« first day (178 days earlier)      last day (2536 days later) » 

halflife:2018-03-19 08:00:23,081:110728: Check post graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/106954 (389)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:00:26,682:110728: Extracted URL http://www.drozhealthblog.com/pure-cbd-oil/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: Maxwell, possibly you've Pure CBD Oil by helenwfoltz on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 08:00:26,682:110728: drozhealthblog.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:00:26,682:110728: drozhealthblog.com: ns ['lola.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'chip.ns.cloudflare.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 08:00:26,682:110728: drozhealthblog.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-19 08:00:26,682:110728: drozhealthblog.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-19 08:00:47,879:110728: regex pure\W?cbd search: 10/10 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 08:00:47,879:110728: URL tail pure-cbd is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 08:02:04,976:110729: Check post graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/106955 (488)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:02:05,876:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 07:21:52.011890; returning cached result for http://www.musclestrainrelief.com/vigoriax/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Quieting, aiding pressure administration and absence of inspiration. by Inginge19 Virk on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 08:02:05,876:110729: Extracted URL http://www.musclestrainrelief.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:02:05,876:110729: musclestrainrelief.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:02:05,877:110729: URL tail vigoriax is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:05:49,368:110730: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49358228 (292)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:05:51,006:110730: Extracted URL http://www.healthynutritionshop.com/claira-care/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:05:51,007:110730: healthynutritionshop.com is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: Claira Care You might not be aware of this by agnumptin on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-19 08:05:51,007:110730: HTTP status 404 for http://www.healthynutritionshop.com/claira-care/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:06:24,465:Post 109053 below auto (195) 13 days, 5:13:28.465462 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 08:06:26,345:110730: regex claira\W?care search: 5/5 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 08:06:26,345:110730: URL tail claira-care is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 08:13:03,628:110731: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49358326 (97)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:19:13,906:110732: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305675 (490)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Assure Hair Finally, an extremely by Silviaramo on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-19 08:19:18,009:110732: Extracted URL http://www.nutritionofenergy.com/assure-hair/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:19:18,009:110732: nutritionofenergy.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:19:18,087:110732: nutritionofenergy.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 08:19:18,087:110732: nutritionofenergy.com: ip (server161-3.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:19:47,596:Post 109460 below auto (195) 10 days, 2:53:57.596724 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 08:19:48,865:110732: regex assure\W?hair search: 4/4 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 08:19:48,865:110732: URL tail assure-hair is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 08:23:03,757:110733: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257957 (582)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad pattern in URL body, blacklisted username, blacklisted website in body, +1 more: This natural element stands against the skin and muscles aging by elissajuriya on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 08:23:08,068:110733: Extracted URL https://www.drozien.com/xlr8-plus-review/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:23:08,069:110733: drozien.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:23:08,069:110733: HTTP status 404 for https://www.drozien.com/xlr8-plus-review/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:23:08,069:110733: drozien.com: ns ['ns1.md-99.bigrockservers.com.', 'ns2.md-99.bigrockservers.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 08:23:08,069:110733: drozien.com: ip (162-215-253-205.unifiedlayer.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:23:08,069:110733: URL tail xlr8-plus is matched (watched or blacklisted)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:33:06,280:110734: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305677 (587)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: The majority of the fixings that make up the extraordinary by Nepre19 Virk on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-19 08:33:12,384:110734: Extracted URL http://top10sideeffects.com/nitronemax/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:33:12,384:110734: top10sideeffects.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:33:12,384:110734: Wordpress promotion URL http://top10sideeffects.com/m628 redirects to https://www.Vidhigra.com/offers/v1/?a_aid=slad&cid=63&data1=1529&data2=4111960&‌​utm_source=slad&utm_medium=cpa&utm_campaign=1529
