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1:08 PM
Business Insider: Steve Bannon claims Trump rally will prompt Arizona to decertify Biden's 2020 election victory. The vote cannot be decertified in any way..
> Still, a handful of GOP officials in the Arizona legislature are calling on Gov. Doug Ducey and state senate President Karen Fann, both of whom are Republicans, to decertify the state's election results, the Arizona Capitol Times reported.
The GOP are objectivity evil
3 hours later…
4:36 PM
@Wipqozn Really, I wonder what will happen with the GOP. Like all they are shaking here, if it doesn't end up with them having a full on totalitarian state its the death of their party. And pretty sure option 2 is more probable.
5:06 PM
@Fredy31 and probably the more desirable option as well
Though wouldn't a single party system based on only the Democrats technically also be a totalitarian state?
Really, idk what info they are running on, but they are going all in on a bet that has what... 10% chance to get through?
If that
Like, what even would it mean to "decertify" the election victory?
That is the beautiful catch-22. If the GOP explodes, there is now only one party.

I guess the thing that would keep it solid would be the Q to split off from the GOP and be the third party. But idk
And it will take years in courts anyways
Look if they find proof of anything and is solid enough to stand in court sure, i'll listen, but fuck guys, seems they are mostly grasping at straws
and if they really turn it, does it even make a difference?
1 hour later…
6:11 PM
@Nzall I would bet that if the GOP completely dissolved, the Democratic party would split, probably into the current center-left group and the current Democratic Socialists, and then one or both of those groups would expand their platforms to capture at least some of the now-unaligned GOP voters.
No way the GOP completely dissolves. Their base doesn't care about their attempts to overthrow democracy, since they either don't believe it, fully support it, or think the election was actually stolen.
2020 had record voter turn out for both parties, so the support for the GOP isn't fading.
1 hour later…
7:23 PM
Apparently Clinton is also eyeing a 2024 election bid
7:35 PM
@Nzall Democrats reading how to somehow lose in 2024. Fucking shit she lost against the pile of crap that is Trump, why the hell do you think running her in 2024, with probably Trump as an opponent it seems, would yield different results.
@Fredy31 And yet again, it's the barefaced pro-plague guy who is the aggressor
^ Holy hell how to lose a cushy job. SAQ employees are usually paid like 20$/hour to work retail. For every person I know that has to work retail because they didn't go to school for 10 years its their dream job
SAQ doesnt have a shortage of workers right now, guess why
Like looking at a job offer rn: https://www.jobmap.co/map/view/job/8168?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic
20.46 per hour. Starting salary. Minimum wage in quebec is 13.50
@Nzall What I want to know is how the fuck was that moron working without mask. SAQ is a government owned store, and since Jan 1st they are required to check vaccine status at the door
2 hours later…
9:26 PM
> Gosselin says he heard the cashier brag that his girlfriend is unvaccinated. He asked to be served by someone else.
What i find funniest is the manager backed his employee in all this, of what I heard.

If your employee assaulted a customer, sorry, but he should be fired without any 'second chances'
2 hours later…
11:07 PM
> Djokovic Out

It's official, Novak Djokovic has left Australia after being deported by federal authorities.

The World Tennis No. 1 lost his court battle to reinstate his visa just days out from the #AusOpen

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