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1:14 AM
> Multiverse Trump: We're not banning ZTE because they gave me a bunch of money to help me win the trade war, now easier to win
1:53 AM
GENDER REVEAL PARTY SHOOTING: Three men were charged in a shooting that left one person dead and eight wounded at a gender reveal party for a woman who wasn't even pregnant https://abc7.la/2ETLDKC
Cincinnati, whew @Unionhawk
2:31 AM
@TimStone ummmm wat
2:48 AM
People describe hearing a boom, feeling a vibration and seeing the sky turn green. Again —we are told it was a transformer explosion at a @ConEdison building in Astoria, Queens. I’m heading in that direction with my @CBSNewYork crew. Will update here.
shakes hands aliens
And here’s a video
The power plant by my house in Astoria exploded a little. https://t.co/P26kiTjYdX
3:26 AM
@BunsGlazing Oh wow, that is really cool. I hadn't heard about that
@GodEmperorDune hue
If you don’t have a lawyer on retainer, some alternatives: • Need some quick cash this month? http://washington.mid.ru/en/embassy/contacts/ • Looking to for a fast, hassle-free, payday? http://www.china-embassy.org/eng/sgxx/lxwm/ https://twitter.com/USOPM/status/1078309890832166912
lol, linked tweet is like "talk to your personal lawyer" which like in this administration fair but also not the people under furlough
@TimStone the only reason i posted is because the pics and videos are cool
lol, no, it's a joke off the NYers complaining about weather trope
@TimStone oh you mean the "blizzard hits NYC or DC and it is national news" thing?
@TimStone lol the reply
3:32 AM
So it's an irony joke
Imagine seeing that shit live though? I'd think the simulation was collapsing
@TimStone not just ridiculous ideas but silly typos too
@GodEmperorDune Oh yeah he only deleted it because of the typos and has apparently reposted it because he is a big-brained boy
@TimStone lol
thank you for braving the page for me
I thankfully heard about it second-hand, lol
3:48 AM
This teenager created a sculpture of a phoenix using the ruins of her grandmother's home, which burned down during the Woolsey fire. https://lat.ms/2Ve4kxB
the picture is cool, too bad it didn't show up in the onebox
Wow, that's pretty awesome. Unfortunate preconditions, but :(
@Unionhawk yeah i have seen "astoria borealis" jokes too
4:14 AM
“With a writing system dependent on touch, says Hyland, ‘you must have a different way of being in the world.’” (h/t @LoneberryWang) https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23931972-600-we-thought-the-incas-couldnt-write-these-knots-change-everything/
this is about ancient inca, not braille
4:37 AM
@GodEmperorDune yeh when things explode a little there's nothing to worry about. same thing when the house is on fire a little as a result
@GodEmperorDune i'd be curious what they'd do if it was a girl
or better yet, if the baby is gay. imagine the lightshow
@Memor-X gender reveal and coming out parties are quite different things
@GodEmperorDune yeh but gay was the only thing i could think of which would have you produce a multi-colour sky
1 hour later…
6:08 AM
Happy Christmas from Centrelink – your welfare payments have been stopped | @lukehgomes https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/dec/28/happy-christmas-from-centrelink-our-welfare-payments-have-been-stopped?CMP=share_btn_tw
@GodEmperorDune and then when you call up you are waiting for over an hour with constant reminders that "you can update your details via our self help portal"
@Memor-X yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahh
7 hours later…
1:10 PM
We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with. Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve!
It gets even crazier in the following tweets
@MadScientist but didn't he already shut the border during the whole "Caravan Invasion Crisis"?
2:04 PM
The shutdown comes to Joshua Tree, where, with no federal employees to keep an eye on things, people are littering, lighting illegal fires, and “stringing Christmas lights from delicate Joshua trees that they are supposed to leave untouched.” https://www.latimes.com/travel/la-tr-canatparkshut-20181226-story.html
@MadScientist whew more racism and lies
President Trump: "Here's the problem we have. We have a problem with the Democrats because Nancy Pelosi is calling the shots. Not Chuck. And Chuck wants to have this done, I really believe that. He wants to have this done. But she's calling the shots." http://hill.cm/XsgsdKw https://t.co/OY6wFwPgoO
It’s not a problem but other than that this is accurate
2:45 PM
@MadScientist How's a wall going to bring back the auto industry?
He seems to be under the impression that The Wall is a genie who will grant him 3 wishes
3:07 PM
@GodEmperorDune That is fascinating.
3:43 PM
In a statement issued on Friday, Syria’s most powerful Kurdish militia, the People’s Protection Units, or Y.P.G., called on the Syrian government to send troops to the city of Manbij to ward off a possible attack by Turkey. https://nyti.ms/2RjUwTp?smid=nytcore-ios-share
Abandoned by us they're turning to Assad to protect them from Turkey
4:41 PM
@MadScientist But y'know, he's going to own the shutdown
5:13 PM
The cost of border shutdown to California jobs, businesses, communities and familiies would be huge...The shutdown at San Ysidro Port of Entry in November cost local biz more than $5.3 million -- and that was just 5 hours. https://twitter.com/tedlieu/status/1078667155187482626
1 hour later…
6:29 PM
@TimStone Assumes good faith fallacy, thinking a liar (Trump) is telling his version of the truth (thinks Mexico can/will pay for the wall)
@GodEmperorDune Whoa. That's...a lot. I wonder how they arrived at those numbers.
@TimStone Why do all these mental gymnastics instead of just assuming he was lying his ass off?
6:56 PM
@TimStone Attack on Titan is now very 2018.
1 hour later…
8:25 PM
Senate Pres Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati says he’ll recommend new Dem Senator Lindsey Williams SHOULD be seated Jan 1. He previously requested Williams prove she met residency requirements. The decision comes as hundreds rally in her favor across PA.
2 hours later…
9:58 PM
GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowksi to reintroduce bill intended to help solve crimes against Native Americans that received unanimous Senate approval but was blocked by the outgoing chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. https://abcn.ws/2CFhvjX
sips coffee Now that's a good latte
10:56 PM
> The operation’s efficiency was spectacular: Whereas the Antwerp crew took six hours to make off with 20 tons of cobalt, the Rotterdam gang took several hundred bright orange and blue drums weighing 112 tons in less than five hours. In broad daylight.

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