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Yeah I'm also confused
@Unionhawk isn't COPPA US?
if i recall because of COPPA, Twitter has to shot down the account if it's under 13
@Memor-X yeah but ICE as an agency is older than 13 years
@TimStone oh they tweeted at some point in the past when the agency was less than 13 years old, that triggered the lockout
oh, lol
I forgot about that genius brain feature
doesn't SE have a similar thing where they will ban the account until it turns 13?
Yeah, but I don't think they've ever done it if you tricked the system by not disclosing that before actually turning 13
Which is what Twitter's approach is doing, if your account was created before you were 13 and you later update the birth date to indicate that (after turning 13 or later) it's like "Hmm you fooled us so now you're locked out forever". I think ave had that problem then had to go through this whole process of contacting them
@GodEmperorDune That still makes no sense because them they are allowed on the platform now
I guess Twitter must have decided they could have liability for your old content somehow? And this was the easiest, most Twitter way of handling it? Not sure, it seems really dumb!
@PrivatePansy i didn't make the policy. I imagine its to allow time for someone to delete the posts from before they were 13
the people working at twitter must be thinking a lot about underage posting
@Memor-X afaik there's something similar in the EU with a higher age number
also yeah there is no birth date field on SE lol
so you won't get your account deleted for changing it to 11/12/2019 since it's not a thing
Yeah I think GDPR helped kill that field, it used to be there and then it became "why do we have this?"
1 hour later…
Please, help me in this question: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/377533/…
4 hours later…
Alaska is maybe gonna be within single digits which is kind of crazy. first time since 1992 (when both candidates were in the 30s because of third parties)
4 hours later…
@Unionhawk yeah, you need to be dumb enough to say you're younger than 13, and then someone who cares enough has to send an email to SE about it
I know because I actually did that for a user
oh wait no, sorry
I mixed up SE and Reddit
5 hours later…
@Nzall but obviously in his warped view of reality, people who want Biden aren't people
@Nzall I wonder if there was a way to determine who the people want. That could revolutionize finding presidents.
How fucking deranged can you be? On top of that, this whole idea that Biden was remotely socialist is beyond ridiculous. He's as much of a neoliberal as the next gun-wielding Trumper.
That guy'll probably get a fucking heart attack when AOC is going to run (though, it doesn't sound like he'd still be alive by then anyway).
No Tweetstorm yet today. Weird
I thought we were getting definitive proof of fraud "by Friday"!
@Jolenealaska Amazing
@Sterno He didn't say which Friday.
@EddieKal Just asking this question should be enough for a sitting president to face life in prison
@Wipqozn You could contend its a violation of his oath to uphold the constitution, and therefore an impeachable offense
I hate Trump too but I'm pretty sure we're going down a dark path if we say people should be imprisoned for asking questions
And yet, it will be entirely ingored and brushed off by the majority of Republicans. The sane world will shake its head as it did over the last 4 years, but it will likely stay without consequences for the reputation of the GOP within its base or even for Trump himself.
@BradC Except that "the popular vote within a state determines who the electors will be" isn't in the constitution. It's not even true in every state
@murgatroid99 I don't think you'd have to be quite that literal in interpreting what Trump is doing as a violation of his oath
But its not going to happen, so its academic anyway
@murgatroid99 there seem to be an awful lot of loopholes in that paper
@Sterno It's a slippery slope to introduce slippery slope arguments that imply that asking regular questions is the same as asking questions about how to destabilize government.
I'm not saying it doesn't make him a piece of shit.
The idea that he should go to jail for it is overboard
@BradC If "reasonable" interpretations would hold up in court rather than doing things by the letter of the law, Trump would already be in prison and the voting system sanified. But given how shit like voter supporession is perfectly legal, I wouldn't be so sure betraying the electoral college wasn't either.
@MadScientist I don't know if "loopholes" is the right word in this case. The people writing that document envisioned a very different procedure for electing a president, with state legislators directly selecting electors. The current system is not protected there because the current system was not the intention.
@murgatroid99 but elections are in the constitution, or?
@MadScientist Article 2 Section 1: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress..."
