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in The Bridge, 16 mins ago, by StrixVaria
We're extending our news discussion room trial until at least Monday. Feel free to share opinions with any mod about its success/failure.
FYI the DoJ has dropped its attempts to get the IP addresses of every visitor to that anti-Trump rallying site
Also, what's the opinion on nuclear takes because holy fuck
> My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.
Man Jack Layton, you were a stand up human being
anniversary of his death
Was the NDP leader 6 years ago
Like Chelsea keeps saying, we are stronger than them and there are more of us
oh my
I've been on a twitter discussion with a trump supporter for like 2 days
replying to each other like every 4 hours
but I may have found someone who doesn't instantly spew hate and listens \o/
why is finding someone who is altright who listens is making me this happy dammit
it should be basic human decency
@Wipqozn He really, really was
@Unionhawk doesn't seem that nuclear to me TBH
@GodEmperorDune it's no less than flamin' hot (tm)
@Unionhawk the point that a jobs program doesn't automatically fix centuries of systemic white supremacy is a valid one
But the idea that slavery is a jobs program is dumb as shit
But it's a quote from a news article linked right below it...
@Unionhawk cliven bundy opened that up
And the idea that socialists say that jobs will solve racism is a strawman: addressing economic inequalities runs parallel with addressing social prejudices. Saying "addressing white supremacy is just addressing white supremacy" is not sufficient
@Unionhawk yes i agree that these things should be tackled in parallel
Meanwhile the president is doing a rally and once again I want to die
Is this real life
and I'm terrible because you saying "is this real life" starts me on wanting to sing Bohemian Rhapsody >.>
Trump purposely ommits his "on many sides" comments while recounting his Charlottesville response at #phoenixrally https://t.co/e7pGUcg8G0
@Ash this is fair
Sorry, my brain is trash
@PrivatePansy This is farming.
I'm just surprised the article doesn't have more pork puns
Like I'm sure people will be outraged because OMG PIGLETS but like a) piglets grow to be uglyass pigs b) this is a working farm
@PrivatePansy That was a missed opportunity for 100% sure.
> Trump explained that the biggest victim in the Charlottesville violence last weekend was, in fact, himself.
Okay, first of all someone died. Secondly, what the actual fuck.
Sauce pls
@GodEmperorDune I like the fact that all notifications have the room name appended, so the notification for this message reads:
It's soo reassuring
> It’s time to expose the crooked media deceptions and to challenge the media for their role in fomenting divisions. They are trying to take away our history and our heritage.
yeah the taking away our heritage line is a huge white supremacy talking point
and Trump isn't even from the south!
iirc his family wasn't even in the US during the american civil war
so i dunno wtf he thinks is his heritage
Was his father an immigrant or was it his grandfather?
The Trump family was originally German, yes. (See: John Oliver, Drumpf)
Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 27, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he emigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber. Several years later in 1891, he moved to the Northwest. He made his fortune operating boom-town restaurants and boarding houses in Seattle and a mining town to the north, and in the Klondike Gold Rush. He later returned to Germany and married. When authorities found that he had emigrated when young to avoid fulfilling his military...
he was born after the civil war ended
but to answer @Yuuki's question, grandfather
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
This probably has something to do with the disconnect about what minimum wage should be.
I wish there were more actual numbers in the chart, though.
@Yuuki yep
He made passing mention of Heather Heyer by first name only and he's the victim here
Because he never said "on many sides" look here's the statement
[narrator] he did
Wow. Don Lemon doesn't hold back. https://t.co/wCBQoat74B
The song that's playing.
Can this guy be any more arrogant holy shit
@StrixVaria Minimum wage being determined on a state by state basis makes sense for this very reason
@Wipqozn it is for the most part
there's a federal minimum that's been stuck at 7.25 for like 30 years
but like Ohio adjusts for inflation and I think it's close to $9 now
It was 8.40 last I checked
oh no it went down?
@Unionhawk The federal government dictating the minimum wage would make sense to me, but only if they're doing it on a state by state basis.
