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Axl Rose is feuding with Steve Mnuchin because…I mean I guess really the writers are just rolling D20s at this point? I dunno
Granted we should all be feuding with all of them so this seems fair
The committee voted to just uhh do whatever it wanted because the election was some how "not fair" and put someone on the ballot even though they didn't get a sufficiently large percentage of votes
> The woman attacked and killed by an alligator in a gated community along the South Carolina coast was visiting the homeowner to do her nails and was trying to touch the animal when it grabbed her, authorities said
> After briefly getting away from the alligator Friday, the woman stood in waist deep water in the Kiawah Island pond and said “I guess I wont do this again,” but the alligator grabbed her in its jaws again and took her under, according to a supplemental police report released Tuesday.
2 hours later…
@TimStone fuck Maduro but the fact that we have companies like that that based in America that can be hired to attempt a coup is insane
If I were president I would consider declaring war on Blackwater
like really we need a private armies ban
@Stormblessed i assume you're referring to the Æ?
but these rich arseholes can name their kids whatever they want because equality
@Memor-X yeah
7 hours later…
and can already hear the Trump Supporters defend him using the numbers
but those graphs i think are a bit misleading
i wonder if those graphs would look the same if you excluded New York
2 hours later…
@Memor-X Honestly, the part that amuses me the most is that they named the kid after the precursor to their favorite aircraft.
Sidewalk Labs, a Google-affiliated company, is abandoning its plan to build a high-tech neighbourhood on Toronto's waterfront, citing what it calls unprecedented economic uncertainty. cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/…
@TimStone has Jacob Wohl really not been charged for any of this defamation he’s always trying to do?
I mean at this point it probably counts as parody because honestly who would believe him but it does seem like he should be made to stop trying
@TimStone I think you'd be depressed by the number of people who believe Wohl
Oh well actually he can’t be charged he’d need to be sued because it’s defamation
No Bill they're being left on the street that's the problem did you not get the memo?
@TimStone The decision, because I couldn't believe at first that it was unanimous.
@Stormblessed Depending on the circumstances there might be a conspiracy charge possible? But INAL. But he was charged with selling fraudulent securities in CA, the case is just still on hold due to gestures broadly
Neiman Marcus has filed for bankruptcy
@TimStone youngest person to get a lifetime ban by the SEC!
@MBraedley Yeah, I haven't read the whole thing but the summary explains that it's because the laws aren't applicable and that seems fair
I mean, it's batshit insane we don't have a more appropriate statute to address this, of course
But it was not wire-fraud, as anyone would reasonably conceive wire-fraud to be, I guess
I took it as "We're not saying they didn't commit a crime (or what should be a crime), it's just that they didn't commit the crime they were charged with."
Yeah, at least for some of the Justices, I'm sure at least a few of the Rs were like "Actually this is good and cool"
As they're about to rule in the future Trump v. Blue States He Extorted for COVID-19 Relief
there's not much on the books other than maybe RICO laws that cover garden variety corruption.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the federal government has reached a multibillion-dollar deal with the provinces and territories to top up payments for low-wage essential workers. cbc.ca/news/politics/essential-worker-pay-boost-1.5559332
> Last month, the federal government announced that a plan to boost the salaries of essential workers who make less than $2,500 a month — including those working in long-term care facilities for the elderly, front-line workers in hospitals and people working in the food industry — was in the works after talks with premiers.
> "It will be up to each province and territory to determine who exactly qualifies for this wage increase, but the bottom line is this: if you are risking your health to keep this country moving and you're still making minimum wage – you deserve a raise," Trudeau said.
Less than $2500 a month translates to roughly $17/hr, assuming 35 hour work week.
@TimStone yeah I think the analysis is "it's only illegal to literally accept a check that says 'for: crimes' in the memo field"
@TimStone "Some Very Fine People on Both Sides"
@TimStone Is this another protest?
a...pparently JetBlue is doing a flyover of NYC?
list of things that are good ideas:
-doing a commercial flyover of nyc other than on normal routes to JFK/LGA/EWR
@Unionhawk lmfao I came here to post this because I saw it the other day from Not The NYPD News Account and thought it was a shitpost?
I mean I assume they'll be in the neighborhood of at or above 1,000 feet, but still
At least the military flyovers are kind of cool this is just going to be a bunch of A320s
Dropping jet fuel on an empty elementary school as a salute to the teachers
@MBraedley It's unclear, but…
Which uhhh
Is kind of weird right? Because he already plead guilty. Twice
And his conviction still stands
More reason for the AG to not be a political appointee, but that would probably need a constitutional amendment.
We are living in the stupidest timeline
4 hours later…
It's really too bad the convention has already happened
> class action and tax strike
@TimStone first that shop clerk who got shot because he told a woman to wear a mask and now this
see America, this is why when the rest of the world sees images of people lining up to buy guns during a pandemic, we all faceplam because he know this shit would happen

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