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12:33 AM
Augh. This so not the right solution. bbc.com/news/amp/newsbeat-43499045
I mean
I think it's pretty simple
don't make a business where hiring hookers for political candidates is standard practice
that's not exclusive to CS
this is not about the "let's make things for blackmail" it's about the "let's make a personal bubble of fake news in just the right way to make subjects do what we want"
> In a capitalist democracy, these tools are most valuable for selling things and influencing votes, but in repressive regimes they could be useful for figuring out who needs to be silenced, amplified, frightened, or blackmailed.
I don't really understand the point of that article
> I hope my research does good. But once it is published — and academics need to publish — I have no control over what happens next.
That seems like a good summary, and I don't see that there's anything we can or should do about that
It turns out that bad people can use powerful tools to do bad things
That doesn't mean we shouldn't...y'know, try to prevent that from happening
maybe don't make the one ring then
1:30 AM
like...we didn't just go "oh no anyone can make bombs oh well bad people will be bad"
i feel yonatan zunger's op ed is better because it is more specific about what to do
actually think about what happens when the powerful tool gets put in the hands of someone malicious
put in more safeguards or don't build the thing at all
get input from people with wide variety of perspectives because the thing may seem perfectly safe from one side but horrifying to another group
You can't put safeguards in an algorithm or technique
then don't develop it
you can in an API. re NLP: twitter's api is so restrictive with what you can fetch from a user (limited to a certain number of their latest tweets for instance) that it's actually almost useless for any large scale NLP, malicious or not. I think facebook's API is just uniquely bad really
Bombs are inherently destructive things. Language processing algorithms are not
A better analogy would be "we shouldn't study nuclear power because someone might make a bomb out of it"
1:37 AM
@murgatroid99 dynamite was created to save lives by excavating mountains with less manual intervention
pretty sure everyone knew facebook's graph API was a shithouse of potential problems, even the name is a tipoff
Also, some of the biggest explosions have occurred at fertilizer manufacturing plants.
graph as in graph theory of course
Do you think we'd be better off without dynamite, or fertilizer?
that's an impossible question to answer
1:39 AM
@murgatroid99 One, depends on the kind of fertilizer. Two, I think fertilizer plants are heavily regulated, moreso than most manufacturing facilities.
Also, dynamite is heavily regulated.
So what you’re saying is that we need to put heavy regulations on applications that use things like natural language processing?
NLP is really not the problem
JUST IN: Trump considered firing Kelly and serving as his own chief of staff: report http://hill.cm/78I40wd
It's where they're getting the data from
can he do that?
@quartata the internet
1:43 AM
@quartata Natural language processing doesn’t enforce a police state, people enforce a police state?
@Memor-X its phenomenally stupid but there is no rule that says positions have to be filled
@quartata its not just NLP
look the thing is that facebook's API that literally means you only need access to a few to get everyone's data because of the friends thing. it's like an infection
its stuff like facial recognition to spot unmasked dissidents in a crowd that also happens to unlock your phone
But we're talking about technological advancements. It wasn't the construction of atom bombs that he's talking about, it's the discovery of the fundamental principles underlying it's functioning that can actually be blamed on physics
@GodEmperorDune this also is the effect of either malicious or lax oversight on the part of these companies
at least the unlock your phone part
1:45 AM
Should we not have studied subatomic forces to avoid the possibility of someone weaponizing the knowledge?
....are you really arguing that we shouldn't do anything about the data gathering?
Is that really what's happening here?