halflife:2018-03-19 08:33:12,385:110734: top10sideeffects.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 08:33:12,385:110734: top10sideeffects.com: ip (server194-2.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:33:12,385:110734: URL tail nitronemax is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:35:27,413:110735: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/49358676 (82)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in answer: Django: Questions About Using Solr and Haystack by LanetliKazan on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-19 08:42:20,211:110736: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1017231 (1080)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:42:23,161:110736: Extracted URL http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +6 more: tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/ by gwphijbzmu on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-19 08:42:23,161:110736: tophealthydiet.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:42:23,161:110736: HTTP status 404 for http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:42:23,161:110736: tophealthydiet.com: ns ['dns1.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns2.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 08:42:23,161:110736: tophealthydiet.com: ip (server144-5.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:42:23,162:110736: URL tail vigoriax is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:43:54,212:110737: Check post puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/62168 (682)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +2 more: testosteronesboosterweb.com/vigoriax/ by MikLair on puzzling.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 08:43:55,073:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 04:16:59.705674; returning cached result for https://testosteronesboosterweb.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:43:55,073:110737: Extracted URL https://testosteronesboosterweb.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:43:55,073:110737: testosteronesboosterweb.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:43:55,073:110737: HTTP status 404 for https://testosteronesboosterweb.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:43:55,073:110737: URL tail vigoriax is blacklisted
Restart: API quota is 12743.
halflife:2018-03-19 08:48:53,369:110738: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49356258 (92)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with a link in answer, blacklisted website in answer: What happens when you disable rich text format in Exchange 2010? by mithrajoseph on serverfault.com
halflife:2018-03-19 08:54:41,092:110739: Check post serverfault.com/a/903345 (248)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:54:41,748:110739: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-03-19 08:54:44,780:110739: Extracted URL https://www.besanttechnologies.com/training-courses/web-designing-training/angu‌​larjs-training-in-chennai
halflife:2018-03-19 08:54:44,780:110739: besanttechnologies.com is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +6 more: top10sideeffects.com/nitronemax/ by Flut1975 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-19 08:56:41,466:110740: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1017237 (1080)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:56:42,286:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 08:33:09.717617; returning cached result for http://top10sideeffects.com/nitronemax/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:56:42,368:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 08:33:12.384573; returning cached result for http://top10sideeffects.com/m628
halflife:2018-03-19 08:56:42,369:110740: Extracted URL http://top10sideeffects.com/nitronemax/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:56:42,369:110740: top10sideeffects.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:56:42,369:110740: Wordpress promotion URL http://top10sideeffects.com/m628 redirects to https://www.Vidhigra.com/offers/v1/?a_aid=slad&cid=63&data1=1529&data2=4111960&‌​utm_source=slad&utm_medium=cpa&utm_campaign=1529
halflife:2018-03-19 08:56:42,369:110740: URL tail nitronemax is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:57:28,806:110741: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49359006 (391)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: These are not things that are only once by razashah339 on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-19 08:57:32,003:110741: Extracted URL https://www.ineedmotivations.com/spartagen-xt/
halflife:2018-03-19 08:57:32,004:110741: ineedmotivations.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 08:57:32,004:110741: ineedmotivations.com: ns ['dns1.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns2.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 08:57:32,004:110741: ineedmotivations.com: ip (server208-2.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 08:57:56,209:Post 94460 below auto (261) 117 days, 22:36:18.209550 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 08:58:01,009:Post 53324 below auto (97) 430 days, 2:13:20.009606 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 08:58:01,009:110741: regex spartagen\W?xt search: 9/10 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 08:58:01,009:110741: URL tail spartagen-xt is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 09:11:05,948:110742: Check post graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/106956 (488)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: platinumcleanserinfo.com/profemin/ by ayceerez on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 09:11:06,769:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 04:58:31.322958; returning cached result for https://platinumcleanserinfo.com/profemin/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:11:06,769:110742: Extracted URL https://platinumcleanserinfo.com/profemin/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:11:06,888:110742: platinumcleanserinfo.