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Whoever added phantoms to minecraft: good job on the sounds, they're awesome. Also, I hate you for adding in phantoms
Vote for mob B, they said. It'll be fun, they said.
What were the other options again>
I maintain that the blaze miniboss would have been awesome
Blazes are bad enough already
@emanresuA Blaze miniboss, carnivorous squid, and dinosaur thing
Barnacle, Phantom, "The Great Hunger" and The Wildfire
@emanresuA Yeah but...a way to fight blazes outside of fortresses, and potentially get rare and new nether items?
Count me in
@Dudecoinheringaahing Those aren't official names are they?
@BrowncatPrograms I haven't seen a mob poll go well, ever :P
I bet y'all someone's going to make an AFK warden farm
@BrowncatPrograms Yep
I couldn't vote, but I was originally hoping for mob C (the dino guy)
We were robbed of 2 actually cool mobs through the polls
Especially given that they're redoing mountains, having a miniboss on top of some mountains would be so good
The yellow cow was. so. cool. I wish they'd added it :(
> make the Nether "even more scary and exciting"
No thanks
The mountain dude seems like a bad idea to me
It has the same possible issue as mob B
Yellow cow had the same problems as shiny fish
It's already a mob, but look, new skin
Yellow cow could have been implemented in a way that provided really cool stuff
If it worked with farming and bees, which is what it seemed they were going for, it could be great for farming. It also looks pretty cool.
The snow illusioner seems like it'd just be annoying after you encounter it for the first or second time, like phantoms or wandering traders
Idk, I think some kind of ice magic miniboss could be cool
So do I, but putting it on random mountains seems like a bad place
Like, maybe if you had some form of ice mansion that could spawn on mountains, a la woodland mansions
A sort of "snow dungeon" sort of thing that you could find entrances too would be really awesome though
I think which mob is best is impossible to say, because we don't actually know enough about how they'd be implemented to know which is best :/
Like Mob C was so vague it could have been anything, really
There's so much to explore with the snow pillager, especially when updating mountains, that glow squid feels like such a waste
Glow squid is 100% a waste, yeah
It should have come in last place. This was a two horse race where a third horse learned how to build a catapult and rules weren't in place yet to fix that.
Especially given that glowing abilities could be done with, oh idk, glowstone? Or maybe some form of the glowing effect???
Glow squid are cute, but mostly useless
I thoroughly agree with axolotls though
Mobs in Minecraft typically fit into one of two categories: realistic animals there for ambiance, or unrealistic animals there for gameplay. Glow squids are both unrealistic and totally useless.
Axolotls killing glow squid feels like the devs going "Oh ffs, that mob won? Fine, how do we kill it?"
I dislike axolotls personally, but I dislike all of 1.17/1.18 so shrug
@BrowncatPrograms I still don't get you disliking the improved terrain generation in 1.18. I agree with you that a lot of the stuff in 1.17 was cheap and it was a fail of an update, but 1.18 looks amazing
The mountains look good. I wish there was some more depth, but it's way better than what we had. Mountains good.
The new caves, the deepshit or whatever it's called, and the new items all look awful to me though
Which is worse: Glowsquid or wandering trader?
Wandering traders are useful for skyblock and getting leads, at least
Plus they were part of 1.14
@BrowncatPrograms Tinted glass and deepslate have led to some really cool builds.
Tinted glass is good but I hate its recipe
Why. Not. Coal.
The 1.17 fail does make sense to me as well. They set themselves a crazy high expectation: completely redo the mountains and redo cave generation. They then realised just how big of an update this would be, halfway into it, and that they wouldn't finish in time. So they decided to ship what they could from what they'd added (goats, glowsquid, amethyst, copper) and push the rest back to a proper dedicated release
Amethyst doesn't even make sense on the surface
for tinted glass
There are no tinted glass panes
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'm not even talking about 1.17 on its own
But copper is cool
but can look really good
Copper looks nice, but the ore is awful and it's everywhere
@BrowncatPrograms Deepslate is cool for me, but it only really makes sense below y < 0, which they then backpedaled from in 1.17
Copper and amethyst are just bad
I hate how the deepslate looks, although having another stone below y=0 totally makes sense. I disagree with there being anything below y=0 in the first place, though.
I wish they'd gone with blackstone or basalt, which look good and already were in the game
Dripstone allows killing a wither in ~5s
And lava farms
The lava farming is neat. I'm a bit conflicted on dripstone.
It also makes farms a lot easier
It does?
We already had campfires, which are already way better at what dripstone does for farms
ಠ_ಠ I just had three eyes of ender break in a row
That's super rare, actually
Campfires aren't instant tho
@BrowncatPrograms Nah, 1/125
@emanresuA But they'll kill mobs that live
If a mob with armor falls and manages to survive the dripstone, it's stuck there
Before that we had piston crushers, which although loud have even more use cases
E.g. blaze farms
Piston crushers are good
blaze farms are hard
Blaze are pain
Imagine building farms :P
Dripstone looks a bit bad to me personally, but I totally get other people liking it (unlike some things in the updates)
I just overall think 1.18 is such a missed opportunity. If they'd actually tried, maybe I'd be more forgiving of the less useful or uglier features.
Personally, I think that redoing the terrain, world height, etc. could justify Minecraft 2.0 (but it seems I'm in the minority whenever I bring this up)
They took the name "cave update" without any of the surrounding context. People had wanted better cave structures, better handling of mobs in caves, better looking caves, etc. We didn't get any of that, just "look. big cave. slightly more variety."
The 1.18 snapshots just feel like a totally different game from 1.16 and earlier
@Dudecoinheringaahing I disagree the terrain is redone at all
minecraft updates always feel underwhelming, compared to other games where a release has a crapton more stuff, it's like, oh you added a new mob and a couple of new blocks, really?
