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12:17 AM
@TimStone This quote is exactly what I was about to share. It's completely nuts.
But also not surprising at all
There's more but I'm too lazy to get it
Anyway, very odd focus from the WH mailer today!
Even if Democrats take control of both chambers they're not ending up with a veto-proof majority so doesn't seem like it much matters
@TimStone or it's about the election, not the midterms
since Trump is more or less complaining for it
@TimStone dems are doing well with a healthcare message so gop is coopting it
1:12 AM
Cruz "was proud to lead the effort to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court," warns O'Rourke will appoint activist judges. Beto's response: Cruz appointed judges who called trans children "Satan's children" and one who could not tell if Brown v. Board was "correctly decided."
Someone somewhere finds this line of rhetoric compelling and that person(s) should be slapped
Where are these magical activist nominations coming from?
1:33 AM
I know it's been like twenty years since he won the GOP primary in June, but anyone remember the pimp running for office who claimed he texted Tucker all the time and then was, unshockingly, accused of sexual assault?
He died:
Dennis Hof, A Pimp And Trump-Inspired Politician, Has Died. This Is How His Campaign Embodied Politics In 2018. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/alexislevinson/dennis-hof-nevada-bunny-ranch-dead-assembly-campaign ... a helluva story from @alexis_levinson
What a crazy year
2 hours later…
3:10 AM
yesterday, by Unionhawk
The best person I could imagine to respond to Trump's ridiculous Medicare for All op-ed is @AbdulElSayed, so I'm very pleased to publish this article from him and Micah Johnson about why M4A is necessary and the criticisms of it all fail. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/10/caring-for-all
> "Hit them where they’re strong.” That’s the political approach Karl Rove, veteran Republican campaign strategist, employed to convince the majority of the American people to vote for George W. Bush for President not once, but twice. It’s a brilliant political strategy because it forces the opposition to defend strengths they had all but taken for granted, and in the process, expose their own weaknesses.
Pauline Hanson blasts the 'stupid fools' who did, then didn't, support her #ItsOkayToBeWhite motion #auspol http://bit.ly/2QPzV5w
> Liberal and National senators on Monday backed the motion - which also claimed "anti-white" racism was on the rise in Australia - before blaming an administrative error a day later and demanding a second vote.
yep, that's a thing
"oh we didn't know what we was voting in support for, we want a second vote so we can change out stance"
it's a shame this kind of Mulligan can't be called on the US Election
3:30 AM
Trump lashes out at a number of people in 12-tweet Twitter tirade http://hill.cm/BqhCSNL
ok that might explain why twitrss has been unstable today'
> “She will confirm the letter she signed! She knows nothing about me, a total con!”
so Stormy Daniels will confirm that she tricked you in thinking she had stuff on you so you would pay hush money, as apart of a agreement you had no knowledge of. i know how Alice felt falling down the rabbit hole
also not sure what he can go after her on because the lawsuit that she had that was thrown out was a deformation one
@TimStone holy shit
3:55 AM
Teen baked her grandfather's ashes into sugar cookies and brought them to school, police say https://lat.ms/2PDGbNI
> “Some students knew beforehand and still consumed the cookies,” Doroshov said.

Asked if the allegation seems credible, Doroshov gave a long sigh.

4:16 AM
Per @WSJ, Turkish officials outline Khashoggi audio: - Killed minutes after walking into consulate. - Khashoggi wasn't interrogated; instead beat up, drugged, killed. - Saudi forensic specialist told others to listen to music as he dismembered corpse. https://www.wsj.com/articles/pompeo-seeks-answers-amid-crisis-over-missing-saudi-journalist-1539690270
@TimStone i can't even
Wow, they had the consul's actual office bugged?
That's a pretty good plant
But yeah, just horrible :/
jesus what a source to burn over a thing that the trump admin is not going to do shit about
4:41 AM
Yeah, I suspect they felt like they had no choice but to try. Not that Turkey is likely too concerned with the whole "silencing dissidents" thing but for some other country to come in and do it so brazenly on their soil? Whew. Can't let MSB think that kind of "I do what I want, where I want" is gonna fly
Ahhh I see Steve King is out here endorsing a white nationalist for Toronto Mayor
@TimStone Faith Goldy?