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 09:11:06,888:110742: HTTP status 404 for https://platinumcleanserinfo.com/profemin/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:11:32,242:110742: regex profemin search: 2/2 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 09:11:32,242:110742: URL tail profemin is not blacklisted or watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching product name in body, repeated URL at end of long post: And merchandise may be added by fgjgfkghklgh on apple.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 09:13:18,628:110743: Check post apple.stackexchange.com/questions/319624 (490)
halflife:2018-03-19 09:13:19,529:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 07:07:23.210896; returning cached result for http://www.testonutra.com/pxm-male-enhancement/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:13:19,529:110743: Extracted URL http://www.testonutra.com/pxm-male-enhancement/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:13:19,529:110743: testonutra.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 09:13:19,529:110743: HTTP status 404 for http://www.testonutra.com/pxm-male-enhancement/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:13:45,119:110743: regex pxm search: 8/9 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 09:13:45,156:110743: URL tail pxm is not blacklisted or watched
CI on 6ca7a42 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 12496.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in link text in body, pattern-matching website in body: What all things student has to focus while purchasing an online dissertation service essay paper? by Garry george on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-19 09:23:24,714:110744: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305684 (258)
halflife:2018-03-19 09:24:13,576:110744: Extracted URL https://dissertationcouncil.co.uk/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:24:13,699:110744: dissertationcouncil.co.uk is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 09:24:13,699:110744: dissertationcouncil.co.uk: ns ['bob.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'kate.ns.cloudflare.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 09:24:13,699:110744: dissertationcouncil.co.uk: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-19 09:24:13,699:110744: dissertationcouncil.co.uk: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-19 09:24:13,699:110744: dissertationcouncil.co.uk: first hit
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +5 more: tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/ by gwphijbzmu on apple.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 09:26:12,214:110745: Check post apple.stackexchange.com/questions/319625 (977)
halflife:2018-03-19 09:26:12,990:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 08:42:23.161344; returning cached result for http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:26:12,991:110745: Extracted URL http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:26:12,991:110745: tophealthydiet.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 09:26:12,991:110745: HTTP status 404 for http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:26:12,991:110745: URL tail vigoriax is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 09:29:38,311:110746: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1017248 (585)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: Gain Xtreme Above by user808705 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-19 09:29:46,638:110746: Extracted URL https://www.bluesupplement.com/gain-xtreme-canada/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:29:46,638:110746: bluesupplement.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 09:29:46,638:110746: Wordpress promotion URL https://www.bluesupplement.com/Order-Gain-xtreme redirects to https://www.gainxtreme.com/ll/index.php?CID=6&AFFID=1023&click_id=102d35fa4d855‌​b0f08961f93d20411&C1=7267&C2=
halflife:2018-03-19 09:29:46,639:110746: bluesupplement.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 09:29:46,639:110746: bluesupplement.com: ip (server239-5.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 09:29:46,639:110746: URL tail gain-xtreme is matched (watched or blacklisted)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: How do i view HTTP request details for an iPhone6 by Sei vxvj on apple.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 09:33:07,198:110747: Check post apple.stackexchange.com/questions/319626 (292)
halflife:2018-03-19 09:33:11,220:110747: Extracted URL http://www.supplementwealth.com/zyrec/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:33:11,220:110747: supplementwealth.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 09:33:11,220:110747: HTTP status 404 for http://www.supplementwealth.com/zyrec/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:33:11,220:110747: supplementwealth.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 09:33:11,220:110747: supplementwealth.com: ip (server52-2.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 09:33:34,340:110747: regex zyrec search: 4/4 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 09:33:34,340:110747: URL tail zyrec is not blacklisted or watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, +4 more: web sitewww.muscle4supplement.com/enduraflex-ca/ by brandjerry on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-19 09:37:08,397:110748: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305688 (882)
