« first day (177 days earlier)      last day (2536 days later) » 
00:00 - 17:0018:00 - 23:00

[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 305825f (angussidney: Merge pull request #1763 from iBug/patch-1 --autopull) (running on teward/Solar Flare)
Restart: API quota is 16179.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer: Do Japanese people see ツ as a smiling face? by adadadda on japanese.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 02:16:41,132:110602: Check post japanese.stackexchange.com/a/57340 (87)
halflife:2018-03-18 02:31:52,135:Connection is already closed.
halflife:2018-03-18 02:32:00,660:Halflife 305825fa running on 1b803f07727e started 2018-03-18 02:32:00.660656 UTC
halflife:2018-03-18 03:22:53,835:110603: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49344179 (97)
halflife:2018-03-18 03:23:25,421:110603: Extracted possible phone number 3128643152
halflife:2018-03-18 03:23:25,421:110603: 3128643152 search 0/0 over 0:00:00
halflife:2018-03-18 03:27:01,661:110603: Extracted URL https://tianchi-data-sydney.oss-ap-southeast-2.aliyuncs.com/ad_feature.csv
halflife:2018-03-18 03:27:01,661:110603: tianchi-data-sydney.oss-ap-southeast-2.aliyuncs.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 03:27:01,661:110603: tianchi-data-sydney.oss-ap-southeast-2.aliyuncs.com: ns ['']
halflife:2018-03-18 03:27:01,661:110603: tianchi-data-sydney.oss-ap-southeast-2.aliyuncs.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 03:27:09,309:110603: regex ad_feature.csv search: 0/1 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 03:27:09,309:110603: URL tail ad_feature.csv is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 03:27:09,309:110603: tianchi-data-sydney.oss-ap-southeast-2.aliyuncs.com: first hit
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer: Survey analysis trouble, looking for references by raldy on stats.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 03:43:59,915:110604: Check post stats.stackexchange.com/a/335165 (1)
halflife:2018-03-18 03:44:18,022:Post 110604 below auto (1) 0:00:20.022006 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 03:44:18,597:Post 107903 below auto (1) 21 days, 21:31:18.597422 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 03:44:19,210:Post 107718 below auto (1) 23 days, 6:35:19.210033 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 03:44:23,505:Post 102727 below auto (67) 57 days, 8:53:00.505768 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 03:44:37,701:110604: Extracted URL https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/how-to-analyze-survey-data/
halflife:2018-03-18 03:44:37,701:110604: surveymonkey.com is watched
halflife:2018-03-18 03:44:37,701:110604: surveymonkey.com: ns ['ns2.p22.dynect.net.', 'ns3.p22.dynect.net.', 'ns4.p22.dynect.net.', 'ns1.p22.dynect.net.']
halflife:2018-03-18 03:44:37,701:110604: surveymonkey.com: ip (;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached)
halflife:2018-03-18 03:44:37,702:110604: surveymonkey.com: 3/10 over 57 days, 8:52:35
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: How can Cyclops' optic blasts burn or melt objects? by Clycops on scifi.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 04:04:49,167:110605: Check post scifi.stackexchange.com/a/183729 (78)
halflife:2018-03-18 04:11:20,491:110606: Check post scifi.stackexchange.com/a/183731 (66)
halflife:2018-03-18 04:11:21,066:110606: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body, +2 more: VitaX Forskolin This method very short-term by tresaxer on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-18 05:48:18,298:110607: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49344848 (490)
halflife:2018-03-18 05:48:22,115:110607: Extracted URL http://www.supplementscart.com/vitax-forskolin/
halflife:2018-03-18 05:48:22,115:110607: supplementscart.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 05:48:22,115:110607: supplementscart.com: ns ['duke.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'pola.ns.cloudflare.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 05:48:22,115:110607: supplementscart.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 05:48:22,115:110607: supplementscart.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 05:48:59,515:110607: regex vitax\W?forskolin search: 5/6 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 05:48:59,515:110607: URL tail vitax-forskolin is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 05:52:42,789:110608: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1016920 (488)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Qu'est-ce que cela a été vu à travers by Dien1965 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-18 05:52:48,403:110608: Extracted URL https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/%20
halflife:2018-03-18 05:52:48,403:110608: oralhealthplus.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 05:52:48,404:110608: HTTP status 404 for https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/%20
halflife:2018-03-18 05:52:48,404:110608: Extracted URL https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 05:52:48,404:110608: HTTP status 404 for https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 05:52:48,404:110608: URL tail allumiere is matched in Body - Position 44-53: allumiere; Position 91-100: allumiere; Position 378-387: allumiere; Position 453-462: allumiere
halflife:2018-03-18 05:57:20,497:110609: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1016921 (589)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +1 more: mumybear.com/forskolin-belly-melt/ by user808281 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-18 05:57:25,382:110609: Extracted URL https://mumybear.com/forskolin-belly-melt/
halflife:2018-03-18 05:57:25,382:110609: mumybear.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 05:57:25,383:110609: mumybear.com: ns ['ns1.bluehost.com.', 'ns2.bluehost.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 05:57:25,383:110609: mumybear.com: ip (box1399.bluehost.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 05:58:01,441:110609: regex forskolin\W?belly\W?melt search: 1/1 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 05:58:01,442:110609: URL tail forskolin-belly-melt is not blacklisted or watched
Restart: API quota is 14510.
