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(Girlfriend is Paul Ryan, lady in the red dress is Chuck Schumer)
I truly will never understand anything about this entire admin
8 hours later…
@GodEmperorDune I should make it with trump, his wife and ivanka
in fact actually we can probably replace "his wife" with "the whole world"
2 hours later…
This is what we mean by "socialism or barbarism"
There is 1 question on there from a hospital nurse who claims her management won't pay them beyond 12 hours, even if they're on site for 5 days, which is totally illegal.
tfw you create a website so that you can ogle coeds but it ends up facilitating the subversion of American democracy https://t.co/PehcEeME8G
Yeah have fun with that in 2020 idiot
2020 Zuck vs Trump.
We're going to probably get at least one galaxy brain to vote for trump because they think Zuck got trump elected
@fredley Zuck would probably run third party.
@MBraedley Well that would be fun
Who would win, one of two behemoth political parties with centuries of experience, or one little Zuckyboy with a book of faces?
I mean unless he goes libertarian, it seems to me that Zuck is like an effigy of everything the democratic party stands for
Just wait until Zuckerberg show a message on EVERY facebook wall in the USA asking to vote for him
And uses Facebook to hide negative messages about him and positive messages about the opponent
I'm sure Zuck would run a totally ethical campaign
See but that's the thing he probably would because he seems like the kind of guy who values the rules and procedures
Or at least, most likely wants to run for the nomination of a party that does
@Unionhawk Yeah, I definitely got that impression watching the Social Network
Actually now I kind of do wonder if Facebook only serving zuck ads would be legal
Like, it's not for television media
But what the hell does Facebook count as
other than a website only old people use
In any case, they'd just use that to point at this is unfair and my opponent is not operating within the rules of how campaigns work
crooked suckerberg
trump wins 50 states in a landslide
That guy probably has emails
You can probably tie him to Benghazi
that's all you need to win these days
Online ads are so poorly regulated right now, especially political ads. I think Canada has a bit more regulation. Like, if you're the website for for traditional media, your website advertising has to follow the same rules as your traditional media advertising.
I guess we'll have to see what the hell Zuck stands for other than chilling in cedar rapids like a normal human being who isn't going to run
Because I have a feeling Zuck is probably a Radical Centrist(tm)(r)(patent pending)(esq)
or a libertarian
good thing hanging out in iowa is more important
The british system on political ads is decent (from what I know of it) here's $budget, same as every other party, here's the couple of weeks you can use it. Have fun
Yeah well
Everybody knows that money==free speech
And corporations are people too
limiting money==limiting free speech
and therefore
@fredley==hates free speech
And who doesn't want political campaigns lasting 45 months out of every 4 years
I think is the only real conclusion we can draw from this information
I mean, it is a pretty terrible idea
Last night, Louise Mensch fired her pro bono lawyer on Twitter for telling Evan McMullin that the US also (gasp) in… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/905763537930383361
We truly live in the stupidest timeline
It's so great because it's all so dumb
The best part is the whole idea that Louise Mensch is some sherlock holmes of insanity, except you don't need to be a detective to figure this stuff out because they just email each other stuff like "hi we are russia and we have information on hillary clinton"
like the trump family is not clever
And it's all some super fake source who claims to be the NYAG with sealed indictments who just convinces these people they're real by appealing to their egos
I never bothered to look why Louise Mensch had a lawyer though so this should be good
Hurricane watches will likely be issued for parts of FL today. TS winds expected to arrive in south FL and the Keys… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/905736214367567878
ah they represent her in a FOIA case
Irma with the uppercut, geesh. GL Florida |:
Florida is the state most equipped for this at least
@TimStone So who is Louise Mensch again?
@Unionhawk Other than the Sherlock Holmes of insanity?
I mean yeah it's true sherlock holmes was on cocaine at all times
@Yuuki Alex Jones but a woman and British
But at least the stuff that guy solved required actual critical thinking
This seems on-brand. When I think "Steve Bannon," I think acid-encrusted hot tubs, auto-fellatio, and inexplicable… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/905788344046686208
Almost spit out my damn coffee
@TimStone So she'll get 20-30% more mileage based on visuals alone.
Oh, sure
She used to be a British MP! lol UK politics
@TimStone jeez
She's hot on the "everybody on the planet is a russian agent except me and evan mcmullen" trail
That's gotta be one of the more bizarre things out of all of this
@Unionhawk Why Evan McMullen in particular?
