him.
I think we overloaded @Mysticial
If we do it backwards... will @Mysticial unleave?
laicitsyM@! laicitsyM@! laicitsyM@! laicitsyM@!
@Eric Yeah he was here, but he probably was AFK without an open window.
@Eric That hurts my eyes.
@Mysticial laicitsyM@ laicitsyM@ laicitsyM@
@Danalog Good. Feel the burn.
BTW if he's not in the room we can't ping him with his name, but replies still work.
@LoganM Oh, I must be blind.
@Eric Was it autocompleting for you?
If it's autocompleting the name then he's in the room.
@LoganM Yeah, but I can autocomplete people who aren't in the room.
@Eric Try to autocomplete Madara's name.
For example, in Social Page Content Discussion, I can auto-complete Krazer.
@Eric Only because @Mysticial wills it!
hmmm... doesn't work for me.
I wonder if it caches.
Have you seen Madara today?
@Eric Today, yes.
@Eric just this morning
@Mysticial I found a @Mysticial comment to reply to?
Since your last logon?
My last logon was months ago.
It autocompletes for me too
Which is news to me, I didn't know it did that at all =)
BTW @Eric did you notice that he has a new avatar? That could be why.
@LoganM Oh. That is guaranteed to be why.
I identify people by avatar. You're an exception; I just know any avatar with Miki is you.
Anyway there's also probably caching, but unless he's ignored me in chat (which doesn't seem to be the case as I don't see him when I browse anonymously) then he's not currently in the room.
His new avatar is Haqua from TWGOK
Hey @kuwaly
@LoganM Oh, cool. I didn't even recognize it.
How nice, there's a question on MSO marked as a duplicate of a deleted question.
@LoganM we're not singing enough praise about @Mysticial
@Krazer I can type @Mysticial 's name but I'm pretty sure it won't ping him.
Nope. @Mysticial will just receive like 20 notifications that he's been mentioned.
@LoganM I'm sure he'll get it if you don't include anything after the "l"
@LoganM-tan <- you won't get that
@Log you should get this
@Krazer I thought it only works if the person is currently in the room?
@LoganM they get a notification if they missed it and have been in the room in the last 20 days or so
@LoganM people summon me to chat with notifications all the time by just typing my name.
They appear in my inbox.
Oh I thought that only worked for replies to individual messages.
@LoganM what do you mean individual messages?
Some days I like to wear a hat..
@Krazer For instance, this would give you a notification even if you weren't.
However, if I just type @Krazer , I thought you have to be in the room for it to work.
@LoganM nope you should get a notification in you inbox
I'll have to try this later.
@LoganM you can try it now. Just leave the chat for a few minutes and watch your inbox.
test ban.
BTW that's my dupe account.
dirty socks.
mod abuse ftw!
@Krazer YES!
Aww, I hit 9k total SE rep today. nice. ;)
Who would have thought..
@iKlsR yay gratz~
@Krazer gratz indeed. I was one the verge of quitting some months back due to some mixup stuffs.
Q: Is there a site which has lists of anime/manga/novels and has up-to-date information of releases

Memor-Xi was watching Bodacious Space Pirates and finished it last night, i know there is a movie coming out in 2014 but it feels as if the anime was an adaptation of something i searched Anime News Network and it only has the anime and up coming movie, i looked up on wikipedia and found the anime was ...