halflife:2018-03-19 09:37:10,363:110748: Extracted URL http://www.muscle4supplement.com/enduraflex-ca/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:37:10,363:110748: muscle4supplement.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 09:37:10,363:110748: HTTP status 404 for http://www.muscle4supplement.com/enduraflex-ca/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:37:44,606:110748: regex enduraflex\W?ca search: 7/8 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 09:37:44,606:110748: URL tail enduraflex-ca is not blacklisted or watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: usual you possibility the greatest by Grah feire on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 09:53:01,250:110749: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257967 (488)
halflife:2018-03-19 09:53:02,107:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 08:33:09.717617; returning cached result for http://top10sideeffects.com/nitronemax/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:53:02,108:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 08:33:12.384573; returning cached result for http://top10sideeffects.com/m628
halflife:2018-03-19 09:53:02,108:110749: Extracted URL http://top10sideeffects.com/nitronemax/
halflife:2018-03-19 09:53:02,108:110749: top10sideeffects.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 09:53:02,108:110749: Wordpress promotion URL http://top10sideeffects.com/m628 redirects to https://www.Vidhigra.com/offers/v1/?a_aid=slad&cid=63&data1=1529&data2=4111960&‌​utm_source=slad&utm_medium=cpa&utm_campaign=1529
halflife:2018-03-19 09:53:02,108:110749: URL tail nitronemax is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, blacklisted website in answer: Creating fillable PDFs by John_Park on tex.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 09:55:50,140:110750: Check post tex.stackexchange.com/a/421957 (165)
halflife:2018-03-19 09:55:50,756:110750: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-03-19 09:55:50,875:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 06:20:05.445408; returning cached result for https://babasupport.org/email/rocketmail-customer-service-number/384
halflife:2018-03-19 09:55:50,876:110750: Extracted URL https://babasupport.org/email/rocketmail-customer-service-number/384
halflife:2018-03-19 09:55:50,876:110750: babasupport.org is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 09:56:35,668:110751: Check post gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/156586 (96)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:01:27,847:110752: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1017251 (587)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: What do You Mean by Herzolex Ultra? by dorsamp on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-19 10:01:31,212:110752: Extracted URL http://www.suxorfree.com/herzolex-ultra/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:01:31,212:110752: suxorfree.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 10:01:31,212:110752: suxorfree.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 10:01:31,213:110752: suxorfree.com: ip (server172-1.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:01:54,052:110752: regex herzolex\W?ultra search: 10/10 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 10:01:54,052:110752: URL tail herzolex-ultra is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 10:05:14,776:110753: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257969 (97)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:05:50,751:110753: Extracted URL http://www.rechargestudio.com/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:05:50,751:110753: rechargestudio.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 10:05:50,751:110753: rechargestudio.com: ns ['ns48.domaincontrol.com.', 'ns47.domaincontrol.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 10:05:50,751:110753: rechargestudio.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-19 10:05:50,751:110753: rechargestudio.com: first hit
halflife:2018-03-19 10:15:27,170:110754: Check post bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/72607 (1)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:15:57,760:Post 110754 below auto (1) 0:00:32.760173 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 10:15:58,336:Post 110151 below auto (67) 4 days, 22:37:10.336627 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 10:15:58,949:Post 109969 below auto (99) 5 days, 23:04:44.949761 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 10:16:02,347:110754: Extracted URL http://healthureum.io/blockchain.php
halflife:2018-03-19 10:16:02,348:110754: healthureum.io is watched
halflife:2018-03-19 10:16:30,756:Post 110754 below auto (1) 0:01:05.756138 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 10:16:31,295:Post 110151 below auto (67) 4 days, 22:37:43.295029 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 10:16:31,372:110754: regex blockchain.php search: 2/2 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 10:16:31,372:110754: URL tail blockchain.php is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 10:16:31,372:110754: healthureum.io: 3/3 over 5 days, 23:04:11 @tripleee
halflife:2018-03-19 10:16:31,372:110754: Extracted URL http://healthureum.io/
CI on 94e31dc succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 11981.
