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I just played the first three campaign levels of X-Morph: Defense and I'm really enjoying it so far.
12 hours later…
@MartinEnder @DJMcMayhem I'm trying to beat NKG right now. I can't reliably dodge the birds he shoots out. How do you guys do it?
I don't. I'm terrible at NKG :P
I was actually just about to try him out, when HK crashed. And then crashed again. And again. It can't do anything other than crash
Now apparently, every single game I own is crashing. :'(
that doesn't sound good
No, it doesn't. Any tips on troubleshooting?
This is every game? You've tried rebooting?
Every game, yes. Non steam as well.
I've tried rebooting, uninstalling/reinstalling drivers, uninstalling/reinstalling games, dxdiag, and chkdsk
@NathanMerrill ignore the first, jump over the second. You can ignite the third, because it'll rise slightly off the ground. Alternatively, dash over it (without landing your jump) which helps to get into range for two nail hits.
you mean ignore the 4th?
Lol yes, autocorrect + counting failure.
ok. There have been times when I was able to get under the 4th one, but I feel like it didn't happen every time
do I have to be a certain distance away?
@DJMcMayhem I'm wondering whether it is the full-screen that is causing it
because it's really odd that games will crash but applications won't
@NathanMerrill I used to do it all the time and it seemed very reliable, but dashing over the fourth one is even safer and has the benefit of getting more damage in, so maybe try that. You can probably see how I do it in my PoH run
Yeah, I do plan on using dash, but dash isn't reliable (due to timer and distance)
I'm trying to make it so I can use dash when I want to, as opposed to being required to use it
@NathanMerrill That doesn't seem to have any effect
Can you play videos?
You don't really need dash urgently there. There's enough time between that dash and the end of the attack for it to refresh.
I'm not worried about putting it on cooldown, but rather it already being on cooldown :)
@NathanMerrill yes
@NathanMerrill you don't need Shadow dash, you should dash between bat 3 and 4
@DJMcMayhem ok, take a look at event viewer
often times it has the best diagnostic data

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