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12:02 AM
I will bring it up once more in a couple of days, when the sale is on and I have copies to give away, but that'll be all.
12:32 AM
Just did the first 10 levels, looks really promising so far. :)
Does SteamCloud work for the profiles?
good job +1
@MartinEnder click the link of the 2nd pinned comment
Steam has a "cloud for dummies" option that doesn't require actual integration with the Steam API; you just designate files/folders to be synched on the cloud. Since my save games are just a few kilobytes, it works perfectly.
1:33 AM
oh no
i just fell back to the very beginning in getting over it
i was so far
I hate this demonic sadistic game
2:04 AM
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Hey, you're the one who bought it, gifted it, and played it. You've got no one to blame but yourself
@DJMcMayhem guilty as charged
how does you gf like?
2:30 AM
fell back to beginning
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ "Wow. This is really frustrating. I'm gonna play Shadow of Mordor instead."
@DJMcMayhem Big thumbs-up from me!
@DJMcMayhem XD
@El'endiaStarman Haha
@DJMcMayhem how did your gf like the game
also when you break up can i have
ill tell her i gave you the game
and then she and you get back together
b/c i got your back
2:46 AM
Not really sure how to respond to that
@DJMcMayhem but really how did your girlfriend like it?
The game
you said she bought it
Like I said. She enjoys it, but thinks it frustrating, and would rather play SOM
that was it
3:05 AM
@El'endiaStarman They do pathfinding, but not particularly well. A checkerboard-like pattern of walls with gaps can really slow down bugs
@Mego they should do ant-colony pathfinding
They pathfind to the heart of the pollution cloud, but layers of walls with gaps confuse them
3:24 AM
So you could in theory also build decoy pollution hot spots.
Oooh, I wonder if they do gradient descent!
4:13 AM
Rail world doesn't mess around
3:50 PM
@Mego this is important: The only way to now reliably compress a belt is a splitter or go from a fast belt to a slower one
that changes a lot
I used to use underneath belts to compress all the time
Yeah, that's unpleasant
hmmm... it appears that they still have some tweaks in the works
I saw that too
Luckily I'm not at the point in my 0.16 base where I have to worry about compressing belts
Instead I have to worry about the low richness of patches
3:57 PM
lol, we play so differently. I always build the exact number of smelters to output a fully-compressed belt
at least, a fully compressed side of a belt
bah, this also obsoletes my miner layouts
I'd always have the miners insert into an underground belt, and put a power pole on the underneath part
I do use ideal furnace ratios, but I don't start worrying about that until electric furnaces
4:33 PM
What do you mean "compress" a belt? Completely full of items?
@AdmBorkBork That's a side effect. Compressing a belt removes the spacing between items.
How would you remove the spacing between items on a circular belt without increasing the number of items?
In which case, isn't simply producing more widgets than you're consuming the same effect?
Yeah, but that kind of compression builds from the end. Mego and Nathan are talking about compressing in-flight, which I just realized has another effect: it takes less computation to advance a compressed belt, which would in turn make mega factories run quicker and smoother.
4:50 PM
Ah, gotcha
3 hours later…
7:50 PM
This isn't directly related to gaming, but it's an awesome cover/medley of my all time favorite soundtrack:
The way they blend the various different melodies from the game together, and the way it builds from really simple parts to a lot more complex playing are both fantastic
Never played Undertale, but I've watched some Let's Plays and a speedrun at GDQ a while back. The speedrun was a 100% pacifist run, and the ending literally brought tears to my eyes.
It's a beautiful game
I played through a game called Doki-Doki literature club yesterday.
@AdmBorkBork You should play it yourself and do a genocide run
It was really intresting.
I reccommend everyone check it out, and not do any reaserch about it at all.
7:54 PM
@Pavel I heard good things about that from a the game theorists, so I tried watching a let's play. I'm sure it goes somewhere, but an hour into it with nothing interesting happening and I got bored
Even looking at the tags for it on Steam is spoilers
I literally kept falling asleep watching it
Well yeah, who watches lets plays of visual novels >_>
I did before I realized it was free... <_<
I might try playing it, but idk if I have the patience to get to the interesting parts TBH
When I'd rather be playing factorio lol
It is very worth getting to the intresting bit.