@iKlsR soooo many asian stereotypes here, @Mysticial
@Krazer I see your turtles and raise you a samurai dog in a kimono
@iKlsR TIL samurai wear farmer hats and women's sleepwear
and collect chinese takeout boxes
@Mysticial Congrats on getting pinged again
@Krazer swap the sword for a scythe and its dead on
@iKlsR so is that dog is one of the ninja clan dogs that are in disguise as a female samurai prostitute and wheb you point out the inaccuracy of the outfit -- BAM! the ol' ninja throwing balls (that's right, BALLS) straight to the eye
samurai prostitutes. is that a thing
@iKlsR you tell me what else that could be
@Krazer wuts in the boxes?
@iKlsR one box contains the secret to life, the others are instant death... choose wisely
@iKlsR wise choice, Secret of life is death
we did it! it's @Mysticial!!
Hi @Mysticial
great job guys!
What the fuck.
why are we pinging @Mysticial ?
@Mysticial are you ok?
@iKlsR He's here now, you can probably stop. :P
@Eric annoying chat sounds are fun
@Mysticial you know that time we promised to ping you but never followed through? This is to make up for it
@iKlsR Good thing you can't ping yourself, then, otherwise you would just spam self-pings. :P
> chat message on Anime and Manga - 20 new replies
@Eric XD
I wish it sent off a rapid-fire sequence of pings right when you entered the room and have new notifications.
@Mysticial We were looking for a screenshot of this deleted MSO question. It got a bit out of hand while we were waiting for your glorious return.
Should be a feature-request.
Thank you!
oh man.. Nine Shogs Shogging can be awesum at tiems.
That's awesome. I love it.
looks like the pinging worked after all.
@Mysticial we revel in your regal presence xD
You guys picked a great time to do it. I literally left work 10 min. before the first ping.
lol :)
Then traffic on the way home. Then have to get gas... Then stop by my mom's office to deal with a few things... Then home.
@Mysticial I'm jealous it sounds like you had quite the adventure
If you heat anything up enough, it can be a gas. I don't understand people's incessant need to go to "gas stations". What a scam.
@Eric Strictly speaking that's not quite true, but in practice most materials to have a gaseous phase.
@LoganM Well, yes, not "anything". Any element. Some elements don't have known boiling points, but in theory they should all have one.
@Eric car have an addition to gasoline
@Krazer I'm going to give them gaseous Argon to get them rehabilitated. This is a sorry state we're in.
@Eric moar push for hydrogen imo
@Krazer They might get clever and convert it to tritium. That would be a big problem.
@Eric why convert when there's so much on the moon
@Krazer Cars are not the wisest beings around...
@Eric neither are clients
@Krazer Well, at least my car doesn't think that its driver can make the internet.
@Eric wtf
Props to @LoganM (ping!) for finding that one.
@Eric Finding what?
@LoganM The client who praised the designer who made the internet.
I didn't know Al Gore did freelance work.
@Eric how do you know it was a designer
@Krazer Just a guess. A client that smart isn't likely to praise some code-writer. They're all about the shinies.
Unless he was talking to Tim Berners-Lee. That would be awesome.
Cheers to you @TimBL
We should ping @TimBL and see if he comes.
I was in another room and heard a link being posted from CFH. o.O
> "The white you’ve used in the header is solid. We’d rather it was opaque."
for great justice
@iKlsR wut
@Krazer lol xD
@iKlsR Stop using solid white. Opaque is in. All the kids are raving over it.
@Eric nothing says hip and sexy like dat 255, 255, 255
@iKlsR Mm... too solid.
2 days ago, by Eric
@iKlsR Nothing says sexy like RGB 200, 200, 200.
@iKlsR But that's grey. Hip, and sexy. White needs to be opaque.
And I expect you to do it for free.
All you do is type in some numbers.
> "I think AOL is still cool"
@Krazer He totally seems like the type, too. Maybe more plaid would drive it home, though. xD
@Eric I am a paidlancer sir. Not a freelancer.
@iKlsR You're fired.
@Eric no, he's on fire
@Eric why?? That last job?
> "It’s not plagiarism when you use Word’s thesaurus to change all the words!"
@LoganM We should add that by every button on the web.
a::after, button::after, input[type=button]::after, input[type=submit]::after { content: '<- Click here now!'; }
CLIENT: “I don’t mean to sound racist, but…”

ME: “But what?”

CLIENT: “But the site is too black.”

ME: “Like, literally too black?”

CLIENT: “Yes. The background is too black.”

ME: “That’s not racist. That has nothing to do with race.”

CLIENT: “Phew. I can never tell with you black people, what’s offensive and what’s not.”

ME: “I’m actually Lebanese. And, yeah, that one might be a bit racist.”
@Eric lol
I'd show the whole page except with so many tiny links (like replies) it gets quite annoying.
You should release this to the public
It'd be a huge hit and you'd make millions
user image
@LoganM I fear I might be laughed into submission, lol.
I feel that this makes the internet 14% easier to use.
That's a fair estimate. I might use that as an appraisal if I ever release this.
@Eric patent
Omg yes! If Apple can do it, why can't I?
@Eric You can call it "expert testimony" if you want to make it sound better (test @user88377 )
@Eric also remember
> "No! Don’t use pixels! Pixels make everything bigger. Just use inches like a normal person."
@LoganM Will do.
@iKlsR Erm... that guy is a bit backwards. 1 pixel is much smaller than 1 inch.
@Eric be that as it may.. when you are making the site for this ground breaking new thing
> "Can we do the website in black and white to save some money?"
@Eric might I suggest changing all the buttons to deep teal backgrounds & dark plum text to make things even more user-friendly?
@LoganM it's beautiful.
Aghh.. this is going to hurt my eyes so hard.
@Eric Needs to be every single hyperlink. If you only do some of them people will miss that they can click on the other ones.
> "I’m not giving a raise to someone who sits and plays with lines all day."
Client [A California law firm]: “For the home page we’d like a photo of San Francisco. Lots of tall buildings, and it has to include the Golden Gate bridge.”

