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@tchrist They...were doing this before...?
I've literally never seen an ad for anything like that before in my life. I assume this is a result of Canada having responsible gun control laws.
Just like how we have "armed demonstrators". It's insane
I believe it's all considered illegal in the fine print, but nobody cares. giffords.org/lawcenter/report/…
Answer: no, not if they're white.
Happy Martin Luther King Day.
1:58 AM
I have a dream.
2:09 AM
also, Happy Civil Rights Day
and Robert E. Lee's Birthday
> Confederate Memorial Day is known as Confederate Heroes' Day in Texas. It is held on January 19 each year.
11 hours later…
2:07 PM
> Indoor training bike's camera, microphone and internet connection could pose security risk, say experts.
1 hour later…
3:32 PM
Does anyone know the name of the game described here? (Please, tag me so that I get a notification)
3:54 PM
@nbro It's probably a game under active development
Also, wrong room for that kind of discussion
4:34 PM
“The Last Handoff” from the New York Times Magazine is a long but worthwhile read, best undertaken on a comfy couch with your feet up. It contains elements I had either been unaware of or else had forgotten. After slogging through the long read, its final pair of paragraphs hit hard; its final sentence, harder.
1 hour later…
6:33 PM
CTV News: No place for 'far right' in Conservative Party: O'Toole.
Narrator: There actually is a place
They're just trying to backtrack their attempts to become the Canadian Trump party following the Capitol Riots
3 hours later…
9:46 PM
@Nzall Honestly the evidence a few GOP were in on this continues to mount
9:58 PM
BREAKING: New York man arrested for role in US Capitol chaos. He’s accused of jabbing a bat at a police officer. A childhood Facebook friend tipped feds. Some of his social media posts ..... are well....... t.co/RTzTRuUtem
> I was the leader of liberty today. Arrest me. You're on the wrong side of history.
These people are as insane as they are stupid
@Wipqozn Nobody ever accused ochlocrats of being the brightest bulbs ever to light a pitchfork.
10:23 PM
@Wipqozn If he's on the right side of history, I don't want to be right
10:50 PM
@Nzall The steersman who fares too far right past his chart’s uttermost edge risks plunging the ship of state into history’s abyss of no return.

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