@murgatroid99 it’s not like a layperson can assemble an atomic bomb by interpreting the principles
no, I'm saying the way they gather the data was bad
It requires a specialist in the field
1:48 AM
@quartata Sorry, that was more @murgatroid99 than you, I should've linked the reply
regulation needs to happen at the API level, like most companies do
once they have the data they can do whatever they want to it, you can't ban that sort of thing
This is about eliminating the “I didn’t know they would use it in bad ways” by the specialist
they should never have gotten the data in the first place
@quartata you can scrape any public page on the internet you want
The problem is most things go "oh i need data x for y" and you go "oh that makes sense"
1:50 AM
even though they're....taking a fuckload more than that and using it for way more than just thing y"
@GodEmperorDune APIs exist because scraping pages is an excellent way to get yourself ratel imitted into infinity
It's the only way to handle data at that scale
The problem is that you only need the consent of a few to get everyone's data
that's what Facebook did wrong, and frankly I'm sure it wasn't accidental when they designed it
@quartata I think it's that and not being clear about what happens with the data and precisely what it is going to be used for
facebook is not the only party with blame here
like I do a psych study, they tell me what they're gathering, what they're doing with it, when they will destroy it, all of that
facebook messed up by making an API that could be used for bad things
1:52 AM
That article wasn't about data collection. It was about natural language processing, an active areas of computer science research
@murgatroid99 the NLP is based on the data gathered though
the programmer at cambridge analytica made the weapon
blaming NLP here is akin to blaming sorting a list of social security numbers after you broke into the IRS
NLP can be based on all sorts of things. It's an academic topic
the entire point is "you were so focused on whether you COULD you didn't stop to think if you SHOULD'
1:54 AM
The difference is that facebook wanted people to use their API this way
the whole concept is traversing a massive graph
I like to believe most other companies with lax backoffs or the occasional permission fuckup at their core don't really want people to use their API that way
for Facebook it was undeniably a selling point
All this teaches me is the assumption that just about anything is going to use my data
like I know everyone is liek FACEBOOK BE EVIL
but like...a lot of things have that same data
how long til we find out more issues like this
(aka trust nothing)
1:57 AM
Yeah, but there's a difference-in-kind between giving your information to something that will use it, and giving your information to something that will share it with random third parties without telling you and then say "oh yeah you should probably delete that someday" and then forget about it for two years
(Although I am amused that everyone is now data mining their FB zips and are all like OMG I didn't know they had all this and I could get it! I've had mine for a couple months because wheeeee immigration)
incidentally if Cambridge Analytica was UK based I wonder why EU privacy laws didn't help out
@ToxicFrog well yes but how do I know which ones are which?
@Ash poinbt
@ToxicFrog or have your data taken because your friend installed a stupid app
1:58 AM
How do I know and trust that other places are not doing this same thing
@quartata the privacy laws don't stop companies from doing this, they provide a mechanism to crush them when they do
I mean yes I know, people want to make FB the only villain but they're far from the only thing that asks for data like this
I suspect FB and CA are going to have an exceptionally bad year
Like...think of all the games you install on your phone that ask for all sorts of permissions
(for whatever value of maybe not actually you but other people you)
1:59 AM
Right but you're consenting to those. These people didn't even get to consent
And how many go "log into all your social media because HIGH SCORES and PLAYING WITH FRIENDS"
That's why it's on a different scale in my opinion
My approach is to answer "no, fuck off" and if the app doesn't work when I do that maybe I didn't want it that much after all
@quartata I don't think it's clear consent
2:00 AM
Like you don't know exactly what you're giving and exactly how it will be used
(and moreover, what will happen to it when you delete the app, which in a way is revoking consent for thme to have the data)
I think that FB and CA do have a lot to answer for
but I think they're just the loudest emblem of what is a pretty large problem overall because, well.
I think separating FB/CA and going "well this is bad but they did infintely more bad" kinda detracts from the real discussion of "how do we make sure people are using only the data we want to share for only the things we are sharing it for"
i think i'm safe from most facebook stuff because i quit it long back and maintain fake profiles for when games request access
2:03 AM
I've locked down enough of my FB based on my zip that they have....pretty much what I expect them to have, and surprisingly, nothing more
we'll see what comes up in this zip
(like they have a few more phone numbers than I expected but the ones they have are all from an old phone before I got wise about privacy bits)
(I am also amused by whats not there - there are FB messenger conversations missing (all from people I've since blocked for reasons liek abusive exes))
damn a lot of companies have my info
i have never used facebook a day in my life, so perhaps I'm not as enraged as I should be due to lack of personal investment
IRC was my vice of choice
2:09 AM
i used to use it but stopped. now i just use it for Game of Dice since one of their updates forced you to use Facebook to get into the game
why do games do that
if its just for auth there's plenty of other providers
also i don't put any real iding info on there anyway
like uhhhhh google
2:48 AM
Hundreds of Kentucky teachers are fighting pension cuts—and they might win https://trib.al/4mIov0B
Trump's advice to his younger self: "Don't run for president" http://hill.cm/IMf1eWG
quick, someone invent a time machine
my lukewarm Facebook take is: finding ways to monetize personal information is always bad and therefore Facebook is bad but it's also unfortunately convenient for organizing work and is basically what we use exclusively for local dsa
3:04 AM
have you considered getting dsa to use discord
(only about 60% joking)
We have
Facebook is one of the best ways to promote and organize public events online
Ohh you mean for that sort of thing
So I don't think we're going to be moving away from it
Though we have talked about moving away from messenger
I thought you meant for like internals
I mean both
3:08 AM
Although I thought the various chapters used mostly Twitter
guess that hasn't got all the fancy location stuff huh
i have unfriended everyone and deactivated my facebook
(easy for me because i don't use it for anything anyway)
3:47 AM
I will keep my Facebook because I use it for a damn lot of things.