halflife:2018-03-18 06:17:48,670:110610: Check post windowsphone.stackexchange.com/a/16672 (89)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating words in answer: Family Settings Prevent Apps Downloading by ranjan roy on windowsphone.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 06:20:01,081:110611: Check post windowsphone.stackexchange.com/a/16673 (89)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Si vous n'avez pas commandé le produit, by Love nce on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 06:20:24,629:110611: Extracted possible phone number 7549953481
halflife:2018-03-18 06:20:24,629:110611: 7549953481 search 0/0 over 0:00:00
halflife:2018-03-18 06:20:25,285:110612: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257906 (488)
halflife:2018-03-18 06:20:26,146:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 05:52:48.403688; returning cached result for https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 06:20:26,146:110612: Extracted URL https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 06:20:26,146:110612: oralhealthplus.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 06:20:26,146:110612: HTTP status 404 for https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 06:20:26,147:110612: URL tail allumiere is matched in Body - Position 155-164: allumiere; Position 199-208: allumiere; Position 233-242: allumiere; Position 391-400: allumiere; Position 428-437: allumiere; Position 498-507: allumiere; Position 573-582: allumiere
halflife:2018-03-18 06:23:21,185:110613: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/49345059 (79)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: What rel=profile is for? by amin R on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-18 06:23:45,522:https://seo-esfahan.ir redirects to https://www.seo-esfahan.ir/
halflife:2018-03-18 06:23:45,522:110613: Extracted URL https://seo-esfahan.ir
halflife:2018-03-18 06:23:45,559:110613: seo-esfahan.ir is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 06:23:45,559:110613: seo-esfahan.ir: ns ['ns2.ipeserver.com.', 'ns1.ipeserver.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 06:23:45,560:110613: seo-esfahan.ir: ip (cp.ipeserver.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 06:23:45,560:110613: seo-esfahan.ir: first hit
halflife:2018-03-18 06:24:51,218:110614: Check post hinduism.stackexchange.com/a/26068 (78)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: Martyr concept in Hinduism by supravat mohanty on hinduism.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 06:25:19,586:110615: Check post superuser.com/a/1305414 (59)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Can't ping or connect to my IP from outside by pol on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-18 06:25:54,613:110615: Extracted URL http://www.ipaddressinternet.com
halflife:2018-03-18 06:25:54,613:110615: ipaddressinternet.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 06:25:54,613:110615: ipaddressinternet.com: ns ['ns8037.hostgator.com.', 'ns8038.hostgator.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 06:25:54,613:110615: ipaddressinternet.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 06:25:54,613:110615: ipaddressinternet.com: first hit
halflife:2018-03-18 06:28:57,026:110616: Check post graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/106921 (488)
halflife:2018-03-18 06:28:57,892:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 05:52:48.403688; returning cached result for https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Inclure dans votre alimentation des aliments riches en antioxydants, by Civer19 Virk on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 06:28:57,892:110616: Extracted URL https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 06:28:57,929:110616: oralhealthplus.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 06:28:57,929:110616: HTTP status 404 for https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 06:28:57,929:110616: URL tail allumiere is matched in Body - Position 44-53: allumiere; Position 88-97: allumiere; Position 263-272: allumiere; Position 522-531: allumiere; Position 597-606: allumiere
halflife:2018-03-18 06:50:06,387:110617: Check post hinduism.stackexchange.com/a/26069 (66)
halflife:2018-03-18 06:50:06,958:110617: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, blacklisted user: Martyr concept in Hinduism by supravat mohanty on hinduism.SE
CI on dd50793 succeeded.