Hedge funds have killed Sears and many other retailers https://cnn.it/2yIkC7g
We touched on this the other day but surprising they're just coming right out and blaming hedge funds so directly
Motion to replace all instances of "Millenials have killed" with "Hedge funds have killed"
5:23 AM
@TimStone until Hedges are ran by Millenials
then we can go back to blaming them again
@Memor-X nah the boomers are never gonna give up that cushy spot
@GodEmperorDune oh they will
Millenials will pry it from their cold dead hands
I mean the boomers are trying to cook us all alive so they might win
5:38 AM
@TimStone lol, i like the idea that climate change deniers are just Boomers wanting to make sure that Millenials don't win
@TimStone long term the planet will win
Y3K millennials, fair
@GodEmperorDune but the planet already has all the Hedges
7 hours later…
1 hour later…
2:00 PM
The Chicago Police Board is allowing an officer to keep his job after shooting a teen in the back of his head, @samjcharles reports. https://bit.ly/2EhDtw8
2:20 PM
Liberal government to waive fee, waiting time for pot pardons
Shared via the CBC News Android App
Oh hey, if I visit you guys in Canada, could I smoke pot? I know some places where marijuana is legal still have some restrictions for travelers to discourage drug tourism.
@Yuuki restrictions on where you can smoke may apply but AIUI there are no restrictions on tourists buying or consuming as long as they have ID that shows they're of age
If you missed it: today it was confirmed that Facebook massively & knowingly inflated its video-view statistics, which had the DIRECT consequence of 90% of media orgs firing writers in favor of expensive video producers, who also got fired when it turned out video was worthless https://twitter.com/jason_kint/status/1052400225602756608
@Yuuki here's an FAQ: globalnews.ca/news/4438410/…
The installation of a Trump appointee as acting IG at Interior is “politically suspect, given the high-profile investigations involving Zinke,” POGO's Elizabeth Hempowicz tells the @washingtonpost: http://wapo.st/2EpHWN6 @POGOBlog
2:34 PM
Oh wow, "an FAQ" looks awful but "a FAQ" sounds awful, gg English
Also, Canada’s very earnest national newspaper has an illustrated guide to rolling a joint
2:55 PM
@Memor-X Appositive use, Trump admits to being a total con, data accepted.
@GodEmperorDune Ugh, of course
'Riverdale' actor denies conspiring with Courtney Love to murder Frances Bean’s ex-husband https://trib.al/04pWfkh
I… 🤷🏼‍♂️
fun fact, video (especially live, including "was live") is weighted very heavily in The Algorithm on facebook
JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE JUST BUILD CLOSED OFFICES https://www.dezeen.com/2018/10/17/panasonics-wearable-blinkers-concentrate-open-plan-offices-technology/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
I will reiterate, office-space-fire.gif
Just in: Judge TS Ellis on Paul Manafort’s request to wear a suit instead of an inmate uniform at his court hearing Friday: "The defendant should be treated no differently from other defendants who are in custody post conviction."
Two Florida police officers sentenced to prison for false arrests after chief ordered them to frame black teen for burglaries. Notably, the judge thrashed prosecutors for not seeking jail time for the officers, given the flagrance of their abuses. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article220091145.html
On today's agenda: 4th Circuit nominee Allison Rushing, who is facing oppo for her relative lack of experience (born in '82, graduated from law school in '07) and defense of DOMA. Five district court nominees (see below) are also up. You can watch here: https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/10/17/2018/nominations
Seems like she might be……Rushing into this
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh my veins!
FBI quietly looking into Manhattan DA Cy Vance Jr., who took $57,000 in donations from a Trump lawyer and dropped a fraud probe into Ivanka and Don Jr. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-metro-fbi-probes-manhattan-da-office-20181002-story.html
3:25 PM
@TimStone Excellent
@TimStone disappointed that it wasn't JD instead, which would have been cool
Because that guy sucks lol
lol at discovery in Sines v Kessler
4:00 PM
Gavin McInnes has set himself apart from the current crop of professionally outraged right-wing pundits, not only for being able to spout aggressive rhetoric, but also for being willing to get physical at times. https://nyti.ms/2CNmiAL
fuck yeah nyt
4:18 PM
Since we're already on a roll today,
Dems damp down hopes for climate change agenda http://hill.cm/RzLL1pE
we're going to die
we're so fucking dead lmao
between this and Matt Bruenig's shit yesterday lol
comrades keep going on like "well, if we're here we all have some hope that we can change course" like, no the fuck I don't, but it's a longshot worth trying for
since there's literally no other option
At one point a few years back, I'd flippantly say that we terraform Mars and start over there while the climate deniers can stay on Earth, but now it seems that Musk is a bunghole so there goes the Mars option.