halflife:2018-03-19 10:19:57,278:110755: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1017256 (981)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:19:58,012:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 08:42:23.161344; returning cached result for http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +5 more: tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/ by pagamenti on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-19 10:19:58,012:110755: Extracted URL http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:19:58,094:110755: tophealthydiet.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 10:19:58,094:110755: HTTP status 404 for http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:19:58,094:110755: URL tail vigoriax is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 10:24:03,412:110756: Check post apple.stackexchange.com/a/319634 (79)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:24:09,243:http://detox-my-mac.com?1f5sd87f89S4DCS98D79Fs redirects to http://detox-my-mac.com/?1f5sd87f89S4DCS98D79Fs
halflife:2018-03-19 10:24:09,243:110756: Extracted URL http://detox-my-mac.com?1f5sd87f89S4DCS98D79Fs
halflife:2018-03-19 10:24:09,243:110756: detox-my-mac.com?1f5sd87f89S4DCS98D79Fs is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 10:24:09,243:110756: detox-my-mac.com?1f5sd87f89S4DCS98D79Fs: ns ['']
halflife:2018-03-19 10:24:09,244:110756: detox-my-mac.com?1f5sd87f89S4DCS98D79Fs: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-19 10:24:09,244:110756: detox-my-mac.com?1f5sd87f89S4DCS98D79Fs: No metasmoke hits
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:41,913:110757: Check post graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/106959 (488)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:42,692:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 08:33:09.717617; returning cached result for http://top10sideeffects.com/nitronemax/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: For greatest outcomes it is prescribed to take by Nepre19 Virk on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:42,693:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 08:33:12.384573; returning cached result for http://top10sideeffects.com/m628
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:42,693:110757: Extracted URL http://top10sideeffects.com/nitronemax/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:42,693:110757: top10sideeffects.com is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +2 more: In turmeric Forskolin, www.facts4supplement.com/turmeric-forskolin/ by Edwardjohan on apple.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:42,693:110757: Wordpress promotion URL http://top10sideeffects.com/m628 redirects to https://www.Vidhigra.com/offers/v1/?a_aid=slad&cid=63&data1=1529&data2=4111960&‌​utm_source=slad&utm_medium=cpa&utm_campaign=1529
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:42,693:110757: URL tail nitronemax is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:52,004:110758: Check post apple.stackexchange.com/questions/319635 (682)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:54,955:110758: Extracted URL http://www.facts4supplement.com/turmeric-forskolin/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:54,955:110758: facts4supplement.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:54,955:110758: facts4supplement.com: ns ['ns32.domaincontrol.com.', 'ns31.domaincontrol.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 10:28:54,955:110758: facts4supplement.com: ip (ip-107-180-25-20.ip.secureserver.net.)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:29:31,736:110758: regex turmeric\W?forskolin search: 5/5 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 10:29:31,736:110758: URL tail turmeric-forskolin is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 10:31:13,427:110759: Check post serverfault.com/a/903360 (83)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:42:59,089:110760: Check post graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/106960 (68)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Phone number detected in title: What is ROF aalayas Sector 102 | 9958754141? by rof aalayas on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 10:43:14,995:110760: Extracted URL http://www.rofaalayassector102.in/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:43:14,995:110760: rofaalayassector102.in is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 10:43:14,996:110760: rofaalayassector102.in: ns ['ns37.domaincontrol.com.', 'ns38.domaincontrol.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 10:43:14,996:110760: rofaalayassector102.in: ip (ip-166-62-28-97.ip.secureserver.net.)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:43:14,996:110760: rofaalayassector102.in: first hit
Restart: API quota is 11662.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +4 more: tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/ by paga menti on astronomy.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 10:52:58,979:110761: Check post astronomy.stackexchange.com/questions/25546 (878)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:52:59,800:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 08:42:23.161344; returning cached result for http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:52:59,800:110761: Extracted URL http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:52:59,800:110761: tophealthydiet.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 10:52:59,800:110761: HTTP status 404 for http://tophealthydiet.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:52:59,801:110761: URL tail vigoriax is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad pattern in URL body, link at end of body, +2 more: Eternol Vitality Serum by user386312 on meta.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 10:56:43,873:110762: Check post meta.stackexchange.com/questions/308141 (681)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:57:23,348:110762: Extracted URL http://www.healthsuppnews.com/eternol-reviews/