halflife:2018-03-18 07:17:23,962:[110619] is not 110617+1 @quartata
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: Il agit de manière significative sur les rougeurs et les poches sous les yeux. by Civer19 Virk on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-18 07:17:23,963:110619: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305420 (587)
halflife:2018-03-18 07:17:24,947:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 05:52:48.403688; returning cached result for https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 07:17:24,947:110619: Extracted URL https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 07:17:24,947:110619: oralhealthplus.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 07:17:24,947:110619: HTTP status 404 for https://www.oralhealthplus.com/allumiere-cream/
halflife:2018-03-18 07:17:24,947:110619: URL tail allumiere is matched in Body - Position 44-53: allumiere; Position 88-97: allumiere; Position 459-468: allumiere; Position 534-543: allumiere
halflife:2018-03-18 07:32:26,055:110620: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257911 (488)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: when that happens it broadens the held by Twou lonat on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 07:32:28,599:110620: Extracted URL http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 07:32:28,599:110620: healthyorder.org is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 07:32:28,599:110620: HTTP status 404 for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 07:32:28,599:110620: healthyorder.org: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 07:32:28,599:110620: healthyorder.org: ip (server209-1.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 07:32:28,599:110620: URL tail enduraflex is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 07:34:14,420:110621: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1016927 (1080)
halflife:2018-03-18 07:34:15,238:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 07:32:28.599313; returning cached result for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +6 more: www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/ by Timit1958 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-18 07:34:15,238:110621: Extracted URL http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 07:34:15,238:110621: healthyorder.org is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 07:34:15,238:110621: HTTP status 404 for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 07:34:15,238:110621: URL tail enduraflex is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 07:45:51,081:110622: Check post meta.stackexchange.com/questions/308109 (92)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: help me create tag 'rainbond' by barnett on meta.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 07:45:51,781:110622: Extracted URL https://github.com/goodrain/rainbond
halflife:2018-03-18 07:45:51,863:110622: github.com is whitelisted
halflife:2018-03-18 07:58:25,394:110623: Check post hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/26071 (66)
halflife:2018-03-18 07:58:25,966:110623: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-03-18 08:04:11,260:110624: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1016932 (393)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:04:14,219:110624: Extracted URL http://www.testonutra.com/testo-pump/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, repeated URL at end of long post: Now we can see why we have many by user808302 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-18 08:04:14,219:110624: testonutra.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 08:04:14,219:110624: testonutra.com: ns ['dns1.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns2.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 08:04:14,219:110624: testonutra.com: ip (premium31-1.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:04:42,091:110624: regex testo\W?pump search: 1/1 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 08:04:42,091:110624: URL tail testo-pump is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:26,816:110625: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/49345827 (49)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: Woocomerce - How To Link to Product Variation? by Love Buz on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: I counseled to specialist to think about the explanation for this issue. by Losom19 Virk on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:57,973:110625: Extracted URL https://www.lovebuz.ro
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:57,973:110625: lovebuz.ro is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:57,973:110625: lovebuz.ro: ns ['ns4.spatiul.ro.', 'ns3.spatiul.ro.']