I mean, even if he wasn't the timescale for building a self-sufficient colony on Mars, let alone terraforming it, is long enough that it's not a viable escape hatch for climate change
It's the kind of thing that's nice to have in case of another Dinosaur Killer hitting Earth or something but it won't save us from our own mistakes.
4:56 PM
@TimStone i guess he misses the slick feel of an ostritch skin vest
@TimStone hell yeah
@Unionhawk This seems extra absurd given that we really only need to start with energy production
@TimStone is there a spiderman -NYPD but where there are 3 spidermen?
Like all those top 100 companies are energy producers, it's not like we're even entering consumer product territory
@ToxicFrog i mean if we figured out how to terraform mars, wouldn't we just use it to terraform earth back to not being fuct?
@Unionhawk me 2020: nationalize all companies on the top 100 list
I mean probably
4:59 PM
I thought for sure we'd get a chemical company or an agricultural company or something but no all energy
what is the top 100 by, market cap? revenue?
@GodEmperorDune I mean tbf I think some of them are
@Unionhawk Emissions
@Unionhawk no the pollution list
@TimStone ah crap you're right
guess we have to nationalize those other countries too
dammit now i've become the british empire
5:01 PM
I can't wait until we get to the simulation endgame tho
Wherein Trump decides we do need to do something and that something is widen the hole in the ozone layer to let the heat escape
It'll be Science, which he'll assure us he knows a thing or two about
@TimStone Yeah, to be clear, nationalizing all the things will not by itself solve the thing
But it is a necessary step
I mean Chinese coal is like 14%
Being able to direct production towards survival rather than profit is key
@GodEmperorDune Really what we should do is figure out how to not get rekt by sulfuric acid and we can live on Venus, Cloud City-style.
@Yuuki we just need to invent Wolfenstein Venus suit
With a coolant port and shit
5:04 PM
@Yuuki i hear a startup named weyland yutani is working on acid-resistant skin
@GodEmperorDune [re: terraforming] not necessarily, since (a) Mars has very different starting conditions and (b) Mars lacks (as far as we know) anything we particularly need to keep intact, so options like "drop a dozen comets on it" are on the table
So what you're saying is that we can harvest some of our atmosphere and just ship it over there where we can forget about it, excellent
@TimStone ship it using hyperloop
Space: now with a complimentary vacuum
all we need to do is nuke mars and it works
(*this is not at all how it works)
5:16 PM
@ToxicFrog excellent point
With their last dying breath the editors of the NYT will write a piece talking about how millennials killed the entire planet, can't wait
Hell of a lede here from Yonhap: “Moon Jae-in summoned the Christian love for humanity and the European spirit of unity to inspire peace on the divided Korean Peninsula Wednesday” http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/northkorea/2018/10/17/0401000000AEN20181017011000315.html
@TimStone uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
He's also delivering a letter from Kim Jong-Un asking the Pope to come visit? idk
@GodEmperorDune Yeah! It's uncomfortably weird!
Christianity a little less so because this is South Korea, but
5:51 PM
@TimStone I always thought Protestants had a bigger presence in South Korea but I guess Catholicism is big too.
