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2:24 AM
@TimStone i have this mental image of some guy watching a dot that's supposed to by Rudy darting about and going around in circles thinking the tracker is on a ferret
WHOMSTS AMONGST US can truly say who this tweet is about
@Memor-X lol
Holy shit
3:21 AM
lol Twitter just reminded me that Biden hedges on the impracticality of Medicare for All and whatever else but is also the one who thinks we can moonshot cancer
1 hour later…
4:36 AM
marianne williamson thinks "antivaxx" is an unfair term and is saying antivaxxer talking points (i can't link to the source because facebook is really weird about providing links)
5:20 AM
I guess killing children is OK as long as you're "just expressing concerns"
9 hours later…
2:25 PM
@GodEmperorDune I don't even know what this means, obviously they do clinical testing to produce vaccines?
@TimStone It doesn't meet their "rigorous" level of testing.
ie. It doesn't give the results they're looking for.
3:04 PM
I am willing to overlook the dumbness adjacent in favour of 12 weeks of paid family leave for federal workers, who currently are reduced to begging for people to volunteer their leave days for any extended absence
The background here is that Deray promoted and participated in a protest for Alton Sterling, who was killed by police, and some anonymous officer is now suing him because some rando supposedly threw a rock and hurt a cop
You'll note that this doesn't really have anything to do with Deray and you're right and the lawsuit should be recognized as bullshit and that's what's up
Yeah I'm going to go with a solid "didn't happen"
4:05 PM
@TimStone it’s anti vaxx fear mongering BS
4:24 PM
If they don't want to be called "antivaxxers", "baby-killing plague enthusiasts" is still available
1 hour later…
5:47 PM
@GodEmperorDune "Source: I read some celebrity say this on the internet"
@ToxicFrog That's an appropriate name, since anti-vaxxers are essentially a plague themselves.
@ToxicFrog I've usually heard them being called pro-plague
1 hour later…
7:31 PM
@TimStone just like he took care of kashioggi no doubt
patriotic 9/11 music starts playing in the background
Yeah there are many examples to suggest that this will not be the case but I guess maybe if it's only one or two people it's pocket change?
Oh, sweet
9:57 PM
I really want someone to do a deep dive into how many people's signatures suddenly grew in size and started appearing in Sharpie once Trump came into the picture
It's possible he just does that too, but also, why? And it looks unusually messy
Maybe it makes them feel powerful, idk
@TimStone Is he... Framing the constitutionally given powers of checks and balances as given by the Founding Fathers to congress as unconstitutional?
Yeah he's just making stuff up, the substance isn't that intelligible beyond them saying they won't cooperate
Inject it into my veins
10:58 PM
@TimStone yeh but it's this bullshit that facilitates the slow erosion of freedom rights

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