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I've got 1.3k in tf2, I haven't played in a while though cuz school
@DJMcMayhem I need that game
It's a good one
@DJMcMayhem have you played starbound?
looks like a fun game
@MartinEnder, you've played the witness right?
is it worth getting when not on sale?
Starbound is to No Man's Sky what Terraria is to Minecraft (much more fun, because with the simpler graphics they could focus on mechanics and content). But I haven't actually played very far in Starbound yet because my old laptop couldn't handle busier scenes.
@Riker absolutely (well, provided it's your kind of game, I suppose)
I like puzzle games, I might get it
prolly will wait for winter sale though :/
but I'd say it's my favourite game along with Hollow Knight (ignoring some classics, because with those it always gets hard to compare games)
btw martin, your profile still says mod on CG.se
I swear I changed that the other day
doesn't for me
for some odd reason that's different from a plain acct
it's not on any of the individual sites nor on chat
yea, iirc there's a setting to make that description the same as your highest rep site
I just copied it from SO now. the stuff on my PPCG profile is very PPCG-specific
huh it never was nvm
I thought it was
@Riker it's the most impressive game design I've seen in terms of how it teaches you everything you need to know without using a single word, and also in terms of the amount of detail that has been put into the environment.
@MartinEnder That's a great way of putting it. I just finished it recently, and it was absolutely fantastic
It gets a little hard at times, and sometimes it feels kinda aimless, but it's really impressive how well they mixed open world and puzzle, cause those are two totally opposing game paradigms
@MartinEnder I bought a ton of copies of it a while ago so I could play it with my irl friends, but then we couldn't figure out how to co-op, and then I got kinda lost trying to learn it at the same time. I might come back to it though
Re The Witness: The environment is beautifully designed and actually affects the gameplay in really cool ways. Not to mention the awesome environmental puzzles
I loved the part with the tree reflections in the water, and the mirror puzzles
I actually consider The Witness a metroidvania (in terms of the sense of exploration and progression it has). Only instead of unlocking mechanics that let you progress in new areas, you learn new mechanics (which have been there all along) that let you progress in new areas. It's really impressive how well they pulled it off.
I'm really really curious what Jonathan Blow is gonna come up with next.
Oh, was it a single developer, not a team?
no, he had a team for The Witness, but he's clearly the driving force behind it, and I think he's the primary designer
he did Braid on his own and then was able to hire some people due to Braid's success
also wtf:
> Blow's next project, tentatively titled Game 3, is scheduled to be a twenty-year development period, broken into episodic, individual playable games, each related thematically and deepening in investigation of subject matter for each chapter. Blow stated that the game would not be puzzle related.
@MartinEnder Have you played antichamber?
Antichamber is one of my favorites. It's very similar to TW while still being veeeery different
yeah, I can definitely see the similarities
@MartinEnder Oh! I didn't realize that Braid was the same team
I first stumbled across The Witness because I wanted to know what Jonathan Blow was gonna do next :D
I quite liked Antichamber, but somehow it didn't end up their in the favourite-games tier.
I haven't actually played Braid yet, but I really want to
@MartinEnder The reason it makes the list for me is because it was the first (or maybe second, I don't remember) pc game I played, and the reason I got steam. That, and I really enjoyed replaying it to see how quickly I could beat it
I think I got it down to 10 minutes when I was really good
I really appreciate the non-linearity
@MartinEnder huh cool
@DJMcMayhem yay speedrunning :D ... there've been a few games in the past where I thought I should totally start speedrunning this, but then I always think "meh, but I could play other games instead of replaying his one".
@DJMcMayhem you showed me the weird "inside the walls" trick right?
in the gallery
@Riker Yeah lol
@MartinEnder I'm totally not a speed runner, but antichamber is a fantastic game for it (because of the non-linearity)
It's cool to watch the time to beat go from 8 hours to 1 hour to a half an hour to 20 minutes and slowly faster and faster
But I think the world record is 1:50~
I have 100 hours in it because I let my siblings play lol
@quartata OK so as it turns out I already made a collection of HNS maps a long time ago:
@DJMcMayhem 45 seconds speedrun.com/run/y67rxe0m
glitched though
2nd place is like 2 tenths of a second behind
That's a weird glitch
I don't understand it
looks like if you tilt just right you can click to non-existent waypoitns
@quartata My internet isn't really good enough to host servers so someone else would have to load the workshop collection and host
cleaned out some of the maps I don't like anymore and added a few new things
Don't know how much interest there is (@DJMcMayhem is the only one who has GMod as far as I know)
@quartata I think I have a few IRL friends that might be interested
I can walk you through server setup
The workshop is kind of a nuisance
@quartata How many people would you hope to get?
Oh, and what game mode are we thinking?
This is for Hide and Seek
a game of 4 players is honestly sufficient
Prop hunt sounds fun, but I really haven't played very much gmod at all
@quartata I'm thinking of getting gmod soon
you should
can it piggyback off tf2?
doesn't it need to get some assets from csgo?
for things like textures n stuf
can it get those from tf2?
or s/csgo/cs:s/
GMod itself doesn't
It's just that people often use CS:S textures in their maps
just textures n stuff that are commonly used?
Because it has much more variety while still matching most of the HL2 art style
CS:GO and TF2 textures look wildly different
I'll add gmod and hl to my list of things to get on winter sale
dang dec 22nd is far away
@quartata would it be worth it to get the valve complete pack?
i.e. are the half life add-ons worth buying
You can get the HL1 anthology bundle for that
that also includes TFC
ah cool
assuming half-life addons means the gearbox expansions
so get that instead? in addition to gmod
@quartata blue shift n stuff
Yeah OK
I mean, get it if you want it
I'll get that later when I've got free time
It's $13 I believe, let me check
yep 13.71
>.> I really want to want for the winter sale to get it for like $5 but eh
GMod is $10 without CS:S
1 hour later…

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