There is 1 question on there from a hospital nurse who claims her management won't pay them beyond 12 hours, even if they're on site for 5 days, which is totally illegal.
Online ads are so poorly regulated right now, especially political ads. I think Canada has a bit more regulation. Like, if you're the website for for traditional media, your website advertising has to follow the same rules as your traditional media advertising.
The british system on political ads is decent (from what I know of it) here's $budget, same as every other party, here's the couple of weeks you can use it. Have fun
Last night, Louise Mensch fired her pro bono lawyer on Twitter for telling Evan McMullin that the US also (gasp) in…
The best part is the whole idea that Louise Mensch is some sherlock holmes of insanity, except you don't need to be a detective to figure this stuff out because they just email each other stuff like "hi we are russia and we have information on hillary clinton"
like the trump family is not clever
And it's all some super fake source who claims to be the NYAG with sealed indictments who just convinces these people they're real by appealing to their egos
I never bothered to look why Louise Mensch had a lawyer though so this should be good
Hurricane watches will likely be issued for parts of FL today. TS winds expected to arrive in south FL and the Keys…
This seems on-brand. When I think "Steve Bannon," I think acid-encrusted hot tubs, auto-fellatio, and inexplicable…
And the worst part about this whole thing is that this meets the #Resistance cognitive bias enough that people believe that this is real and not just some nonsense fanfiction
Like no we aren't going to have president orrin hatch nominate hillary clinton and then resign what the fuck are you talking about
Also, Hatch is definitely not "clean" either. It's just that his dirtiness comes from corporate influence, particularly from the pharmaceutical industry (non-scientific supplements in particular), not foreign powers.
I mean, I guess if you think corruption from foreign powers is objectively worse than corruption from corporate influences, their definition of "clean" might make sense.
Well, that's where the Republican mascot came from.
The Democratic donkey came from Andrew Jackson.
His political opponents called him a jackass and in true Andrew Jackson fashion, he basically said "I know what I am but what are you?" and made the donkey his mascot.
And then after that, political cartoons cemented it as the party mascot.
Nancy Pelosi told colleagues she asked Trump to tweet that Dreamers were safe for 6 months - Sr Dem Aide to…
Well, besides having the wrong order of words (because irish grammar != english grammar), using the wrong words and getting lives as in "this is the place I live" and matter as in "subject matter"
@Yuuki I never understood why colleges are involved at all in those investigations in the US, it's simply a criminal matter that should be investigated by the police
@Yuuki That conflict of interest is exactly why they shouldn't decide. They're encouraged to either bury it entirely, or to act immediately without regard for due process. A proper investigation keeps it in the public perception, which isn't ideal from a PR standpoint
Seems legit 🤔🤫 Equifax execs sell $1.8m in stock 3 days after they discover they were breached.