And people can vilify that as they like. shrug
@Ash nah im not gonna soapbox
all the people in my life that i would NEED facebook to keep in touch with my wife does through facebook
so i can delete mine because she uses hers
That works :)
4:03 AM
4:59 AM
ugh wtf
Driver plows through crowd outside Houston gay bar and kills 25-year-old nurse - More at: https://queer.to/2GePwtH
5:22 AM
sometimes it's hard to think of why it's worth being in this world anymore.......and then i look at pugs and remember that despite the amount of shit we have some nice things
3 hours later…
8:51 AM
@Memor-X I mean, except for the fact that we've basically mutated a breed of dogs so their entire existence is pain. Sure!
They're cute so who cares
It's Fine. This Is Fine
@KevinvanderVelden properly bred pugs don't have such health problems
Properly bred pugs don't have wrinkles great for catching infections, breathing problems, eyes only barely held on by the fact that their face is so compressed, etc?
@KevinvanderVelden yeah none of those lead to "existence is pain"
wrinkles need cleaning
anyway you can take your pug hate and go in the sea
I'm going to continue hating on all things we've bred for cuteness that have as a consequence of that breeding gained health issues
9:28 AM
4 hours later…
1:47 PM
> Love popping spots AND eating dumplings? Combine the two with exploding soup dumplings at Dumplings Legend.
Did you just compare xiaolongbao to pimples?
And did you just suggest popping the bao and letting all the broth run out?
dafuq is wrong with you
This is exactly why diversity hiring is a thing.
If they had talked a single Chinese person during the making of the video, none of this would've happened.
@Yuuki EW
2:02 PM
Seriously, what the hell.
Trump is threatening to veto the omnibus bill after Paul Ryan said on camera yesterday that Trump definitely supported it and there were no two ways about it
No sensible person eats xiaolongbao like that.
@GnomeSlice You're missing a .
That works too.
Free trade piece
> diktat
... do they mean "dictate"?
2:05 PM
Yeah I was actually just about to ask if anyone knew that term
I don't think so though
an order or decree imposed by someone in power without popular consent.
"a diktat from the Bundestag
Or they could just use "order" or "decree".
Plus, free trade does not mean "trade without government intervention".
gotta sound erudite
Meh, it's a cool word. If I knew cool words like that I'd wanna use them too
@Yuuki hm, when people talk about free markets with bitcoins and shit that's what they mean too I thought. No govt
It means trade without government restricting imports/exports. There's a subtle difference but the key factor is actual free trade doesn't care about subsidies.
I'm also not familiar with the 'fiat currency' term
2:08 PM
@GnomeSlice Fiat currency is currency that is not backed by a commodity.
Which is basically every current currency in existence.
Even Bitcoin.
Oh okay
Currency used to be backed by commodities. You could go to the bank and trade one dollar for X amount of gold.
Ah right that's what I thought you meant
2:10 PM
Ex-Trump lawyer: Trump approved my statement calling for end of Mueller probe http://hill.cm/Xsumgkv
Some people have a hard-on for non-fiat currency because they have some weird notion of utilitarian value.
But the problem with commodity-backed currency is that due to its nature of being tied to a commodity, sudden changes in the supply of said commodity reverberate throughout the monetary system.
Say, for example, the US was still on the gold standard. If China suddenly discovers a giant lode of gold or they invent a technology that massively increases the efficiency of extracting gold, the value of the US dollar could collapse overnight.
