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3:35 AM
What is Traversable? I never really figured that out.
2 hours later…
5:10 AM
here's a cool example of a foldable non-functor, but i'm not sure there's any examples of foldable functors that can't be Traversable
5:21 AM
It looks like one of the answers there actually defines a foldable functor that can't be Traversable.
I don't have enough of a grasp of Foldable and Traversable to contort my mind around non-standard examples yet.
Are there conditions that need to be satisfied?
2 hours later…
7:28 AM
strictly speaking you only have instances where instances have been defined but for that to happen you have to be able to do so obeying the relevant laws
6 hours later…
1:48 PM
and are there laws for Foldable and Traversable?
3 hours later…
4:53 PM
After learning a bit of Haskell, I think the reason Haskell is hard to learn isn't so much because of its complexity. Most sufficiently powerful languages have complex parts that are hard to wrap your head around (I'm thinking of metaclasses in Python, for example).
The difference is that in Python, the complex parts aren't things you have to deal with right away. You can be a perfectly capable Python programmer and never know anything about metaclasses. Whereas with Haskell, it seems that the complexity smacks you in the face almost right away and demands that you understand what a monad is before continuing.
Do you think that's a feature of the language itself, or is it more in the way Haskellers talk? Would a more "lies to children" approach be possible, where learners are told, "Do it this way and it works... don't worry about why just yet"?
5:32 PM
You certainly need to know how to use do in the IO monad to make any useful programs.
Okay, the first toy programs would only require main = print something, but later toy programs will need to take input too.
(yes, interact exists, but that's more of a shortcut)
But is it possible, even for programs that take input, to tell a learner:
in The Nineteenth Byte, yesterday, by Nitrodon
For now, just treat do as something you can use to do multiple things in your main function.
I seem to recall not having too much trouble with LYAH without knowing monads, at least at first.
I do recall having trouble with LYAH, but I'm trying to remember what exactly tripped me up.
I imagine functional programming would be a big paradigm shift. Most learners would probably be used to imperative code.
x=1; x=x+2; print x; y=x+1; print y;
(I'm bad at making up realistic examples.)
5:49 PM
@Nitrodon True, but I was already familiar with Lisp and Prolog when I first tried to learn Haskell. It's possible the static typing gave me some problems, but I don't think I had much trouble with (basic) functional programming concepts.
6:03 PM
I've never understood the alternative to static typing. Do people like having a variable and not having any assurances about its type?
Clearly some people do, or we wouldn't have JavaScript or PHP.
2 hours later…
7:36 PM
@Nitrodon For me it's two things: ease of use, and flexibility.
Ease of use, because I don't have to stop and think about what type I want this variable to be; I can just write the code, and if it doesn't work for the data I need to pass to it, it'll raise a TypeError and I'll fix it then. It speeds up the process of throwing some code together to get a quick-and-dirty version that does what you need, and then you can make it more robust afterwards.
Flexibility, because I can write a function that accepts an integer OR a float OR a string (and if the argument is a string, converts it to a number). Having to define the parameter as one and only one type feels like a straitjacket sometimes.
The main thing I do like about static typing is that it allows for IDEs that do static code analysis to tell you what types you can pass to a given function. With Python, it might have a docstring that gives that information, but if not, I have to either 1) find some documentation online, 2) read the implementation of the function, or 3) use trial and error to find out what works.
I'm a pretty trial-and-error sort of programmer (e.g. I haven't used a debugger in over a decade--if something's puzzling me, I put extra print statements in my code, run it, and see what the output looks like), but it would be nice sometimes to see what types of arguments I can pass to a function right there in a tooltip.
8:13 PM
You can't just put extra print statements in Haskell code. Maybe that's part of the problem.
It could become a problem for me if I were developing an application in Haskell, yeah. But I haven't gotten that far yet. (Actually, I think for a functional language, some ad-hoc variety of unit-testing would replace the "stick print statements everywhere" approach.)
9:11 PM
Okay, I think I've figured out how >>=, =<<, and <*> work when composing functions. Is this accurate?
f >>= g = \x -> g (f x) x    g takes 2 arguments, f takes 1
f =<< g = \x -> f (g x) x    f takes 2 arguments, g takes 1
f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x)    f takes 2 arguments, g takes 1
9:41 PM
The types check out at least.
and then f <$> g would be just f . g?
and I suppose f >> g = g
So is f >>= g identical to g =<< f, or in other words (=<<) = flip (>>=) ? Or is there some extra difference, maybe when working with monads other than functions?
I wouldn't know.
I would guess (=<<) = flip (>>=) for arbitrary monads, since the only alternative I can think of wouldn't work.
(particularly thinking of something like the IO monad)
9:57 PM
I just read through this SO answer and I think it's a great explanation of monads and why functions are monads too. I'm guessing it doesn't have many upvotes because it's a recent answer to an old question.
1 hour later…
11:02 PM
@Nitrodon Please don't put those two on the same level, they're very different languages. Javascript has clean syntax and sensible builtins, slightly cursed types, and it's cross-platform and pretty powerful. PHP, well...
in The Nineteenth Byte, Mar 12 at 2:57, by Radvylf Programs
PHP is a very fast and easy way to add horrible unmaintainable code, security vulnerabilities, and other fun stuff to your projects
11:15 PM
@emanresuA I have some thoughts about this (partially agreeing, partially disagreeing), but they probably don't belong in the Haskell room.
11:28 PM
@emanresuA I'm not really that familiar with either language, to be honest.

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