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@SimplyBeautifulArt I'm sorry but i won't be able to come to your class
6 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt at my school, analytical geometry refers to study of parabola, straight lines, hyperbola, circles and ellipses. It is just euclidean geometry along with certain manipulations of coordinates.
3 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt Good luck for the calculus class later on!
3 hours later…
@Typhon That's fine
@VidyanshuMishra Ah, okay. I think that was covered in algebra for me?
@Jasper thanks man
6 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt Mods told me I'm banned from chat for the time being. They want me to stay away.
@Typhon You wouldn't have been able to post your last comment if you were banned from chat at this time. I suspect you were given a stern warning to take a break from chat.
@amWhy That's what I mean.
cause I was abusing flags
math in the air, look who's here
@amWhy anyways, see you in another month.
@Typhon No mod told you any such thing. But your persistent trolling and lying in chat means that you probably should take a timeout from chat; I have suspended you for a week.
2 hours later…
:-/ where is everyone?
@heather @DonaldSplutterwit You guys supposed to be here today
@SimplyBeautifulArt $\tiny\text{I'm here}$
@amWhy =P Your not supposed to be in the class though
Can't I audit it? I'm not here to disrupt anything.
@SimplyBeautifulArt 22:00 UTC is still 2 hours away.
@ACuriousMind oh haha
Hope my power doesn't go out by then. It flickered this morning
Ooops ... sorry I am late @SimplyBeautifulArt
Nah, apparently you are early
So about 40 mins then ?
Who else is there ? is it just Heather & A---B ?
Supposedly... this also reminds me that I should check my Kik group...
Kik ? ... what's that ?
A social media chat app?
That I use for math groups?
O .. OK ... ping me when you are ready ... in the meanwhile, lets go & answer some questions (& if we cannot manage that, then just leave some sarcastic commnets ! ?)
@DonaldSplutterwit like 1.5 hours from now. :)
@DonaldSplutterwit Btw, you supposed to be in here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/14150/calculus-and-analysis
Thanks @amWhy ... will you be joining us too ?
@DonaldSplutterwit @heather Do you fellers know what limits are?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Do you have your smart phone charged? Your laptop charged (if you use one).... that'd be a good idea, not so much for this class, but for contact with the world in case you need it!
Heyo, we're all here
@amWhy Yeah, everything's plugged in
as for limits, not the formal definition, but vaguely
Should we all go here?
I used to ... 30 years ago ... I could certainly bluff my way !

 Calculus and analysis

For questions about calculus, real analysis, functional analys...
if you have a graph, for example, that's undefined at some point (like $f(x) = 1/x$ is undefined when $x=0$
that graph approaches something at that point, even if it is technically undefined at it.
@SimplyBeautifulArt probably =)
1 hour later…
To all those interested in the calculus coordinated study:
Please enter the Calculus and analysis chatroom linked to above and read the transcript.
Due to the weather, SimplyBeautifulArt came in early.

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