Fiat currency has its own problems, but one of the advantages is that the government has more control over its own monetary policy than with a commodity-backed currency.
OK teachers union is expected to present their counter offer funding plan today
deadline: april 2
Actually, Bitcoin is probably not a fiat currency in that it is so far not a currency.
Rather than being backed by a commodity, it currently is the commodity.
it's backed by numberwang
> However, if the people complaining right now had been truly interested in free trade and not just in collecting their own spoils, they would have long ago called on China to lower their average tariff rates and the European Union to stop their massive subsidies for agricultural products.
This line completely ignores the fact that the US has its own massive agricultural subsidies.
In fact, every country has massive agricultural subsidies.
It is, in fact, very dumb policy to not have massive agricultural subsidies.
2:19 PM
I honestly just assumed that was accurate cause I didn't know anything about it
My bad
Explanation: for the reasons mentioned in the article, if you don't have agricultural subsidies, agricultural producers will either go out of business or go abroad. Which threatens the security of your domestic food supply.
@Unionhawk woo
Baquet also defended Bret Stephens, saying he "is not a climate change denier": "He is pushing back against those who think climate change should dominate all thought about regulation...whether you agree with him or not, that is a provocative point." https://twitter.com/maxwelltani/status/976827826979655683
If the US didn't have agricultural subsidies, most of food production would go to Mexico, Europe, Asia, etc.
"Should we do anything about boiling to death and being swallowed by the sea? PERHAPS NOT!"
@Yuuki shakes fist angrily COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORN
And if the US elected a president that threatens relations with all of those countries (hmmm), then they run the danger of having their food supply cut.
@GnomeSlice It's not inaccurate (except in a few glaring instances), it just leaves out a lot of information that doesn't support its narrative and is thus intentionally misleading.
Side note, it's very problematic to refer to tariffs in the average because they can vary wildly depending on the product.
2:29 PM
hoooly fuck
This is terrible
and you must now all share my pain
Are guns required to be locked up and unloaded in the states?
I know that's how it works in canada
To prevent...well, exactly this
@Unionhawk So no, great
gregory conte (director of operations at spencey's National Policy Institute) is being charged with felony resitsing and obstructing police
which like, if it was anyone else I'd be against, however
@Wipqozn As always, depends on the state.
Mississippi is likely one of the states where it's not a requirement.
2:38 PM
Actually, I'm not entirely sure whether any state requires secure gun storage. They either have very strong restrictions on gun possession (California, New York, etc.) or they don't have care what you do with guns at all.
Granted, I live in Texas where you could literally duct tape a gun to your head and walk around.
@Wipqozn Geez, I can't believe video games cause such violence. We should really ban video games
3:02 PM
> The superintendent of the Blue Mountain School District is in the spotlight after telling lawmakers in Harrisburg his students protect themselves against potential school shooters with rocks.
> “Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned,” said Dr. David Helsel.
Okay. One, that's dumb as hell. Two, this guy has a Ph. D?
at least it's not a M.D
@quartata I'm with @murgatroid99 and @quartata on NLP, and I think whether we'd be better off without fertilizer or dynamite is a question we can give a best guess to for sure.
@Ash I didn't hear that.
@puzzlepiece87 It's a kind of a false dichotomy to think we either have fertilizer/dynamite/NLP or we don't.
Like I mentioned, fertilizer and dynamite are heavily regulated.
I mean we just have a new textbook information ethics discussion now really
just like we have a new engineering ethics example this year
@ToxicFrog Only because they don't include enough liability. Sufficient liability/jail time would be a deterrent.
@Yuuki Right, but that was the point that that GodEmperorDune was raising with the linked article.
So that's the one I was agreeing with them on.
But I agree regulation is a great mechanism to help with the situation.
@ToxicFrog @Ash And since they've implemented modular permissions permission requests have gone WAY down. I've been very pleased! It's been a wonderfully positive effect.
@Ash They've worked very hard to make it much clearer.
Of course there is still room to improve, but it's not a stagnant or deteriorating issue.
@Ash Well said. Thank goodness for the EU's leadership on that front.