It's entirely unlike the start.
7:58 PM
OK, I'll give it a shot
It's really short. I played through the entire thing yesterday.
@DJMcMayhem Ditto.
Nearly 100% of my non-gaming non-books media consumption is YouTube or Twitch.
So that's a yes?
8:03 PM
Maybe once per quarter I'll watch a movie. I can't even remember the last time I watched television.
you finish getting over it?
@AdmBorkBork Oh yeah, same here. I don't even have TV. Pretty much the only time I'd watch TV is watching the Broncos lose play with my family
I like watching let's plays while I'm going to sleep. It's great because I tend to have trouble falling asleep, mostly due to just thinking too much. But watching a let's play is just engaging enough that my mind doesn't wander, and just mindless enough that it makes me tired. It's a perfect sweet spot
I'll pass out in like 20 minutes watching a let's play
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Hell no :P
lets play is drug
8:06 PM
But I did get to the part with slide
@DJMcMayhem only have 5 people in the running for the game :P
if that makes any sense
@DJMcMayhem i got past that
got to the part with the orange
and fell to the tree... got back up... fell. and once more... fell
3 times
Ooh, Killing floor 2 is on free weekend
OK, who/what do you watch? There are a few players/streamers I follow pretty regularly. Muselk, BazzaGazza, FallFromGrace, Loserfruit, Dabacabb, Fenner ... those are probably my most watched.
8:07 PM
I'll have to play some more of that.
And the folks from Rooster Teeth (Achievement Hunter, Let's Watch, Things to Do, etc.)
i only watch one person play games
mego and arteezy
@AdmBorkBork I watch a lot of big names, so no judgement :P. I used to watch pewdiepie, but then he got really obnoxious. I used to watch a lot of Markiplier, but he's kinda hit or miss. Right now I watch a lot of jackscepticeye. I just recently started watching Magikarpusedfly, but he does too much LOL for my taste.
@DJMcMayhem what is so funny
@AdmBorkBork Any recommendations? Do you tend to watch channels that mostly focus on a single game, or that play a lot of different games? Also, do you prefer more serious streamers or the bombastic/silly types (like Jackscepticeye or pewdiepie)?
8:11 PM
@DJMcMayhem watch arteezy
100% dota
No offense, but I personally can't stand MOBAs.
Overwatch is the closest to MOBA I can get
@DJMcMayhem i get that
it takes a high iq
8:12 PM
hang on getting a iq meme about dota
That doesn't sound pretentious at all
1 message moved to Trash
rip copypasta
@DJMcMayhem tbh you are smarter then me
@DJMcMayhem Of the bunch, Fenner is the most watchable. He's focused mostly on Overwatch at the moment, but he had a really good run through of Cuphead. My other pick would be Muselk because he's always hilarious (he does stupid strategies that work like 1% of the time, but when they do work, they work spectacularly).
OK, sounds good. I'll definitely check 'em out
I tend to stay away from the "big names" because I tend to find them ... excessive? Like they're trying to hard for what they're actually doing. Rooster Teeth is as big as I go, and they're already really big. I suppose Muselk is pretty popular, too, as his videos usually hit 100k views on a regular basis. On the other end of the spectrum, FallFromGrace on Twitch has, I think, like 100 subscribers?
8:25 PM
I get that. Like they're over the top in how they react to whatever they're playing
I could see how that would be annoying (it annoys me too sometimes), but at other times I find it entertaining
Right. Even the Rooster Teeth folks get that way, too, which is why I tend to gravitate more toward Achievement Hunter (they take their gaming Super Serious).
Yeah, and sometimes super serious is more interesting. Like who was that one game reviewer that does super long reviews?
Joseph Anderson
He's super interesting
Ryan on there hit 100k gamerscore on Xbox Live about a year ago.
I've not quite hit 10k and I consider myself a pretty serious gamer. But, I suppose, if that's your literal job.