Or am I misremembering 8.40
Just a flat $15 everywhere wouldn't make as much sense, since cost of living varies (As that chart shows)
Ah, it was 8.10 last year
aka federal government should be ensuring everyone has a basic standard of living, aka making sure the state leaders are doing right by their citizens
which is what I've always viewed as a major role of a federal government. Province/states can implement their own laws, but the federal government should exist to act as a safety valve or something. If a states province/leader are droping the ball, then the federal govenrment should be able to step in and ago "ok no, this is what's what happening, get your shit together"
Like what the supreme court did with same sex marriage
Man it sure would be nice if the federal government gave a single shit about individual citizens.
But they don't fund the lobby machine so they pretty much don't matter.
citizens united~
god dammit
"Clean coal...meaning they're taking out coal and they're gonna clean it...."
what does that even meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean
when you totally understand how clean coal works
Just get the coal and throw to soapy warm water and stuff
Pretty Simple Stuff:tm:
I know what "clean coal" is: it's coal that, when burned, only produces CO2 (and maybe water) as reaction products. The problem is that methane (i.e. natural gas) is already clean burning, and it still sucks because it produces a greenhouse gas: CO2.
I thought clean coal referred mostly to mining practices and waste scrubbers.
And that the burning of coal itself would never be clean(er).
Well, I guess it's not a participation trophy if you didn't actually participate. https://twitter.com/wbur/status/900338745504878592
@TimStone congrats ESPN on successfully avoiding showing up on deadspin
@TimStone Hang on. A fine of over 400 million USD because they didn't label a product for increased cancer risk, even though the only person claiming it might cause cancer is not even an oncologist?
@TimStone I googled him. He's specialized in cancer epidemiology.
He's also getting paid for his consultancy and there's science that refutes his findings, so definitely nothing conclusive to suggest that the risk should be implied for consumers
It's possible there needs to be more study, but until there is, eh
If you thought you wouldn't live long enough to hear a president mock a guy going thru chemo for brain cancer, congratulations. You made it.
still alive
congratulations all
Former undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson trying to crowdfund money to buy Twitter to kick Pres. Trump off.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/900362466860859392
what the hell is his funding goal, 50 billion?
Unless Twitter finds a way to actually earn money, it could get a lot cheaper in the future
I mean what the hell did tiffany do
first of all
like, 8/10 count, -30/10 ratio
total combined score -22/10
Our new national poll finds Trump voters think whites, Christians are most discriminated against groups in America: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2017/08/trump-holds-steady-after-charlottesville-supporters-think-whites-christians-face-discrimination.html
most certainly a thing
in the same sense that antifascists burned down charlottesville is a thing
in the sense that neither of those are things
@TimStone Is there where I get to say, "aw, those special snowflakes"?
Sec. Tillerson says Taliban "will not win a battlefield victory. We may not win one, but neither will you."… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/900367932152102912
This makes my head hurt so much
@TimStone So is he implying nukes? Because you can't have a battlefield victory if there's no battlefield.
I don't even know what they're using as a definition of a battlefield victory
What even is a battlefield these days
Because that's not how any of this has been fought
Are they defining the entire country to be the battlefield
and using "we may not win, but neither will the taliban" as the entire plan/reason why we're going to be here forever?
Well at least he cancelled out his credibility with pundits who love war last night so that's fine
(pundits who love war is pretty much all of them)
(they're going to get so many people killed)
Meanwhile, last night:
We literally stood outside peacefully for 6 hours in 107 degrees without any incident until police tossed tear gas.
"Jeff Bezos vs. Vladimir Putin: Who’s going to be the first trillionaire?" http://hill.cm/eVgY4dX https://t.co/8Xa2yze2BW
But also, who would win in a fight?
My money's on swole Bezos /cc @GodEmperorDune
@TimStone depends on if panama papers catch up to putin
IIRC, Putin doesn't have that much money compared to the Richie Riches of the world, it's just that he also basically controls a nation-state superpower.
Is this going to make my head hurt?
i dunno, probably
"Even Christopher Columbus, the founder of our nation, is under attack," GOP mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis says
TIL our nation is Cuba Hispaniola.
founder of our nation like clinton and obama were the founders of isis? i.e. were very tangentially related?
Til our nation was founded in 1492 and not 1776
(yea both of those dates aren't precise shut up)
None of those look like the continental US.