Most of the other stuff can be explained by racism, pettiness, and stupidity, but this, this is something unique
@TimStone He's using classic HYDRA logic. Double the salute, double the Nazi. Double the button-down, double the "classy".
I'll accept it
@Yuuki Because her source at the NYAG said he's clean
I mean, the explanation. I'll never accept that
her source at the NYAG is also not a real person
well, he's a real person but he just went "I've been following your work. You're close. Very close. makes something up"
@Unionhawk Wait, if everyone but her and Evan McMullen is a Russian agent, then why would she trust her source at the NYAG?
Well, I guess Russian agents by definition have to be real people.
So non-real people aren't Russian agents and therefore trustworthy.
And the worst part about this whole thing is that this meets the #Resistance cognitive bias enough that people believe that this is real and not just some nonsense fanfiction
Like no we aren't going to have president orrin hatch nominate hillary clinton and then resign what the fuck are you talking about
(also orrin hatch and hillary clinton are clean)
Okay, I think Hillary Clinton is many good things, not being Trump chief among them, but even I would hesitate for a second to say that she's "clean".
Hillary Clinton is a literal saint how dare you
Also, Hatch is definitely not "clean" either. It's just that his dirtiness comes from corporate influence, particularly from the pharmaceutical industry (non-scientific supplements in particular), not foreign powers.
Listen, don't stare at this for too long without eclipse glasses
I mean, I guess if you think corruption from foreign powers is objectively worse than corruption from corporate influences, their definition of "clean" might make sense.
OH MY GOD https://t.co/BpuEWU8QRb
Hahahahahah I'm dying
@Unionhawk nice @
RIP World
@Unionhawk What is verrit?
Is it supposed be like Voat 2.0?
@Yuuki it's like snopes
Hillary Propaganda Real News Fake News I don't even know
So like, you know how twitter dot com is a stupid website, right
but it has a code and it does weird stuff and is a meme
It shares that quality, while generating content like "covfefe" - Donald Trump 2017
and providing you a code that you can enter on the website to verify that yes indeed this was a real thing posted on verrit dot com
It's Peter Daou with a Hillary Clinton fan blog, really
Realistically speaking
@Unionhawk Big opportunity wasted to create Verrit Ass mascot
@fredley well verrit furry mascot is (now) a thing so
Esp since Ass is Democratic party animal (why do your parties have animals btw?)
There's also a 98% chance that rob dobi is a leftist joker
I need this and then y'all will get ass verrit
@fredley Political cartoons, I believe.
@fredley aaaaaaah nice
Well, that's where the Republican mascot came from.
The Democratic donkey came from Andrew Jackson.
His political opponents called him a jackass and in true Andrew Jackson fashion, he basically said "I know what I am but what are you?" and made the donkey his mascot.
And then after that, political cartoons cemented it as the party mascot.
@Yuuki ...
I mean to be fair his political opponents were 100% right
You're telling me America has always been dumb?
Well, America hasn't always been not dumb.
Nancy Pelosi told colleagues she asked Trump to tweet that Dreamers were safe for 6 months - Sr Dem Aide to… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/905797808346849282
And to be fair, for a long time in London's history, you guys were pooping in the same river you were drinking from, IIRC.
@TimStone Oh god dammit that's pelosi's fault
Does she understand that isn't true and DACA recipients have to reup this month
In hindsight, of course that's pelosi's fault
I mean I think it's that they won't start forcibly deporting them for six months
So if that happens we can be all "Look what the President tweeted that's like official policy yo!"
And we can all bang our head against the wall until we bleed out
Correction, TRUMP called PELOSI, not other way around https://twitter.com/maggieNYT/status/905795811505668096
I should call Mr. OH-8 to see where he stands on a DREAM act
other than probably he hates it
@TimStone I'm not sure if this is better or worse thinking about it
Like, was he telling her to tell people not to worry?
I have no idea
@Unionhawk you're assuming that Trump understood and properly reformulated whatever Pelosi told him.
No, I'm assuming that the statement "dreamers are safe for 6 months" is false for all honest definitions of the word "safe"
I'm pretty sure that if you make it to base without being touched by the ball, you're safe for eternity as long as you don't leave the plate.