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:57,973:110625: lovebuz.ro: ip (core10.spatiul.ro.)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:57,973:110625: lovebuz.ro: first hit
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:58,588:110626: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305428 (587)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:59,532:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 07:32:28.599313; returning cached result for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:59,532:110626: Extracted URL http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:59,533:110626: healthyorder.org is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:59,533:110626: HTTP status 404 for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 08:16:59,533:110626: URL tail enduraflex is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 08:20:46,867:110627: Check post electronics.stackexchange.com/a/269748 (66)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in answer: avrdude error - stk500_paged_write() protocol error by olgv on electronics.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 08:21:22,396:110627: Extracted URL http://maxembedded.com/2015/06/setting-up-avr-gcc-toolchain-on-linux-and-mac-os‌​-x/
halflife:2018-03-18 08:21:22,397:110627: maxembedded.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 08:21:22,397:110627: maxembedded.com: ns ['dns1.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns2.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 08:21:22,397:110627: maxembedded.com: ip (server42-2.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:21:22,397:110627: maxembedded.com: first hit
halflife:2018-03-18 08:28:39,535:110628: Check post apple.stackexchange.com/questions/319537 (195)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body: The the truth is that falsity by bcfmjghk on apple.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 08:28:40,112:110628: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-03-18 08:28:40,437:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 08:04:14.218829; returning cached result for http://www.testonutra.com/testo-pump/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body: Product Refine filter by categories and regions by Douggy Budget on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:18,295:110628: Extracted URL http://www.testonutra.com/testo-pump/
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:18,295:110628: testonutra.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:46,010:Post 110628 below auto (195) 0:01:09.010227 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:46,619:110628: regex testo\W?pump search: 2/2 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:46,620:110628: URL tail testo-pump is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:46,620:110628: Extracted URL http://questions.trainzportal.com/Question/Preview/2423687
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:46,620:110628: questions.trainzportal.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:46,620:110628: questions.trainzportal.com: ns ['']
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:46,620:110628: questions.trainzportal.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:46,620:110628: questions.trainzportal.com: first hit
halflife:2018-03-18 08:29:47,482:110629: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49345912 (1)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:20,099:Post 83298 below auto (1) 194 days, 12:52:47.099428 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:20,630:Post 81617 below auto (1) 207 days, 21:03:37.630187 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:21,205:Post 80305 below auto (116) 218 days, 1:36:19.205597 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:21,817:Post 80304 below auto (50) 218 days, 1:39:46.817125 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:22,469:Post 78831 below auto (49) 229 days, 1:15:09.469532 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:25,671:110629: Extracted URL http://phpcooker.com/product-search-filter-in-php
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:25,671:110629: phpcooker.com is watched
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:25,672:110629: phpcooker.com: ns ['beau.ns.cloudflare.com.', 'beth.ns.cloudflare.com.']
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: This supplement utilizes an all-normal recipe by Losom19 Virk on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:25,672:110629: phpcooker.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 08:30:25,750:110629: phpcooker.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:13,785:Post 80305 below auto (116) 218 days, 1:37:11.785255 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:14,397:Post 80304 below auto (50) 218 days, 1:40:39.397747 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:14,397:110629: regex product\W?search\W?filter\W?in\W?php search: 2/3 hits @tripleee
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:14,398:110629: URL tail product-search-filter-in-php is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:14,398:110629: phpcooker.com: 5/6 over 229 days, 1:13:27
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:38,840:110630: Check post graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/106926 (488)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:39,743:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 07:32:28.599313; returning cached result for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:39,743:110630: Extracted URL http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:39,743:110630: healthyorder.org is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:39,743:110630: HTTP status 404 for http://www.healthyorder.org/enduraflex/
halflife:2018-03-18 08:31:39,743:110630: URL tail enduraflex is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 08:41:56,430:110631: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305430 (586)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: NITRIDEX Do you want to know about differen by Carrienewby on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-18 08:42:40,668:110631: Extracted URL https://www.topfitnesscart.com/nitridex/
halflife:2018-03-18 08:42:40,668:110631: topfitnesscart.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 08:42:40,668:110631: topfitnesscart.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 08:42:40,668:110631: topfitnesscart.com: ip (s183.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:42:40,669:110631: URL tail nitridex is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 08:42:40,669:110631: topfitnesscart.com: 4/4 over 28 days, 22:58:27