It has mountains, sure, but that's it. Everything underground is strictly a downgrade if you ask me.
they've kinda limited themselves by not having the set 'progression', which is fine, but it does feel like most updates do next to nothing
I strongly disagree with you there
1.12 to 1.16 have been massive, impressive, game changing, and nearly flawless IMO
@BrowncatPrograms Yeah, but if you go into the update going "This isn't Minecraft 1.whatever. This is Minecraft 2.0" when you dev it, then you can afford to make radical changes to the caves, mountains, biomes, mobs etc.
@BrowncatPrograms I've not followed many recent updates but like, what's really been added since 1.9? basically nothing
1.12 paved the way for datapacks, and polished a lot of stuff. 1.13 made the ocean amazing. 1.14 made villages good. 1.15 redid a lot of technical things. 1.16 completely redid the nether basically.
Those are all huge, sweeping changes
1.15 was literally just bees :P
1.14 and 1.16 are bigger than 1.9 imo
@Dudecoinheringaahing No, it was a technical update dsguised with bees
It redid a huge amount of graphics stuff, and upgraded datapacks considerably
ok, 1.14 was decent, but the rest were all meh
1.16 was huge
1.14 was huge, so was 1.16. 1.12 and 1.15 weren't "huge", they were all techno babble that could've been put in another update
1.13 was pretty great
@BrowncatPrograms It had some issues present in 1.17/1.18, but it was for the most part good, and it was undeniably a very large change
oh yeah, 1.16 was pretty big, fair enough
@Dudecoinheringaahing I disagree with your opinions on 1.12 and 1.15 :p
nether update is probably the only good update
Although, fuck basalt deltas with all my heart. I hate them more than anything else in the game
1.12 especially
1.12 was s/achievements/advancements
1.12 changed massive amounts of stuff for commands, along with 1.13, and data packs are the #1 thing I enjoy about the game
Maybe not for y'all, but I would have stopped playing years ago if it weren't for 1.12
1.12 made it so that anything involving "random" blocks basically meant "anything you get is just the same 5 blocks but in different colors"
That's like the bees in 1.15
Added polish to justify the massive technical changes that ordinary players don't care about
Yeah, but that polish still has to be good
1.12's polish was great!
1.15 revolutionised redstone
I love concrete, colored beds are amazing, and colored shulker boxes are super useful
They could've worked on the technical side (aka 1.12), then released all that in 1.13 with the aquatics
Some with 1.15 and 1.16
They made huge technical changes in 1.13 too
You expect too much from them
@BrowncatPrograms If you don't sleep in a red bed all the time, we can't be friends :P
I use red beds in survival, but for building being able to use other colors is very nice
I use white/yellow beds
Yellow because vilalgaes
Plus given that 1.14 placed so much more emphasis on beds, having variety there is understandable
Banners are cool
akthough I kept trying to figure out what to do with smithing tables before 1.16
I wish they added an update that would make speedrunning while being hunted a lot easier, so that me and my friends would have more fun :P
I think criticizing 1.12 and 1.15 for being technical in nature is sort of wrong, since the changes (especially in 1.15) took massive amounts of time even if they're not super noticeable
@Dudecoinheringaahing Hav you ever won?
There were dozens of bugs fixed every week for months before 1.15 was released
It fixed a ridiculously large backlog of janitorial work relating to some parts of the game
@emanresuA Yeah, I've won when there are 3, 4 or even 5 hunters, pulling of some crazy fall clutchs, like riding a ghast :P
Nice try
(I'm shitposting, in case you haven't figured it out. I can't speenrun to save my life :P)
@Dudecoinheringaahing I was one of the top speedrunners in the game at one point
I accidentally used a mod that gave me higher drop rates though
I have beaten the game once, with full prop 4 diamond
@BrowncatPrograms Did you do it on purpose, or did you only realise that as soon as you did it months afterwards? :P
Once I had sub-2 hours but I forgot lava doesn't break your fall.
(I actually do sort of believe dream, honestly)
It does if it's deep enough
Most of the criticisms of his claims that I've heard don't hold water
II was being chased by piglins, quite low, so drank fire res and jumped into lava.
@BrowncatPrograms lol wtf
It's a little crazy sounding, but it's not unbelievable
Died, lost everything.
@BrowncatPrograms But green teletubby bad :P
And there's a ton of evidence
In fact, I bet dream uses vyxal, because they're both bad because bad :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing CHUNGO ANGRY
I don't want to flat out state that I think he did or didn't intend to cheat, since I've gone back and forth at least six times, but at the moment given the current information available, it seems to point toward dream not being guilty
Jun 29 at 6:08, by PyGamer0
@lyxal oh so you are telling everyone to sub like the green homeless telletubby
He's always on the move :P
Yeah I'd be too if people kept doxxing me :p
I don't really like talking about Minecraft anymore honestly :/
1.18's ruined it for me
174 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
wait when did smithing tables get added
what the hell are those for
@Dudecoinheringaahing that would be so nice
@UnrelatedString Upgrading diamond to netherite
oh yeah that
but yeah there should be some material reward that you can seek out by just climbing every mountain you see
because like
climbing mountains in minecraft isn't hard
but there may as well be some extra way in which to appreciate them
also maybe said miniboss could make it hard some way for mountains that have it
Also, terrain makes fights so much more interesting, and mountains are the best terrain :P
i'd almost say maybe a lot of its damage is traded off for horizontal knockback so a big part of the fight is making sure you don't get tossed off the mountain
like maybe that just means you build a wall around where you'll be fighting but that's still depth, you know
would at least be really interesting if it's relevant to speedruns because building a two or three block wall for the fight may not be the best use of time, but maybe building some small pillars or something and positioning around them could work

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