@MartinEnder I tried your idea of revealing lines in the rhombille tiling, in a couple of different ways, and it's not going to work. it fails pretty spectacularly, actually
@EricTressler Could you build a knot-type level in the rhombille tiling from strips of individual rhombi? (So not the strip I posted the other day, but the kinds of chains you already used in the existing levels.)
@MartinEnder I don't know; I was playing with it last night, and it's actually really hard to make attractive levels with that tiling that also work as puzzles. I'm still trying things
@DJMcMayhem I'm struggling at level 5 of the tower: I cannot solve the puzzle (and I think it is unsolvable without any additional items). Found the star you get by going throu window/falling down. Now I fell down againand laded on the ice far outside of the "island" of the tower. This is where I need help: Do I ever have to get outside there or was that a bug?