I have no idea why NK wants to invite the Pope honestly, I guess it's just a status thing
BOSTON - Starting Jan. 1, 2020, every child born or adopted as a Massachusetts resident will be eligible for a free $50 deposit into a college savings account, state officials announced Tuesday. https://www.metrowestdailynews.com/news/20181016/treasury-offering-50-per-new-baby-in-college-savings-effort
protip: this is not a good policy for how to save for college
and politicians really have to stop being dickish with restrictions when dangling money
if you want to pay people for having a kid, give money and let them figure out how to spend it
or y'know, try to do a real thing that will fix college debt load, $50 per person is really not going to do much more than collect dust
broke: make public college free and fund it through taxes
woke: give every child $50
bespoke: make every child *eligible* for $50
@Unionhawk neoliberalism dot jpg
Mail-in rebate for a $50 visa prepaid cash card
6:03 PM
@TimStone apply right after the child is born/adopted, with any luck it will arrive before college debts are paid off
Incidentally, with a $50 starting investment assuming a ROI of 6% (it's a ballpark/default value in this calculator), through the magic of compound interest, your money will grow all the way to $142.72 after 18 years
why aren't we doing everything this way
apparently the average ROI for a 529 plan is 2%
@Unionhawk rekt
To be fair, 6% sounds like something you'd get from an index fund and 2% sounds like interest
@GodEmperorDune Yeah I don't think so.
@puzzlepiece87 either way it's going to take substantially more than $50 with interest/ROI to pay for college
@GodEmperorDune Quite! This whole idea is dumb.
6:13 PM
@TimStone The catholic church doesn't officially consider Korea a split nation I think.
6:28 PM
Piling on Aung San Suu Kyi doesn't do any good, @senatemajldr tells @Reuters. "I just don’t think joining that and further undercutting the best hope we have for genuine Burmese democracy in the future is good policy." #Burma #Myanmar #Rohingya
lmao, of course
"What's a little genocide if that's the best you can do with zero effort?"
6:41 PM
I asked @BenSasse's office if this incident is true. Sasse spokesman James Wegmann: "Does he remember calling Pizzagate Boy a liar? Not specifically but...it sure sounds right." https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1052400564884172800
@TimStone I don't know anyone involved here.
how are those veins these days @TimStone?
@Yuuki Wait you don't know Ben Sasse?
@GodEmperorDune Reinforced
senator ben's asse imo
@TimStone I mean, sure, Aung San Suu Kyi being basically just a figurehead for the autocratic military is technically not her fault.
@TimStone May or may not sound familiar, but no.
6:45 PM
@Yuuki Ben Sasse is a meh senator, a standard GOP jerk who would be worse but is outjerked by ted cruz et all
He's a recurring Senator on Guess That Empty Platitude!
@GodEmperorDune I mean, you have to really really try to out-do Ted Cruz even when he's on a bad day (which would be a good day for the rest of us).
jack "prilosec" is an alt-right troll/wannabe provocateur
Excuse me sir he is a very serious urine analyst
is he? I thought he lost clearance
or is pee not classified
6:47 PM
It's like how you're still a doctor after they remove your license or whatever I can't remember what this is a reference about but it's something
@NevilleD35 @JackPosobiec What's funny is that it is clearly a fake story, but even in his fake story Sasse is right.
and oh yeah, ben sasse does a lot of bad meming and trying to pull a "hello fellow students"
Yeah imagine making up a fake story that's premised on you getting owned by a lackluster senator
@GodEmperorDune He wants to fight Hannity
But no just "debate on how the media, both left and right, something something"
.@seanhannity - I invite you to come out from behind the safety of your cable news desk and join me at a neutral forum to debate the role of the media—Left and Right—in dividing us. Honest conversation isn’t where the quick-hit $ and ratings are — but it’d be good for America. https://twitter.com/BenSasse/status/1052360380100616192
I'm going to go with a solid no, it would not be good for america
@TimStone wow that twitter background
its like the most workshopped wholesome thing i have ever seen
6:57 PM
Mother of Bernardo victim speaks of 'pain and horror' of having to relive what happened
Shared via the CBC News Android App
> The parole board has decided Paul Bernardo will remain behind bars. In his first attempt at getting parole, the Ontario rapist and killer was denied.
On a completely unrelated note motion to admit Puerto Rico as a state but as a cost-saving measure on flags and flag accessories just combine the two Dakotas. Someone convince Trump it's the right thing to do in light of NK/SK pretend reunification
@TimStone i'd agree with this but not sure how much it would further mess up the indigenous people's voting rights there
also some state needs to just annex wyoming
@GodEmperorDune I'm not sure it could get much worse tbh
I was wondering why it ended up being split too
Political reasons and because everyone lived in two opposite corners of the territory apparently
@TimStone it was free state/slave state stuff iirc
that was west and regular virginia
the 13th amendment to the constitution of the united states had been in effect for decades prior to the admission of the dakotas (1865 vs 1889)
7:08 PM
well then i am thoroughly rekt
Yeah, the Dakota split was because the Republicans wanted to admit two states that would vote their way, then some underhanded shit happened to force the Sioux to hand over land as they had claim to most of what became South Dakota
7:21 PM
@GodEmperorDune Lol that far north?