halflife:2018-03-18 08:45:34,206:110632: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1016937 (587)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:45:37,903:110632: Extracted URL http://www.musclestrainrelief.com/nuallura-serum/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: From this fear forward, you will win by Tepen1968 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-18 08:45:37,903:110632: musclestrainrelief.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 08:45:37,903:110632: musclestrainrelief.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 08:45:37,903:110632: musclestrainrelief.com: ip (server203-2.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 08:45:37,903:110632: URL tail nuallura is matched in Body - Position 47-55: nuallura; Position 90-98: nuallura; Position 476-484: nuallura; Position 553-561: nuallura
halflife:2018-03-18 08:59:44,361:110633: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/49346113 (78)
halflife:2018-03-18 09:24:30,139:110634: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49346315 (486)
halflife:2018-03-18 09:24:33,416:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 09:24:33.415505; returning cached result for http://www.healthynutritionshop.com/nuallura/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: Nuallura Although, there are some natural ingredients by Kned1946 on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-18 09:24:33,416:110634: Extracted URL http://www.healthynutritionshop.com/nuallura/
halflife:2018-03-18 09:24:33,416:110634: healthynutritionshop.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 09:24:33,416:110634: healthynutritionshop.com: ns ['dns2.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns1.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 09:24:33,416:110634: healthynutritionshop.com: ip (premium31-1.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 09:24:33,416:110634: URL tail nuallura is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 09:33:20,117:110635: Check post superuser.com/a/1305442 (59)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: What is the best mindmapper for emacs? by azzamsa on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-18 09:33:49,838:http://thebrain.com/ redirects to https://thebrain.com/
halflife:2018-03-18 09:33:49,838:110635: Extracted URL https://github.com/Kungsgeten/org-brain
halflife:2018-03-18 09:33:49,838:110635: github.com is whitelisted
halflife:2018-03-18 09:33:49,838:110635: Extracted URL http://thebrain.com/
halflife:2018-03-18 09:33:49,839:110635: thebrain.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 09:33:49,839:110635: thebrain.com: ns ['ns-1807.awsdns-33.co.uk.', 'ns-68.awsdns-08.com.', 'ns-720.awsdns-26.net.', 'ns-1472.awsdns-56.org.']
halflife:2018-03-18 09:33:49,839:110635: thebrain.com: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 09:33:49,839:110635: thebrain.com: first hit
halflife:2018-03-18 09:42:30,876:110636: Check post workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/109332 (489)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad pattern in URL body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, repeated URL at end of long post: You can vicinity your order by means by rolynw sally on workplace.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: into, going out. consuming whatever by Hicha tell on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:10,817:110636: Extracted possible phone number 02233604900
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:10,817:110636: 02233604900 search 0/0 over 0:00:00
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:14,346:110636: Extracted URL http://supplimenttop.com/ling-booster-shakti-review/
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:14,347:110636: supplimenttop.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:14,347:110636: HTTP status 404 for http://supplimenttop.com/ling-booster-shakti-review/
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:14,347:110636: supplimenttop.com: ns ['ns1.cp-in-17.bigrockservers.com.', 'ns2.cp-in-17.bigrockservers.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:14,347:110636: supplimenttop.com: ip (cp-in-17.webhostbox.net.)
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:50,378:110636: regex ling\W?booster\W?shakti search: 1/1 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:50,378:110636: URL tail ling-booster-shakti is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:50,991:110637: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257913 (488)
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:51,897:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 08:45:37.903034; returning cached result for http://www.musclestrainrelief.com/nuallura-serum/
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:51,975:110637: Extracted URL http://www.musclestrainrelief.com/nuallura-serum/
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:51,976:110637: musclestrainrelief.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 09:43:51,976:110637: URL tail nuallura is matched in Body - Position 153-161: nuallura; Position 196-204: nuallura; Position 433-441: nuallura; Position 493-501: nuallura; Position 570-578: nuallura
halflife:2018-03-18 10:19:38,284:110638: Check post graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/106930 (389)
halflife:2018-03-18 10:19:39,185:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 08:45:37.903034; returning cached result for http://www.musclestrainrelief.com/nuallura-serum/
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: \* Wash your face and let it to be dried appropriately \* by Urnow19 Virk on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 10:19:39,186:110638: Extracted URL http://www.musclestrainrelief.com/nuallura-serum/
halflife:2018-03-18 10:19:39,186:110638: musclestrainrelief.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 10:19:39,186:110638: URL tail nuallura is matched in Position 418-426: nuallura; Position 461-469: nuallura; Position 533-541: nuallura; Position 610-618: nuallura
halflife:2018-03-18 10:22:25,036:110639: Check post superuser.com/a/1305450 (38)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly dots in answer: Linux equivalent to robocopy? by vikas khandola on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-18 10:24:25,767:110640: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305452 (99)
halflife:2018-03-18 10:24:26,380:110640: Extracted URL https://prnt.sc/isrtl2
halflife:2018-03-18 10:24:26,380:110640: prnt.sc is whitelisted
halflife:2018-03-18 10:36:20,279:110641: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/49346898 (95)
halflife:2018-03-18 10:36:20,888:110641: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username: pdf to png in google standard app engine in python by Pussy on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-18 10:36:52,294:110641: Extracted URL https://cloudconvert.com/api
halflife:2018-03-18 10:36:52,372:110641: cloudconvert.com is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 10:36:52,372:110641: cloudconvert.com: ns ['ns-135.awsdns-16.com.', 'ns-533.awsdns-02.net.', 'ns-1380.awsdns-44.org.', 'ns-1971.awsdns-54.co.uk.']
