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12:30 AM
@DJMcMayhem That was my first time streaming (except to test), thoughts?
12:57 AM
@Pavel I honestly only watched for about 5 minutes, so I don't really have thoughts. Sorry xP
Your voice sounded older than I imagined lol
That's one thought
Ah well
@Pavel If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
16? 17?
1:35 AM
@EricTressler Could you put up OS X and Linux builds?
Since it's Java probably won't be that hard, just download OpenJDK on first start if you don't want to use system Java
@DJMcMayhem yes
(i know that)
hey i only can give out 1 copy of getting over it :( I needed the money for something else,
@quartata it works in linux just fine, but I can't put that on steam easily. It's not a very interesting explanation, though
It also works in OS X AFAIK
On steam, they require an executable and a self-contained game. So I wrap the .jar in an exe and package it with openjdk (because of the license)
1:51 AM
I don't know how to accomplish those tasks on any other OS
what are you using to bundle it?
I've heard good things about github.com/libgdx/packr
although you could probably just put the JAR in with your depot and then just make a little C executable that runs it
depends on how you want to manage the JRE
packr is another one I looked at, but there were some comments to the effect that it was hard/impossible to change the icon of the executable
1:54 AM
you could just use it for the OS X and Linux builds
I can show you how to change the icon yourself on OS X, assuming it bundles it into a .app
I'm on OS X currently
(hence the reason I ask)
@quartata if you'd like to beta test, you can send me an email to griptopgames@gmail.com
one sec
I would like some feedback about whether it even runs on OS X
if you're using AWT I'm sure it'll work fine
usually it's lwjgl that's a nuisance with the native stuff
@EricTressler email sent
Yeah looks like it says in the readme that it doesn't set icons on Windows or Linux
there you go. It's honestly probably going to be a while before I bother trying to port it
the only reason I ever get around to making updates right now is that my update -> commit -> etc. pipeline is pretty short
Okay, "port" isn't quite the right word in this case, but you know what I mean.
2:03 AM
ok so this is just the jar
I take it it's self-extracting?
no, it's executable
that's it
Oh, why does it need to be in its own folder?
because it's going to save a config file and create a profile directory
ah gotcha
ok so far it works
I'll play a couple levels to see
2:10 AM
Up to level 4, works fine. No warnings or errors in the console.
Do you want me to try running packr to see if it works on it?
sure, if you want. It needs to be able to include openjdk, and point to that by default
What version of Java do you need
I guess that last stipulation isn't a deal-breaker, but I would prefer it
I think I tested it and 7 is significantly slower. is what it's packed with
2:12 AM
I've got 8u144 in a zip here which should work on 10.9 (Mavericks) and up
Oh, actually one thing: there wasn't any sound by default. I just assumed that there wasn't any but when I unpacked the JAR to see what the main class was named I noticed there was a sound/ directory
..packr crashed with a null pointer exception
so that's great
there's no music. if you click the "note" icon, sound effects are on
it's a small icon in the lower right
oh OK
yeah it plays now
I didn't do that when I started, didn't see it
Oh OK it's just because I left off -output
it's working now
but the icon is some default java thing?
Didn't specify an icon to start because it needs to be an .icns
OK it works but there is one problem: the profiles get saved inside the bundle since that's its working directory, so you'll need to tell SteamCloud where those are
I'll see if I can make the icon
@quartata you don't need to do that; if you've verified that it works, that's great. I still need local access to an OS X machine before I can think about putting an OS X version on Steam
2:24 AM
Oh all right
Thanks a lot for your help. Please let me know if you have any other feedback. Otherwise, it's yours, feel free to just play it.
Oh, well thank you
I'll probably buy a copy anyways just to have it in my library but
BTW to make the icon just rename the icons you already have from icon<res>.png to icon_<resxres>.png, then run iconutil -c icns icons.iconset
you'll need to rename the directory icons to icons.iconset, it's very particular about the extension
you might want to include some more sizes also
The command I used to build:
java -jar packr.jar --platform mac --jdk zulu8.23.0.3-jdk8.0.144-macosx_x64.zip --executable Tametsi --classpath tametsi-1-202.jar --icon icons.icns --mainclass launcher.Launcher --minimizejre soft --output Tametsi.app
got the JRE from here zulu.org/download
Thanks. I'm making a note of all of this in one of my development notes files
no problem
@quartata it's going to be as cheap as it can be starting around tomorrow, if you want to buy a copy. I'm also going to be giving some away in here
2:32 AM
@EricTressler What exactly is it?