@NapoleonWilson that's why I said it was grounds for impeachment and removal, not grounds for criminal prosecution
It's not like Trump doesn't have other clearer grounds for impeachment anyway
Oh, I'm sure the Republican senators will take a moral argument. ;-)
@murgatroid99 right. And he's guilty of plenty of actual federal and state crimes as well
I'm hoping that will head off any chance of a 2024 re-run
The US constitution seems kinda terrible
@Sterno And I'm not saying he should go to jail for it. But I am saying that the idea of "jailing the President for asking whether he'd be able to replace the entire Electoral College" is not the same thing as "jailing someone for asking questions". I'm not a fan of slippery slope arguments because they're almost always incredibly reductionist towards whatever point you're "slipping" on.
@MadScientist That's what we get for using a document written in the 18th century by wealthy white landowning men
I wasn't making a slippery slope argument. I'm saying literally no questions should get someone arrested
I do not recommend our way of getting a better constitution, but you really should update that thing
On the other hand, what would you expect? The thing has, what, 2 pages? It can't lay everything down meticulously rather than making broad strokes.
Trump's tweet an hour ago (emphasis mine):

> For years the Dems have been preaching how unsafe and rigged our elections have been. Now they are saying what a wonderful job the Trump Administration did in making 2020 the most secure election ever. *Actually this is true*, except for what the Democrats did. Rigged Election!
Okay, that emphasis didn't work. Nor did the quoting.
But of course those broad strokes were made by the wisest of wisest people to ever exist and changing them 200 years later is an affront to patriotism and probably to god also.
But I like how he simultaneously claims credit for the most secure elections ever while also saying the Dems rigged them
I went to pick up some groceries and turned on talk radio. They were busy mocking Biden for putting a lid on at 2pm every day this week (is that even true?) "because he needs a nap".
Meanwhile, Trump hasn't spoken in a week and just sits in his room crying
This.... is pretty standard right-wing insanity, but to hear it from a sitting Supreme Court justice....
> For instance, the justice criticized state governors who’ve issued strict lockdown orders in response to COVID-19, referring to specific cases that came before the court. Alito said these “sweeping” and “previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty” have served as a “constitutional stress test,” with ominous results.
> The justice then complained that the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage ruling had crushed the free speech rights of anti-LGBTQ advocates by subjecting them to public criticism
what debate does the federalist society foster? its members are in lockstep and near clones of each other in legal thought, i can't imagine them having anything close to a debate
whelp. Bye bye Obergefell
Aren't the federalist society the ones who paid for all the Republican judges anyway?
They're the ones that like, incubate conservative judges from law school
the lab that grew antonin scalia? that was them
Also, that photo looks like the crazy Nic Cage meme. ;-)
@Sterno I obviously disagree. A president / prime minister trying to completely overthrow the election like Trump is far and away one of the most egregious crimes such a person can commit. It should be faced with serious jail time for attempting such a thing. This latest question of his just proves that's all he's been trying to do.
It's high treason as far as I'm concerned
I thought treason gets the death sentence in the US. But maybe that was 100 years ago.
@Yuuki Yes. Exactly, especially considering everything else he's been doing.
Like at this point it's undeniable he knows very well he lost, and is trying to overthrow the lawfully elected government, since he doesn't want to surrender power.
@NapoleonWilson No, it gets you a chance at a second term.
There's a difference between staging an actual coup and asking your advisors what legal (but morally pitch black) options are available to you, is what I'm saying.
But it's okay. We don't have to agree. We can just go back to hating Trump together :)
@Sterno I agree, but I think he is staging an actual coup, and his question is just him furthering his attempts at that.
@Sterno Oddly enough, I think that's actually the one line Trump wouldn't actually cross to try to stay president.
@Sterno I'm fine with this
Like, I'm fairly certain he'll attempt a bloody coup over changing his own name like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
He really is a cartoon villain
So I talked to one friend who in other regards isn't an idiot but voted for Trump. And he's not even Republican. Actually first election he's voted R
I asked him about the dumb shit Trump says and does and he says he doesn't ever watch press conferences or read his Twitter.
I have no idea what to make of that
To be fair, Trump would be a lot less awful if you never saw him speak or write.
@Sterno ...what is he even basing his vote on?
@Wipqozn Policies, I guess? I didn't want to dig into them because I was already done with the conversation at that point
@Sterno I don't understand how you could read up on those and then not find well, everything else.
My friend is pretty libertarian/isolationist so he's probably very happy with the US leaving WHO, the Paris Accords, etc
@Sterno Oh that explains it
@murgatroid99 Hear! Hear! Amazing how many people still can grow out of "founding father" worshiping. The world is controlled by all these rules set down by dead old white men.
