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12:50 AM
Wow. That’s all I can say about the @PhilipRucker details about this must-read @Cliff_Sims WH book. Here’s a choice bit about Paul Ryan. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/absolutely-out-of-control-cliff-simss-book-depicts-life-in-trumps-white-house/2019/01/21/883d2412-1d92-11e9-9145-3f74070bbdb9_story.html
It's tempting to try and fault Trump here but actually literally no one wants to listen to Paul Ryan talk and as a reminder now no one ever will again
@TimStone true but he was talking about important party stuff, not how his weekend was
Yeah but Paul Ryan is bad at policy too so it checks out
1:07 AM
MLK's son hits Pence for comparing Trump to his father: He "was a bridge builder, not a wall builder" http://hill.cm/KKSvdrm
1:53 AM
TL;DR, we’re not going to be able to feed kids if the shutdown continues. via @khefling and @biancaquilan https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/17/government-shutdown-victim-school-lunches-1096437
1 hour later…
3:20 AM
Video: Man Pulls Gun on Black Kids at MLK Day Protest in Brickell, Calls Them the N-Word http://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/video-man-pulls-gun-on-black-kids-at-rally-in-brickell-calls-them-the-n-word-11054927
3:34 AM
The Republican bill containing the President’s “offer” to reopen the govt makes extreme changes to the asylum system, including forbidding entirely asylum applications by Central American minors at the border or other ports of entry. https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/End%20the%20Shutdown%20and%20Secure%20the%20Border%20Act.pdf
3:49 AM
@TimStone ugh wtf
@TimStone i see stephen miller has been having daydreams whilst doing kegstands
also pretty sure that banning certain types of asylum claims is against UN rules
4:43 AM
That's probably one of those treaties we never signed, since that's our standard MO
we have to work with them
what can you do
everyone just wants what's best
2 hours later…
6:30 AM
I'm with my buddy @charliekirk11 in Los Angeles who was rushed to the hospital for a potential blood clot He threw out his back and can't stand and the hospital said there are no beds available and suggested he lay on a bench outside Cedar Sinai Hospital, disgrace!!!
Now I'm not saying it's good Charlie Kirk is injured, I'm just saying had he really leaned into the whole diaper thing he'd have been prepared if this turned out to be a long night
@TimStone i mean throwing out your back sucks but it's not life threatening and maybe go to one of the numerous other hospitals in LA?
Some of the comments are being made ironically but you will be unsurprised a number of Actually Serious people believe he's being denied a bed By The Liberals, so
cedars sinai is a RICH PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL
it is like the least liberal place out here
Yeah but if you let things like facts get in the way you can't maximize being the victim
I'm also not 100% sure on the correlation here between "potential blood clot" and throwing out his back
Also he might’ve tried “do you know who I am” and that doesn’t fly at a hospital that regularly treats A list celebrities
6:36 AM
Guaranteed, lol
5 hours later…
11:40 AM
So those MAGA teens that were harassing protesters a couple days ago
I keep hearing more and more about that they were recruited or something, and now something about the media and something more about "you did the unthinkable: you went after our kids"? What's that all about? are people pissed that these kids got recruited for political goals, or because the media found out about their recruitment?
@Nzall from what i am seeing it seems is the kids weren't to blame. it was the other group which were saying the racist things and there was no "Build the Wall" chant, at least from the videos shown by Phillip DeFranco
12:08 PM
@Memor-X ah, I think I got a clearer picture now. Who was that other group that started insulting the kids? were they Antifa or something?
12:25 PM
@Nzall apparently it was the Black Hebrew Israelites which is a new name for me to hear
Keep in mind that the counternarritive at hand is literally out of a PR firm hired by our smug little "what are you going to do, if you do anything I win" friend's rich parents
And that covcath kids are notorious for being complete assholes, speaking as somebody from Cincinnati
1 hour later…
1:49 PM
Isn't there an actual video of them doing all these racist shit?