@TimStone Thanks for this
@puzzlepiece87 Most pro-abolition/anti-slavery sentiment was in the industrialized north, IIRC. And the Dakotas were decidedly not industrialized.
Although there were other unindustrialized parts of the country (like... Kentucky, was it?) that tried to stay neutral and eventually swayed Union.
@puzzlepiece87 i mean there was a lot of weird deals to admit states
@GodEmperorDune I'm related to a principal engineer of those deals. I wrote my high school research paper on the guy, "Look at all the stuff he did to keep us together and work things out!" Present me wants to take high school me behind closed doors to challenge him to try harder in his thinking.
7:36 PM
@puzzlepiece87 ehhh high school me did a lot of dumb stuff
8:03 PM
me: the courts will not save us, abolish prisons
also me: this discovery is wild, I hope these guys somehow go to jail over this civil case
@Unionhawk extremely same
also yay SURJ
but they won't go to jail because spiderman nypd
8:28 PM
NBC News: Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards has been released on bail after appearing in court to face charges of illegally disclosing Treasury SARs to a reporter. A single reporter had a byline in all 11 articles cited in court docs, Jason Leopold: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/senior-treasury-employee-was-charged-sending-sensitive-financial-reports-journalist-n921171
I briefly fell asleep on the floor as one does and woke up and it took my brain a few minutes to process Treasury SARs as something not-a-money-disease
JUST IN: Eleven Senate Democrats, led by Tom Udall, ask Trump, as well as Don Jr. and Eric at the Trump Org, to turn over information about business ties to Saudi Arabia — specifically referencing a possible Magnitsky Act determination and consequences. https://www.tomudall.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Letter%20to%20President%20Trump%20Regarding%20Trump-Saudi%20Ties%20-%20Final.pdf
8:45 PM
@TimStone rekt
can this actually work or will the trump admin just ignore it?
I'm sure they'll ignore it, I dunno what happens next
9:01 PM
I'm torn, because while it is obviously bad Google can flex that muscle and collect data in that way under absolutely no circumstances whatsoever should any phone manufacturer be allowed to write software
Because they are all terrible at it and should stop immediately
@TimStone why is this so close to MAGA?
Look at the brashness with which Samsung refuses to kill Bixby
@TimStone its going to be blackberry all over again
@GodEmperorDune The legal world loves acronyms
9:17 PM
Student gunman kills 19, wounds 50 at school in Crimea https://hrld.us/2EslPpt
@TimStone goddamn
9:56 PM
Ugh. So Ars Technica has been re-publishing excellent past podcasts by Rob Reid by they screwed up today I think. They are currently re-publishing some with Sam Harris. @TimStone
Prominent evangelical leader on Khashoggi crisis: let’s not risk "$100 billion worth of arms sales" https://www.vox.com/2018/10/17/17990268/pat-robertson-khashoggi-saudi-arabia-trump-crisis?utm_campaign=vox&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
Noted gunrunner checks notes Jesus
@TimStone isn't this the plotline to machine gun preacher?
Trump: I have a "natural instinct for science" when it comes to climate change http://hill.cm/nCSvVNU
the typical "i'm playing both sides"
@GodEmperorDune lol, I forgot that existed
@Memor-X dafuq
10:06 PM
> Trump has denied climate change and claimed it was “created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing noncompetitive.”
that's a new one
this is 100% not how science works at all
@Memor-X New one? That's one of his old campaign lines.
@Yuuki ahhhh i see. just never heard it before
like i've heard the one about it being a German Weapon to slowly warm up Russia as apart of an invasion plot
@Memor-X ahem, with what exactly are we supposed to invade?
we have some tanks with broomsticks instead of guns, I don't think that'll do
10:34 PM
@Memor-X or a russian plot to get more arable land out of the arctic
10:47 PM
some good news for a chnage
Abortion has been removed from Queensland's criminal code after laws were passed in the state's parliament https://bit.ly/2pWpH8b

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