@MadScientist TBF, we have made some updates
I'll be honest, I used to lean somewhat libertarian. I suppose that comes with growing up in Texas. But now that I'm a couple more years down the road, I now have to fully walk out of the room whenever someone says they're libertarian because I just have this kind of visceral reaction to the concept.
I get this urge to argue with them on the issue and that's almost never the appropriate reaction so I kinda have to physically distance myself.
@Sterno There are a lot of people tuning out his terrible character and all the racism and sexist shit in favour of policies that they think make sense.
If only the policies would actually make sense, but well...
Pretty much the entire Republican party, yeah
@Yuuki A confounding factor might be that the American Libertarian party follows a pretty different definition of libertarian then the rest of the world.
They're less "power should be more distributed" and more "I should be allowed to control people with my money".
@TimStone lol
> One thing that can hurt your credibility as a witness is already believing a conspiracy theory before you even get to be a poll watcher. t.co/9J0MN8fnhb
A Covid hoaxer
Yeah, it's both good and terrifying that this is all orchestrated by the dumbest people alive
NBC has now called all the states, giving us the expected 306-232 Biden win
@TimStone I should've paid better attention in French class so I could read this. Completely wild if true. Hopefully no one gets hurt.
@Wipqozn google translate also works
Yeah but it's good he's admitted he's a worse Canadian than I am
@Nzall I'm on my phone.
Oh hey there's a translate button
Employees are hiding on the roof
btw, I deleted that article about the hostage situation I posted because it was a right wing publication
@TimStone "Oh it was all David's fault!"
Last 2 states have been called: Georgia for Biden, and NC for Trump
Final electoral count: Biden 306 - Trump 232
direct flip (numerically at least) of Trump's 2016 electoral win over Clinton
The space at the end of your square brackets is causing the link issue, @TimStone
@TimStone Chad Wolf versus Virgin Trump
1 hour later…
> "Based on the unofficial returns submitted by all the counties to the Department of State, Secretary Boockvar has determined that she will not be ordering a recount and recanvass of the election returns in the counties, as no statewide candidate was defeated by one-half of one percent or less of the votes cast," Pennsylvania's Department of State said in a release.
And the self-congratulations are starting again
and he's claiming the Pfizer vaccine for operation warp speed again
It's so fucking annoying that he's taking credit for something that is mostly done by the pharma and biotech companies, and the authorities like the FDA that almost certainly would have done exactly the same thing under any other administration (potentially better because of less interference)
yeah, noticed that as well
he caught himself but that would have been hilarious
right now it's a normal press conference with someone speaking that seems to know what they're talking about. That's kind of unusual
Well, he's also taken credit for shit Obama achieved.
I'm not talking about Trump
He was as terrible as usual
Then who else claims the Pfizer vaccine?
okay, I'm a bit confused as I thought you replied to my latest message
I see.
Trump did claim the Biontech vaccine for operation warpspeed, which is mostly wrong though the US government did pre-buy the vaccine
well, Moncef Slaoui was a lot more convincing than the asskissers following him
the coward isn't taking questions
Took my dog for a walk. Saw the asshole down the road from me is still flying a Confederate flag
@Sterno Has he talked about the election results, or just covid?
I'm only like 4 min in but I think he claims credit for the vaccine because he's giving them money afterwards? Or something. Unclear
@Sterno Pfizer stated that they're not part of Operation Warp Speed after that was initially claimed. And it's true that Biontech/Pfizer didn't get money for developing the vaccine unlike other candidates. The US government did pre-buy the vaccine though, which is kind of a subsidy as it takes the risk out of the development to some extent.
I was suspended for referring to the president with profanity because he likes to call it the "China virus". I apologize to anyone offended. I should have called him "racist" instead of the profanity-filled adjective I chose
Didn't see it, or well, I probably saw it and didn't notice anything wrong. I think calling Covid the China virus deserves every expletive I can think of
The higher order part of my brain says I should feel something about this curve but the rest of the brain just cannot handle it any more
that curve is going to get really ugly in the US and in parts of Europe
Note that the textbox covers up the top of the spike - 170k is 50k more than the same number last week
@TimStone It sounds like this may have been a hoax?
@TimStone Yes
@TimStone Yes
@TimStone Yes

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