Because if so don't let the alt rights propaganda fool you into thinking otherwise
@Wipqozn which is "them" because there's a video in the Phiilip DeFranco video i linked to showing someone yelling out "insect babies", "uncle tomahawk" and "motherf@#$ing future school shooters"
@Unionhawk Seriously
That's what these people want you to do, but don't fall for it.
hey mr sandman here's a list of the things you could have done to actually defuse the situation: 1. walk away 2. tell your friends to do the same
that's the whole list
2:04 PM
@Unionhawk i was suspecting that something was off about that
the way he just stood there and it almost looked like he was smirking
and again, you may remember covcath from such hits as "blackface at a basketball game" and "our mascot is a confederate general even though we're in the northern part of noted border state KY"
It's almost like this is a pattern of behavior
@Unionhawk actually i don't remember any of that
yeah I'm not sure that one escaped the local sphere
3:09 PM
ARIZONA. St Rep Gail Griffin (R) proposes bill to require all computers sold in state be locked from accessing porn; users must pay $20 fee to unlock ... and the fee goes towards paying for Trump's border wall. https://www.azmirror.com/2019/01/18/lawmaker-wants-to-tax-porn-users-to-help-fund-the-border-wall/?fbclid=IwAR3pI6aqktLpVd81B_82bRe33FgTTYNZR0vECsRAQsMUrhOoisghvj0dXT0
Canada's new food guide is served
> Instead of eating four food groups, Canadians are now encouraged to follow three guidelines on what to eat regularly, what to avoid and the importance of cooking and preparing meals at home.
BBC News - US top court allows Trump transgender ban
Again non bigoted party
3:30 PM
@Unionhawk I saw these things on Twitter the last few days
@Wipqozn that’s great if you have the time or ability to prep meals at home
NOW: @GovRaimondo declares a State of Emergency as more than 7,000 National Grid customers are without gas on Aquidneck Island. "This is going to be a multi-day event. It could last a week or more." @wpri12
Wow. I'm impressed
100,000 is nothing to sneeze at
They made back all the money and then some in a matter of days. Nice
And final question for Pompeo: When will the shutdown be over? He says he hopes soon. “Political fights in the US are a time honored tradition,” he jokes.
chuckles in thousands of people working without pay What a knee slapper
@BunsGlazing oh wow, that's awesome
Although I think I hate the WaPo website now, if I open it in w3m or elinks it just redirects to the front page
@ToxicFrog I just open it in private browsing, it never creates cookies that way
3:41 PM
@Nzall this is in private browsing mode, I think it just shits the bed on those browsers for whatever reason
This is definitely me being old and grumpy but I miss most of the web being accessible in lynx.
pokes it in curl
Oh wow, it does a 302 to the same url with ?noredirect=on, then that does a 301 to http://, deliberately downgrading the connection
And then it serves the front page + a huge pile of javascript that's responsible for loading the actual page you asked for
That is some impressively bad web design
@ToxicFrog sites that serve lots of ads often have issues like not being able to support https because the ad providers don't properly do that. This should be much better now, but the news sites are generally terrible because they embed tons of javascript from other sources for ads, tracking, analytics and who knows what
@GodEmperorDune I mean, yes, but that's a completely separate problem.
This is reminding me that I need to learn enough Docker to bring up PiHole on ancilla.
4:11 PM
More details
BBC.com: US Supreme Court allows Trump military transgender ban.
Straight down party lines, unsurprisingly
> Former defence secretary Jim Mattis refined the policy to limit it to transgender individuals with a history of gender dysphoria, or when a person's biological sex and identity does not match.

> He said the new policy would make exceptions for several hundred transgender people already serving openly or willing to serve "in their biological sex".
a thread on the transgender ban. oneboxing the main point
As I've said before: it’s not about the military itself, but about wiping out any sort of legal recognition by the fed. gov. that trans people a.) exist, b.) have the capacity to participate in society, and c.) have health care concerns that are medically necessary, not cosmetic.
@GodEmperorDune Anyways, to add onto that now that I'm not on mobile. While it's true not everyone has time or ability to prep at home, that doesn't mean it's not good advice for those that can. Additionally the guide contains a lot more than just that, that's just one part of it.
Also, if folks lack the ability to prepare their own food then schools should improve funding around "home ed" classes (which they should do anyways, especially since doing so should help combat societies enforcement of traditional gender roles).
If folks lack the time to prepare food at home then they should start to setup programs to assist with that (i.e. better public transport and better social programs could help address this in cases where it's due to someone needing to work long hours just make ends meet).
@GodEmperorDune Good tweet
@Wipqozn yeah i was thinking more physical ability than not knowing how to do the thing, such as spoonies
4:29 PM
@GodEmperorDune oh yes I misunderstood that. But in that case I'd say better funding around "meals on wheels" type programs. Which well again, something they should really do anyways.
And also TIL Nova Scotia has multiple "meals on wheels" programs.