halflife:2018-03-18 10:36:52,372:110641: cloudconvert.com: ip (web1.cloudconvert.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 10:37:03,278:Post 110641 below auto (95) 0:00:44.278059 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 10:37:03,889:Post 110492 below auto (94) 1 day, 9:20:49.889258 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 10:37:04,501:Post 110490 below auto (95) 1 day, 11:32:13.501087 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 10:37:06,381:Post 110170 below auto (46) 3 days, 21:29:39.381219 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 10:37:08,803:110641: regex api search: 2/10 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 10:37:08,803:110641: URL tail api is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 10:37:08,880:110641: cloudconvert.com: first hit
halflife:2018-03-18 10:50:37,455:110642: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/49346992 (95)
halflife:2018-03-18 10:50:38,028:110642: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
halflife:2018-03-18 11:07:11,469:110643: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305456 (92)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: Is this website is the best for Tshirt? by Natasha Homenick on superuser.com
Restart: API quota is 12896.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: Windows 10 "Download Bars" got blue by me24325345 on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-18 11:13:03,348:110644: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49347196 (66)
halflife:2018-03-18 11:13:03,919:110644: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: you folks will completely have confidence in by Chred19 Virk on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-18 11:17:58,031:110645: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305458 (587)
halflife:2018-03-18 11:17:59,135:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 08:45:37.903034; returning cached result for http://www.musclestrainrelief.com/nuallura-serum/
halflife:2018-03-18 11:17:59,136:110645: Extracted URL http://www.musclestrainrelief.com/nuallura-serum/
halflife:2018-03-18 11:17:59,136:110645: musclestrainrelief.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 11:17:59,136:110645: URL tail nuallura is matched in Body - Position 47-55: nuallura; Position 90-98: nuallura; Position 109-117: nuallura; Position 498-506: nuallura; Position 575-583: nuallura
halflife:2018-03-18 11:29:03,749:110646: Check post android.stackexchange.com/a/193327 (78)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body: the wall when you're standing by user281479 on apple.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 11:35:28,567:110647: Check post apple.stackexchange.com/questions/319543 (292)
halflife:2018-03-18 11:35:31,063:110647: Extracted URL https://evaherbalist.com/vita-x-forskolin/
halflife:2018-03-18 11:35:31,063:110647: evaherbalist.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 11:35:31,064:110647: HTTP status 404 for https://evaherbalist.com/vita-x-forskolin/
halflife:2018-03-18 11:35:31,064:110647: evaherbalist.com: ns ['dns1.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns2.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 11:35:31,064:110647: evaherbalist.com: ip (server39-1.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 11:35:55,332:110647: regex vita\W?x\W?forskolin search: 10/10 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 11:35:55,333:110647: URL tail vita-x-forskolin is not blacklisted or watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: In like way, the site guarantees by Kno reek on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 11:45:11,869:110648: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257915 (488)
halflife:2018-03-18 11:45:15,876:110648: Extracted URL http://maleenhancement24.com/joint-flx/
halflife:2018-03-18 11:45:15,876:110648: maleenhancement24.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 11:45:15,876:110648: maleenhancement24.com: ns ['dns1.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns2.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 11:45:15,876:110648: maleenhancement24.com: ip (server208-4.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 11:45:42,507:110648: regex joint\W?flx search: 0/1 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 11:45:42,507:110648: URL tail joint-flx is not blacklisted or watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +6 more: maleenhancement24.com/joint-flx/ by Justring1993 on askubuntu.com
halflife:2018-03-18 11:46:13,304:110649: Check post askubuntu.com/questions/1016976 (1080)
halflife:2018-03-18 11:46:14,244:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 11:45:15.875813; returning cached result for http://maleenhancement24.com/joint-flx/
halflife:2018-03-18 11:46:14,245:110649: Extracted URL http://maleenhancement24.com/joint-flx/