halflife:2018-03-19 10:57:23,349:110762: healthsuppnews.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 10:57:23,349:110762: healthsuppnews.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 10:57:23,349:110762: healthsuppnews.com: ip (server115-1.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 10:57:41,779:110762: regex eternol search: 10/10 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 10:57:41,779:110762: URL tail eternol is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 10:57:41,779:110762: healthsuppnews.com: first hit
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer: Is there a single UAC binary? by iMac Technical Support on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-19 11:03:34,690:110763: Check post superuser.com/a/1305709 (89)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:03:35,300:110763: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-03-19 11:03:39,727:110763: Extracted URL https://babasupport.org/apple/imac-customer-service-number/345
halflife:2018-03-19 11:03:39,769:110763: babasupport.org is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +6 more: www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/ by Theap1986 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-19 11:04:10,808:110764: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1017267 (1080)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:04:11,547:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 07:32:28.599313; returning cached result for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:04:11,625:110764: Extracted URL http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:04:11,625:110764: healthyorder.org is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 11:04:11,625:110764: HTTP status 404 for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:04:11,625:110764: URL tail enduraflex is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: levels, your court similar to connect by Puble ausing on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 11:11:16,796:110765: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257978 (587)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:11:17,498:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 07:32:28.599313; returning cached result for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:11:17,498:110765: Extracted URL http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:11:17,498:110765: healthyorder.org is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 11:11:17,498:110765: HTTP status 404 for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:11:17,576:110765: URL tail enduraflex is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +2 more: growxlsite.com/vigoriax/ by user79150 on codegolf.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 11:12:15,584:110766: Check post codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/159587 (682)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:12:16,443:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 04:20:40.508862; returning cached result for https://growxlsite.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:12:16,444:110766: Extracted URL https://growxlsite.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:12:16,444:110766: growxlsite.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 11:12:16,444:110766: HTTP status 404 for https://growxlsite.com/vigoriax/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:12:16,444:110766: URL tail vigoriax is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 11:13:30,642:110767: Check post mathoverflow.net/questions/295568 (1)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:13:53,685:110767: Extracted possible phone number 8176280609
halflife:2018-03-19 11:13:53,685:110767: 8176280609 search 0/0 over 0:00:00
halflife:2018-03-19 11:14:19,461:Post 110767 below auto (1) 0:00:50.460952 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 11:14:20,160:Post 100279 below auto (100) 75 days, 3:55:33.160097 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 11:14:20,691:Post 95698 below auto (99) 109 days, 0:08:02.691933 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 11:14:23,935:110767: Extracted URL https://www.maidpro.com/north-richland-hills/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:14:23,935:110767: maidpro.com is watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: Relax for minutes every night by wfrehfmpd on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-19 11:14:23,936:110767: maidpro.com: ns ['kara.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'kip.ns.cloudflare.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 11:14:23,936:110767: maidpro.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-19 11:14:23,936:110767: maidpro.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:01,754:Post 110767 below auto (1) 0:01:32.754903 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:02,366:Post 100279 below auto (100) 75 days, 3:56:15.366778 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:02,367:110767: regex north\W?richland\W?hills search: 2/2 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:02,367:110767: URL tail north-richland-hills is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:02,367:110767: maidpro.com: 3/3 over 109 days, 0:07:11 @tripleee