And for some reason the top result is for some subpage on nshealth.ca, and only serves Yarmouth (far end of the province, opposite Cape Breton). Surprised Halifax wasn't at the top. Either way that one is $3.50 per meal which seems great.
The halifax one is way more expensive, way. $8 per meal.
And only seems to do monday - friday.
I should probably donate to either that or Feed NS. I normally donate around Christmas but this year it completely slipped my mind. I need to make another donation to the Nova Scotia SPCA too.
5:10 PM
@Wipqozn Right, that helps some groups, but there's people who are spoon-low who will never qualify for those programs. It's hard, because the stuff I can make when I am out of spoons is usually like "throw this thing in the toaster oven". I get that's not the Food Guide's problem, and they talk about how like...food manufacturer's aren't my friends, etc. but it's just...food is difficult and complex and a struggle.
I did like the note about how they're working on stuff specifically for Indigenous populations, though
@Ash So those programs should be improved then.
If our programs aimed to help people don't actually help them they should be improved
Basically if the food guide sets the bar higher than our goal should be to make our social programs better, not lower the bar on the food guide.
Because the food guide should be the one the standards our social programs need to meet
Which I get isn't easy, but that should be our path forward.
I totally agree.
I just know right now we aren't there, and food costs are getting ridiculous :(
5:26 PM
@Ash All the more reason to our programs need to be improved, really. sooner rather than later.
Because costs have skyrocketed in the past couple yearsa
and they're supposed to increase even more this year
@Wipqozn I should volunteer for one of those...
@Yuuki If you've got the time and the desire you definitely should. Volunteers are probably more important than money, honestly. It's way easier for most people to donate their cash than their time.
Case in point is me. I hate donating my time, so I just donate money instead.
I know for Meals on Wheels, a lot of the importance/value isn't just the meals but the company.
Yeah it is
From what I've heard, there are a lot of seniors who live alone and the Meals on Wheels folk are the only people they interact with all week.
5:32 PM
My sisters girlfriend cleans the house of an older lady once a month, and it's mostly just because the lady wants some company. She lives with her daughter, but she owns and operates some uniform company so she's really busy.
@Wipqozn My mom cleans houses, and two days of her week are for low-income clients. She says more often than not, yeah she does some cleaning but mostly they want to chat with her while she does stuff because they just want the people around.
@Yuuki Yeah, that's a super shitty reality for some people.
6:28 PM
The Supreme Court is the rare being that can generate huge news by _not_ acting on something. That's exactly what just happened on DACA. And that's not great news for Trump. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/22/18192924/supreme-court-decision-daca-lawsuit
6:41 PM
this is the obama birth certificate thing all over again
i will not be surprised if right wing media and memes jump all over this because she is a POC and its an easy way to use racism to other her
"surprise! racism!"
@GodEmperorDune Twitter really needs to stop giving the alt right and other bigots a platform
Not that we didn't already know, but:
Opinion: Trump’s phony "compromise" has now been unmasked as a total sham https://wapo.st/2DrClDv
@BradC you mean compromises don't work when they are only full of stuff that one side wants? who knew?
@GodEmperorDune Yep, such a shocker.
The FBI Agents Association has released a report regarding the shutdown's effect on the agency, with one agent saying it "has eliminated any ability to operate" https://www.axios.com/fbi-agents-government-shutdown-dbd95aa0-e88e-4884-86a0-a56ecb6f85d4.html?stream=top-stories&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=limstream
6:56 PM
working as intended, i guess
During Rachel Maddow's show last night, she talked about a related issue for the FBI - that financial hardship is a security concern.
That a big part of the (ongoing) background checks that agents have to go through is evaluating their exposure to compromise, including bribes
And that the ongoing shutdown could, in fact, create problems with their security clearances, as they start missing paychecks
(Here's the Maddow segment):
Watch the full video: https://on.msnbc.com/2T1Qq00
7:13 PM
@BradC On a personal level I am super glad I am not trying to get my husband's background check done right now. On a wider level dear god can we please figure out this stupid tantrum, like is there no provisions for "literally he is stopping everything to get what he wants"
@Ash there is such a provision, mitch mcconnell is literally blocking it
The problem is that the system of checks and balances doesn't work when you have one branch of the government that isn't checking or balancing another
@GodEmperorDune I was scared of something like that being the case
#BREAKING: LAUSD and @UTLAnow have reached a tentative deal to end the strike; Pending approval by UTLA membership vote & Board of Ed! Thank you @UTLAnow for fighting for our kids, public education & workers' rights. When we fight, we WIN! 👏🍎💪 #UTLAStrong @CFTunion @WeAreCTA
@SaintWacko Can you explain that a little more please?