I watch Chuggaconroy let's plays. He's pretty popular but only really plays Nintendo games
Sweet, I'll check both of those out.
8:44 PM
holy shit chuggaconroy
he still makes videos?
@quartata Well, yes. He never stopped?
welcome to 2008, dont forget your myspace page
Pokemon B/W lets play started this week.
@quartata It's still a really popular channel >_>
well I admire that he hasnt burned out after a decade
most do
nintendocaprisun still make videos?
@quartata Yeah, but not as much as before.
8:47 PM
@DJMcMayhem You watch Zero Punctuation?
No, I haven't
It's a unique approach to game reviewing, that's for sure.
it's rather addictive
perhaps because it matches my thought process about games so closely it's basically just a tiny hamster ball echo chamber
also the only reason I watch the escapist now that loading ready run don't post their videos there
@quartata The escapist is now only ZP.
pretty much
last time I remember watching something non ZP there was 2013
pretty sure it was the harlem shake commodore hustle since they didn't reupload that to youtube
8:53 PM
I watched Extra Credits on The Escapist at one point
@quartata Just watched the ZP on cuphead. Holy shit I love this guy
Those are super good
I'm totally not gonna binge watch them all night
@DJMcMayhem Right, you'll be playing factorio :P
Haha, true
I need to get me them blue sciences
How does Factorio multiplayer work?
@Pavel I went to penny arcade to watch that I think
8:55 PM
Very well. (other then the lag)
@DJMcMayhem heheheh
One player just hosts, and if your steam friends with them, it's really easy to connect
@DJMcMayhem So you don't need to setup port forwarding or use Hamachi
But the lag is pretty bad, and there are some poor design choices (like not letting players type if they're lagging atm)
@Pavel Nope
We should have a PPCG factorio server
8:57 PM
We kinda already do (cc. @Mego)
But I was thinking about purchasing one
Unfortunately, it's a bit pricier than MC servers
You can setup an MC server for free tho
Really? How?
at least I've seen people do that
if you're insane
8:59 PM
Anyway, you don't need a dedicated server, right?
I don't know, but in the past, I've paid like 3$ a month for MC servers, and it works pretty well
Super easy to setup
Factorio looks like the cheapest I can find is 6-10$/month
You could rent a Linode for five bucks
You need some fairly powerful since you'll probably need Xvfb
otherwise you could get an ec2 for bout tree fiddy
I don't know how to setup factorio on a remote server though. Wouldn't I need to purchase an extra copy?
family share it with another account, download via steamcmd
actually if you don't need steam integration once it's running you probably don't need an extra account
just do it off yours
9:11 PM
Wow, The Escapist is still around? I stopped customing them when they dicked over Extra Credits.
9:27 PM
@quartata There's a DRM-free Factorio
10:09 PM
@DJMcMayhem there's a headless version
oh...those versions are ancient
Oh shveet
Is 15.40 really that old?
there you go :)
15 is ancient ever since 16 got released :P
10:47 PM
I'll be streaming Rainbow Six Siege as soon as I get my username changed, since I kinda stole @DJMcMayhem's.
Wait, are you saying that you're DJMcMayhem on twitch?
@DJMcMayhem No, on Uplay. The website is really slow.
Hahaha, that's hilarious
I'm cat_dev_random on Twitch
@DJMcMayhem Now streaming me waiting for the username change form to finish thinking.
Nevermind internet is a bit kill
While R6 updates
Only took 20 minutes to change my username <_>
Ok, now streaming rainbow six
11:01 PM
my sister is on the computer so i am using my mothers surface tablet
no games so I have to try and be productive
I'm probably going to be streaming for a few hours
11:30 PM
@Pavel Link?
@DJMcMayhem Are you actually watching? I don't know how to tell
@Pavel not yet, but I will in like two minutes
@Pavel Are you talking?
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, but not quite at that moment
It was pretty intense
Can you say Hi DJ so I know which voice is yours?
Lol, I heard the ping from your stream lol
@DJMcMayhem That's your ping
11:40 PM
@Pavel is this my pong?

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