Me: “Sure, I can do that … but your offices aren’t in San Francisco.”

Client: “No, but we want people to think we are. It creates trust.”
lmao. it sure does
> "The video looks really good, but just one little thing: I said ‘I’ve been a chef in New York for several years’ with a strong Philly accent. It sounds weird. Could you change that? Maybe Photoshop it out?"
God, I feel like I'm creating the new GeoCities.
@Eric Great. Now just replace every link I've visited with a rainbow gif and we'll be ready to ship it.
@LoganM I can actually do that, too. lol
@Eric the tags are really attractive.
@iKlsR I thought so, too.
When we graduate I'll do my best to make sure our official theme is as close to this as possible.
Agh, crap. I can't animate it, though. :(
@Eric Can you just replace it with a particular image? Doesn't need to preserve the text at all.
Oh, I can totally animate it, this extension just won't let me for some reason. Oh well, I can do it temporarily.
flashing marquee
Specifically try this image:
@LoganM lol, okay!
BTW if you can make the text rainbow + animated that would be good, but you should probably still put this image there. Maybe in place of the "click here now" thing.
... Shit. :visited isn't working in Chrome ever since version 6.
For background images, anyway.
@Eric sadface
(Because it sends a request to the server, which can be used for privacy invasion.)
Hmm. Let me try something.
can you check if it's in the user's history?
A: How can I detect visited and unvisited links on a page?

Brock AdamsCorrect, it is not possible for javascript to detect if a link is visited in either Firefox or Chrome -- which are the only 2 browsers applicable in this Greasemonkey context. That is because Firefox and Chrome take security and privacy seriously. From the CSS2 spec: Note. It is possible fo...

Nope, seems I can't. :|
I can make it a static rainbow, though, I think.
Let me try.
Bah, this is just getting excessive. There has to be a way to do this.
Can you make it so that the script logs every page you visit while active and checks against that?
Sadly, no, I don't think Chrome gives access to that.
I don't really know anything about programming so I'm probably not going to be much help.
That's alright, lol. I'm not giving up. :P
For use on SE only, you could probably save the title of the question and if it matches the link then use rainbows.
Won't work for other types of pages besides questions though.
How would that show if it's visited?
@Eric Save the title of the question whenever one gets visited with the script open (not sure but this seems doable). Whenever you load a page, for all the links check if the text on the link matches any visited question title.
you can probably find a better work-around anyway.
In case anyone is wondering, I did get that notification from the chat message I sent to my dupe account. It seems like it will autocomplete user names only if that user has a visible message in the current window or is currently in the room, but it will notify even if they're out of the room so long as they've talked fairly recently.
@LoganM Well, I'm afraid I have to give it up. It's to the point where it's unpredictable enough that literally an identical code to earlier is no longer giving me the same result.
(It's easy to tell it's identical as it's only one line of code.)
@LoganM In the end, as far as I could get is three layers of color:
If anyone is interested in the horrendous CSS used above, it can be found here: The most disgusting CSS ever
Q: How do the 3 sannin know about using Five Elements Seal on Naruto?

Ero SenninIn the Anime, during the Chunnin exams, Orochimaru attacks Sasuke inside the Forest of Death. When Naruto came to rescue, Orochimaru identified that he was the nine tails and places the Five Elements seal on Naruto. Later it was unsealed by Jiraiya. In the Search for Tsunade arc, Orochimaru tell...

Q: Where did the ninja clans other then Senju and Uchiha originate from?

Ero SenninIn the anime, it is shown that the Senju and Uchiha clans originated from the Sage of Six Paths who is the God of Shinobi. Where did the other clans like Sarutobi, Nara, Inuzuka, clans from other countries originate from?