7:17 PM
@GodEmperorDune Yep. The Senate just needs to vote on the (original clean funding bill they already passed unanimously), then let Trump veto it, then override the veto
@Ash congress passes legislation, if the president doesn't like it, they can veto it, then congress can override the veto with a 2/3rds majority (instead of the 50% to pass legislation)
mitch mcconnell is blocking the senate side of "congress passes legislation", so it can't continue down the chain
@Ash So the government is split into three groups: the executive (president), the legislative (house and senate), and the judicial (supreme court). Each group hos powers designed to keep any one group from becoming too powerful. The problem here is that the executive branch is very clearly doing things it shouldn't, but the legislative branch isn't doing its job because the Republican party has decided to back Trump no matter what
I feel like your government is full of these supposed checks and balances that can't actually do stuff because there's always a way for someone to go "oh hey no"
@SaintWacko Ah, so they're effectively not doing what tehy were intended to do?
@Ash Correct. "Checks and balances" are only as good as the people in place to execute them.
7:20 PM
@Ash Exactly. The republicans in the legislative branch are refusing to check the power of the president
@Ash yeah. There's nothing actually compelling the legislature to do their job.
I don't know how Canada would handle this, because....we've not really ever ended up close to anything like this afaik
I saw an idea I liked the other day: instead of having new legislators sworn in, have them sign a contract, so they're legally bound to do their duty
And can be held personally responsible if they don't
@ToxicFrog technically elections are what compel the legislature to do their job, but the senate stayed republican so there is no pressure there
@SaintWacko that would just lead to an avalanche of lawsuits
the idea of a government shutdown is fairly recent and also doesn't make any sense
that's the main thing at play here
7:21 PM
@GodEmperorDune Which would take forever and ever to resolve, I bet
that this hostage taking scheme is a thing at all
@Ash imagine suing your representative every time they voted a way you didn't like
@Unionhawk The first one was in 1980
@Unionhawk The idea that countries can just go "we refuse to operate things" is quite frankly, balls to the walls ridiculous
@Unionhawk True. The "debt ceiling" and stuff like that are a "thing" because the legislature passed laws making them a thing. They can change those rules
7:22 PM
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, that would get hella messy
@Ash Yes. Yes it is
whoever has the resources to sue the most will get their way
@GodEmperorDune which means we are back to "those with the most toys make teh rules"
@BradC debt ceiling was repealed by the house this term
@GodEmperorDune (as if they don't already...)
7:23 PM
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, that's true
@GodEmperorDune I don't know how to tell you this but
@BradC yeah let's not entrench it further
@GodEmperorDune wait, was it? In 2019?
@Unionhawk it is already the case, yes
7:25 PM
@BradC yeah that's the link i found. house did it, but senate didn't pass it
@GodEmperorDune Well of course not
That's their game now
hmm, sorta. Changes some house rules about a few things
They're just going to refuse to pass anything that's not catering to their whims
But at least (it seems as if) Democrats aren't just going to roll over for them any longer
Which could create some standoffs, but I'm overall in favor of standing by our principles
they haven't tried to kick the football yet on this anyway which is good
I'm surprised
7:28 PM
Spox for Saucey, an LA-based alcohol delivery app, says it will no longer advertise with Ben Shapiro following his "Baby Hitler" remarks. https://www.thewrap.com/ben-shapiro-loses-third-advertiser-over-baby-hitler-remarks/#.XEdtPvMFE9g.twitter
I figured this would end with 5.6B instead of 5.7B for a fence and then we get a 6 month CR
and then do this shit again in june
> Saucey, an LA-based alcohol delivery app
stares directly into camera
Yeah it's a thing
Some delivery service served my school, but like
@TimStone lol i've seen the saucey billboards
there is a similar service for weed
We lived 3 blocks from a gas station, so we figured if everyone was too drunk to walk there and back, you probably didn't need a resupply
7:31 PM
@BradC Yeah, it's really good to see that
@GodEmperorDune Amazing
@TimStone Instead of drinking and driving, have someone drive your drinking to you.
I see that Charlie Kirk did not die of an acute pulled back
Home Depot says climate change will help sell more air conditioners. https://bloom.bg/2R5u63R
@TimStone is he back on "american healthcare is the greatest"?