halflife:2018-03-18 11:46:14,245:110649: maleenhancement24.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 11:46:42,485:110649: regex joint\W?flx search: 1/2 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 11:46:42,485:110649: URL tail joint-flx is not blacklisted or watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: how to keep shiva linga at office? by pkmohanty on hinduism.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 12:03:03,583:110650: Check post hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/26074 (66)
halflife:2018-03-18 12:03:04,195:110650: Blacklisted contents but post still below auto
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, +2 more: What are the effective components combined in Nitridex? by Therma 19 on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 12:14:53,854:110651: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257918 (587)
halflife:2018-03-18 12:15:00,544:110651: Extracted URL http://worldmuscleking.com/nitridex/
halflife:2018-03-18 12:15:00,544:110651: worldmuscleking.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 12:15:00,544:110651: Wordpress promotion URL http://worldmuscleking.com/7i3o redirects to https://getsuperiorwellness.com/vivax/offer/v1/?affId=DCA8AC11&c1=7267&c2=6262&‌​c3=18527085&campaign=54
halflife:2018-03-18 12:15:00,544:110651: worldmuscleking.com: ns ['ns1.cloudhosting.co.uk.', 'ns2.cloudhosting.co.uk.']
halflife:2018-03-18 12:15:00,544:110651: worldmuscleking.com: ip (chlorine.cloudhosting.co.uk.)
halflife:2018-03-18 12:15:00,544:110651: URL tail nitridex is blacklisted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, blacklisted username, email in answer: Relieving Oil Stress .15 by Vladislav Yakov on gaming.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 12:19:05,785:110652: Check post gaming.stackexchange.com/a/329447 (336)
halflife:2018-03-18 12:22:16,081:110653: Check post superuser.com/a/1305468 (59)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Any benefit to low dose radiation? by Virgil Fenn on biology.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 12:28:46,083:110654: Check post biology.stackexchange.com/a/71502 (59)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: joint flx is phenomenal contrasted with other by Heake19 Virk on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-18 12:55:41,059:110655: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305474 (587)
halflife:2018-03-18 12:55:42,083:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 11:45:15.875813; returning cached result for http://maleenhancement24.com/joint-flx/
halflife:2018-03-18 12:55:42,083:110655: Extracted URL http://maleenhancement24.com/joint-flx/
halflife:2018-03-18 12:55:42,083:110655: maleenhancement24.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 12:56:10,794:110655: regex joint\W?flx search: 2/3 hits @tripleee
halflife:2018-03-18 12:56:10,872:110655: URL tail joint-flx is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 13:44:00,367:110656: Check post math.stackexchange.com/questions/2697271 (81)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: what is SuperCharge Male Enhancement? by janetweendland on drupal.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 13:45:24,164:110657: Check post drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/257921 (587)
halflife:2018-03-18 13:45:28,665:110657: Extracted URL http://www.myhealthyera.com/supercharge-male-enhancement/
halflife:2018-03-18 13:45:28,665:110657: myhealthyera.com is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 13:45:28,666:110657: myhealthyera.com: ns ['dns1.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns2.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 13:45:28,666:110657: myhealthyera.com: ip (server210-1.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 13:45:50,315:Post 106491 below auto (97) 32 days, 3:26:22.315411 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 13:45:51,464:Post 105125 below auto (195) 41 days, 8:08:42.464526 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 13:45:53,308:110657: regex supercharge search: 9/10 hits
halflife:2018-03-18 13:45:53,308:110657: URL tail supercharge is not blacklisted or watched
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly dots in answer: Do Not Robocopy PST with same size and different date by Vikas Khandola on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-18 14:00:37,575:110658: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/49348708 (38)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: Trim weight reduction supplement by histrobertboyz on superuser.com
halflife:2018-03-18 14:05:25,793:110659: Check post superuser.com/questions/1305488 (585)
halflife:2018-03-18 14:05:28,997:110659: Extracted URL http://www.supplementmakehealthy.org/keto-trim/
halflife:2018-03-18 14:05:28,997:110659: supplementmakehealthy.org is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 14:05:28,997:110659: supplementmakehealthy.org: ns ['dns1.namecheaphosting.com.', 'dns2.namecheaphosting.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 14:05:28,997:110659: supplementmakehealthy.org: ip (server206-5.web-hosting.com.)