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:03,064:110768: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1017272 (587)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:06,019:110768: Extracted URL http://www.supplementssafe.com/turmeric-forskolin/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:06,019:110768: supplementssafe.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:06,020:110768: HTTP status 404 for http://www.supplementssafe.com/turmeric-forskolin/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:06,020:110768: supplementssafe.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:06,020:110768: supplementssafe.com: ip (server121-5.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:41,714:110768: regex turmeric\W?forskolin search: 5/6 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 11:15:41,714:110768: URL tail turmeric-forskolin is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 11:16:35,879:110769: Check post scifi.stackexchange.com/a/183819 (78)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +2 more: The best element of this testosterone sponsor is that by Buthis19 Virk on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-19 11:25:11,623:110770: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305716 (684)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:25:12,443:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 07:32:28.599313; returning cached result for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:25:12,443:110770: Extracted URL http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:25:12,520:110770: healthyorder.org is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 11:25:12,520:110770: HTTP status 404 for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:25:12,521:110770: URL tail enduraflex is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +1 more: advisorwellness.com/premier-t-boost/? by PaulBaskett on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 11:30:49,263:110771: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257981 (585)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:30:52,468:http://advisorwellness.com/premier-t-boost/? redirects to http://advisorwellness.com/premier-t-boost/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:30:52,468:110771: Extracted URL http://advisorwellness.com/premier-t-boost/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:30:52,469:110771: advisorwellness.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 11:31:16,834:110771: regex premier\W?t\W?boost search: 10/10 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 11:31:16,834:110771: URL tail premier-t-boost is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 11:31:16,834:110771: Extracted URL http://advisorwellness.com/premier-t-boost/?
halflife:2018-03-19 11:31:35,153:110772: Check post serverfault.com/a/903373 (89)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:31:35,771:110772: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-03-19 11:31:36,016:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 11:03:39.726687; returning cached result for https://babasupport.org/apple/imac-customer-service-number/345
halflife:2018-03-19 11:31:36,016:110772: Extracted URL https://babasupport.org/apple/imac-customer-service-number/345
halflife:2018-03-19 11:31:36,017:110772: babasupport.org is blacklisted
CI on 5a15781 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 11123.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: To lose weight while sleeping by wfrehfmpd on apple.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 11:40:59,011:110773: Check post apple.stackexchange.com/questions/319640 (585)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:40:59,914:Visited URL at 2018-03-19 11:15:06.019264; returning cached result for http://www.supplementssafe.com/turmeric-forskolin/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:40:59,915:110773: Extracted URL http://www.supplementssafe.com/turmeric-forskolin/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:40:59,915:110773: supplementssafe.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 11:40:59,915:110773: HTTP status 404 for http://www.supplementssafe.com/turmeric-forskolin/
halflife:2018-03-19 11:41:36,714:110773: regex turmeric\W?forskolin search: 7/7 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 11:41:36,715:110773: URL tail turmeric-forskolin is not blacklisted or watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating words in answer: Purpose of the 'Witches' Hats' on the A13 in London by same on travel.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 11:54:00,345:110774: Check post travel.stackexchange.com/a/111476 (89)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body, link at end of body: international helper in different problems +27760357200 by mboma on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-19 11:54:59,676:110775: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305722 (166)
halflife:2018-03-19 11:55:38,172:110775: Extracted possible phone number 27760357200
halflife:2018-03-19 11:55:38,173:110775: 27760357200 search 1/1 over 0:00:00
halflife:2018-03-19 11:56:48,213:Failed to fetch URL http://psychicmbona.com (ConnectionError(MaxRetryError("HTTPConnectionPool(host='psychicmbona.com', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f36202434a8>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Try again',))",),))
halflife:2018-03-19 11:56:48,213:Failed to fetch http://psychicmbona.com (FetchError("HTTPConnectionPool(host='psychicmbona.com', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f36202434a8>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Try again',))",))
halflife:2018-03-19 11:56:48,213:110775: Extracted URL http://psychicmbona.com
halflife:2018-03-19 11:56:48,213:110775: psychicmbona.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 11:56:48,213:110775: psychicmbona.com: ns [';; connection timed out; no servers could be reached']
halflife:2018-03-19 11:56:48,213:110775: psychicmbona.com: ip ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached ()
halflife:2018-03-19 11:56:48,213:110775: psychicmbona.com: first hit
halflife:2018-03-19 11:56:48,917:110776: Check post apple.stackexchange.com/a/319642 (83)
CI on 9acd5bc succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 10910.