Someone please tweet this back because I don't have a Twitter account.
Honestly you're smarter than all of us for that
Well, technically I have @GnomePhone.
It's a garbage website with garbage people on it
One of these things is not like the others. For values of "one" being "the US" and "the others" being "places Christopher Columbus landed".
@WasteManagement, Houston, TX
Waste Management is the leading provider of comprehensive environmental solutions in North America.
21.3k tweets, 31.1k followers, following 1.5k users
Checks out
@Unionhawk, Cincinnati, OH
Son of a bitch all my bios across the Internet are expired now
10.1k tweets, 197 followers, following 1.4k users
Checks out
Chat highlighted the @ in that onebox
@Ronan damn i'm only following 300 people, i need to up my game
@Unionhawk Remoted into your desktop and took a screenshot as proof.
No you fool
That's the wrong color even
Well, excuuuuuuse me princess.
@Unionhawk hence the hue
At least spend time applying style background-color: whatever
.@dan_kammen resigns as Trump science envoy. https://t.co/2WJ2mxnHNg
Oh this timeline shakes head
if i were to resign from the trump admin i would totally make the first letter of each paragraph spell out harambe
> Trump science
I'd prefer that we not have any advances in the field of Trump science.
No no, he was the science envoy, so he had to go to science like in 300 and scream "THIS IS 'MURICA!"
Which is totally backwards to how that actually went but go with it, I'm very tired today
@MadScientist goddammit
Listening to that part of the speech, it was obvious that he's still planning to pardon him. There might be a small chance someone sane might convince him not to, but I really doubt that
2 hours later…
@GodEmperorDune If I see one more acrostic resignation I'm going to vomit
> One of the talking points is that Arpaio served his country for 50 years in the military, the Drug Enforcement Administration and as Arizona's Maricopa County sheriff, and that it is not appropriate to send him to prison for "enforcing the law" and "working to keep people safe."
> that it is not appropriate to send him to prison for "enforcing the law"
let's make concentration camps (tent city)!
So legal!
he went to prison for civil rights and 4th amendment violations what the fuck is he talking about
U.S. diplomats in Cuba suffered traumatic brain injury after sonic attack: report http://hill.cm/1mHXR8w https://t.co/cUxc8qBq2i
Okay, the Hill's picture person is bad now?
Also that this is a thing that can happen is crazypants to begin with but I'm really not sure what the thumbs-up is doing there
he protec but he also attac
1 hour later…
@Unionhawk oh my, I just understood what this was about
sonic always had that look y'know
that evil look
stealing all those wedding rings
2 hours later…
If you happen upon a civil war era Orrin Hatch in your reading do not be alarmed, that was also me. https://twitter.com/townhallcom/status/900178702444769281
thinking face intensifies
What do the Legend of Zelda and the American Tax Code have in common? More than you’d think…https://www.gop.gov/legend-zelda-american-tax-code-common/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_content=ZeldaTaxReform https://t.co/t7HAAg7hXu
Their rationale for this hurts my brains
@HouseGOP omfg how did you get a trivially googleable fact wrong by literally a century
Funnily enough you inb4'ed me because I wasn't sure which room to post it in since it, inexplicably, was about games and politics x)
I had the same issue :P
Someone else resigning with a "secret" message in their resignation
What does Eclipse and hitler have in common? More than you'd think...
(there was a total eclipse on 1889 jan 1, hitler was born in 1889)
Unlike GOP, my data is correct, and like GOP, my comparison makes no sense at all.
Wait, 1889 is when Nintendo was actually founded! :O
wait holy crap
aaand now the gop page is saved to wayback machine.
(I'm sorry for that if it made anyone unhappy, though, I just wanted to show how little gop's analogy makes)
Enter Rick Dearborn? CNN with the exclusive that he, too, apparently was told of a possible meeting with Putin:… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/900500611308933120
sips tea
this woman dragged someone online and then dragged them on national TV lmao she's living the dream https://twitter.com/CNN/status/900503452278824961
Oh my goodness
@TimStone oh man that feud has been great
@TimStone hahhaha nice
> your kids look very cute. your life looks very cute.

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