halflife:2018-03-18 14:05:28,997:110659: URL tail keto-trim is matched (watched or blacklisted)
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in body: Cryptocurrency,coin news by Samaranch on bitcoin.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 15:19:09,294:110660: Check post bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/72559 (98)
halflife:2018-03-18 15:19:21,030:Post 110660 below auto (98) 0:00:13.030171 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 15:19:25,211:Post 110573 below auto (66) 1 day, 3:38:30.211695 ago
halflife:2018-03-18 15:19:28,242:110660: Extracted URL https://t.me/blockchaininvestio
halflife:2018-03-18 15:19:28,242:110660: t.me matched: Body - Position 39-43: t.me; Position 98-102: t.me
halflife:2018-03-18 15:19:28,242:110660: t.me: ns ['ns-cloud-b2.googledomains.com.', 'ns-cloud-b3.googledomains.com.', 'ns-cloud-b4.googledomains.com.', 'ns-cloud-b1.googledomains.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 15:19:28,242:110660: t.me: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 15:19:28,284:110660: URL tail blockchaininvestio is blacklisted
halflife:2018-03-18 15:19:28,284:110660: t.me: 7/10 over 1 day, 4:04:43
API quota rolled over with 11031 requests remaining. Current quota: 19999.
math: 478
stackoverflow: 273
physics: 87
superuser: 81
askubuntu: 68
drupal: 60
apple: 36
english: 36
serverfault: 35
unix: 25
electronics: 24
mathoverflow.net: 21
islam: 20
ell: 20
dba: 19
android: 19
security: 19
mathematica: 19
travel: 19
gaming: 15
ru.stackoverflow: 15
bitcoin: 15
wordpress: 14
gamedev: 13
meta: 13
tex: 12
academia: 12
rus: 11
stats: 11
skeptics: 11
raspberrypi: 11
worldbuilding: 10
money: 10
ethereum: 9
webapps: 9
chemistry: 9
arduino: 9
diy: 9
graphicdesign: 8
gis: 8
codegolf: 8
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: How to place multi-page PDF into InDesign by Dr Scripto on graphicdesign.SE
halflife:2018-03-18 15:46:51,527:[110662] is not 110660+1 @quartata
halflife:2018-03-18 15:46:51,527:110662: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/49349830 (78)
halflife:2018-03-18 15:53:40,145:110663: Check post android.stackexchange.com/a/193343 (59)
halflife:2018-03-18 15:54:17,237:Visited URL at 2018-03-18 15:54:17.237362; returning cached result for https://upresultsnicin.org/
halflife:2018-03-18 15:54:17,238:110663: Extracted URL https://upresultsnicin.org/
halflife:2018-03-18 15:54:17,238:110663: upresultsnicin.org is not blacklisted or watched
halflife:2018-03-18 15:54:17,238:110663: upresultsnicin.org: ns ['ns1.digitalocean.com.', 'ns2.digitalocean.com.', 'ns3.digitalocean.com.']
halflife:2018-03-18 15:54:17,238:110663: upresultsnicin.org: ip ()
halflife:2018-03-18 15:54:17,238:110663: upresultsnicin.org: first hit
CI on f461257 succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
Restart: API quota is 19629.
halflife:2018-03-18 16:42:18,325:110664: Check post stackoverflow.com/questions/49343036 (92)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body: Returning sum of duplicated elements in array by RogerHN on stackoverflow.com
halflife:2018-03-18 16:44:41,511:110665: Check post stackoverflow.com/a/49350400 (49)
halflife:2018-03-18 16:44:42,129:Post had more than 3 unique URLs; skipping details.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: How to use Github to build a web site by rocky93 on stackoverflow.com
00:00 - 17:0018:00 - 23:00

« first day (177 days earlier)      last day (2536 days later) »