3 hours later…
oh apparently I'm on the text list for People Power (the ACLU #resistance action group)
> There's an event near you [half an hour away] at 10:30 am tomorrow
1 hour later…
does blue become colored or something having not clicked on this thing
or is it even dumber than that somehow
Well, besides having the wrong order of words (because irish grammar != english grammar), using the wrong words and getting lives as in "this is the place I live" and matter as in "subject matter"
Oh so dumber than that in the sense that they machine translated a thing that doesn't make sense
Oh yeah, the word they picked for blue in the context of people means black
hahahahahahahahaha god dammit
you morons
Yup, the guy basically has a shirt that (very very wrongly) attempts to say "matter lives black"
It's a good thing most white supremacists are stupid as hell because otherwise we'd be fucked
Hey hey. He could be Irish Yoda.
Then he'd still be using the wrong words =p
I said he was Irish Yoda, not Racist Irish Yoda.
But "black people live in the subject matter" doesn't make any sense
@Yuuki No, that would be "matter, black lives do"
@KevinvanderVelden the border agh
@Yuuki so the GOP is literally the party of Jackasses
no, the democrats
@Wipqozn Well, at some point they swapped ideologies, but donkeys is Democrats.
although Jackson was a democrat back when the democrats were extremely racist
I thought democrats were elephants
@Wipqozn No, that's Republicans.
and then for some reason the parties swapped places at some point in the 20th century
Your politics are weird
Which again was back before they essentially swapped ideologies.
@Unionhawk #SouthernStrategy
"Trump administration to overhaul how colleges investigate sexual assault" - reuters.com/article/us-usa-education-devos/…
like, "the democrats created the kkk" is technically true, but disengenuous and ignores the current attitudes of the parties
@Wipqozn To be fair, I think colleges suck at investigating sexual assault right now. I think.
Although that's probably because they're colleges and not police departments.
@Yuuki I never understood why colleges are involved at all in those investigations in the US, it's simply a criminal matter that should be investigated by the police
@MadScientist I agree
But then, German universities aren't like US universities as far as I understand. The US ones seem more like a town to itself
Yeah in addition to it being a title IX responsibility of the university, universities have police departments
@MadScientist Well, back then (and now) it was so that the matter didn't become public and damage the reputation of the college.
@Yuuki yeah, I never understood why colleges were forced to investigate
And now it's kinda "well, we used to do it so we'll keep doing it".
@Unionhawk And that too.
Which I mean, let's take UDPD vs DPD for example
@Yuuki That conflict of interest is exactly why they shouldn't decide. They're encouraged to either bury it entirely, or to act immediately without regard for due process. A proper investigation keeps it in the public perception, which isn't ideal from a PR standpoint
UDPD is cool because their worst case scenario is some drunken idiot passed out on a roof
DPD always escalates things because their worst case scenario is the actual scary parts of the city
@MadScientist I didn't say that it was a good idea, just that that's why they did it.
looks like we all agree here ;-)
but I'm sure DeVos will come up with the worst possible solution to the issue
"The defendant will be allowed to interrogate the plaintiff. In private. With no cameras."
I mean, given that the panel she assembled was totally representative of both accused and survivors, I'm sure the conclusion will be fine
narrator: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah
Well, I'm sure DeVos isn't going to try make things worse.
The Gang Makes Things Worse
I was more thinking about privatizing courts and law enforcement
@Yuuki "On a staircase"
They're just going to hire Sheriff Clarke to do all title IX enforcement and investigation
2 hours later…
Seems legit 🤔🤫 Equifax execs sell $1.8m in stock 3 days after they discover they were breached. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-09-07/three-equifax-executives-sold-stock-before-revealing-cyber-hack
@Unionhawk too bad the sec isn't going to do anything about it
yay capitalist greed
isn't there inside trading laws
@Avery yes, the SEC is supposed to enforce them
but even before Trump came in, the SEC has been lazier and lazier to enforce these laws
I'm sure the SEC would bring people who take advantage of these things to justice
Look at how many people got in trouble for creating the financial crisis of 2008
with Trump's goal of "put people in charge of agencies to do the opposite of what the agency was supposed to do" well...
@Unionhawk this too
earpiece we are being told that like one guy has seen time for this
a lot of the SEC has been overly friendly with the financial sector for decades now
@Unionhawk in the savings and loan scandal in the 80s, thousands of people responsible saw time
BREAKING: 9th Circuit affirms order stopping govt from enforcing the Muslim ban vs grandparents, cousins, etc., and refugees w/ assurances
Hell yeah
@Unionhawk so this is slightly larger than the exemption they originally carved out?
Afaik no
So there is that still

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