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Anyone want to think about making a Mario Maker level that's not practically beatable by others for cryptographic reasons even if you have the full level data?
Like, something where you pick a secret key and design the level around the player entering it and the level checking that it has some property. But, it's computationally intractable to solve for or brute force the key.
Unfortunately, I've never actually played Mario Maker and only know things from watching Ceave videos.
I expect the entity limit to make it hard to construct complicated mechanisms. And your ability to enter data within the time limit might also be an issue.
2 hours later…
@xnor I think this would effectively require the ability to multiply numbers. Entity limits get in the way but if if there was a mechanism for multiplying numbers, you could make a level where you have to solve x*y = 1 (mod n).
Not exactly "computationally intractable", but I seriously doubt that exponentiation will ever be possible in a Mario Maker level.
@El'endiaStarman Isn't that task easy to solve with modular inversion? I think a hard version would be to solve x*x = c (mod n) for given c, that is find a quadratic residue.
This comes down to not being able to factor n though, which takes something like 1000 bits in n, which is hard to make within the entity limit.
You say that like anyone who plays Mario Maker will know about modular inversion. ;) (Totally kidding, of course.)
@El'endiaStarman Well, maybe my goal is too lofty. I was hoping for something that wouldn't be broken even once people who break this type of stuff get their hands on it. But something that would baffle experienced SMM players could be a good start.
7 hours later…
I mentioned it in Discord but humble bundle has some pretty good deals at the moment. FTL, Hollow Knight, Slime Rancher, Opus Magnum, and some other stuff
4 hours later…
I thought you were talking in regards to the Mario Maker level for a second
6 hours later…
If anyone was ever on the fence about getting a Steam controller but would kinda like to try them out, they're 90% off right now.
shame the steam site is falling over

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