3:15 PM
@puzzlepiece87 some things have but not nearly as clear as they should be
@puzzlepiece87 I actually haven't noticed that myself
@quartata Did you see StackExchange is dropping support for OpenID?
@Ash My data is anecdotal.
@Ash Always room for improvement but leaps and bounds over 3 years ago.
@puzzlepiece87 I figured, I am saying my anecdotal does not match
@puzzlepiece87 well yes, but enough lack of explanation and clarity that a lot of people are finding FB has way more on them than they thought. And I suspect people have given their phones way more data than they expect in terms of allowing various app permissions
@Ash Cool. Yeah, your experience could be right.
@Ash Brainstorming potential solutions, maybe phones could do a "Hey, did you know I/this app know this about you?" screen every year or so, and then if you don't like it it can give advice.
"Go to this settings/apps/permissions screen and revoke"
3:21 PM
That would be helpful because I think people really don't understand what they're doing
@Unionhawk Have you considered how much you would pay for which online services in the absence of monetizing personal information? I have a bit but not enough to have a budget for it.
@KevinvanderVelden Me too, plus thoroughbred horses (speed v cuteness).
serving ads without selling out users is A Thing
probably exactly the same as I do now
@puzzlepiece87 being clear about how they're doing it would help.
which incidentally is like... $45 annually for YNAB, $9.98 monthly for twitch subs, $5 monthly for a patreon sub
@Yuuki It is? Ah you explained in the very next line.
3:29 PM
if your business model requires selling your users, your business model is broken. I do not believe Facebook's business model requires these things, but making absurd amounts of money does
@puzzlepiece87 You absolutely absolutely want to have domestic agricultural production.
and my position on making absurd amounts of money is already clear
But everyone's doing it, right? I don't know, I guess maybe I'd be okay if I had a certain number of options.
no ethical consumption~
@puzzlepiece87 yes I did
I'm part of the select group that is actually affected
3:32 PM
@Unionhawk You're probably right though I guess I'd have to see more evidence to be convinced of that. I think a lot of sites struggle under that model.
But I guess most of the sites I am thinking about are news sites.
StackExchange is one of the few sites I can think of that seems to do okay without relentlessly selling user personal information and/or turning a blind eye to malware/truly obnoxious ads.
Twitter costs zero dollars and only has basic info on me
They're making the world a worse place in other ways but
They're also on deathwatch.
@Wipqozn wat game tho
@puzzlepiece87 Wait, Twitter is Mandalorians?
@quartata Which comment/topic is this in reply to? Stackexchange OpenID
3:37 PM
@puzzlepiece87 Probably the "did you see SE is dropping OpenID" one.
@Yuuki It would explain a lot.
@Yuuki Ah thank you.
@GodEmperorDune Probably Tetris, the most devilish of games
@Yuuki In todays edition of loving your guns more than your children...
Trump calls community colleges “vocational schools” for people who lack the intelligence to “be a student.” https://twitter.com/scottjaschik/status/977156590263570432
I don’t even
@Yuuki Thinking about the agricultural subsidies now, if we're so concerned about food security that having multiple other nation options is not enough, I'd probably want the food security/non-profit portion of agricultural production to be a utility.
Yes, I am generally pro-government for essential services, why do you ask? :P
@GodEmperorDune wonderful
3:47 PM
In sum, on the Iran hacks: * Multiple Trump admin members want war with Iran * Trump wants to use nuclear weapons * Yesterday Trump hired Bolton, who wants both war with Iran and pre-emptive nuke strikes * Pentagon now says the US can use nukes in response to major cyberattacks
Now would be a great time for Congress to summon some intestinal fortitude and assert their sole right to war powers.
Never gonna happen but screams into void
@puzzlepiece87 to be ultra cynical, does it matter if congress declares war or not after trump drops nukes?
wtf is this McD's ad?
This guy mentions buying a console for his kid and then the narrator replies with "isn't your kid 5 months old?". "How do you know that?" "I just do."
4:07 PM
Facebook told him
For $5
@GodEmperorDune I mean, I'm sure if Congress had any guts at all they could make such a situation that nukes would never be able to be dropped in the first place.
For example, one law that makes dropping a nuke without explicit declaration of war by Congress a war crime for the dropper and any approving commanders, and another that would trigger immediate impeachment proceedings for the same.