@JonLin got it on the third try!
@Danalog Ha, ok, I'll remove the previous edits
I was about to despair!
I'm not sure why I'm up to three close votes on the question though.
at first the question was kind of broad, "gun centric" and a kid with a gun is going to be a lot of guessing
and how do I get rid of the blue circle next to my chat avatar? It says there are offensive flags but when I click on it, there are none, and it won't go away
Yeah, but I edited it and still got two more close votes!
Vote #2 and #3 are after I added the rest of the info =)
@JonLin Refresh should remove it.
@JonLin I deleted all of my comments on your answer which weren't useful anymore
good call
Stuff and Things.
I also think you misunderstood my use of the word "Western" at first =)
had originally thought you meant "not set in Japan"
I didn't realize that I hadn't capitalized it until I re-read it just now.
2 hours later…
no hockey gifs?
the runaway utility cart is pretty funny
@Eric You wrote "oriemo" instead of "oreimo" in the hashtag.
My favorites were SAO and Shingeki no Kyojin
Lol king obama
What is this?
did you know Obama isn't actually the 44th president
really, the 43rd, since Grover Cleveland is counted twice
he's the 44th to be elected to the presidency, but Grover Cleveland is both the 22nd and 24th
Hmm he is the 43rd person to be the president of the US. Interresting
1 hour later…
Q: Why did Kiki lose her witch powers?

Jon LinIn Kiki's Delivery Service, Kiki is a witch and she sets out to train as a witch by herself (like an apprenticeship). Things are going well for her but at some point she starts to lose her witch powers, unable to fly on her broom and unable to talk to and understand her cat, Jiji. Why did she lo...

Q: what is the relation of Zin with hyatie in tekken?

Ritzz081I had seen two movies with similar name TEKKEN.One was from hollywood and the other was cartoon/anime.I just wanted to know the relation between hyatie and Zin.because in the movies,There was different identities in the movies described. Please give me a sufficient answer.

@PlanetExpressDelivery 14 minutes, that was faster than usual
Although I don' really get the question...
Apparently Zin and Hyatie are having either a relationship or they have something else to do with each other.
@dragon112 And those two are Tekken characters?
Ah, than it makes sense
Except for the "red faction" tag, I think
I assume Zin is referring to Kazama Jin?
That doesn't make sense at all to me
Ye they say it as "Zin" in the 'real life' movie
Who's Hyatie?
@Krazer No idea
Probably, that's (kind of) what it sounds like in the movie
Ok maybe not so much, that guy is just weird:p
Q: Do ninja clan have to keep relations only within the clan to ensure the inerithance of abilities

Maurizio In denmarkIs there any reference to arranged marriages or forbidden relationship in the history of clans to avoid the clan abilities to be lost?

Q: Which anime is this image from?

RobinWhile watching some older blizzcon footage i can across Chris Metzen his "geek is" speech from 2010. In this video (@9.04) this picture is shown: So i was wondering who the character is and from which anime it is.

5 hours later…
@JNat Fixed.
@MadaraUchiha Hey
@JNat hello
New gravatar :D
Mad photoshopping gimp skillz
Q: Who is this girl and from which anime is she?

Naing Lin AungI've posted an image of an anime girl below. Do you have any idea about who she is and where she is from? I think she seems to be from a visual novel according to CG.

@MadaraUchiha lol
@Krazer hey
@JNat hai
Hrm, it seems unfair to close ID requests as offtopic if the person doesn't know that it's not from an anime. I guess them's the breaks.
We also do cover things from anime games that are not gameplay-related. So this should not be off-topic, IMO.
@Eric Yes, this is true
I think video games are just as valid of an art form as anime and manga. We just don't have a Japanese borrowed word name we use for them! (Do we?)
We've had other games as ID requests before. Nothing illegal about it as long as it's an anime-style game.
We should definitely reevaluate the minimum criteria for id-requests imo
I don't think there's anything wrong with an ID request based on a picture. For solely text-based ones I agree that we probably need some minimum stuff.
Q: What is the drawing on Tomoko's shirt?

JNatIn episode 4, Tomoko is using a shirt with a drawing. The shirt has a drawing of a face, and すぐる (suguru) written on it. Since this series makes references to others quite often, I wondered if the shirt is a reference to something. If not, does the shirt have any significance at all?

@Sakamoto I believe 'suguru' is net slang for something like a popular trend or something currently trending, like a flavor of the month sort of thing
@JNat the character here might be a play on Suneo, from Doraemon and/or the the hiragana characters, I have nothing to back this up unfortunately
Q: Why did Key Animation do extra game version for white haired girls

Naing Lin AungIn Clannad , there is alternative side story ( extra story) about Sakagami Tomoyo , and there's side story about Kudryavka noumi in Little Buster , called as Kud Wafter. Both heroine's seem to have white hair and their character designs are also unique in it own ways . Is there any reasons or i...

@Eric Beautiful.
@LoganM @Eric dafuq is that?
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