No he's defending the racist teenagers
7:33 PM
@TimStone also all those building supplies to keep the sea and floodwaters out of people's homes
@TimStone let the record note that he was obviously admitted because he still had a hospital wristband on
@TimStone To be fair, what are they supposed to do?
Just ignore things that could affect business?
They're not saying climate change is a good thing
It's just a continued demonstration that the amoral economic system as it exists is inadequate at best to tackle the impending climate crisis. Do I think Home Depot's cost-benefit analysis in particular is necessarily the best picture of that? No, but I think for example Exxon (or whoever did this one)'s analysis that climate change will (and has) make arctic drilling season longer and therefore shorten drilling projects, improving profits, is an excellent one
I mean stop giving to Republicans probably
If we just have the right amount of climate change, then air conditioning will run all the time and also only 30% of our stores will be destroyed
7:46 PM
@TimStone okay I know this is likely just like...them doing the sales predicty stuff that businesses do but damn that is some ugly optics
Yeah, they're just doing the businessy "how will we cope" instead of "how do we stop this" which isn't like...not understandable, it's just depressing
Yeah, it's awful.
Like I guess yay we squeeze out more profit before we destroy everything
The GoFundMe campaign for Bahamian caterer Maryann Rolle who burned through her savings to help her workers after they were scammed by the "Fyre Festival" is up to almost $140,000, and everything isn't so terrible in this world after all. https://www.gofundme.com/exuma-point-fyre-fest-debt
usual caveat of "i'm glad people are doing the right thing even though this exposes the larger issues that allowed the bad thing to happen in the first place"
8:31 PM
looks at what's going on online
closes Twitter
It's exceptionally dumb out there y'all stay safe
@TimStone which part lol
Multiple things but I tapped out at Jacob Wohl + Chris Cuomo + Kamala Harris birtherism
broke: kamala harris 2020
woke: harris bomberguy 2020
Checks out
i disagree with many of kamala harris's policy positions but the birtherism is an extremely ridiculous one that the media should not fall for
how many times do we need to prove that anything jacob whoa-l is pushing is pretty much deliberate fake news?
@Unionhawk the best people
@Yuuki incoming FOIA for any tapes that giuliani has listened to
@GodEmperorDune That's pretty much where I'm at but somehow despite this obvious reality it is now A Thing for which People Must Account for and like they all just need to get into the sea
@Unionhawk Giuliani is the President's all-time worst lawyer. And note that group includes Cohen
8:38 PM
We don't have time for that
@Unionhawk lmfao
brb setting up a startup where i go to media companies and tell them if jacob wohl is lying or not
@GodEmperorDune Just make one of those static websites: www.isjacobwohllyingagain.com
this idea is based on shouldiblamecaching so i'll send @TimStone a nominal royalty check
that just shows "yes" all the time
Also we reached the "racist teenagers are meeting with Trump" stage
So that's where we're at today
8:41 PM
@TimStone i thought that was debunked after ingraham called it
Oh, hmm
Yeah, seems awfully not correct for actual news sites to post that as a statement if it hadn't be confirmed
@TimStone to rephrase, it was debunked when she posted it earlier this morning, it is entirely possible that trump sent the invite since then
I checked the article the tweet linked to that clued me into this and it admits it hadn't be confirmed
Oh good apparently they arrested the pink-shirt gun dude in Florida
Color me shocked that Jerome Corsi and Larry Klayman got the order of magnitude of damages wrong in their joint conspiracy claim lawsuit. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5691253-Notice-Other.html
@TimStone lol
woah. that "billion" adds 9 more zeros to the end, too
8:49 PM
They also included three zeroes after the decimal point because reasons
So they were originally asking for punitive damages in excess of $1.35 x 10^21
As one does
i mean you can always ask
9:23 PM
@BradC I'm sure you can pay that in Zimbabwean dollars.
9:36 PM
Furloughed workers will still be counted as 'employed' in January jobs report - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/22/federal-workers-report-government-shutdown-1119741
This is weird
I mean I guess they have a job, they’re just not getting paid for it
And some are not working at all so :shrug:
@nycsouthpaw Sounds like McConnell agreed to hold a vote he was confident would fail so that Schumer would agree to let the Senate go home for the weekend. https://twitter.com/AliABCNews/status/1087825269350633474
But maybe stay and demand that chuckleduck hold a vote on something useful?