It's like a hexagonal minesweeper. The board starts with some tiles revealed as clues
Oh that looks neat
no guessing about where the mines are
it's pretty hard
I mean, I wasn't ever great at minesweeper but
@Mego I'm giving out some copies tomorrow, if you want one (I think it'll be tomorrow, it depends on when exactly the Steam winter sale starts)
@EricTressler woops, I got an error turning on the sound with the compiled version
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/media/sound/JDK13Services
Sounds like this build of OpenJDK is missing that
if it's a sun. class
let me try another JRE
2:39 AM
@EricTressler I would graciously accept a copy :)
I'd even write a fair and honest review
thanks; I won't hold you to that
3 hours later…
5:40 AM
@DJMcMayhem Sorry I didn't reply earlier. I'm 16, yeah.
11 hours later…
4:13 PM
Am can into Factorio!
...I need to stop reading so much polandball
@Mego @Christopher2EZ4RTZ sorry, it looks like I was wrong about the date of the Steam sale, it's going to probably start on Dec. 21. That's when I'm going to pick up a bunch of copies to give away.
I'm up for multiplayer Factorio tonight. 10 PM EST seems like a good time (for me anyway).
@El'endiaStarman what is the goal of multiplayer factorio. Is it coop or competitive?
@EricTressler The game we have going at the moment is co-op, but I think you can do PvP as well.
You can do competitive, but it requires mucking around with settings and admin commands to set players on different teams
4:20 PM
Then you get fun stuff like being mauled by a wall of laser turrets
Laser turrets spike power draw. Gun turrets are better. :p
Yeah but you can get physical damage resistance with armor. Nothing has laser damage reduction.
I assume the player's defensive capabilities are higher than offensive? I haven't gotten into any of the researched technologies, but it looked like mostly base defenses and some guns
So there aren't, for example, tanks you can deploy to take out turrets?
@EricTressler A lot of the early-to-mid-game stuff is defensive - keeping the bugs away. In the late game, you have stuff like nukes and uranium ammo that can easily wipe out enemy nests.
oh, ok
4:23 PM
@EricTressler Not quite. There's an artillery train now with 0.16, but it only targets enemy spawners (not enemy units). I don't know how it works with enemy players.
@Mego Only targets enemy spawners on auto-aim, you mean? I got the impression you could aim it anywhere manually.
However, there are tanks, and those tanks can fire uranium shells. It's very satisfying.
@El'endiaStarman Yes, that. Manual aiming works just like a tank (but with a larger range).
5:14 PM
@Pavel Aaagh. I played dokidoki last night. What the actual crap.
I don't know how to respond
I played it in one sitting, and finished it at 2 AM last night. At 3 AM I was sitting on my bed refusing to turn the lights off and unable to fall asleep
I don't want to say too much cause spoilers, but that was one of the most interesting and unusual games I have ever played
See? Interesting part is totally different.
@Pavel Could we talk more over discord? I don't want to spoil anything
Just read the plot on Wikipedia. Jeeez. Wasn't planning on playing it before, definitely not playing it now.
dokidoki is amazing
@El'endiaStarman you should do it
@Riker No, I won't. I don't have time to waste on games I don't think I'd enjoy.
5:25 PM
@Riker not once he's read the plot on Wikipedia
@El'endiaStarman As did I. Good lord.
I like the concept of the game, but I don't think I'd like the execution
5:36 PM
Anyone play the old point-and-click Sanitarium?
On a related note, holy cow was 1998 a stellar year for video games. Half-Life, Ocarina of Time, Grim Fandango, Metal Gear Solid, StarCraft, Banjo-Kazooie, Xenogears, Thief, Baldur's Gate, Spyro the Dragon, Mario Party ...
5:53 PM
@AdmBorkBork I can't even tell you how many times I've started BG 1 and 2, but I can tell you that I've never finished either of them
I thought maybe Planescape: Torment also came out in 1998, but I just checked and it was 1999
@Pavel I guess so
6:10 PM
@EricTressler all good man
@Riker how do you get that hat?
2 hours later…
8:18 PM
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ which one?
the weird pink one?
it's the search everyday for 3 days one
1 hour later…
9:35 PM
@Riker Was talking about the current hat y ou have but i got it

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