4:24 PM
@puzzlepiece87 What about when we accidentally drop nukes on our own country?
Or when we accidentally transport nuclear warheads to another country and then just leave them on the tarmac for 72 hours?
@Yuuki Now I'm convinced we need this law even more :P
> 47 percent of registered voters either somewhat or strongly favor the death penalty for large-scale drug trafficking, according to a Morning Consult poll. And 29 percent favor it for local drug dealing.
No stop America. Stop.
> "Look at me, I am the Duterte now." - Trump, probably
News conference at the White House concerning the Omnibus Spending Bill. 1:00 P.M.
That sounds a bit like he might actually veto it
Now, if the government is in shutdown, can he still nuke North Korea?
@MadScientist "Can a bad thing happen post-2016?" (Yes, I know you weren't seriously asking, I'm just putting another layer on your pyramid of grim.)
4:46 PM
@MadScientist He is the kind of person who would gather everyone to watch him veto a bill.
He probably thinks of it as a demonstration of power.
i mean omnibus has things i don't like but vetoing it is also a dumb move
5:07 PM
vetoes for the veto god
6:03 PM
> Oklahoma teachers' union proposes taxes ahead of walkout
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma's largest teachers' union is outlining a list of proposed tax increases for lawmakers to consider to avoid a statewide teacher strike. The Oklahoma Education Association presented a list Friday and criticized state lawmakers for taking a three-day weekend ahead of a ...
6:27 PM
@MadScientist It's incredibly reckless but also completely humiliates Paul Ryan, so I'm torn
@TimStone he didn't veto
Yeah, I see now, but he, lmfao, got angry at them for sending him something "nobody read"?
(Rand Paul sitting off to the side waving frantically)
The coal baron who sued John Oliver for making fun of him had his lawyers send a letter to the judge, claiming workers' jobs depend on his personal reputation. http://acluwv.org/bob-murray-is-at-it-again/
Oh my god
I mean, no, workers jobs depend on you not firing them lol
so I guess in some sense that's probably true
Like it's not even implicit, he literally says that their jobs depend on his reputation
If the court does indeed find me to be owned, then I will have no choice but to close mining operations
6:32 PM
I guess that makes sense if you realize that he's egotistical enough to fire his workers in a fit of rage after losing reputation.
THE MEMO: Trump ready to get more aggressive with Mueller http://hill.cm/Frz06OQ
lol @ the image person, damnit
@Yuuki CNN is fake news, so it doesn't count when they publish real news
What is politics? Children’s answers ...
@TimStone Something about gold pieces?
I'm guessing it goes "someone tells people that they will give gold pieces if you will vote for me and then the person votes for him and then asks the person for the gold pieces and does not get them".
Which is a disturbingly accurate portrayal of campaign promises.
The image is just cropped by the onebox
CNN is reporting Trump’s new attorney for Mueller work is no longer convinced he is the right person for the job after a meeting yesterday. My god.
lol, fantastic
6:42 PM
@TimStone I'm just imagining Trump going through literally every lawyer in the country.
cantwell's lawyer is going to end up landing the position
> Trump considered firing Kelly and serving as his own chief of staff
Yes, please let him attempt to do the Entirety of Government
@TimStone O.o
I can see his schedule now
9-11 Watch TV and tweet
@TimStone The kids, they know.
6:51 PM
11-4 Lunch and Golf
4-5 Press conference about nothing
5-7 Dinner
7-11 Call friends to complain
11-9 Insomnia
there's some medium post on night in the woods that somehow read that game as trumpian propaganda and I'm just confused
@TimStone hayley is on point
this is some advanced horseshoe theory shit
Oh, no, you're reading it right. Individual forums on Reddit are subreddits, or "subs". But that's too beta for The Donald. It's a domreddit. https://twitter.com/dmichellebz/status/977242798108872704
I was confused about that but in retrospect it makes so much stupid sense
6:55 PM
i mean its so literal
i can't even
@GodEmperorDune Newspapers today are failing because they don't have any domscriptions.
We need to increase the military budget to pay for nuclear dommarines.
@GodEmperorDune hahahahahhahaha oh my god seriously is that a thing that is real oh my god why people why
Guess no subway sandwiches for them
like if you are so insecure that saying the word "sub" is threatening
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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