halflife:2018-03-19 12:10:38,402:110777: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49362643 (194)
halflife:2018-03-19 12:10:39,060:110777: Extracted URL https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49003863/how-to-plot-a-hybrid-boxplot-half-‌​boxplot-w-jitter-points-on-the-other-half
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: hybrid 'geom_boxjitter' required packages 'ggpar1' not found by Dan M UK on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-19 12:10:39,060:110777: stackoverflow.com is whitelisted
CI on 14faf4f succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 14faf4f (tripleee: findspam.py: tighten up b.?o.?j.?i etc --autopull) (running on teward/Solar Flare)
Restart: API quota is 10513.
halflife:2018-03-19 12:38:03,734:110778: Check post android.stackexchange.com/a/193390 (59)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: One Plus 5T on US Cellular? by Manu Puthanveetil on android.SE
halflife:2018-03-19 12:38:40,725:110778: Extracted URL https://willmyphonework.net/
halflife:2018-03-19 12:38:40,725:110778: willmyphonework.net is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 12:38:40,725:110778: willmyphonework.net: ns ['ns3.everleap.com.', 'ns1.everleap.com.', 'ns2.everleap.com.']
halflife:2018-03-19 12:38:40,725:110778: willmyphonework.net: ip (199-233-255-67.hostcollective.com.)
halflife:2018-03-19 12:38:40,726:110778: willmyphonework.net: first hit
halflife:2018-03-19 12:41:07,318:110779: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1017289 (294)
halflife:2018-03-19 12:41:09,250:110779: Extracted URL https://evaherbalist.com/green-barley-plus/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: people who are delicate are at improved by shirleydowdy on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-19 12:41:09,250:110779: evaherbalist.com is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer, blacklisted website in answer: How to call postfix in vps from my local pc to send email to my yahoo account? by Ambil smith on serverfault.com
halflife:2018-03-19 12:41:44,924:110779: regex green\W?barley\W?plus search: 1/1 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 12:41:44,924:110779: URL tail green-barley-plus is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 12:41:45,743:110780: Check post serverfault.com/a/903379 (162)
halflife:2018-03-19 12:41:46,393:110780: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-03-19 12:41:50,089:110780: Extracted URL http://www.technicalsuport.com/trendmicroservicenumber.html
halflife:2018-03-19 12:41:50,089:110780: technicalsuport.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-19 12:42:32,040:Post 110780 below auto (162) 0:01:20.040291 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 12:42:32,657:Post 79808 below auto (94) 222 days, 14:02:45.657384 ago
halflife:2018-03-19 12:42:32,657:110780: regex trendmicroservicenumber.html search: 2/2 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 12:42:32,657:110780: URL tail trendmicroservicenumber.html is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 12:42:32,657:110780: Extracted URL http://www.technicalsuport.com/customeravgservices.html
halflife:2018-03-19 12:43:07,536:110780: regex customeravgservices.html search: 1/1 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 12:43:07,536:110780: URL tail customeravgservices.html is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-19 12:43:07,536:110780: Extracted URL http://www.technicalsuport.com/customermcafeeservices.html
halflife:2018-03-19 12:43:46,670:110780: regex customermcafeeservices.html search: 1/1 hits
halflife:2018-03-19 12:43:46,707:110780: URL tail customermcafeeservices.html is not blacklisted or watched

« first day (178 days earlier)      last day (2536 days later) »