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@MartinEnder I tried your idea of revealing lines in the rhombille tiling, in a couple of different ways, and it's not going to work. it fails pretty spectacularly, actually
2 hours later…
Ah, too bad.
How do they fail, do they just get too easy?
4 hours later…
@EricTressler Could you build a knot-type level in the rhombille tiling from strips of individual rhombi? (So not the strip I posted the other day, but the kinds of chains you already used in the existing levels.)
2 hours later…
@El'endiaStarman it's here \o/
kinda crazy that I actually got it in Europe before you did in the US. ⍨
1 hour later…
user image
I think he's having some trouble with the first puzzle.
@MartinEnder Bahahahaha.
To be fair, it does say Ages 8+ on the box...
Holy crap, how did I miss it?
Games Done Quick started earlier this week.
haven't seen much yet though because all the good runs seem to be either at 1am or 5am for me, and so far I only got around to watching one VoD.
@MartinEnder I don't know; I was playing with it last night, and it's actually really hard to make attractive levels with that tiling that also work as puzzles. I'm still trying things
3 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem "tametsi works great with wine", how does one get it into wine
like does eric sell a compiled binary or something
since last I checked steam won't let me install the exe unless I have windows
You need to install the windows version of steam on wine, and then install it regular through that
that sounds super workaroundy but ok
@MartinEnder Oh my gosh, I love your dog so much
@Riker That's the standard way to play steam games through wine
@EricTressler is tametsi going to go on sale again anytime soon, but not during htis summer sale?
since I can't get any money until a couple weeks, but i should be able to get a couple bucks to spend on games then
It's just that people don't typically do that because a lot of games are too intensive, so trying to run them through wine is a bad idea
all the reviews for tametsi say it's very minimalistic :p
(except for that one russian guy who thinks it's a bitcoin miner lel)
@Riker Dude, it's 3$ full price, and on sale rn
it's not about the money, if it's $1 its' $10
i'ts about convincing the parental units, as I don't have a CC
It's 75 cents
yep and I have $0 in steam atm
I'll see what I can do but it's likely to take another couple wks
If you can't convince them, I'd buy it for you :P
I probably have several dollars worth of cards if I bother to sell all of them
I'm actually selling a foil papyrus trading card if anybody wants it kek
worth about a buck
74 cents? I'll just buy it for you right now.
There, you should have it in your inbox.
oh shit dang I didn't see that message
and now I just got the email
@El'endiaStarman thanks so much <3
I can trade you some random stuff if you want that
No problem. I still had plenty enough from a Steam gift card I redeemed months ago.
Nah, I use Steam only to play some games. :P
imma try this later today
rn I need to go forage the fridge but I'll be back with reports of hard puzzles :P
seriously tho @El'endiaStarman thanks a ton
You're quite welcome. :)
@Riker I missed the messages, or I would have given you a key too. I'm happy to give it away to anyone around here, especially when it's on sale.
Tametsi easily has the highest time played to cost ratio of any game I've played.
and I haven't even implemented loot boxes yet
do it
@DJMcMayhem :)
@EricTressler ah np it's all good
feel free to repay el'endia tho
It's seventy-four cents.
There's probably enough loose change around my apartment to cover that. (Well, actually, I tend to be fairly organized with money, so maybe not.)
3 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem I'm struggling at level 5 of the tower: I cannot solve the puzzle (and I think it is unsolvable without any additional items). Found the star you get by going throu window/falling down. Now I fell down againand laded on the ice far outside of the "island" of the tower. This is where I need help: Do I ever have to get outside there or was that a bug?
I'm gonna be completely honest, I have no idea what you're talking about lol
(Like I remember that general area, but beyond that I'm clueless)
Ok that means I'm doing something wrong, lets rewind...
Oh, there's a ladder I missed.
@flawr BTW, have you found any of the weird easter eggs?
@DJMcMayhem Found some snowmans
So you didn't find the gandalf reference, the gnaar statue, or the numerous portal references? :P
so far not
ah and found the pictures of the developers (i think?)
Now I'm on the fun part of the tower:)
@DJMcMayhem :D I'm sure he'd love you too

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