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12:03 AM
JUST IN: Trump admin to undo Obama-era healthcare protections for transgender people: report http://hill.cm/9dhKF6p
His entire goal is to undo anything Obama did.
12:20 AM
@Wipqozn Make America Lethal Again
@Fluttershy it really is scary just how well trump is undoing all of Obamas progress
12:35 AM
A lot of stuff Obama did was via executive order, rather than legislation, because the legislature was a complete shitshow for 6 of his 8 years
Problem is that makes it easier to roll back
@ToxicFrog oh right because democrats traditionally do poorly during the midterms, right?
@Wipqozn that's like two levels removed from what I'm talking about, but yes
A lot of Dem seats were lost in the 2010 midterms, at which point the Republicans adopted a policy of "blindly oppose everything, prevent government from doing anything at all as much as possible"
@ToxicFrog as k
Damn it mobile
@ToxicFrog yeah that's what I mean
So from 2010-2016 getting anything done via legislation was functionally impossible
Political nonsense forced a situation where Obama had to do EO to get anything done
Man every member of the GOP really should be in jail for political corruption
12:53 AM
@Wipqozn Maybe not every, but definitely the vast majority.
@Fluttershy I honestly don't understand how that party exists. I really don't.
@Wipqozn Racism and homophobia.
@Wipqozn tl;dr after the passage of the Civil Rights Act the Republican party made a conscious decision to build a power base of white supremacists and this has finally reached its inevitable conclusion, c.f. the Southern Strategy
@ToxicFrog I know, but just, how is that a viable strategy?
Like it's 2018
That shit shouldn't be so wide spread. Especially in a first world country.
Normatively, no, it shouldn't be
Descriptively it obviously is and having an entire major news network basically acting as the propaganda arm of the party doesn't help matters
1:15 AM
America was a mistake
4 hours later…
4:49 AM
Johnston mom sentenced to probation on child endangerment charges after leaving her children home alone while she took trip to Germany https://dmreg.co/2JV6MmZ
The kids are 12, 12, 7, and 6, and she up and went to Germany for 11 days
@TimStone how many kids were there in Home and Alone 1 & 2?
@Memor-X how many were left home alone? 1
and he was 8 years old in Home Alone 1, according to imdb
it's not like they left him home alone on purpose though and they tried to get back to him as soon as they realized their mistake
10 hours later…
3:23 PM
Mike Pence's brother is running for the VP's former seat in Indiana, and he's also awful. Go figure. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/22/us/politics/pence-brother-congress-business-record.html
Dershowitz: FBI raid set off "an epic battle for the soul and cooperation of Michael Cohen" http://hill.cm/Pm6EDEM
Is the surprise plot twist here that he in fact had no soul all along?
Naked gunman kills four at Waffle House, still on the loose http://beta.nydailynews.com/news/national/naked-gunman-kills-waffle-house-loose-article-1.3948318. I...I have nothing.
5 hours later…
8:47 PM
Milo Yiannopoulos just walked into a Manhattan bar full of @nycDSA members, got heckled for five minutes, and left
This sounds like a joke setup but no this actually happened lol
9:12 PM
#BREAKING: Outdoor sports company cuts ties with NRA http://hill.cm/sspr55m
I don't know why but the image with the slogan is making me crack up
Waffle House shooting suspect was arrested by Secret Service in 2017 http://hill.cm/CuLFPvl
saved you a click if you were considering reading the replies: "hhaaha as if the Libs™ ever go outside with a cooler adhfjaj"
Hooooooly shit this is twisted (cw: murder, incest, abuse, just generally unpleasant)
2 hours later…
11:40 PM
NEW: Sean Hannity revealed as secret owner behind shell companies that have spent $90m buying 870+ homes across the US – with help from HUD and foreclosures https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/apr/22/michael-cohen-sean-hannity-property-real-estate-ben-carson-hud?CMP=share_btn_tw
11:54 PM
@TimStone of course its cohen client #3
@GodEmperorDune Look they just talked briefly about real estate
@GodEmperorDune It was the white thing to do under the circumstances
@TimStone the joke is going to be on hannity when the market crashes again because of ttrump's inept economic policies
@TimStone well played

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