Why is Schumer always trying to go home?
@TimStone dammit cuck schumer
9:52 PM
Sinkhole just opened up on 17th street NW, one block away from the White House!
lol remember when that sinkhole opened on the WH grounds last year?
The entirety of DC will descend into hell before this is all over
Sooooon we will have calibrated the device and we can open a massive sinkhole and literally drain the swamp!
@TimStone we'd never be so lucky
@Kevin the swamp is the sinkhole actually
and ecologically, swamps are quite good
NEW: The White House is moving forward with plans for President Donald J. Trump to deliver his State of the Union speech next week in front of a joint session of Congress — despite a letter from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi requesting he delay it. https://wjla.com/news/nation-world/trump-moving-ahead-with-state-of-the-union-speech-next-week
Pelosi should just play along and then ban the cameras as is her right
9:56 PM
@TimStone ha! that would be epic
@TimStone from what i've heard, there is literally a joint congressional resolution required
He'd be so pissed if no one saw it
Did we do the bit about how the PR firm that wrote the kid's letter that Tapper pushed is also owned by a CNN contributor because the plot on this show has gone completely stale?
Three men have been arrested and are accused of plotting to attack an upstate New York Muslim community with explosives. Court papers say they planned to use improvised explosive devices wrapped in duct tape that were shaped like cylinders and a mason jar. https://apnews.com/7137d9c9071f4f2a8a340a84a4d8b48d
@TimStone yeah it might as well be a clipshow
Trump's Lawyer Said There Were "No Plans" For Trump Tower Moscow. Here They Are. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/azeenghorayshi/here-are-the-trump-moscow-plans by @azeen
@TimStone is this rudy again?
10:07 PM
no tapes, no plans, no crimes, well no one got murdered...
"Look I've seen the plans they weren't that far along I don't think anyone even colored them in. I mean uh there were no plans. What are schematics really anyway?"
Oh right I remembered the other dumb thing I saw earlier that I noped out of and it was Hugh Hewitt
@TimStone oh yeah that was a clusterfuck
i dunno how he got this reputation as being a moderate
> hugh hewitt to SCOTUS: hold my beer
This sign is a pretty good indication that no one has any idea about what they’re talking about in Davos.
@TimStone i saw something that explained davos as "linked in comic con" and yep
10:16 PM
@TimStone BUSINESS. 4. DOT. 0.
What happened the previous business versions? No one knows.
@Yuuki 2.0 was user generated content, 3.0 was AI, 4.0 is blockchain i guess
big data is somewhere in there too
maybe 2.5
NEW from @nickrobinsearly - House Intel Committee looking into the viral tweet that spread the video of the MAGA hat teen confronting Nathan Phillips http://bit.ly/2FHaCkF
10:47 PM
@TimStone so Home Depot is Purdue Pharma
"ahhhh, it's too hot today" - obviously thanks to global warming
> While Ryan was talking [about healthcare], Trump wandered around, staring out windows and at walls and sipping his Diet Coke. He eventually wandered out of the room and switched on the TV in his private dining room, forcing Vice President Mike Pence to jog out and fetch him back.
@TimStone what does this even what is this even oh my brain
@Ash it doesn't mean anything, that's the point ;-)
22 hours ago, by Tim Stone
It's tempting to try and fault Trump here but actually literally no one wants to listen to Paul Ryan talk and as a reminder now no one ever will again
@Ash I don't even know 😭
11:02 PM
@TimStone Fair. But also rubs temples.
@Ash i want to think they are assuming that all electric cars are automatically driverless
@TimStone it hurts my brain
Like it's like "how many buzzwords can you put on a thign, I woulf like that many"
> Using Blockchain Synergy to build the next gen crypto grid for 5G hover cars
(don't forget that hoverboards didn't end up as what we expected them to be)
probably reported but the US Supreme has allowed Trump to go ahead with preventing transgender people entering the military. given how people weigh the love for one's country with the sacrifices they are willing to make, i guess trans people can never truly love the US huh
11:30 PM
@TimStone are your veins PREPARED?!
CONFIRMED: The State Department has had to cancel an international conference on border security because of the govt shutdown. Its 16th Int’l Export Control and Border Security Conference was scheduled to take place in Edinburgh on February 19-21, due to government shutdown.
@GodEmperorDune I love that specifically it's Border Sec
like...the very thing he loves so much
@Ash the ostensible reason for the shutdown in the first place
11:58 PM

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